The SCOTUS Rules For Travel Ban

Soooo....where do we go from here?
Precedent has been set...haha

I s'pose we descend deeper and deeper into fascism.
We slammed the door on Germans trying to flee Hitler, condemning them to the most horrible atrocities, because we were afraid for our safety. Now we stir up trouble in the Middle East and then refuse to do anything about the disruptions it caused to millions of innocent civilians because we're so scar't of our precious asses. It's disgusting but it's who we are. As long as those of us with some conscience don't forget what we SHOULD be. It's the best we can do.
The Trump hating Democrat supporting Hawaiian Judge just got spanked by the Supremes. He was told to go back and get it right this time.
Democratic Senators Chris Coons and Dick Durbin are enraged that the USSC ruled that President Trump has the constitutional right to protect Americans of all races and religions from dangerous people who are traveling from terrorist hotbed countries.

This is another huge lose for Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Democrats.
Soooo....where do we go from here?
Precedent has been set...haha

I s'pose we descend deeper and deeper into fascism.
We slammed the door on Germans trying to flee Hitler, condemning them to the most horrible atrocities, because we were afraid for our safety. Now we stir up trouble in the Middle East and then refuse to do anything about the disruptions it caused to millions of innocent civilians because we're so scar't of our precious asses. It's disgusting but it's who we are. As long as those of us with some conscience don't forget what we SHOULD be. It's the best we can do.

Nothing wrong with temporarily banning Immigration from known dangerous Terror-Haven nations. In fact, it's very wise and logical. Trump's doing the right thing for American Citizens. So, shame on Open Borders Globalists. Another awful example of them putting foreign interests before Citizen interests.
A common misconception made largely by established multi generational 'blue bloods' in the US is that recent immigrants (who came here meritoriously & legally) somehow want illegals to flood into the Nation that they worked so hard, dreamed so long & aspired to so greatly - ... to become a part of... lol! NO, the fact of the matter is that most of these minority groups mentioned realize more poignantly than many how awesome America, the 'Shining City on a Hill', actually is! The last thing they want is for their new Nation and adopted culture to be overrun indiscriminately by the dregs of the 3rd world. U say... how unfair to call them that... well we don't know who the hell they are now do we so STFU.
A common misconception made largely by established multi generational 'blue bloods' in the US is that recent immigrants (who came here meritoriously & legally) somehow want illegals to flood into the Nation that they worked so hard, dreamed so long & aspired to so greatly - ... to become a part of... lol! NO, the fact of the matter is that most of these minority groups mentioned realize more poignantly than many how awesome America, the 'Shining City on a Hill', actually is! The last thing they want is for their new Nation and adopted culture to be overrun indiscriminately by the dregs of the 3rd world. U say... how unfair to call them that... well we don't know who the hell they are now do we so STFU.

Yes, most Americans overwhelmingly support legal orderly Immigration. It's Illegal Immigration they don't support. It has to be ended. Period, end of story.
Minutes after this SCOTUS news this thread (started in the AM) got buried here in 'legal' where there is little traffic... hmm... I n t e r e s t i n g ... Of course there is a very valid case to move it. Why now though... did it upset lets say an orange haired staff member perhaps... If this is not jointly POLITICAL ... duno what is... lol :eusa_wall:
Minutes after this SCOTUS news this thread (started in the AM) got buried here in 'legal' where there is little traffic... hmm... I n t e r e s t i n g ... Of course there is a very valid case to move it. Why now though... did it upset lets say an orange haired staff member perhaps... If this is not jointly POLITICAL ... duno what is... lol :eusa_wall:

Happens often. Depends on who the Mod is at the moment. Some are fair, but some are biased and unfair. Some are very quick to move threads they don't agree with, to obscure less-traveled forums.

It's their way of trying to silence an opinion they don't share. A bit of a power-trip game. But hey, it's a Message Board. Not all Mods are gonna be honest and fair. It's that way on all Message Boards.
As it should be.

Yep, I said from day one they would uphold this. I don't agree with the policy, but there is nothing unconstitutional about not allowing people to enter the country regardless of the reason. It's been done repeatedly in the past by numerous presidents.
Definitely the right call. We have to keep our country safe. That has to be our top priority, and this helps with that.

Yeah, so sad and shocking to see Democrats sue him over it. It just shows that Party no longer puts Citizens' interests first. It was only about attacking Donald Trump. They could care less about Citizens' safety.

The US Democratic Party has become a George Soros-owned NWO nightmare. I don't get why folks continue voting Democrat. It isn't in their best interest.

About damned time.

We sure don't need any more of the death cult in the US. We already have all those non vetted Syrian's that Obama forced States to take.

We sure don't need any more.

Good people continue to WIN with a real leader at the helm. Weird how that works huh?

I agree and I knew the SC would approve of what Trump is doing.

To bad other Judges aren't interested in what the Constitution allows.

SCOTUS did not approve of what Trump is doing, that is not their job. They merely agreed he had the authority to do it.

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------------------------------------------- and the MOST IMPORTANT thing about this ruling in my opinion is that --- it don't make a PINCH of ZHITS DIFFERENCE what the TRUMP thinks or has ever said about 'muslims' !!
"The Supreme Court upholding the Muslim Travel Ban is a direct consequence of Congressional Republicans unethically and illegally refusing to hold a confirmation hearing on Judge Merrick Garland. We need to vote them all out in November." - Crazy Bernie

Illegal, how so? There is nothing in the Constitution that says the Senate can't withhold consent on a nomination or they must schedule hearings.

"The Supreme Court upholding the Muslim Travel Ban is a direct consequence of Congressional Republicans unethically and illegally refusing to hold a confirmation hearing on Judge Merrick Garland. We need to vote them all out in November." - Crazy Bernie

Illegal, how so? There is nothing in the Constitution that says the Senate can't withhold consent on a nomination or they must schedule hearings.


So, then why should any Senate controlled by the opposition party ever consider any nominee for anything?

Is that what we are going to come to?
Now, if Trump is smart -- I'll withhold comment on that -- He'll impose a quota on all immigration to the US to replacement levels only.

We cannot afford to continue at over 1 million immigrants a year. It will destroy our infrastructure and bankrupt us even faster than the left is doing now.

The highest immigration should be set to be a replacement for population losses or 200k, whichever is less.
"The Supreme Court upholding the Muslim Travel Ban is a direct consequence of Congressional Republicans unethically and illegally refusing to hold a confirmation hearing on Judge Merrick Garland. We need to vote them all out in November." - Crazy Bernie

Illegal, how so? There is nothing in the Constitution that says the Senate can't withhold consent on a nomination or they must schedule hearings.


So, then why should any Senate controlled by the opposition party ever consider any nominee for anything?

Is that what we are going to come to?
Coming to? We have been there for at least 16 years or more.
"The Supreme Court upholding the Muslim Travel Ban is a direct consequence of Congressional Republicans unethically and illegally refusing to hold a confirmation hearing on Judge Merrick Garland. We need to vote them all out in November." - Crazy Bernie

Illegal, how so? There is nothing in the Constitution that says the Senate can't withhold consent on a nomination or they must schedule hearings.


So, then why should any Senate controlled by the opposition party ever consider any nominee for anything?

Is that what we are going to come to?
----------------- imo , yeah probably but in my opinion the whole thing is falling apart anyway so doesn't make much difference GGator .

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