The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

Because Carlin is pushing vile atheism and is a horrible example for weak gullible impressionable people. Even to this day. He needs to be discredited. He was a junkie and alkie. People need to know that about him.
Get a life you old busybody.
It's not a matter of me saying I'm the arbiter of morality; it is the well-defined teachings of Christianity that says pushing of atheism and abortion and drug use which Carlin has done, are evil. Atheism is intrinsically evil, but I withhold judgment on people committing evil, because I don't know what is in their hearts, or if they're even sane. The Catholic Church i.e. Jesus Christ never advocated or taught that pedophilia was OK, so your complaint is with those who acted decidedly AGAINST Catholic teaching. It should also be noted teachers in atheist public schools have sexually abused far more children than Catholic priests ever have. So if you are consistent, you would abandon irreligion because the vast majority of sex abusers are irreligious as defined by not attending church. Catholic teaching is perfect. What Carlin teaches is vile. So there you are. All your questions answered. Yet, I somehow know it won't be enough, because I doubt you're interested in answers.
The hierarchy of the catholic church has a pattern of moving pedophile priests around from diocese to diocese and circling the wagons around these sick and (truly Evil) monsters. I love your logic which says that anyone who doesn't believe in ghosts or of a supreme being living in the sky and/or births of children without copulation are insane? So those who are not susceptible to delusional thinking are suspected to be less than sane? Talk about astounding ill-logic! Wait a minute! You have the gall to say that you withhold judgement? You are just as I suspected the first time I read a post of yours. Self righteous, Hypocritical, and with more than just a few screws loose. But it is entertaining to witness everything that is wrong with religion rolled up in a single individual. You are a caricature of the ways in which religion has been used to indoctrinate, escape responsibility for all atrocities and atrocious actions by those who have joined the big club and have no problem hating, stealing from and judging those who have enough common sense to recognize reality and fantasy and the differences between them. You are what we sane people refer to as Assholes.
The hierarchy of the catholic church has a pattern of moving pedophile priests around from diocese to diocese and circling the wagons around these sick and (truly Evil) monsters. I love your logic which says that anyone who doesn't believe in ghosts or of a supreme being living in the sky and/or births of children without copulation are insane? So those who are not susceptible to delusional thinking are suspected to be less than sane? Talk about astounding ill-logic! Wait a minute! You have the gall to say that you withhold judgement? You are just as I suspected the first time I read a post of yours. Self righteous, Hypocritical, and with more than just a few screws loose. But it is entertaining to witness everything that is wrong with religion rolled up in a single individual. You are a caricature of the ways in which religion has been used to indoctrinate, escape responsibility for all atrocities and atrocious actions by those who have joined the big club and have no problem hating, stealing from and judging those who have enough common sense to recognize reality and fantasy and the differences between them. You are what we sane people refer to as Assholes.
See that? I answer all your questions, and all you have are insults. You have no interest in sincere dialogue, and that is typical of atheists in here.
See that? I answer all your questions, and all you have are insults. You have no interest in sincere dialogue, and that is typical of atheists in here.
I have told you plenty of times that I am not an atheist. I wish you would learn what that actually means. Calling someone an atheist who is not speaks to your general lack of Christian character.
See that? I answer all your questions, and all you have are insults. You have no interest in sincere dialogue, and that is typical of atheists in here.
Maybe I'll stop by the church and confess to insulting a moron and I'll be forgiven for telling it like it is! Maybe you could stop by too. You could tell all about your meaningless hatred of a dead comedian and your support for a traitorous, murdering wannabe dictator in hopes that you'll be forgiven. After all, stupidity isn't a sin if one is too brainwashed to see true evil or to recognize the madness of trashing the memory of a man who is dead and who did his best in life even though he'll never meet your personal expectations. What a tool you are, can't you see that?
Maybe I'll stop by the church and confess to insulting a moron and I'll be forgiven for telling it like it is! Maybe you could stop by too. You could tell all about your meaningless hatred of a dead comedian and your support for a traitorous, murdering wannabe dictator in hopes that you'll be forgiven. After all, stupidity isn't a sin if one is too brainwashed to see true evil or to recognize the madness of trashing the memory of a man who is dead and who did his best in life even though he'll never meet your personal expectations. What a tool you are, can't you see that?
What I can't figure out is why you people would worship this drunken druggie and treat him like some sort of a genius guru life coach.
He made a lot of people's lives worse by influencing them accept his view of evil. Look at all the people in this very forum who are still corrupted by this guy.
You're very focused on someone dead a long time. Shame! Shame!
What I can't figure out is why you people would worship this drunken druggie and treat him like some sort of a genius guru life coach.
You're the only one worshiping here. To say I liked his work is a far cry from the mindless adoration fools like you have for someone who is cruel, misogynistic, racist, traitorous, dishonest, narcissistic and stupid beyond imagination. Let me ask you something. Do you ever laugh? That's the one trait that I see every time I encounter a religious nutjob. A total absence of a sense of humor, and total disdain for anyone who isn't one of your god cult. You can't stand the fact that there are many who disagree with the horse hooey you've swallowed for your entire life. And so uptight that you couldn't drive a pin up your ass with a sledge hammer. I feel sorry for you in a way because you'll carry all that baggage and senseless hatred to the grave with you. Could it be that the things you claim to hate about George Carlin are the things you won't admit about yourself? This streaming hatred comes from something and somewhere and I don't think it has much to do with Carlin. Like a whole lot of GOP loonies, you project onto him the things you struggle with. Are you a drinker? Drug user? Is your life a failure and a disappointment? That's it, isn't it?
You're the only one worshiping here. To say I liked his work is a far cry from the mindless adoration fools like you have for someone who is cruel, misogynistic, racist, traitorous, dishonest, narcissistic and stupid beyond imagination. Let me ask you something. Do you ever laugh? That's the one trait that I see every time I encounter a religious nutjob. A total absence of a sense of humor, and total disdain for anyone who isn't one of your god cult. You can't stand the fact that there are many who disagree with the horse hooey you've swallowed for your entire life. And so uptight that you couldn't drive a pin up your ass with a sledge hammer. I feel sorry for you in a way because you'll carry all that baggage and senseless hatred to the grave with you. Could it be that the things you claim to hate about George Carlin are the things you won't admit about yourself? This streaming hatred comes from something and somewhere and I don't think it has much to do with Carlin. Like a whole lot of GOP loonies, you project onto him the things you struggle with. Are you a drinker? Drug user? Is your life a failure and a disappointment? That's it, isn't it?
The comical thing here is you berate me for picking on poor drunken Carlin, then you do the exact same thing and worse to Trump.
Heh. Carlin was in drug rehab in his late 60s. Trump was successfully campaigning for president of the United States at that age.
In the 1960s Trump was riding around in his father's limo with his father's chauffeur. He was making the scene and had never hit a lick at a snake.
Heh. Carlin was in drug rehab in his late 60s. Trump was successfully campaigning for president of the United States at that age.
He was also busy getting a doctor to proclaim him unable to serve his country. And now he supports Putin's invasion of a sovereign and democratic state. How do you assholes always miss that part? LOL
The comical thing here is you berate me for picking on poor drunken Carlin, then you do the exact same thing and worse to Trump.
The only one berating Trump is Trump himself. By his actions and his words. We are simply reporting what we see without your brand of indoctrination.
Heh. Carlin was in drug rehab in his late 60s. Trump was successfully campaigning for president of the United States at that age.
And many of us were serving our country while Trump was turning his nose up on the very notion of selflessness. Not in his make-up.
And many of us were serving our country while Trump was turning his nose up on the very notion of selflessness. Not in his make-up.
And we know that every Democrat in Congress served in Vietnam.
Any other bullshit you need to post?
Carlin sure could make you think about the absurdity of things. I enjoyed his humor. He was bright as a new penny. Even Christians could appreciate his critical thinking type of humor. Made me laugh at myself more than once. The best comedians can do that.
Carlin was an absurdity himself. And his braindead acolytes are even more absurd.

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