The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

Making this thread about Trump is pathetic. Get a life.

Carlin was usually a funny bastard. Like almost all comedians, most of his schtick was stolen from others. To those familiar with Lenny Bruce, Carlin was a pathetic, impotent imitator of LB - another drug-addled fuck-up.

While popular people should stay in their lane, so to speak, those who follow or admire them should also focus on their area of talent and not worry about their personal lives. I find Barbra Streisand's politics repulsive, but she is one of the greatest female vocalists of the past hundred years. Should I not listen to her music? Why?

There is a lot of recorded Carlin that is hilarious and insightful. Nothing wrong with that.
Making this thread about Trump is pathetic. Get a life.

Carlin was usually a funny bastard. Like almost all comedians, most of his schtick was stolen from others. To those familiar with Lenny Bruce, Carlin was a pathetic, impotent imitator of LB - another drug-addled fuck-up.

While popular people should stay in their lane, so to speak, those who follow or admire them should also focus on their area of talent and not worry about their personal lives. I find Barbra Streisand's politics repulsive, but she is one of the greatest female vocalists of the past hundred years. Should I not listen to her music? Why?

There is a lot of recorded Carlin that is hilarious and insightful. Nothing wrong with that.
There might be true of his other routines, but I focused on his riffs on atheism and abortion. I don't find them funny. I find them nasty.
Although I don't like Streisand's nasal bellowing voice, I do understand your point about that. However, I find that their views makes them unattractive to me. Take Linda Ronstadt and the Dixie Chicks. I used to like them. Not so much anymore.
Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

George Carlin has done no harm to black American voters.

NFBW wrote: Mashmont’s Scripture reading for the day. “Care what happens to other people” . . , I want to redirect Mashmont ’s unmerciful preaching/moralizing inward to his very own soul. What makes Mashmont an authoritarian and why is that trait more harmful to our genuinely cherished free and liberal American lifestyle than anything George Carlin or Aaron Rogers could do.

ThIs is difficult because (1) @Mashmont’s authoritarian entitlement comes from his specific belief that his paid subscription to the Catholic Church is the only means to true spiritually snd joyful human existence, therefore anyone not subscribed is harmful to human existence and experience. Me GOOD! Carlin Bad! ad infinitum.

(2) Mashmont ‘s authoritarian framework does not allow that others experience life without a belief in certain imaginary characters and places we may end up in after we die.

How does one make a "pact with Satan"?

It's when you decide to pursue fame and fortune without regard to how you harm your fellow man.

NFBW wrote: Harm? George Carlin and Aaron Rogers have done no harm to Mashmont, myself or our fellow mankind and thus no harm to any of the citizens and visitors to the United States of America. I believe we are discussing major societal inflicted harm by famous, influential and powerful people. The more influential and more powerful have the highest degree of serious ability to inflict harm or to do good. I think most would agree.

Why is anyone concerned with George Carlin?

#139 Mashmont said: “When people make up their own rules instead of following the time-tested rules of God, things tend to fall apart.”
His daughter was in the news recently with her comments about her father.

pursuit of “fame and fortune without regard to how you harm your fellow man.”
Like Trump.
Trump did it/does it. And you consider him one of the greatest presidents of all time.

YES, Mashmont is an authoritarian who supports the failed coup attempt by DJT which was deliberately planned and carried out with the intent to do intense harm to all American Biden voters but most specifically to black voters who voted overwhelmingly for Biden and to rid the nation of the real harm that DJT had already done to all lower and middle income working Americans.

NFBW wrote: (1) Do you Mashmont believe that eligible voters who are not stuck in the black ghetto should have their vote for President be counted the same as those living in the wealthiest suburbs and rural areas?

(2) With regard to the time tested CATHOLIC procreation rules of God Humanae Vitae, where is the Republican side of the Catholicism Mashmont on the prevention of societal collapse in the black ghetto?

(3) You brought it up, so what are you personally doing about it Mashmont ???? as you live the ‘perfect’ societal success story that is apparently how you see your ‘perfectly’ lived life?

If you are so perfect Mashmont and so concerned about the the societal collapse from a proper practicing Catholic‘s perspective of life in the black ghetto, (4) why are you so supportive of and associated with the accelerationism posture of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters and the mostly white rightwinger crazies like the now deceased Ashley Babbitt who was a follower of QAnon ???? (5) why do you refer to these aforementioned Americans as patriots when it’s clear they committed acts of violence on Jan6 in furtherance of Trump’s cause to serve a second term after losing an election where voters, including some in black ghettos, who wanted Biden, a Catholic to represent them?

In case you are not aware Mashmont accelerationism is a posture that advocates hastening total societal collapse which has become increasingly prominent among the Proud Boys’ BOOGALOO BOIS’ membership and other white nationalists militia types who plotted and stormed the Capitol on Jan6?

NFBW wrote: For the record I see the above as Mashmont ‘s support of white nationalists, both secular and Christian and their accelerationist violent destructive goal of total societal collapse under Trumpism while preaching godly rules for the black ghetto as if he cares. 22FEB18-POST#1244

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He failed on 80% of the major campaign promises. No wall; no infrastructure bill, no replacement for Obamacare, no withdraw from Afghanistan....the deficit ballooned and the bizarre promises that you'd pay no taxes under a certain income amount never got off the ground.
80% failure is just untrue.
Promises he kept:
Securing the border
Making America energy independent
Brought down gasoline prices
Made foreign trade deals fairer
Appointed great judges and justices
Created a roaring economy
As for 0bummercare, you can't blame petty John McCain's 11th-hour grandstanding on Trump.
Lowered taxes.
Got us the COVID vaccination by the end of 2020, a promise scoffed at by the left.

Just a great president in every way.
There might be true of his other routines, but I focused on his riffs on atheism and abortion. I don't find them funny. I find them nasty.
Although I don't like Streisand's nasal bellowing voice, I do understand your point about that. However, I find that their views makes them unattractive to me. Take Linda Ronstadt and the Dixie Chicks. I used to like them. Not so much anymore.

If you're going to let imaginary beings and a lot crazy rules run your life, then so be it.
You seem to want to criticize one of the men for being mean spirited but overlook it in another. that is hypocrisy 101.
You forget Trump was hammered by the leftwing media every day of his administration and even before. The left promised to impeach him even before he was inaugurated. Republicans weren't defending him. Trump had to do it all himself. So you call his defense of himself mean-spirited at times, so be it. It had to be done. Nobody else was helping him.
If you're going to let imaginary beings and a lot crazy rules run your life, then so be it.
If only my life were as together as Carlin's drug-infested inebriated dysfunctional hateful existence, huh?
Carlin was usually a funny bastard. Like almost all comedians, most of his schtick was stolen from others. To those familiar with Lenny Bruce, Carlin was a pathetic, impotent imitator of LB - another drug-addled fuck-up.
Baloney. Bruce obviously did pave the way for others, but Carlin was more imaginative, genuinely funny, far more popular, and didn't die naked with a needle stuck in his arm. Richard Pryor was close, Bruce was mostly gross.
NFBW wrote: I will patiently await Mashmont ’s answer.

It’s a question of his morals on another one of his moralistic threads.

(4) why are you so supportive of and associated with the accelerationism posture of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters and the mostly white rightwinger crazies like the now deceased Ashley Babbitt who was a follower of QAnon ???? (5) why do you refer to these aforementioned Americans as patriots when it’s clear they committed acts of violence on Jan6 in furtherance of Trump’s cause to serve a second term after losing an election where voters, including some in black ghettos, who wanted Biden, a Catholic to represent them
Baloney. Bruce obviously did pave the way for others, but Carlin was more imaginative, genuinely funny, far more popular, and didn't die naked with a needle stuck in his arm. Richard Pryor was close, Bruce was mostly gross.
Atheist comedians who are filthy aren't funny. And they most likely aren't laughing now. Actually, they never were.
Perhaps my numbers were off, but President Trump lost big money during his term.
I said 1/3. Forbes says 1/3.

I don't know what Trump charging for hotels has any bearing on this. The cost to house all presidents is high when you consider security, etc. And a couple of million is nothing compared to the billion plus he lost.
He never had it. You intentionally ignored Mazars and his tax leak. His mooks are his only big cash flow now.
He failed on 80% of the major campaign promises. No wall; no infrastructure bill, no replacement for Obamacare, no withdraw from Afghanistan....the deficit ballooned and the bizarre promises that you'd pay no taxes under a certain income amount never got off the ground.
No better healthcare plan.
But then he made a pact with Satan


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