The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

So there was no illegal immigration during his term? False.
Who said that? Nobody. Strawman.
We were almost there when he arrived.
No, we weren't. Trump had to unshackle Anwar and get the Keystone Pipeline going. Gasoline prices were very low. First thing Idiot Biden did was close them back up. Gas prices soared. The left are idiots.
Wasn't a campaign promise as much as it was an accident.
Accident? No, I explained how Trump got gas prices down.
Trade deficit was essentially where it was at the end of his term as it was where it began...
So the president kept it from rising? Too bad Chimpy couldn't do that.
LOL... really? The ones who believe in "super precedents" and the shadow docket? Also..the ones laughing his claims of voter fraud out of court are suddenly "great"?
You wanted Marxist judges. Sorry.
Obama's economy was better.
In what way? Besides no way.
Poor Trump. I guess we can't blame Biden for not getting his plan through because of "grandstanding" by Sinema and Mancin?
Not remotely the same. Biden campaigned on reversing 0bummercare and promised to do so. Then he got mad at Trump, and small petty man McCain was, he reneged on his promise, changed his vote at the 11th hour then made a show of hugging the Democrats. Manchin and Sinema never did anything like that.
On billionaires and spent $8T in new debt. Coincidence? Nope.
The middle class got tax cuts. Democrats like to spend.
Only to have them scoffed by the right.
Nobody scoffed when the President Trump delivered the vaccines. The leftwing downplayed it like you're doing.
He's probably going to be remembered as being the worst second to only Warren G. Harding
You wish. You've proven yourself a dishonest hack. You put up a good front for awhile. Hard to keep up the facade for long. Now you're just like the rest.

I mean....all you gotta do is look at the man's trainwreck of a personal life. Tell will tell you something about the validity of his words. It's like "Gee, George, atheism doesn't seem to be working so well for you". Robin Williams same thing. An atheist who smeared so many good dedicated Catholic priests. Then he offed himself.
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I mean....all you gotta do is look at the man's trainwreck of a personal life. Tell will tell you something about the validity of his words. It's like "Gee, George, atheism doesn't seem to be working so well for you". Robin Williams same thing. An atheist who smeared so many good dedicated Catholic priests. Then he offed himself.
FWIW, your response is exactly what he hoped to provoke.

Rage on.
FWIW, your response is exactly what he hoped to provoke.

Rage on.
No, actually all he wanted was to rope in gullible people to attend his shows and buy his albums. There will always be con artists like him who prey on the weak. These are the people who didn't bother to look behind the curtain.
If you're honest, you will admit Idiot Biden doesn't get a tenth of the scrutiny Trump gets even now. The media didn't lay ahead of him on his payola scam with Hunter. Meanwhile Trump got impeached twice over nothing. Got investigated by Mueller for three years over a fraud.
Your grasp of recent history is even more hilarious than your "holier than thou attitude".
Who said that? Nobody. Strawman.
The border isn't "secure" if there are still people crossing back and fourth. Your words, not mine.
No, we weren't. Trump had to unshackle Anwar and get the Keystone Pipeline going. Gasoline prices were very low. First thing Idiot Biden did was close them back up. Gas prices soared. The left are idiots.
Neither had any effect on gasoline prices.
Accident? No, I explained how Trump got gas prices down.
His attempted holocaust and ignoring a pandemic tended to hurt demand...
So the president kept it from rising? Too bad Chimpy couldn't do that.
Wow..was that the campaign promise? Who is "chimpy"?
You wanted Marxist judges. Sorry.
I wanted judges who respected the procedures of precedents and respected a formal docket.
In what way? Besides no way.
Jobs added almost every month, stock market climbing 149%. What metric were you using?
Not remotely the same. Biden campaigned on reversing 0bummercare and promised to do so.
Factually incorrect.
Then he got mad at Trump, and small petty man McCain was, he reneged on his promise, changed his vote at the 11th hour then made a show of hugging the Democrats. Manchin and Sinema never did anything like that.
Again...factually incorrect.
The middle class got tax cuts.
That expired in one year.
Democrats like to spend.
And your blob signed off on every penny spent.
Nobody scoffed when the President Trump delivered the vaccines. The leftwing downplayed it like you're doing.
Yet amazingly, the political left are the most vaccinated of the two ideologies. Strange how every fact contradicts your fantasies.
You wish. You've proven yourself a dishonest hack. You put up a good front for awhile. Hard to keep up the facade for long. Now you're just like the rest.
If you mean superior to you in every way, shape, and form... yep... I AM just like all the rest.
Well, you posted this in the religion you tell me.

If you think addiction is a "choice"'re pretty ignorant.
Of course it's a choice. Nobody said it was easy to get out of, but it's still a choice.
It's funny how the irreligious get so upset when somebody gives their opinion about morality. They act like 14-year-old kids. "You can't force me to do what you want". as if a forum poster has that power. None are so intolerant and self-righteous than the irreligious left. They won't even allow a difference of opinion.
Would you hire a drunk living over a grate downtown to be your life coach? Absurd notion, isn’t it?

Well, if you read the comments of thousands of his fans on George Carlin’s online videos, people appear willing to do just that. His most popular appearance videos; the one against religion and the one pushing abortion drew heaping praise from hundreds of troubled commenters

Carlin is a big hit with the atheists due to his smug profane stand up routine against religion. They praise his life “wisdom” and “intelligence”. It's reminiscent of the bad kids in elementary school who seemed popular, the ones with the ugly sophistication who knew more about sex than they should have.

His other big routine was the one pushing abortion from his album “Back in Town”. It was pure evil venom. That routine was where the left got most of its now-trite talking points on abortion:

  • pro-life women are too ugly to have sex with
  • anti-abortion people are not pro-life; they’re pro-birth because they won’t make kids wards of the state.
  • Pro-life people kill abortion doctors
  • Pro-life people are hate women.
All these talking points came from Carlin in 1996. Prior to that, you never heard them. So much for leftwingers’ originality.

Early in his career, Carlin went for clean comedy. But then he made a pact with Satan, and started on the dark but lucrative road of going after filth and the seamy side of humanity. He made millions from the emotionally troubled people who reveled in his snark against everything decent. Sort of the way Hugh Hefner made millions from leading men to hell through porn. Or the way heavy-metal bands led unstable youth to drug use. Carlin found victims and exploited them for fame and fortune. The easiest money you can make.

The fact is, Carlin’s life was a trainwreck, starting from an early age. He abandoned the Catholic religion he was brought up in, and his life spun out of control. He was a troublemaker in school, having been expelled at age 15, and then court-martialed three times in his time in the Air Force.

He spent most of his adult life addicted to drugs and alcohol. At age 67, a time when most people have things figured out, Carlin had to go to a rehab center for the umpteenth time. His substance abuse exacerbated his health. He’d had three heart attacks before the one that killed him at the age of 71.

Ironically, the atheist left celebrates the worst people, and tries to destroy the great people. Carlin is treated as a folk hero by the left. He wasn't a hero. He was a sad sick misguided man who damaged his own child’s upbringing. He was a leading force in the degradation of society from the 1970s on, pushing indecency and filth. He wasn’t brilliant. He didn’t give sound advice. His schtick just appealed to weak people. Hopefully Carlin repented on his deathbed and saved his soul. Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

George attacked everyone he wasn't partial.
Of course it's a choice. Nobody said it was easy to get out of, but it's still a choice.
Incredible that people still think others get addicted by choice.
It's funny how the irreligious get so upset when somebody gives their opinion about morality. They act like 14-year-old kids. "You can't force me to do what you want". as if a forum poster has that power. None are so intolerant and self-righteous than the irreligious left. They won't even allow a difference of opinion.
Yeah, tell Liz Cheney about how tolerant those on the right are.
Incredible that people still think others get addicted by choice.
In the end, a choice was made to stop or keep going. A choice was made to put oneself in proximity, a choice was made to hang out with the wrong people. Lot's of choices. Remember, if it's always somebody else's fault, things will never get better.
Yeah, tell Liz Cheney about how tolerant those on the right are.
I wasn't aware Liz was a poster here.

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