The same words of hate that are coming out of the Mouth of Trump,

Since you have been here less than a month, you have no idea what I know. Not only do I not always go after you, I have no idea who you are, #81posts.
As for using scripture, I am in good company. It's what Jesus clubbed Lucifer with.

I don't want to stifle you, and do not have to agree with you.
There is a whole Biblical theme on judgment. Who has the right, who does not, the standard of measurement, consequences attached..
Scripture means exactly what it says, and can be understood by whomever reads it. It does not get much more plain or direct than, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". A five year old could tell you what that means. Before you judge Jeremiah, tending to your own eye just might be good advice to consider since you have no idea who she is either...
The idea isn't to stifle one another it is to lift each other up. That's kind of hard where you're yelling at everybody. Stop that. :slap:
Of course everyone who knows the bible knows you are wrong , The statement is talking about hypocrisy, Jesus is saying that If we cannot hold to the standard we use, we have no business applying that standard to others. It means that I can judge you on the specific issues that I'm talking about because I don't do the things that I'm charging you and your type of people with. also Jesus wants us to help these people that we're judging. . It is explained and clearly defined later in (7:3, 5) “Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? … You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Yes your right about being able to understand the bible but in doing so you can't exclude whats written before and after the specific statement . especially as in this case it is defining the statement.
To repeat myself" His comment on judgment is in no way a solution for you to stifle what I say and it doesn't take away me telling You that you are wrong" You should have let it sit, knowing that you don't know what your talking about. Instead of having always to be right and taken your interpretation to the extreme and being mindless.
The infiltration of jesuits has been behind the demise of this country...knights of Malta, knights of Columbus i.e freemasonry infiltrated by the jesuits and what I have found through my thousands of hours of research is that all roads do indeed lead to Rome.
The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....
What the hell does a statue of moses have to do with what is written in a treaty. To make this clear this is a treaty that was supported by 100% of the congress which was partially made up of writers and signers of both the declaration of independents and the constitution. This is the 11 article of that treaty----------Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." This was both reaching out to Muslims and telling the simple fact that As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; . Buddy it's simple, you have no clue and this proves it.
Nonsense, you don't contribute nothing, You bore me also your [sic] done.

You, on the other hand, do contribute nothing. Nothing is exactly what you contribute.

And you're illiterate, as well.
Last edited:
Nonsense, you don't contribute nothing, You bore me also your [sic] done.

You.on the other hand, do contribute nothing. Nothing is exactly what you contribute.

And you're illiterate, as well.
Thats it, I'm dump and all that I have written hasn't contributed anything. You, The Irish Ram, Jeramie and Dale smith are good example of fake Christians and simply part of the hate group that has increased in numbers to a Point that they actually were able with their numbers to select Trump, the ultimate hater, as the head of their party, their presidential candidate and somehow Evangelical churches and haters see him as a good Christian.
You simply don't have a clue of what real Christians think of you, your toxic and this country has to be protected from you and all people like you,
Nonsense, you don't contribute nothing, You bore me also your [sic] done.

You.on the other hand, do contribute nothing. Nothing is exactly what you contribute.

And you're illiterate, as well.
Thats it, I'm dump and all that I have written hasn't contributed anything. You, The Irish Ram, Jeramie and Dale smith are good example of fake Christians and simply part of the hate group that has increased in numbers to a Point that they actually were able with their numbers to select Trump, the ultimate hater, as the head of their party, their presidential candidate and somehow Evangelical churches and haters see him as a good Christian.
You simply don't have a clue of what real Christians think of you, your toxic and this country has to be protected from you and all people like you,

You are beyond clueless and you don't have even the faintest idea as to what is going on. You act like Americans should allow themselves to be walked all over and have the fruits of their labor confiscated from them in order to serve the "collective" that is communism and as long as I have the fight in me, I will always stand up against it. Leftardism is about protecting the right to abort a child, it's about protecting the queers, trans-gendered and pedophiles and there is nothing in the good book that says that must be tolerated. It's not me that has an issue with morals, it's uneducated, knee-jerking morons like you that don't have a clue.
You simply don't have a clue of what real Christians think of you, your toxic and this country has to be protected from you and all people like you,

I'm pretty sure that there are very few, if any, real Christians who would consider you their spokesman.
Since you have been here less than a month, you have no idea what I know. Not only do I not always go after you, I have no idea who you are, #81posts.
As for using scripture, I am in good company. It's what Jesus clubbed Lucifer with.

I don't want to stifle you, and do not have to agree with you.
There is a whole Biblical theme on judgment. Who has the right, who does not, the standard of measurement, consequences attached..
Scripture means exactly what it says, and can be understood by whomever reads it. It does not get much more plain or direct than, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". A five year old could tell you what that means. Before you judge Jeremiah, tending to your own eye just might be good advice to consider since you have no idea who she is either...
The idea isn't to stifle one another it is to lift each other up. That's kind of hard where you're yelling at everybody. Stop that. :slap:
Of course everyone who knows the bible knows you are wrong , The statement is talking about hypocrisy, Jesus is saying that If we cannot hold to the standard we use, we have no business applying that standard to others. It means that I can judge you on the specific issues that I'm talking about because I don't do the things that I'm charging you and your type of people with. also Jesus wants us to help these people that we're judging. . It is explained and clearly defined later in (7:3, 5) “Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? … You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Yes your right about being able to understand the bible but in doing so you can't exclude whats written before and after the specific statement . especially as in this case it is defining the statement.
To repeat myself" His comment on judgment is in no way a solution for you to stifle what I say and it doesn't take away me telling You that you are wrong" You should have let it sit, knowing that you don't know what your talking about. Instead of having always to be right and taken your interpretation to the extreme and being mindless.

There is no need to interpret those 6 words.
Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Judgement: an act or instance of judging
^ They are not the same thing.

You can be a hypocrite for many things:
The Pharisees were hypocrites for tithing with no regard for love.
for making one a follower, then corrupting him.
for devouring the homes of widows.
for judging others.

The verse I quoted does two things. First it defines the extent those who judge others will themselves be judged. Secondly, it describes the type of person who practices judging others.
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The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....
What the hell does a statue of moses have to do with what is written in a treaty. To make this clear this is a treaty that was supported by 100% of the congress which was partially made up of writers and signers of both the declaration of independents and the constitution. This is the 11 article of that treaty----------Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." This was both reaching out to Muslims and telling the simple fact that As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; . Buddy it's simple, you have no clue and this proves it.

It is in response to this incorrect statement you made:
Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion...
Nonsense, you don't contribute nothing, You bore me also your [sic] done.

You.on the other hand, do contribute nothing. Nothing is exactly what you contribute.

And you're illiterate, as well.
Thats it, I'm dump and all that I have written hasn't contributed anything. You, The Irish Ram, Jeramie and Dale smith are good example of fake Christians and simply part of the hate group that has increased in numbers to a Point that they actually were able with their numbers to select Trump, the ultimate hater, as the head of their party, their presidential candidate and somehow Evangelical churches and haters see him as a good Christian.
You simply don't have a clue of what real Christians think of you, your toxic and this country has to be protected from you and all people like you,

There you go with the judgement robe of Christ again. Where in the Bible does it tell you to attack other Christians?
Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another
The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....


Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....

of his ...

you got that right.

there is no excuse for either you or Jeremiah - with or without Trump.


Says the person that has made up their own religion..
From the far reaches of fantasy land. Again this is a conservative. Their own party is leaving because of him. but to this clown he's the man.

You're in for a very rude awakening. Pride goeth before a fall.
You belong to a ugly group of haters that have a screwball Idea what Jesus wants from you. I serve him every day
and the rude awakening is your future not mine. The only difference is I know the difference between right and wrong and buddy you don't.
There are many false Christs. Jesus warned us 5 times in Matthew 24 about them. You're obviously following one of them but it isn't the Jesus Christ of the KJV Holy Bible.
Tell me who is inherently evil , A person who supports Trump with the hate that comes out of his mouth or one that supports hate who you and all other regressives have lied non stop just like you do with every politician who is a Democrat. Those lies are derived from the hate that is the controlling factor in the party you support. Without lies and distortions the regressive party couldn't/wouldn't exist. The hate Church supports the hate party. Thats the point of this Thread. You belonging to either defines who you are and I feel sorry for you but there is no way that I'll support your fake church or you hate party.

What "hate" are you alleging? The fact that we should secure the border and properly screen those from third world countries so America doesn't end up like Europe?
That's not hate, that's fucking COMMON sense...something pseudo liberal tards like you have no clue about. I know ALL about your are nothing but closet commies always have been and always will be.
Since you have been here less than a month, you have no idea what I know. Not only do I not always go after you, I have no idea who you are, #81posts.
As for using scripture, I am in good company. It's what Jesus clubbed Lucifer with.

I don't want to stifle you, and do not have to agree with you.
There is a whole Biblical theme on judgment. Who has the right, who does not, the standard of measurement, consequences attached..
Scripture means exactly what it says, and can be understood by whomever reads it. It does not get much more plain or direct than, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". A five year old could tell you what that means. Before you judge Jeremiah, tending to your own eye just might be good advice to consider since you have no idea who she is either...
The idea isn't to stifle one another it is to lift each other up. That's kind of hard where you're yelling at everybody. Stop that. :slap:
Of course everyone who knows the bible knows you are wrong , The statement is talking about hypocrisy, Jesus is saying that If we cannot hold to the standard we use, we have no business applying that standard to others. It means that I can judge you on the specific issues that I'm talking about because I don't do the things that I'm charging you and your type of people with. also Jesus wants us to help these people that we're judging. . It is explained and clearly defined later in (7:3, 5) “Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? … You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Yes your right about being able to understand the bible but in doing so you can't exclude whats written before and after the specific statement . especially as in this case it is defining the statement.
To repeat myself" His comment on judgment is in no way a solution for you to stifle what I say and it doesn't take away me telling You that you are wrong" You should have let it sit, knowing that you don't know what your talking about. Instead of having always to be right and taken your interpretation to the extreme and being mindless.

There is no need to interpret those 6 words.
Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Judgement: an act or instance of judging
^ They are not the same thing.

You can be a hypocrite for many things:
The Pharisees were hypocrites for tithing with no regard for love.
for making one a follower, then corrupting him.
for devouring the homes of widows.
for judging others.

The verse I quoted does two things. First it defines the extent those who judge others will themselves be judged. Secondly, it describes the type of person who practices judging others.
To repeat myself, read this its you and it shows how fake Christian turn what the bible says into a club for people who know that your a polyanna Christian. In this case, for you, it means what you want it to mean. The Bible to you and people like you, is a rule book for everyone else and somehow you make it so everyone else's sins are that much more evil and worse then your own.------This is what it means and it has very little to do with the way you want it to mean, you need your pompous self righteous club to use on others.

Of course everyone who knows the bible knows you are wrong , The statement is talking about hypocrisy, Jesus is saying that If we cannot hold to the standard we use, we have no business applying that standard to others. It means that I can judge you on the specific issues that I'm talking about because I don't do the things that I'm charging you and your type of people with. also Jesus wants us to help these people that we're judging. . It is explained and clearly defined later in (7:3, 5) “Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? … You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Yes your right about being able to understand the bible but in doing so you can't exclude whats written before and after the specific statement . especially as in this case it is defining the statement.
To repeat myself" His comment on judgment is in no way a solution for you to stifle what I say and it doesn't take away me telling You that you are wrong" You should have let it sit, knowing that you don't know what your talking about. Instead of having always to be right and taken your interpretation to the extreme and being mindless. YOUR WRONG AND IT"S IMPORTANT FOR OTHERS TO KNOW THAT< BECAUSE THATS WHO YOU REALLY ARE>A TYPE OF CHRISTIAN WHO THINKS THE BIBLE IS A CLUB>
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....
What the hell does a statue of moses have to do with what is written in a treaty. To make this clear this is a treaty that was supported by 100% of the congress which was partially made up of writers and signers of both the declaration of independents and the constitution. This is the 11 article of that treaty----------Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." This was both reaching out to Muslims and telling the simple fact that As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; . Buddy it's simple, you have no clue and this proves it.

It is in response to this incorrect statement you made:
Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion...
Everyone here has the chance to find out who is right, me or you, since I got the direct quotations from the people who signed and wrote the constitution and Declaration of independents That makes you wrong. This clown is denying what they wrote with their own hands. Here is what he is denying-----
Of course everyone who knows the bible knows you are wrong , The statement is talking about hypocrisy, Jesus is saying that If we cannot hold to the standard we use, we have no business applying that standard to others. It means that I can judge you on the specific issues that I'm talking about because I don't do the things that I'm charging you and your type of people with. also Jesus wants us to help these people that we're judging. . It is explained and clearly defined later in (7:3, 5) “Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? … You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Yes your right about being able to understand the bible but in doing so you can't exclude whats written before and after the specific statement . especially as in this case it is defining the statement.
To repeat myself" His comment on judgment is in no way a solution for you to stifle what I say and it doesn't take away me telling You that you are wrong" You should have let it sit, knowing that you don't know what your talking about. Instead of having always to be right and taken your interpretation to the extreme and being mindless.
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....
What the hell does a statue of moses have to do with what is written in a treaty. To make this clear this is a treaty that was supported by 100% of the congress which was partially made up of writers and signers of both the declaration of independents and the constitution. This is the 11 article of that treaty----------Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." This was both reaching out to Muslims and telling the simple fact that As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; . Buddy it's simple, you have no clue and this proves it.

It is in response to this incorrect statement you made:
Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion...
Your a fraud, I gave you the truth, anyone here can look it up. One more time for the people who insists on their ignorance being fact.---------------------------You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. This is a no brainer . Simply look up the 11 th Amendment to the Treaty of Tripoli
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Do you read what you write before posting? This isn't your country. This country was given to followers of Jesus Christ who came here by the divine Providence of God. Our country was dedicated to God by our first President George Washington. When the judgment of God falls on this country people like you will be gone and people who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and tried to warn people like you will be be staying. You're on your way out whether you realize it or not. You're only hope of surviving what is coming is to repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ.

No homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven. No liar will enter the kingdom of heaven. No adulterer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No fornication will enter the kingdom of heaven. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven. No sorcerer will enter the kingdom of heaven. No thief will enter the kingdom of heaven. No drunkard will enter the kingdom of heaven. No witch, wizard, warlock or satanist will enter the kingdom of heaven. No one who is not born again will enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you were to die tonight where would you go, jbander? If you are committing the sins I've listed (and there are more sins then I've listed - search the scriptures) and have not repented and called on the Lord to save you? You will be in hell. You will be in hell for all eternity with no way out. Do you have any idea how horrific hell is? And yet? If you go to sleep tonight without repenting and calling on Jesus to forgive you - and do not wake up - you'll be in hell. FOREVER.

Think about it.
You need a history lesson , I'm just the person to give it to you, our first treaty was the Treaty of Tripoli it was written voted on and signed into law in 1797. The congress that voted for it had writers and signers of the constitution and declaration of independents. It was passed by 100% of congress to a stranding ovation and And Adams said we are now a country, so the fact are that our forefathers reached out to Muslims and made it more then clear what our forfathers thought of bullshit like yours. This is article 11 from the treaty that had 100% support by our forefathers, ----Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....


Then you had better tell the Supreme Court to get the sculpture of Moses and those tablets of his, off of the front of the Supreme Court Building....

of his ...

you got that right.

there is no excuse for either you or Jeremiah - with or without Trump.


Says the person that has made up their own religion..
Says the person that has made up their own religion..

such as destroying etchings (supposedly) from the Almighty to supplement their own set of rules ... Moses was a murderer that only biblicists would enshrine on a court of law.

purposely the bibles written scriptures have no physical verification's to insure their veracity as the merit of the spoken religion exists by its own accord over time.

Incorrect. Scripture has been verified over an over and over, to the extent that archeologists use it as a blueprint. The book of Kings is spot on, the House of David has been confirmed, as well. You have no idea what you are talking about.
It is the religion of Breezewood that has no verification.
Wacko make believe Archeologist's try to prove the facts in the bible , people with minds know that it is a Religious book as in a Religion as a belief. Thats the truth but you hot dogs have to make it a encyclopedia of facts, which of course is ridiculous And does nothing for Christianity. Here is your history of the flood and where it came from , This is a Sumerian writing from about 3000 bc.-----------"

Enki contacts the pious priest-king of Nippur, Ziusudra ("He saw life"), who already has had a vision of the gods meeting and swearing an oath. Enki speaks to the flood-hero Ziusudra through a wall, perhaps to avoid breaking an oath not to tell the people what the gods planned. He tells Ziusudra that the gods have commanded that "a flood will sweep over the cult centers; / To destroy the seed of mankind" (Kramer, History Begins 153). No doubt the text continues with Enki's advice on how to build a boat and fill it with living creatures, but here another gap ensues. After the gap comes a description of the flood itself:

All the windstorms, exceedingly powerful, attacked as one,

At the same time, the flood sweeps over the cult centers. (History Begins 153)

After seven days and nights, the sun god Utu comes out and shines his light on the heaven and earth. Ziusudra either drills a hole in the boat or opens a window to let the sun's rays in. Then he kisses the ground before Utu (prostrating himself) and sacrifices sheep and oxen in thanksgiving for his deliverance. After another gap in the text, we find Enki (?) noting that the gods have sworn "by the life's breath of heaven / the life's breath of earth" that Ziusudra is "allied with all of you" (Harps 149). Ziusudra kisses the ground again, this time before An and Enlil, who reward him with "life like a god's . . . lasting breath of life, like a god's" (Harps 150). Then the gods transport Ziusudra, now called preserver of "the seed of mankind," to the land of Dilmun, in the east.

This is your history for you. Bogus and serves no purpose in advancing the words of Jesus. You people are destructive , this country needs to be protected from you demagogues. They offer this country and it's Christians nothing but hate , lies, distortions and make believe.
Incorrect. Scripture has been verified over an over and over, to the extent that archeologists use it as a blueprint. The book of Kings is spot on, the House of David has been confirmed, as well. You have no idea what you are talking about.
It is the religion of Breezewood that has no verification.
It is the religion of Breezewood that has no verification.

without the spoken religion the bible's scriptural renderings would have long since perished, its historical accounts preserved for posterity not withstanding.

Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

that is the spoken religion Ram, leaving out (your scriptural inclusion of) Heaven, that will be true of Garden Earth - and never pass away, is the Everlasting.

you are the one reading it Ram.


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