The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

Scientology isn't a religion. But it's nonsense to say law enforcement can't arrest clergy. They can and do.
If the priest is still in the country. Or if the church will even tell cops where the priest was reassigned.

But whether cops arrest someone or not is not relevant. The fact that The Church actively protects their clergy from the consequences of their disgusting acts, THAT is what is relevant.
Atheism is probably the biggest cult of all. These atheists in here all get so angry trying to defend it.

Most don't get angry. At least not compared to what the Xtians get. Face it, you have dedicated an entire thread to hating on a comedian because you took his material seriously.

You took the time to start, argue in, and continue a thread on how bad a man was who made people laugh for a living. And to make it more obvious that you are angry, you are attacking a man who has been dead for 14 years.
The central figure in the atheist cult is self. Self-worship. Apathy, even hostility toward others. Imaginary enemies. Imaginary self-importance.

It is not the central figure for all. They favor their spouses, children, even good friends over self. You have no clue what atheists are like, beyond the most cliche nonsense.
Disgust, not anger.
So says a guy who is trying to extort large amounts of money of an alleged event 54 years ago, for which no one is alive to rebut.
And we are supposed to take that as proof of something?

And now, let's talk about atheism. 100 million murdered in the last century by atheists. Your turn.
You 'disgusted' by that?
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The central theme of Atheism is the preservation of Sanity. No ghosts, no meetings, no worship of false prophets, no one with their hand in your pocket, no silly books written by control freaks and sold as the word of some preferred ghost, no ridiculous gowns or trappings that are meant to convey superiority, and most of all no killing in the name of an imaginary being in the fuckin' sky. Sanity!
If you're honest, you will admit Idiot Biden doesn't get a tenth of the scrutiny Trump gets even now. The media didn't lay ahead of him on his payola scam with Hunter. Meanwhile Trump got impeached twice over nothing. Got investigated by Mueller for three years over a fraud.
"got impeached twice over nothing".................:heehee: Poor trump trash victims.
Of course it's a choice. Nobody said it was easy to get out of, but it's still a choice.
It's funny how the irreligious get so upset when somebody gives their opinion about morality. They act like 14-year-old kids. "You can't force me to do what you want". as if a forum poster has that power. None are so intolerant and self-righteous than the irreligious left. They won't even allow a difference of opinion.
Having a soul-sucking religion is a choice too.
You're so funny !

I'm not a leftist. Don't you ever get anything right? Lol...

And, yes, you have every right to your own opinion. No matter how laughable and off the wall it may be.
That's the funniest thing about Mashmouth....he keeps making these declarations about what other people are or are not..............and gets it wrong every single time. :heehee:
I do have disdain for the actions of Kenneth Copeland and Jim Bakker and Joel Osteen. I don't think religious leaders should live in an opulent manner. That is in opposition to Jesus' teaching. This is another reason I like the Catholic Church. These priests and sisters live modest lives.
The ones who are raping children and getting their actions hidden by the Church?
The vast majority of child rapes are done by the irreligious (as defined by those who do not attend church). Do you want to talk about that?
You want to deflect and hide the Catholic Church's pedophile priests. Now, what would be your reasons for doing so? :eusa_think:

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