The SCOTUS Rules For Travel Ban

And once agsin, our dear mods move this CURRENT NEWS to a board no one goes to.

I think it's time to find a new place where the mods don't hide subjects they do not like.
From the day he ordered it, wealknew he had the authority to do it.
This has been in the court system for well over a yeat now. The question remains how many terrorist were able to enter the US because of the Liiberals filing suit.

Oh come on now, stop with that logical big picture stuff; you know the LefTards hate that shit.
Conversely, I wonder how many new taxpayer dependent anchor babies have been dropped by the DACA “kids”? You gotta believe they’ve working overtime on their reproductive skills.
Thank God!!! One incremental step toward a safer Nation, hopefully setting some precedent for the furtherance of the sovereignty of our Nation... most pressingly now @ our borders...!

It's a common sense logical policy. Open Borders Democrat behavior has been shameful. The man's trying to protect Citizens. Immigration from dangerous unstable Terror-Haven nations, should be temporarily halted. Good on Trump and the Supreme Court. :thup:
And once agsin, our dear mods move this CURRENT NEWS to a board no one goes to.

I think it's time to find a new place where the mods don't hide subjects they do not like.

I disagree. I think it was a smart move aimed at helping the server. Looked at that way, most every thread here is current news! I think they are just trying to distribute the topics more. What's the point of having all these other folders if a thread on the SUPREME COURT doesn't make it into the Law and Justice System?
The only problem i had with Trump's action on this, is his list. It should include a couple more countries.
This is odd... One my best friends is Muslim. I just called house and he picked up. Apparently he's watching the World Cup. I thought Muslims were getting kicked out?

Libtards are so devastated they post off topic irrelevant bullshit. Learn to read asshat.

Also be sure to reserve your spot in the crying room, I hear they're in high demand.

And dont forget to get your talking points from Rachel madcow on BSNBC tonight so your response tomorrow will be less retarded.
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MAGA Baby!

Just think. These stupid Moon Bats voted for that Crooked Hillary asshole who ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. Thank god she didn't win.

Lie, she never did what you say she did.
She did want to bring in 65,000 Syrian refugees, and if memory serves me correctly Obama was bringing in thousands and few were Christians, most were Muslims

She's an Open Borders Globalist who's infatuated with Merkel in Germany. She would have opened the border floodgates. I mean Obama already did that, but she would have made it even worse. Thank God for Donald Trump.
And once agsin, our dear mods move this CURRENT NEWS to a board no one goes to.

I think it's time to find a new place where the mods don't hide subjects they do not like.

I disagree. I think it was a smart move aimed at helping the server. Looked at that way, most every thread here is current news! I think they are just trying to distribute the topics more. What's the point of having all these other folders if a thread on the SUPREME COURT doesn't make it into the Law and Justice System?

Not a smart move. You watch, this topic now will die since few here come to this board. This would have remained a very hot topic had it remained where it really belongs.
This is odd... One my best friends is Muslim. I just called house and he picked up. Apparently he's watching the World Cup. I thought Muslims were getting kicked out?

Libtards are so devastated they post off topic irrelevant bullshit. Learn to read asshat.

Also be sure to reserve your spot in the crying room, I hear their in high demand.

And dont forget to get your talking points from Rachel madcow on BSNBC tonight so your response tomorrow will be less retarded.

Right, a temporary ban on Immigration from dangerous unstable Terror-Haven nations, is a wise and logical policy. I've said that all along. We should be incredibly happy that Open Borders Democrats are throwing their temper tantrums over this. It means we're winning. :thup:
SCOTUS did not approve of what Trump is doing, that is not their job. They merely agreed he had the authority to do it.

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Actually 4 judges did disapprove of what Trump is doing. That, or those 4 judges don't understand the law.

“BUT , BUT, BUT...Hillary won the popular vote.”

Yes she did and so did Gore, so what does that tell you.

It's tells me the electoral college is doing exactly what it's supposed to do which is prevent mob rule.

Think about this next time some fool thinks we should do away with the electoral college . . . .

States with a smaller population than Los Angeles County


I think Trump wins the popular vote if that's how our elections were decided. The candidates of both parties would have campaigned in LA, Chicago and New York over 80% of the time. Trump's message would have been different and would have been geared towards a much lower IQ population. But with the electoral college Trump's strategy was to win middle America, and as we now know Hillary forgot about the rust belt states.
This is a reaffirmation that the POTUS can enact such a ban.

I can only imagine the blood boiling in every fucking Dimocrat right now !
Take a look at people around you today, see if you spot the ones with steam coming off their heads. :2up:
This is odd... One my best friends is Muslim. I just called house and he picked up. Apparently he's watching the World Cup. I thought Muslims were getting kicked out?

Libtards are so devastated they post off topic irrelevant bullshit. Learn to read asshat.

Also be sure to reserve your spot in the crying room, I hear they're in high demand.

And dont forget to get your talking points from Rachel madcow on BSNBC tonight so your response tomorrow will be less retarded.

I think this was meant for someone else?
And once agsin, our dear mods move this CURRENT NEWS to a board no one goes to.

I think it's time to find a new place where the mods don't hide subjects they do not like.

I disagree. I think it was a smart move aimed at helping the server. Looked at that way, most every thread here is current news! I think they are just trying to distribute the topics more. What's the point of having all these other folders if a thread on the SUPREME COURT doesn't make it into the Law and Justice System?

Not a smart move. You watch, this topic now will die since few here come to this board. This would have remained a very hot topic had it remained where it really belongs.

SCOTUS ruling in favor of Trump is about the hottest topic out there. Hot topics are active, Most active threads are posted where people find them no matter where they are. The important thing anyway is that Trump was finally proven RIGHT and the Left and the DNC and all their crooked 5th circuit judges just ATE CROW. Fuck the Left. SCOTUS just greased the slides for Trump to hammer the southern border now! The People shall be heard!
One more prime example of why it's vital Trump get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed to the Supreme Court. The courts are running the show now. If Trump can get 1 or 2 more Justices, it could end up 7-2 in favor of Pro-America/Constitution Judges. The Open Borders Globalists would be finished for a very long time.
MAGA Baby!

Just think. These stupid Moon Bats voted for that Crooked Hillary asshole who ran on a platform to bring in a million Muslim refugees. Thank god she didn't win.

Lie, she never did what you say she did.
She did want to bring in 65,000 Syrian refugees, and if memory serves me correctly Obama was bringing in thousands and few were Christians, most were Muslims

She's an Open Borders Globalist who's infatuated with Merkel in Germany. She would have opened the border floodgates. I mean Obama already did that, but she would have made it even worse. Thank God for Donald Trump.

I wonder what kind of mental disorder somebody has to have to justify in their demented minds why it is good to flood their country with Third Worlders? That has to be some sicko person.
Now Trump needs to add a couple more countries to the list. I'm not completely satisfied with his list. There's a few other very dangerous unstable nations that should be on it.

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