The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

The funny thing is pro-life women are usually very pretty. Usually moms themselves.

It's the pro-abortion women you wouldn't want to be involved with. Obese, unattractive. Nasty. Profane. Angry. Ultra-short hair. No make up. Dirt under their fingernails from working in the garden. Smell like dog pee. Half of them don't even "like" men, if you know what I mean.

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Another of Carlin's observations was that the Christians had the "Greatest Bullshit Story ever Told!" That there is an invisable man living in the sky who watches over all of humanity. I personally think one would have to be border line crazy to believe that. Really I think the more one buys into that the more mentally ill he/she becomes. And, that's where the evil shows its ugly head in the form of using this sky guy as an excuse to do just about any fuckin' thing. Kinda reminds me of Flip Wilson with the "The Devil Made Me Do It!" because if there in a faultless guy in the sky, then surely there has to be a real prick down below. It's just so friggin' imbecilic.
Another of Carlin's observations was that the Christians had the "Greatest Bullshit Story ever Told!" That there is an invisable man living in the sky who watches over all of humanity. I personally think one would have to be border line crazy to believe that. Really I think the more one buys into that the more mentally ill he/she becomes. And, that's where the evil shows its ugly head in the form of using this sky guy as an excuse to do just about any fuckin' thing. Kinda reminds me of Flip Wilson with the "The Devil Made Me Do It!" because if there in a faultless guy in the sky, then surely there has to be a real prick down below. It's just so friggin' imbecilic.
That's what Carlin thought. He was also addicted to drugs and alcohol and had a totally screwed-up life. Seems to go with atheism, doesn't it?

Foxy pro-life and pro-Trump women.
That's what Carlin thought. He was also addicted to drugs and alcohol and had a totally screwed-up life. Seems to go with atheism, doesn't it?
Mental health goes with atheism. Pompous self righteousness goes with all of you "Ghost hunters.
This idea of blaming people's wrong (sins) on someone else because they were "led astray" is the vilest kind of bullshit.
But that idiotic idea and it's immoral compliment -- that you can place the consequences of your own sins on someone else -- are at the very heart of the Christian mythology.

"Satan led him astray."

"Jesus paid for our sins."

It's all quite primitive, immoral , and even evil, if you think about it.
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Foxy pro-life and pro-Trump women.
Pro life and pro Trump? How could those two values possibly go together? Trumps lies and his war on vaccines and masks resulted in almost a million deaths. Even conservatively he has a direct connection to at least half of those and the body count continues because folks put their trust in a fuckin' monster. So, take your indignation about women's choice and stuff it where the sun refuses to shine.
Huh? You mean law enforcement can't arrest clergy?
They can but they don't. Case in point is scientology. They commit crimes on a regular basis and the wife of the leader is missing and hasn't been seen in years but no scrutiny at all. Law enforcement is somehow intimidated by the church and its political power. No one investigates their crimes and no one investigates their priests and their relationships with minors. Even in the rare events that they make arrests for child rape, it's always a sacrificial lamb or two while the others are moved around and protected. Like I said, the US gov't is the only party to the separation of church and state that honors their part of the deal.
Looks like Carlin was spot on!

Four of those women are pretty good looking. You have to also consider the leftwing media, and I know this for a fact, when they go to a conservative rally, they photo the most unattractive person they can find, and when they cover leftwing movements, they search for the most attractive participant. It's all intended, of course, to paint a picture for the public.
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They can but they don't. Case in point is scientology. They commit crimes on a regular basis and the wife of the leader is missing and hasn't been seen in years but no scrutiny at all. Law enforcement is somehow intimidated by the church and its political power. No one investigates their crimes and no one investigates their priests and their relationships with minors. Even in the rare events that they make arrests for child rape, it's always a sacrificial lamb or two while the others are moved around and protected. Like I said, the US gov't is the only party to the separation of church and state that honors their part of the deal.
Scientology isn't a religion. But it's nonsense to say law enforcement can't arrest clergy. They can and do.
But that idiotic idea and it's immoral compliment -- that you can place the consequences of your own sins on someone else -- are at the very heart of the Christian mythology.

"Satan led him astray."

"Jesus paid for our sins."

It's all quite primitive, immoral , and even evil, if you think about it.
Obviously it's the person's own doing, but you can't deny others can influence people to do bad or good.

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