The Satanic NIV vs KJV Authorized Bible - Gail Riplinger

The King James Version is the only version that has not removed Scriptures, changed words, replaced words, added words, removed entire verses. The King James Version bible is the only bible that has remained unaltered by New Age agenda people seeking to usher in the anti-Christ. The KJV 1611 is the authorized Word of God. If it ain't broke? Don't fix it.
That is simply not true, Jeremiah, as you have been shown over and over.
Quote:This is where HaSHev got the idea that the
morning star refers to Lucifer

No I did not once again you need to lie and show your ignorance on the subject of Symbolism and usage of words. You and anyone else can go back and read what I've said about this subject and how you were not able to refute the facts.
Once again you lie habitually, and you place yourself above collegiate dictionaries, encyclopedias, theology professors, Torah, Rabbis, priests, Ezekiel, and many more which contradict your excuses.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74

They claim him the light of the world.
His Hanotzrim cult believed their god to be that mystical light between the sun and the earth hence all the physical light references in the NT And By the followers of John who survived as Mandeans.
The religion says their lord came to Paul and Constantine
as a Phosphorus/Luciferous light saying it's name was Jesus.
They say At the end of the joke in Rev 22:16 that Jesus is admiting being the bright morning star which was the symbol of Lucifer and his fall & Nemesis of the Evening Star (Michael) and the God of Israel named in the holy city of YeruShalem.
Morning Star was the son of Baal, the mythology used to create the Jesus character, the b-day and sun cross and harvest seed scam by the priests & todays pastors all Baal related. So in secreting the number of his name father and son as one in the same myth we find:
Baal Jesus=666 in Ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
Furthermore ni one else can be claimed the fallen son of perdition because Jesus came before them and fell as well as fulfilling the fallen one in Ezekiel 28 who'd fall by the hands of Rome (sea) for claiming to be a god.
Lucifer is called the image of a man claimed the anointed
(christ) cherub (guardian in Hebrew is Nazarei) thus called a Nazarene (guardian of the nt). Only prophet ever called anointed cherub and perfect - Ezekiel 28:14-15
was this image of a man called Jesus, thus only he can be deemed son of perdition aka lucifer aka morning star (fallen arc of venus symbolising his fall).
If it claims to be a god, breaks all 10 commands leads people to an idol away from God and does so through killing over 50 million and thousands of wars then don't blame the tanakh for it warned you about the imposter and made it clear who the shiloh was.

another post:
Fact: Morning Star was the nemesis of the God of Israel and his arch malkh Michael named in the holy city YeruShalem
(Shalem =Evening Star). *see my sunday sermon series in this forum for Torah backing to this.

Fact: the 2 arch angels were represented symbolism in the archvof the planet venus.
The fallen arch of Venus called the morning star perfectly represented Lucifer's fall. While the rising arch represented Michael as the Evening Star who rises
-Dan 12:1-4 and rem9ves/over turnscthe Faloen morning star which is in the legend of how the city of Shalem becomes the city of Shalom (peace).

Another reason only an idiot calls himself the morning star is because it's the son of Baal (look up the dying god mythology of athtar the fierce -canaanite mythology)
Also the son of Ishtar (easter) which is one in the same godess Isis who was the wife of Baal.
Now you know the number of his name as father and son are one in the same mythology & story just the son masking Baal. " Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.

So next time you use contribed canned responses consider the source- is it an excuse from the 1/3 deceived? If so you are arguing for the opposing team.
Enough said!

Oh no you don't. The name morning star does not refer to the son of Baal and you had better watch that video and learn the truth, HaShev! You are seriously confused about this.

Go to the half way mark of this video and start listening.

Did you watch it yet, HaShev?
No sorry, I told you I don't watch vids (I'm on a phone)
I don't click links either in these forums. Everything has to be briefly described in order to respond or add to the discussion.
If you are discussing Isaiah 14 you are wasting your time as I already described Isaiah 14 is in 3 layers and was the only person in this world who noticed it therefore how are you gonna show me what I showed your pastors?
1) the literal, historical description of King Nebbuchadnezzar-
sages understand emulations and history repeats thus write that history to warn future watchers to have
an eye out.
2) in watching for repeat emulators Saddam fit the exact description even admitting he was emulating the Babylonian king. What was his capture date?
12/14 remember That part of the world writes dates day first 14 month second 12. Isaiah 14:12-17 Saddam the emulated Babylonian king is found deshevelled in his pit and thecworkd looked upon his image and asked is this the man that brought mankind to tremble (bombs did tremble the earth did shake fear did rise) .....being the star (top dog) son of the Sunni's= son of the dawn seems very fitting.
3) there's always the underlining spiritual emulation as even admited by Christianity therefore using Christian own standards Jesus who matched those verses exactly fulfills the fallen morning star.
You can't SELECTIVELY use emulations then deny them when you can't answer to why Jesus fulfills every single description of Lucifer.

Example match: falling to the pit in Isaiah 14:12-14= Jesus fell to the pit acts 2:27 , 1 peter 3:19, Ap9stles creed.
Dishevelled, nt say upon his desth the earth did quake,
pierced with a sword, calked the morning star-rev 22:16

Isaiah is a 3 fold revelation even your pastors teach it about Lucifer. To say they are wrong is to admit they are fully wrong about all the 50 thousand lies and errors and that your faith is based on idiots.
Isaiah 14:12-14 is about Lucifer. Not Jesus Christ. As I told you the Isaiah Scrolls have proven that God never used the word star in reference to Lucifer and therein you have confused Jesus Christ with Lucifer without any biblical scripture to base it on.

I told you already that the Latin Vulgate (Roman Catholic Bible) is the one that identifies Jesus Christ as the "morning Star" and in Latin they have translated their identify of Jesus to be "Lucifer rising". Why did they do that? Because they believe Lucifer is God. Not Jesus Christ. (although they won't admit this - look at the Latin mass said in Latin and the adoration they give Lucifer - it is on record! ) As for the information about the confusion they have created causing some to believe (through these new translations they have been behind - the new ager bibles, NIV, NKJ, etc) that Lucifer is the Morning Star they have an agenda for doing that! To deceive the people! Look at the video I posted for you - it is in the OP. The information is right there in the video - yet you still have not watched it evidently, HaShev.

Now Lucifer is not once called the Morning Star in the King James Version Bible! He is called in Isaiah 14:12 O Lucifer, son of the morning! Look at this:

It is written:

Thy pomp is brought thee down to the grave and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which dist weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will be also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most High.
Isaiah 14:11-14

Note what brought Lucifer down. His pride. Thy pomp has brought thee down. To where? The grave (hell) the worm is spread under thee and cover thee (depiction of hell) How thou art fallen from heaven - yes he was cast out of heaven because he wanted to replace God - he desired the worship he saw the LORD receiving - he was the leader of worship, HaShev, note the first verse - thy pomp (pride) is brought thee down to the grave and the noise of thy viols - what viols? Those are instruments used for worship and God called it "noise". Viols - stringed instruments. THINK. Jesus didn't play a stringed instrument, Jesus wasn't cast out of heaven for his pride, Jesus didn't lead a rebellion against His heavenly Father, THINK. This is speaking of Lucifer. Not Jesus Christ!

Note that it says O Lucifer, son of the morning! Not "Morning Star".

it is written:

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
Revelation 22:17

Jesus Christ is the bright and morning star. Jesus Christ is the root and offspring of David. He is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and the Omega. Jesus Christ is God.

Notice that Jesus says, I Jesus have sent mine angels. He does not say God's angels. He says, Mine angels. Why? They are his angels. He is God. Jesus came in the flesh to redeem us, HaShev. He is the picture of the sacrifice which God provided for our sins even as God provided a sacrifice for Abraham that he didn't have to sacrifice his own son. Why? Because in the end? God sacrificed His Own Son. His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Jesus Christ. The Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. The perfect sinless sacrifice. Jesus Christ is LORD.
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once again Jeremiah you place yourself higher then collegiate dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibles, known symbolism, predated Canaanite mythology, higher then Oxford professors, higher then priests, Rabbis, Theologians, God, and the remover/overturner= he who knows who lucifer is.
You have claimed yourself higher then God, so congratulations you have officially become "like unto Jesus"=someone lifted higher then God in opposition.
"Note that it says O Lucifer, son of the morning! Not
"Morning Star"."

once again Lucifer is deemed the morning star has nothing to do with Isaiah 14.
And they mean the same thing.
Morning Star is the term for the fallen arc of venus thus used as a symbolic name for Lucifer representing the fallen "archangel" (which is what bright star means)-look it up.
Since you know this you are willingly lying and giving fakse info=sinning for Jesus, He makes you sin=you prove he's satan.

Once again proof you place yourself higher then Websters dictionaries:
[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

Lastly the Morning star is the Nemesis of God and his messenger (the Evening Star) nam3d in the Holy city of YeruShalem. Morning Star being opposition to God Has nothing to do with Isaiah therefore your excuse and argument show just hiw far you'd go to protect Lucifer and the great deception.

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