The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

Very much like Letterman.
Yeah, I can see that. Less vitriol and much less hateful than Carlin.
Letterman got caught up in the whole TDS thing. Which is interesting, because he LOVES Obama. Even though his stances on nearly everything is the opposite of what Obama did in office.
Yeah, I can see that. Less vitriol and much less hateful than Carlin.
Letterman got caught up in the whole TDS thing. Which is interesting, because he LOVES Obama. Even though his stances on nearly everything is the opposite of what Obama did in office.
Letterman became unwatchable in later years. Now the late night hosts are all leftist nuts. I don't know who thought it was a good idea for them to go that way. You would just like some refuge away from politics at times.
That's because I have reason to be angry. I don't make up demons of whole cloth the way you do. I see the real ones. Geo Carlin isn't a threat to anybody. But your gods and the big orange one whom you pray to is an existential threat to our country. See, we have to save our anger for those worthy of it, not just try to be the feelings police like you clowns.
Carlin actually is a threat still. If you look at his videos on youtube, you still see his has a legion of young gullible followers who think he is a genius because of his atheism. They probably don't even know it was the drugs and alcohol talking. So that's why I post about him. Carlin wasn't trying to help people. He didn't care if their lives went downhill. He was just out to make a buck. But when you have dedicated Christians making videos, they actually want to help people by making their lives better. I contend President Trump wanted to help the country, though you disagree.
Sure we do

You provide us with pure comedy gold every day

Does that black woman contribute anything to society? People on welfare who don't file tax returns should not get a vote, IMHO.
Y'all thought Carlin's hateful screed against good people was funny, so.......

It was hilarious. That you are offended speaks volumes.

Exactly what did he say that offended you so much? As a man of faith, I would think you wouldn't be worried about one guy's opinion of religion.
Does that black woman contribute anything to society? People on welfare who don't file tax returns should not get a vote, IMHO.
I'm not sure it matters.

The media and academia seem to do a fine job brainwashing the mob.
It was hilarious. That you are offended speaks volumes.

Exactly what did he say that offended you so much? As a man of faith, I would think you wouldn't be worried about one guy's opinion of religion.
Answered in post #264.
You seem humorless, amigo. All your posts reek of anger.

LMAO!! I can't believe you posted that. You, the one who is so offended by humor. You the one who is so angry you post diatribes against someone who is long dead.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
LMAO!! I can't believe you posted that. You, the one who is so offended by humor. You the one who is so angry you post diatribes against someone who is long dead.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Again, though he has been dead for 14 years, his videos still harm hundreds of young gullible viewers who think he's some kind of a genius. They probably don't know his life was a trainwreck.
Carlin actually is a threat still. If you look at his videos on youtube, you still see his has a legion of young gullible followers who think he is a genius because of his atheism. They probably don't even know it was the drugs and alcohol talking. So that's why I post about him. Carlin wasn't trying to help people. He didn't care if their lives went downhill. He was just out to make a buck. But when you have dedicated Christians making videos, they actually want to help people by making their lives better. I contend President Trump wanted to help the country, though you disagree.

More hypocrisy!!

First you post "Waaaa. It's somebody else's fault I'm a druggie!"
Now you want to blame George Carlin for people's lives?? Too funny!!!
Silly boy

This is hate

And this is comedy

I know you can't tell the difference so just know when you hear people laughing, odds are, it is comedy, or they are simply laughing at you.

Waters is horrible. She blatantly called for violence against those she disagrees with. She should have been expelled from Congress. But the leftwing media didn't even raise an eyebrow over it.

Why is this woman even in Congress? She might be qualified to be a cleaning lady. Not much more.
It's too late? Good. Then why does the leftwing want to extract billions more dollars for the phony Green New Deal?
I don't want to extract any more I's too late. We are just gonna have to deal with floods and droughts, etc. FEMA shouldn't help out in such cases since it cost money...........
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Again, though he has been dead for 14 years, his videos still harm hundreds of young gullible viewers who think he's some kind of a genius. They probably don't know his life was a trainwreck.

He had his issues. But he was also one of the most influential comedians of our time. From his albums, to his standup routines, to his writings, and even his case before the US Supreme Court, he was an amazing and very intelligent man.

I am still laughing at your hypocrisy. You post "Waaaa. It's somebody else's fault I'm a druggie!", and then want to blame Carlin for people's own choices and mistakes? Ridiculous.

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