The Secretary of State, Exxon, Russia and Trump ($500Bn Oil Deal)


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
Well no one said they didn't have ambition.

BREAKING: Trump Picks Oil Tycoon With $500 Billion Tie To Russia As Secretary Of State

A $500bn dollar deal...

A Secretary of state who has never worked outside Exxon in his adult life with over 100 millions of dollars of shares in Exxon.

Russia have attacked the DOD and one candidate to push another candidate... Trump just happens to put Exxon and Russia in the room again to open one of the biggest deals ever. A guy with no public service experience...

The con is in...
Well no one said they didn't have ambition.

BREAKING: Trump Picks Oil Tycoon With $500 Billion Tie To Russia As Secretary Of State

A $500bn dollar deal...

A Secretary of state who has never worked outside Exxon in his adult life with over 100 millions of dollars of shares in Exxon.

Russia have attacked the DOD and one candidate to push another candidate... Trump just happens to put Exxon and Russia in the room again to open one of the biggest deals ever. A guy with no public service experience...

The con is in...
What does the DoD have to do with the elections? You left that part out and it's a bit of a gap. Oil is big business, the world runs on it and Exxon is the biggest player. I'm damn glad Trump chose him over a professional public titty sucker the liberals love so much.
Seriously. Watch the Trumpbots deny, deny, deny.

This is actually very scarey, this has too many coincidences. Think about it, out everybody in America, picks the head of Exxon who happen to have a massive deal held up by sanctions...

They constructed America that is a Democrat brings this up the Right immediately dismiss and actually praise it because it pisses of Liberals.

Some have got so entrenched now that they will side with a war criminal and world's biggest embezzler over fellow countrymen. And then claim they are patriots...

I don't think they get this, Putin is robbing the Russian people blind... Himself (worth est $200bn) and friends have screwed the russian people over with what is going to look like US help.

The Russian people will eventually find out and they will deal with Putin or one of his descendants... Where does that put the US...

Foreign Policy can be straightforward, side with the people as eventually they will be in charge. Stay away from Corrupt leaders as when they get thrown over you just gain an enemy (Iran, Cuba...) or if they don't a terrorist organisation grows and they blame the US (Al Queda - Saudi Arabica)...
Well no one said they didn't have ambition.

BREAKING: Trump Picks Oil Tycoon With $500 Billion Tie To Russia As Secretary Of State

A $500bn dollar deal...

A Secretary of state who has never worked outside Exxon in his adult life with over 100 millions of dollars of shares in Exxon.

Russia have attacked the DOD and one candidate to push another candidate... Trump just happens to put Exxon and Russia in the room again to open one of the biggest deals ever. A guy with no public service experience...

The con is in...
What does the DoD have to do with the elections? You left that part out and it's a bit of a gap. Oil is big business, the world runs on it and Exxon is the biggest player. I'm damn glad Trump chose him over a professional public titty sucker the liberals love so much.

Get your head in the game:
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Will you be saying that when they sell US interests for $500bn contract?
There is no proof, just more lies from the white house. As soon as O got in, they fleeced the taxpayers out of a trillion.
Seriously. Watch the Trumpbots deny, deny, deny.

This is actually very scarey, this has too many coincidences. Think about it, out everybody in America, picks the head of Exxon who happen to have a massive deal held up by sanctions...

They constructed America that is a Democrat brings this up the Right immediately dismiss and actually praise it because it pisses of Liberals.

Some have got so entrenched now that they will side with a war criminal and world's biggest embezzler over fellow countrymen. And then claim they are patriots...

I don't think they get this, Putin is robbing the Russian people blind... Himself (worth est $200bn) and friends have screwed the russian people over with what is going to look like US help.

The Russian people will eventually find out and they will deal with Putin or one of his descendants... Where does that put the US...

Foreign Policy can be straightforward, side with the people as eventually they will be in charge. Stay away from Corrupt leaders as when they get thrown over you just gain an enemy (Iran, Cuba...) or if they don't a terrorist organisation grows and they blame the US (Al Queda - Saudi Arabica)...

Sit in the back snowflake.
jknowgood is a typical Trumpbot. Thinking that people who were smart enough not to realize that Trump was a con artist and would screw them over, are simply butthurt.

How butthurt will you be when you realize that he conned you, and that he was really in Putin's pocket the whole time. When he makes decisions which further destroy American and hurt it's position in the world both economically and in terms of foreign policy?

He's in the process of appointing the richest cabinet in the history of the country, and none of these people is planning of putting their wealth in blind trusts. After railing against the elitists at Goldman Sachs, he's appointed them to run the Treasury.

Trump didn't become President to help YOU. He became President to help himself, and his rich, trust fund buddies. The butthurt hasn't begun, yet asshole. Bend over. This is going to hurt you way more than it'll hurt me. I live in Canada, with my government funded no co-pay medicine, our cradle to grave social programs, and an electorate smart enough to vote for their own best interests, not against them.

Learn to speak Russian and embrace the new Administration.
Well no one said they didn't have ambition.

BREAKING: Trump Picks Oil Tycoon With $500 Billion Tie To Russia As Secretary Of State

A $500bn dollar deal...

A Secretary of state who has never worked outside Exxon in his adult life with over 100 millions of dollars of shares in Exxon.

Russia have attacked the DOD and one candidate to push another candidate... Trump just happens to put Exxon and Russia in the room again to open one of the biggest deals ever. A guy with no public service experience...

The con is in...

Exxon has more worldwide offices and employees than the State Department, I think he's up to the job
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jknowgood is a typical Trumpbot. Thinking that people who were smart enough not to realize that Trump was a con artist and would screw them over, are simply butthurt.

How butthurt will you be when you realize that he conned you, and that he was really in Putin's pocket the whole time. When he makes decisions which further destroy American and hurt it's position in the world both economically and in terms of foreign policy?

He's in the process of appointing the richest cabinet in the history of the country, and none of these people is planning of putting their wealth in blind trusts. After railing against the elitists at Goldman Sachs, he's appointed them to run the Treasury.

Trump didn't become President to help YOU. He became President to help himself, and his rich, trust fund buddies. The butthurt hasn't begun, yet asshole. Bend over. This is going to hurt you way more than it'll hurt me. I live in Canada, with my government funded no co-pay medicine, our cradle to grave social programs, and an electorate smart enough to vote for their own best interests, not against them.

Learn to speak Russian and embrace the new Administration.
Coming from a Hillary supporter, that is comic gold. Hillary accepted millions from governments while Secretary of state. Even gave Russia uranium rights, for the right price of course. With your blessings. Also Obama told Putin to wait till after the elections so he could give him what he wanted. Luckily for us, Putin told him to kiss his ass.
Well no one said they didn't have ambition.

BREAKING: Trump Picks Oil Tycoon With $500 Billion Tie To Russia As Secretary Of State

A $500bn dollar deal...

A Secretary of state who has never worked outside Exxon in his adult life with over 100 millions of dollars of shares in Exxon.

Russia have attacked the DOD and one candidate to push another candidate... Trump just happens to put Exxon and Russia in the room again to open one of the biggest deals ever. A guy with no public service experience...

The con is in...
What does the DoD have to do with the elections? You left that part out and it's a bit of a gap. Oil is big business, the world runs on it and Exxon is the biggest player. I'm damn glad Trump chose him over a professional public titty sucker the liberals love so much.
The question was what does that have to do with the elections. You are going further into the weeds.

Get your head in the game:
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Will you be saying that when they sell US interests for $500bn contract?
jknowgood is a typical Trumpbot. Thinking that people who were smart enough not to realize that Trump was a con artist and would screw them over, are simply butthurt.

How butthurt will you be when you realize that he conned you, and that he was really in Putin's pocket the whole time. When he makes decisions which further destroy American and hurt it's position in the world both economically and in terms of foreign policy?

He's in the process of appointing the richest cabinet in the history of the country, and none of these people is planning of putting their wealth in blind trusts. After railing against the elitists at Goldman Sachs, he's appointed them to run the Treasury.

Trump didn't become President to help YOU. He became President to help himself, and his rich, trust fund buddies. The butthurt hasn't begun, yet asshole. Bend over. This is going to hurt you way more than it'll hurt me. I live in Canada, with my government funded no co-pay medicine, our cradle to grave social programs, and an electorate smart enough to vote for their own best interests, not against them.

Learn to speak Russian and embrace the new Administration.
Coming from a Hillary supporter, that is comic gold. Hillary accepted millions from governments while Secretary of state. Even gave Russia uranium rights, for the right price of course. With your blessings. Also Obama told Putin to wait till after the elections so he could give him what he wanted. Luckily for us, Putin told him to kiss his ass.
jknowgood is a typical Trumpbot. Thinking that people who were smart enough not to realize that Trump was a con artist and would screw them over, are simply butthurt.

How butthurt will you be when you realize that he conned you, and that he was really in Putin's pocket the whole time. When he makes decisions which further destroy American and hurt it's position in the world both economically and in terms of foreign policy?

He's in the process of appointing the richest cabinet in the history of the country, and none of these people is planning of putting their wealth in blind trusts. After railing against the elitists at Goldman Sachs, he's appointed them to run the Treasury.

Trump didn't become President to help YOU. He became President to help himself, and his rich, trust fund buddies. The butthurt hasn't begun, yet asshole. Bend over. This is going to hurt you way more than it'll hurt me. I live in Canada, with my government funded no co-pay medicine, our cradle to grave social programs, and an electorate smart enough to vote for their own best interests, not against them.

Learn to speak Russian and embrace the new Administration.
Go read your Tarot cards somewhere else, you stupid cow. You constantly preach to us lessors from your advanced time slot. No one takes your shit seriously.
jknowgood is a typical Trumpbot. Thinking that people who were smart enough not to realize that Trump was a con artist and would screw them over, are simply butthurt.

How butthurt will you be when you realize that he conned you, and that he was really in Putin's pocket the whole time. When he makes decisions which further destroy American and hurt it's position in the world both economically and in terms of foreign policy?

He's in the process of appointing the richest cabinet in the history of the country, and none of these people is planning of putting their wealth in blind trusts. After railing against the elitists at Goldman Sachs, he's appointed them to run the Treasury.

Trump didn't become President to help YOU. He became President to help himself, and his rich, trust fund buddies. The butthurt hasn't begun, yet asshole. Bend over. This is going to hurt you way more than it'll hurt me. I live in Canada, with my government funded no co-pay medicine, our cradle to grave social programs, and an electorate smart enough to vote for their own best interests, not against them.

Learn to speak Russian and embrace the new Administration.

You're either, 1) a nosy Canadian, or 2) an Expat, and live in a Socialist utopia. Good for you. You can, however, have my share, you deserve it. Me, on the other hand, have a little more self respect than that, and want to succeed or fail on my own terms.

BTW, how's that socialized medicine working out for you? Many Canadians cross the border to get tests and/or surgical procedures that they can get here in a few hours, to a day or two, versus 12-18 months in Canada. It must be great popping Oxycontin for a year and a half waiting for a knee or hip replacement. That's living right there!

As far as a cradle to grave society goes, that sound more like the old U.S.S.R instead of a free county. A society like that gives government nearly limitless control over ones life.

That's what the left wants for us here, limitless control. It sounds great! Thanks, but no thanks.

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