The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

"Trump is poor"

It's comical when troll chat jockeys are the experts and know ridiculous 'facts' nobody else is in on.
Coz you're easily entertained?
Is ‘incitement to riot’ entertainment to you.

“Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" Trump said.
But you have a dysfunctional hateful existence without the drugs.
Not in the least. Mashie posted this to help you people. Drop your atheism. Drop the drugs. Don't have a sad pathetic wasted life like Carlin.
Not in the least. Mashie posted this to help you people. Drop your atheism. Drop the drugs. Don't have a sad pathetic wasted life like Carlin.
I’ll take George Carlin‘s and Pope John Paul II’s advice against bombing innocent brown people and starting an unnecessary war in Iraq before I’ll ever take any advice from Mashmont on anything. Mashmont supported the Iraq invasion in 2003 when it was obvious it was not necessary at all.

Log in your eye. - - - Did any of the federal income taxes you paid prior to 2003 finance the abortion tool that annihilated this family in APRIL 2003. A husband/ father of two sons and one daughter named Shams - a waitress
Salma Amin Mansour district, Baghdad 08-April-2003Mohammed Amin Mansour district, Baghdad 08-April-2003Said Amin Mansour district, Baghdad 08-April-2003Shams Amin Mansour district, Baghdad 08-April-2003When the broken body of the 20-year-old woman was brought out -- torso first, then the head -- her mother started crying uncontrollably, then collapsedThe Pentagon reported on 7 April that .A B2 bomber dropped four 2000-pound laser-guided GBU-24 bunker-buster bombs on the Al Saa Restaurant in the al Mansour District of Baghdad that Intelligence sources claimed was a meeting place of Saddam Hussein, his two sons, and senior Iraqi regime leaders.22FEB08-POST#1072

CARLIN on war.

“Can’t build a decent car, can’t make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can’t educate our young people, can’t get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people—oh we like that don’t we? That’s our hobby! That’s our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we’ll goddamn bomb them!

I supported the invasion of Iraq at the time. I have since realized that support was in error on moral grounds. I should have heeded the words of St. John Paul II when he opposed it
Mashmont doesn’t get a Mulligan on killing half a million Iraqis based on a lie by a Republican President just because he thinks he is a perfect right-wing Catholic. . George Carlin is a saint compared to Mashmont on the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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80% failure is just untrue.
Promises he kept:
Securing the border
So there was no illegal immigration during his term? False.
Making America energy independent
We were almost there when he arrived.
Brought down gasoline prices
Wasn't a campaign promise as much as it was an accident.
Made foreign trade deals fairer
Trade deficit was essentially where it was at the end of his term as it was where it began...
Appointed great judges and justices
LOL... really? The ones who believe in "super precedents" and the shadow docket? Also..the ones laughing his claims of voter fraud out of court are suddenly "great"?
Created a roaring economy
Obama's economy was better.
As for 0bummercare, you can't blame petty John McCain's 11th-hour grandstanding on Trump.
Poor Trump. I guess we can't blame Biden for not getting his plan through because of "grandstanding" by Sinema and Mancin?
Lowered taxes.
On billionaires and spent $8T in new debt. Coincidence? Nope.
Got us the COVID vaccination by the end of 2020, a promise scoffed at by the left.
Only to have them scoffed by the right.
Just a great president in every way.
He's probably going to be remembered as being the worst second to only Warren G. Harding
You forget Trump was hammered by the leftwing media every day of his administration and even before. The left promised to impeach him even before he was inaugurated. Republicans weren't defending him. Trump had to do it all himself. So you call his defense of himself mean-spirited at times, so be it. It had to be done. Nobody else was helping him.
Poor Donald.

No president has ever had opposition before him. How did he survive?
And i can't get over all these KKKhristians demonizing any lifestyle that doesn't fit their 'family values' Mash....

I laugh pretty hard when people accuse Catholics of being in the KKK. Any idea what one of the K's was for, skippy?
Not in the least. Mashie posted this to help you people. Drop your atheism. Drop the drugs. Don't have a sad pathetic wasted life like Carlin.

The above is the reason that I've rejected organized religion long ago and never looked back.

Thanks for highlighting what sucks about Christians so well.
Drug and alcohol abuse part of your family values ideals?
Is searching for WMD in Iraq using 2000-pound laser-guided GBU-24 bunker-buster bombs on an innocent Muslim family in a restaurants near Baghdad part of your family values ideals Mashmont?

On 7 April 2003, a taxpayer funded B2 bomber dropped four 2000-pound laser-guided GBU-24 bunker-buster bombs on the Al Saa Restaurant in the al Mansour District of Baghdad.

Listed in order of innocent civilians killed at the start of the Iraq invasion - numbers 59, 60, 61 and 62 who were killed by the US tax paid bombing of a restaurant in the Mansour District of Baghdad: - - - 58th on the list is Salma Amin 50 (father of Mohammed, Said, and Shams)….. 59th on the list is Mohammed Amin 27 (son of Salma) ….. 60th Said Amin 24 ; (son of Salma) .....061 Shams Amin 20 (daughter of Salma) she was a waitress

As an American taxpaying Catholic @Mashmont denounces CHRISTIANS who were aligned with the Religious Left when they went Anti-War on Iraq.
Poor Donald.

No president has ever had opposition before him. How did he survive?
If you're honest, you will admit Idiot Biden doesn't get a tenth of the scrutiny Trump gets even now. The media didn't lay ahead of him on his payola scam with Hunter. Meanwhile Trump got impeached twice over nothing. Got investigated by Mueller for three years over a fraud.
The above is the reason that I've rejected organized religion long ago and never looked back.

Thanks for highlighting what sucks about Christians so well.
Is it really just a Christian thing to avoid drug and alcohol addiction? Or is it a common sense thing?

Mashmont: "You shouldn't get addicted to drugs or alcohol."
Atheists: "Stop forcing your religion on me!!!"

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