The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

All these forums have uneducated leftwingers blabbing about education. It's hilarious.
Would you hire a drunk living over a grate downtown to be your life coach? Absurd notion, isn’t it?

Well, if you read the comments of thousands of his fans on George Carlin’s online videos, people appear willing to do just that. His most popular appearance videos; the one against religion and the one pushing abortion drew heaping praise from hundreds of troubled commenters

Carlin is a big hit with the atheists due to his smug profane stand up routine against religion. They praise his life “wisdom” and “intelligence”. It's reminiscent of the bad kids in elementary school who seemed popular, the ones with the ugly sophistication who knew more about sex than they should have.

His other big routine was the one pushing abortion from his album “Back in Town”. It was pure evil venom. That routine was where the left got most of its now-trite talking points on abortion:

  • pro-life women are too ugly to have sex with
  • anti-abortion people are not pro-life; they’re pro-birth because they won’t make kids wards of the state.
  • Pro-life people kill abortion doctors
  • Pro-life people are hate women.
All these talking points came from Carlin in 1996. Prior to that, you never heard them. So much for leftwingers’ originality.

Early in his career, Carlin went for clean comedy. But then he made a pact with Satan, and started on the dark but lucrative road of going after filth and the seamy side of humanity. He made millions from the emotionally troubled people who reveled in his snark against everything decent. Sort of the way Hugh Hefner made millions from leading men to hell through porn. Or the way heavy-metal bands led unstable youth to drug use. Carlin found victims and exploited them for fame and fortune. The easiest money you can make.

The fact is, Carlin’s life was a trainwreck, starting from an early age. He abandoned the Catholic religion he was brought up in, and his life spun out of control. He was a troublemaker in school, having been expelled at age 15, and then court-martialed three times in his time in the Air Force.

He spent most of his adult life addicted to drugs and alcohol. At age 67, a time when most people have things figured out, Carlin had to go to a rehab center for the umpteenth time. His substance abuse exacerbated his health. He’d had three heart attacks before the one that killed him at the age of 71.

Ironically, the atheist left celebrates the worst people, and tries to destroy the great people. Carlin is treated as a folk hero by the left. He wasn't a hero. He was a sad sick misguided man who damaged his own child’s upbringing. He was a leading force in the degradation of society from the 1970s on, pushing indecency and filth. He wasn’t brilliant. He didn’t give sound advice. His schtick just appealed to weak people. Hopefully Carlin repented on his deathbed and saved his soul. Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

Apart from arrogance I find no problem with Mr. Calin, I simply consider the source and consider the truth. Its Ironic Humor, its a way to make a buck. If one knows the truth its simply like watching long winded politician reveal how great and intelligent he/she is and how stupid those are that oppose his/her opinion.

What truth you might ask? Apart from the arrogance let's make sure we have rightly considered his position. In order to be an atheist. one must know, have the personal knowledge that God does not exist. He must possess this personal knowledge and can prove it though objective reproducible evidence how he obtained this information......if he can't, at best he might properly call himself an agnostic. This is where the arrogance derives, no atheist is willing to admit the obvious...........and say I DON'T really know that God does not exist.

The atheist claims, by necessity the following things, and he must know them as facts. 1. Material must be eternal by the necessity that material cannot explain its own origins.....therefore it must be eternal without beginning or end. 2. Matter is all that exists, there are no other forms of existence. 3 Matter has always existed. 4. No one matter is of more value than another. 5. By sheer chance dead matter became living matter. 6. By sheer chance dead matter became conscious 7. By sheer chance dead matter became a human being with the ability to direct its own fate within this eternally existing sphere of reality.

But in the real world, outside La, La, Utopia: The atheist cannot know or prove any of these necessary items.

Go ahead, ask an atheist to prove there is no God and prove that reality created itself from nothing.............what happens, you get a better show than anything that George Carlin ever usual the first two weapons are drawn into battle by Satan's minions. Deceit and Deflection.

A good belly laugh is good for the soul. :abgg2q.jpg:
Apart from arrogance I find no problem with Mr. Calin, I simply consider the source and consider the truth. Its Ironic Humor, its a way to make a buck. If one knows the truth its simply like watching long winded politician reveal how great and intelligent he/she is and how stupid those are that oppose his/her opinion.

What truth you might ask? Apart from the arrogance let's make sure we have rightly considered his position. In order to be an atheist. one must know, have the personal knowledge that God does not exist. He must possess this personal knowledge and can prove it though objective reproducible evidence how he obtained this information......if he can't, at best he might properly call himself an agnostic. This is where the arrogance derives, no atheist is willing to admit the obvious...........and say I DON'T really know that God does not exist.

The atheist claims, by necessity the following things, and he must know them as facts. 1. Material must be eternal by the necessity that material cannot explain its own origins.....therefore it must be eternal without beginning or end. 2. Matter is all that exists, there are no other forms of existence. 3 Matter has always existed. 4. No one matter is of more value than another. 5. By sheer chance dead matter became living matter. 6. By sheer chance dead matter became conscious 7. By sheer chance dead matter became a human being with the ability to direct its own fate within this eternally existing sphere of reality.

But in the real world, outside La, La, Utopia: The atheist cannot know or prove any of these necessary items.

Go ahead, ask an atheist to prove there is no God and prove that reality created itself from nothing.............what happens, you get a better show than anything that George Carlin ever usual the first two weapons are drawn into battle by Satan's minions. Deceit and Deflection.

A good belly laugh is good for the soul. :abgg2q.jpg:
Well said. Although I do believe many people do treat Carlin like some sort of guru, and that that is a dangerous thing.
Apart from arrogance I find no problem with Mr. Calin, I simply consider the source and consider the truth. Its Ironic Humor, its a way to make a buck. If one knows the truth its simply like watching long winded politician reveal how great and intelligent he/she is and how stupid those are that oppose his/her opinion.

What truth you might ask? Apart from the arrogance let's make sure we have rightly considered his position. In order to be an atheist. one must know, have the personal knowledge that God does not exist. He must possess this personal knowledge and can prove it though objective reproducible evidence how he obtained this information......if he can't, at best he might properly call himself an agnostic. This is where the arrogance derives, no atheist is willing to admit the obvious...........and say I DON'T really know that God does not exist.

The atheist claims, by necessity the following things, and he must know them as facts. 1. Material must be eternal by the necessity that material cannot explain its own origins.....therefore it must be eternal without beginning or end. 2. Matter is all that exists, there are no other forms of existence. 3 Matter has always existed. 4. No one matter is of more value than another. 5. By sheer chance dead matter became living matter. 6. By sheer chance dead matter became conscious 7. By sheer chance dead matter became a human being with the ability to direct its own fate within this eternally existing sphere of reality.

But in the real world, outside La, La, Utopia: The atheist cannot know or prove any of these necessary items.

Go ahead, ask an atheist to prove there is no God and prove that reality created itself from nothing.............what happens, you get a better show than anything that George Carlin ever usual the first two weapons are drawn into battle by Satan's minions. Deceit and Deflection.

A good belly laugh is good for the soul. :abgg2q.jpg:
I don't really know if fairies exist either. But I recognize stupid when I see it.
So you are an "Agnostic" :abgg2q.jpg: confessing that you do not know if God exists or not? That's a beginning when one self confesses his ignorance.
You can call me anything you want partner. But you're not gonna sell me your delusions. I'm far too grounded for that.
Well said. Although I do believe many people do treat Carlin like some sort of guru, and that that is a dangerous thing.
Not nearly as dangerous as clowns who profess to be Holier than others. Just ask any of the kids that were raped by clown priests.
If you're honest, you will admit Idiot Biden doesn't get a tenth of the scrutiny Trump gets even now. The media didn't lay ahead of him on his payola scam with Hunter. Meanwhile Trump got impeached twice over nothing. Got investigated by Mueller for three years over a fraud.
There was no payola scam. Research the facts. I know a lot of Catholics and they don't indulge in lies and slander.
Apart from arrogance I find no problem with Mr. Calin, I simply consider the source and consider the truth. Its Ironic Humor, its a way to make a buck. If one knows the truth its simply like watching long winded politician reveal how great and intelligent he/she is and how stupid those are that oppose his/her opinion.

What truth you might ask? Apart from the arrogance let's make sure we have rightly considered his position. In order to be an atheist. one must know, have the personal knowledge that God does not exist. He must possess this personal knowledge and can prove it though objective reproducible evidence how he obtained this information......if he can't, at best he might properly call himself an agnostic. This is where the arrogance derives, no atheist is willing to admit the obvious...........and say I DON'T really know that God does not exist.

The atheist claims, by necessity the following things, and he must know them as facts. 1. Material must be eternal by the necessity that material cannot explain its own origins.....therefore it must be eternal without beginning or end. 2. Matter is all that exists, there are no other forms of existence. 3 Matter has always existed. 4. No one matter is of more value than another. 5. By sheer chance dead matter became living matter. 6. By sheer chance dead matter became conscious 7. By sheer chance dead matter became a human being with the ability to direct its own fate within this eternally existing sphere of reality.

But in the real world, outside La, La, Utopia: The atheist cannot know or prove any of these necessary items.

Go ahead, ask an atheist to prove there is no God and prove that reality created itself from nothing.............what happens, you get a better show than anything that George Carlin ever usual the first two weapons are drawn into battle by Satan's minions. Deceit and Deflection.

A good belly laugh is good for the soul. :abgg2q.jpg:
Thanks for that comparatively lengthy offering. Almost suggests a willingness to converse. I'll engage a bit. Who knows, perhaps we help one another gain a deeper understanding.

Apart from arrogance I find no problem with Mr. Calin, I simply consider the source and consider the truth. Its Ironic Humor, its a way to make a buck. If one knows the truth its simply like watching long winded politician reveal how great and intelligent he/she is and how stupid those are that oppose his/her opinion.

Carlin taught himself to enunciate well to better project his carefully worded acts. Picture yourself performing a long comedy routine in front of a mirror day after day until satisfied that it's ready for prime time. Is arrogance suggested or humility? What if I said "I simply consider the truth." Would that not be the height of arrogance? How about if I was just being satirical or sarcastic for humorous effect? Could one not act humorously arrogant to poke fun at their normally timid self?

To distinguish irony from satire and sarcasm, remember that irony pertains to situations while satire and sarcasm are forms of expression. People make satire and sarcasm happen. Irony is just there.

In order to be an atheist. one must know, have the personal knowledge that God does not exist.

Is that right? Who better to ask than Atheist Alliance International?:

Atheism is very simple, yet widely misunderstood. The word atheism comprises the word theism with the prefix ‘a’. So let’s break it down. Theism is the belief in a god or gods. The prefix ‘a’ means; ‘without’ or ‘lack of’. Therefore, atheism means ‘without a belief in a god or gods’ or the ‘lack of a belief in a god or gods’.

We often hear theists say, “If you don’t believe in God, you must believe God does not exist!” but this is simply wrong. Lacking a belief in a god does not entail believing that no gods exist. A person could reasonably say she doesn’t know if any gods exist, and there are none that she currently believes in.

This issue is the single biggest misunderstanding about atheism. Fortunately, there is a neat way to show why it’s wrong. A god either exists, or it doesn’t. There are only two possibilities.

Now, imagine I’m holding a bag of coins and I claim there’s an even number of coins in the bag. A bag of coins either has an even number of coins or an odd number. Like a god’s existence, there are only two possibilities. If you are not able to check my claim by counting the coins, you won’t know if my claim is true so you should not believe me. But that does not mean that you must believe there is an odd number of coins in the bag. You don’t have the evidence to take a view on it, so you shouldn’t believe either possibility.

It is not necessary for an atheist to claim that no gods exist, nevertheless, some do. People often call this position hard atheism. Hard atheism is atheism with the additional conviction that there are no gods anywhere either inside, or outside, of the universe.

no atheist is willing to admit the obvious...........and say I DON'T really know that God does not exist.

Not true. All but hard atheists say they can't or don't know for certain. Also, most (non-arrogant) people don't insist upon others proving negatives for them.. not to mention double negatives. Gnostics arrogantly claim to know things absolutely, like "the truth" and personal knowledge of supernatural things while lacking compelling material evidence.

The atheist claims, by necessity the following things, and he must know them as facts. 1. Material must be eternal by the necessity that material cannot explain its own origins.....therefore it must be eternal without beginning or end. 2. Matter is all that exists, there are no other forms of existence. 3 Matter has always existed. 4. No one matter is of more value than another. 5. By sheer chance dead matter became living matter. 6. By sheer chance dead matter became conscious 7. By sheer chance dead matter became a human being with the ability to direct its own fate within this eternally existing sphere of reality.

I'm one atheist who claims none of those things. Go figure.
Since self-described "hard" or "gnostic" -atheists / -agnostics possess (rather than lack) "belief" (in supernatural stuff), they are irrational. Faith is required to "know" anything absolutely. To claim one absolutely "can't know" a thing is logically equivalent. We simply don't absolutely "know" anything yet. Anything is still possible!
Would you hire a drunk living over a grate downtown to be your life coach? Absurd notion, isn’t it?

Well, if you read the comments of thousands of his fans on George Carlin’s online videos, people appear willing to do just that. His most popular appearance videos; the one against religion and the one pushing abortion drew heaping praise from hundreds of troubled commenters

Carlin is a big hit with the atheists due to his smug profane stand up routine against religion. They praise his life “wisdom” and “intelligence”. It's reminiscent of the bad kids in elementary school who seemed popular, the ones with the ugly sophistication who knew more about sex than they should have.

His other big routine was the one pushing abortion from his album “Back in Town”. It was pure evil venom. That routine was where the left got most of its now-trite talking points on abortion:

  • pro-life women are too ugly to have sex with
  • anti-abortion people are not pro-life; they’re pro-birth because they won’t make kids wards of the state.
  • Pro-life people kill abortion doctors
  • Pro-life people are hate women.
All these talking points came from Carlin in 1996. Prior to that, you never heard them. So much for leftwingers’ originality.

Early in his career, Carlin went for clean comedy. But then he made a pact with Satan, and started on the dark but lucrative road of going after filth and the seamy side of humanity. He made millions from the emotionally troubled people who reveled in his snark against everything decent. Sort of the way Hugh Hefner made millions from leading men to hell through porn. Or the way heavy-metal bands led unstable youth to drug use. Carlin found victims and exploited them for fame and fortune. The easiest money you can make.

The fact is, Carlin’s life was a trainwreck, starting from an early age. He abandoned the Catholic religion he was brought up in, and his life spun out of control. He was a troublemaker in school, having been expelled at age 15, and then court-martialed three times in his time in the Air Force.

He spent most of his adult life addicted to drugs and alcohol. At age 67, a time when most people have things figured out, Carlin had to go to a rehab center for the umpteenth time. His substance abuse exacerbated his health. He’d had three heart attacks before the one that killed him at the age of 71.

Ironically, the atheist left celebrates the worst people, and tries to destroy the great people. Carlin is treated as a folk hero by the left. He wasn't a hero. He was a sad sick misguided man who damaged his own child’s upbringing. He was a leading force in the degradation of society from the 1970s on, pushing indecency and filth. He wasn’t brilliant. He didn’t give sound advice. His schtick just appealed to weak people. Hopefully Carlin repented on his deathbed and saved his soul. Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

Another comedian that was a moron was Robin Williams.
The guy had a sense of meanness in his routine.
I mean Don Rickles cut people all the time, better never exhibited the meanness of Williams.
Would you hire a drunk living over a grate downtown to be your life coach? Absurd notion, isn’t it?

Well, if you read the comments of thousands of his fans on George Carlin’s online videos, people appear willing to do just that. His most popular appearance videos; the one against religion and the one pushing abortion drew heaping praise from hundreds of troubled commenters

Carlin is a big hit with the atheists due to his smug profane stand up routine against religion. They praise his life “wisdom” and “intelligence”. It's reminiscent of the bad kids in elementary school who seemed popular, the ones with the ugly sophistication who knew more about sex than they should have.

His other big routine was the one pushing abortion from his album “Back in Town”. It was pure evil venom. That routine was where the left got most of its now-trite talking points on abortion:

  • pro-life women are too ugly to have sex with
  • anti-abortion people are not pro-life; they’re pro-birth because they won’t make kids wards of the state.
  • Pro-life people kill abortion doctors
  • Pro-life people are hate women.
All these talking points came from Carlin in 1996. Prior to that, you never heard them. So much for leftwingers’ originality.

Early in his career, Carlin went for clean comedy. But then he made a pact with Satan, and started on the dark but lucrative road of going after filth and the seamy side of humanity. He made millions from the emotionally troubled people who reveled in his snark against everything decent. Sort of the way Hugh Hefner made millions from leading men to hell through porn. Or the way heavy-metal bands led unstable youth to drug use. Carlin found victims and exploited them for fame and fortune. The easiest money you can make.

The fact is, Carlin’s life was a trainwreck, starting from an early age. He abandoned the Catholic religion he was brought up in, and his life spun out of control. He was a troublemaker in school, having been expelled at age 15, and then court-martialed three times in his time in the Air Force.

He spent most of his adult life addicted to drugs and alcohol. At age 67, a time when most people have things figured out, Carlin had to go to a rehab center for the umpteenth time. His substance abuse exacerbated his health. He’d had three heart attacks before the one that killed him at the age of 71.

Ironically, the atheist left celebrates the worst people, and tries to destroy the great people. Carlin is treated as a folk hero by the left. He wasn't a hero. He was a sad sick misguided man who damaged his own child’s upbringing. He was a leading force in the degradation of society from the 1970s on, pushing indecency and filth. He wasn’t brilliant. He didn’t give sound advice. His schtick just appealed to weak people. Hopefully Carlin repented on his deathbed and saved his soul. Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

I often wonder if the Left would cancel him today

They hate everyone, even their own.

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