The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

Wait.. having second thoughts about "that says it all" already? You mean you didn't even bother reading his Wiki page before posting your little spaz fest here against the dead?
Well, well...

It seems our puritanical hypocrite, mashmont, knows very little about the subject of his hateful tirade in his OP.

It's sad, really, as doing a bit of simple research, and having a more generous spirit would have saved him from embarrassing himself by trashing Carlin, for no good reason.

Of course, mashmont will never admit he was wrong. That seems to often be the case with control freak wannabes. Lol.
Well, well...

It seems our puritanical hypocrite, mashmont, knows very little about the subject of his hateful tirade in his OP.

It's sad, really, as doing a bit of simple research, and having a more generous spirit would have saved him from embarrassing himself by trashing Carlin, for no good reason.

Of course, mashmont will never admit he was wrong. That seems to often be the case with control freak wannabes. Lol.
Wiki didn't have anything about Carlin's live-in girlfriend. But that just adds to the debauchery, don't you think?
It's very odd you think I, a forum poster, have the power to control you. Isn't the problem really you don't believe I should have the right to an opinion? Isn't that always the case with you atheist/leftists?
After hanging out on YouTube since you post this thread at 9:56, I'm postive he was a true comedic genius, totally deserving of being know as the 2n greatest comedian in the history of the planet and you should not waste your time speaking ill of the dead.
Here, have some:

I have watched many of his shows...
He had about 10 minutes worth of material where the audience and I would laugh.
For the rest of the concert, he would slow down and the audience would switch from laughing to applauding because he just didn't have enough material for a 1 hour show.
I have watched many of his shows...
He had about 10 minutes worth of material where the audience and I would laugh.
For the rest of the concert, he would slow down and the audience would switch from laughing to applauding because he just didn't have enough material for a 1 hour show.
Kind of like writing a book on 'Winning Roulette'. Not much to say when the premise is faulty.
Kind of like writing a book on 'Winning Roulette'. Not much to say when the premise is faulty.
He obviously was a winning comedian and your premise in judging him (judge not lest ye be judged) especially many years after his death, is indeed faulty.
Isn't the problem really you don't believe I should have the right to an opinion? Isn't that always the case with you atheist/leftists?
You're so funny !

I'm not a leftist. Don't you ever get anything right? Lol...

And, yes, you have every right to your own opinion. No matter how laughable and off the wall it may be.
Would you hire a drunk living over a grate downtown to be your life coach? Absurd notion, isn’t it?

Well, if you read the comments of thousands of his fans on George Carlin’s online videos, people appear willing to do just that. His most popular appearance videos; the one against religion and the one pushing abortion drew heaping praise from hundreds of troubled commenters

Carlin is a big hit with the atheists due to his smug profane stand up routine against religion. They praise his life “wisdom” and “intelligence”. It's reminiscent of the bad kids in elementary school who seemed popular, the ones with the ugly sophistication who knew more about sex than they should have.

His other big routine was the one pushing abortion from his album “Back in Town”. It was pure evil venom. That routine was where the left got most of its now-trite talking points on abortion:

  • pro-life women are too ugly to have sex with
  • anti-abortion people are not pro-life; they’re pro-birth because they won’t make kids wards of the state.
  • Pro-life people kill abortion doctors
  • Pro-life people are hate women.
All these talking points came from Carlin in 1996. Prior to that, you never heard them. So much for leftwingers’ originality.

Early in his career, Carlin went for clean comedy. But then he made a pact with Satan, and started on the dark but lucrative road of going after filth and the seamy side of humanity. He made millions from the emotionally troubled people who reveled in his snark against everything decent. Sort of the way Hugh Hefner made millions from leading men to hell through porn. Or the way heavy-metal bands led unstable youth to drug use. Carlin found victims and exploited them for fame and fortune. The easiest money you can make.

The fact is, Carlin’s life was a trainwreck, starting from an early age. He abandoned the Catholic religion he was brought up in, and his life spun out of control. He was a troublemaker in school, having been expelled at age 15, and then court-martialed three times in his time in the Air Force.

He spent most of his adult life addicted to drugs and alcohol. At age 67, a time when most people have things figured out, Carlin had to go to a rehab center for the umpteenth time. His substance abuse exacerbated his health. He’d had three heart attacks before the one that killed him at the age of 71.

Ironically, the atheist left celebrates the worst people, and tries to destroy the great people. Carlin is treated as a folk hero by the left. He wasn't a hero. He was a sad sick misguided man who damaged his own child’s upbringing. He was a leading force in the degradation of society from the 1970s on, pushing indecency and filth. He wasn’t brilliant. He didn’t give sound advice. His schtick just appealed to weak people. Hopefully Carlin repented on his deathbed and saved his soul. Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

And here you are still belching the God crap like it is fact.
You're delusional and hate filled.
He obviously was a winning comedian and your premise in judging him (judge not lest ye be judged) especially many years after his death, is indeed faulty.
I judge bad actions of a celebrity that influenced and influences millions. That is my obligation. I never said he was in Hell. That would be judging.
The patriots were rightfully protesting the stolen election. Leftwingers organized and led the choas that ensued. It was all orchestrated. Then the state-run media was instructed to create the false narrative of 'insurrection'.

white evangelicals are outliers among American views on Trump, the election and the insurrection


White evangelical Protestants are the only religious group in America among whom a majority believe Donald Trump is a “true patriot” who bears little responsibility for the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and was denied rightful re-election by fraudulent results.

White evangelical Christians stand apart from the majority view in America in their support for the former president and their insistence that “leftist” groups were behind the Jan. 6 riots — despite no credible evidence that such was the case.

national research by Public Religion Research Institute found 68% of white evangelical Christians believe Trump is a “true patriot” and 61% believe the election was “stolen” from him.

NFBW wrote: On religiosity, a sizesble majority of Americans from atheist to Jehovah’s Witnesses fall into a polling category that I would call civil-secularly adjusted Americans greatly defined in the aforementioned polls. Unfortunately Mashmont has made his pact with the devil by immingling his white Catholic good American family upbringing with the anti-secular and increasingly uncivil white evangelical protestant nationalistic Christian movement which was energized by the first coming of their political savior when Trump went to Iowa in 2015 and met with all the white Evangelical Christian leaders and political propagandists of the extreme right and promised them power in exchange for their votes and loyalty , basically to a very wealthy uncivil heathen.

. , . . he made a pact with Satan,

. . . . . And this is what that white evangelical Christian pact with Satan hath wrought:

….. when looking at a national perspective including Republicans, Democrats and independents, majorities of Americans believe white supremacist groups (59%), Trump (56%), and conservative media platforms that spread conspiracy theories and misinformation (55%) bear most responsibility for the events of Jan. 6. PRRI reports that these views have not changed since polling in January, compared to the latest polling in August

. . . judge bad actions of a celebrity that influenced and influences millions.

Ignorance in the Bible Belt continues to be a problem due to their preference for white mobocracy over multicultural democracy.

It is obvious what Mashmont is doing (destroying multicultural democracy) by bringing up bad actions of a celebrity like George Carlin and reciting why Trump is so much better. I have figured it out so Mashmont has, so to speak, burned all my books , but he cannot stop me from writing more, as of yet.

Mashmont #1 Catholic Trump conservative here. Pro-life. Anti birth control. I consider Trump one of the greatest presidents of all time.”

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Making this thread about Trump is pathetic. Get a life.
NFBW wrote: I disagree. The OP Is using white evangelical Catholic nationalism to normalize and sanctify the wealthy heathen DJT and to excuse his attempts to disenfranchise millions of black American voters in an unconstitutional plot that turned extremely violent on January 6th - all on the good names of Jesus and every multicultural American who sacrificed since the American Revolution to preserve much, but on this topic, ‘our freedom of and from the OP’s religion’. - - - It is through heathen Trump that the OP is attempting to destroy multicultural democracy and freedom from religion. - - - The OP is dangerous. Some excerpts from my preceding post.

national research by Public Religion Research Institute found 68% of white evangelical Christians believe Trump is a “true patriot” and 61% believe the election was “stolen” from him.

NFBW wrote: On religiosity, a sizesble majority of Americans from atheist to Jehovah’s Witnesses fall into a polling category that I would call civil-secularly adjusted Americans greatly defined in the aforementioned polls. Unfortunately Mashmont has made his pact with the devil by immingling his white Catholic good American family upbringing with the anti-secular and increasingly uncivil white evangelical protestant nationalistic Christian movement which was energized by the first coming of their political savior when Trump went to Iowa in 2015 and met with all the white Evangelical Christian leaders and political propagandists of the extreme right and promised them power in exchange for their votes and loyalty , basically to a very wealthy uncivil heathen.

Mashmont said:
. , . . he made a pact with Satan,

. . . . . And this is what that white evangelical Christian pact with Satan hath wrought:

….. when looking at a national perspective including Republicans, Democrats and independents, majorities of Americans believe white supremacist groups (59%), Trump (56%), and conservative media platforms that spread conspiracy theories and misinformation (55%) bear most responsibility for the events of Jan. 6. PRRI reports that these views have not changed since polling in January, compared to the latest polling in August

It’s not so much about Trump as it’s about his believers - the non-violent ones like Mashmont who give aid and comfort to the Trump mob/RNC who believe violent mobocracy is legitimate political discourse.

It has nothing to do with George Carlin’s failure to live a holy Christian life. This is diversionary political propaganda. It’s why Mashmont is unable to have civil political discourse with anyone who is on to what he is up to in the name of Jesus Christ and the great Catholic Church. A world religion in which half of it’s believers in America vote Democrat for true family and married men like Joe Biden and Barack Obama. The OP condemns his own church members who don’t slight with Trumpism.
Mashmont tarnishes his faith with every ‘log in his eye’ hypocritical word he had uttered on this forum.
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I judge bad actions of a celebrity that influenced and influences millions. That is my obligation. I never said he was in Hell. That would be judging.
You don't judge as you're judging? Exactly the kind of hypocrisy that Carlin talked about. Do you have the same disdain for the Kenneth Copelands, the Jim Bakers, the Creflo Dollars and the rest of the thieves who sell nonsense ghost stories and speak in tongues etc? These shameless scoundrels are just a small sample of those who rob the poor to feed the rich. How about the Catholic Church that shifted priests around from diocese to diocese to help them avoid prosecution for raping children? Any opinions on those folks? LOL Typical religious, sanctimonious BS!
You don't judge as you're judging? Exactly the kind of hypocrisy that Carlin talked about. Do you have the same disdain for the Kenneth Copelands, the Jim Bakers, the Creflo Dollars and the rest of the thieves who sell nonsense ghost stories and speak in tongues etc? These shameless scoundrels are just a small sample of those who rob the poor to feed the rich. How about the Catholic Church that shifted priests around from diocese to diocese to help them avoid prosecution for raping children? Any opinions on those folks? LOL Typical religious BS!
I do have disdain for the actions of Kenneth Copeland and Jim Bakker and Joel Osteen. I don't think religious leaders should live in an opulent manner. That is in opposition to Jesus' teaching. This is another reason I like the Catholic Church. These priests and sisters live modest lives.
I do have disdain for the actions of Kenneth Copeland and Jim Bakker and Joel Osteen. I don't think religious leaders should live in an opulent manner. That is in opposition to Jesus' teaching. This is another reason I like the Catholic Church. These priests and sisters live modest lives.
I notice that you conveniently skipped the part about raping children. How modest is that?
Saw him several times. Always over and hour, and always a very dense show packed with material. Those who say otherwise are liars and never went to his shows (see liar above ^^).
Truth is still truth no matter where it originates from. And to hold Carlin to those standards brings to mind this Carlin quote about the Bible. " I'll tell you about as much truth as that fuckin' book tells ya!"
Ramblings of a drunken druggie. HIs own life tells you about the soundness of his advice.

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