The Senate could still censure Trump

Or they could just STFU and do something for the country for a change.

Yeah, McConnell could hold votes on the 275 House bills on his desk. Speaker Pelosi is doing her job.


The pile of more than 275 bipartisan bills that stymie on Senator Mitch McConnell's desk is photographed on December 18, 2019 in the U.S. Capitol.

Democratic Senators are tweeting photos of the giant pile of "dead" House-passed bills on Mitch McConnell's desk

McConnell pulling a Reid upset you guys badly...
Censure would be a sop to the GOP bedwetters that didn't have the balls to convict. or allow witnesses.

The question is will Donald Trump pike the heads of GOP lawmakers who vote for censure.

I suspect the censure vote will be a waste of time and there won't be any agreement on the form or the wording of the prospective censure.

Why did you need more witnesses when the House Democrats stated they had all the evidence they needed to prove their case?

Senate Republicans have made it clear that Trump did something wrong but Impeachment was not the correct course of action in their eyes during the 2020 election...
The issue of more witnesses was to demonstrate whether the senate had power over a rampant, unrepentant Trump.

Evidence from Trump associates like John Bolton would have been extremely compelling even for those GOP Senators fearing the threat of having their head on a pike. Furthermore, witnesses who were Trump associates could implicate others creating a stream of testimony and evidence.
Furthermore, witnesses who were Trump associates could implicate others creating a stream of testimony and evidence.

Yeah, they would have loved nothing more than to dig and dig until they got a few process crimes out of the whole thing, much like the Mueller probe. How many people were actually convicted of colluding with the Russians during the probe to investigate colluding with the Russians?

This strategy of starting a investigations in to virtually anything just to get people into trouble for other things is dangerous for our country and a huge waste of time and taxpayer money.
The reason the Trumplicans did not call witnesses is because they knew he was guilty and did not care. No other deeper thought is required,
The reason the Trumplicans did not call witnesses is because they knew he was guilty and did not care. No other deeper thought is required,
not the job of the jury to conduct more investigations for the prosecutor who claimed they had an airtight case for conviction. lol

Censure only requires 51 votes - not the 67 to remove from office. Censure would be better than nothing.

Censure in the United States - Wikipedia

Not happening...

It should have been the only course of action but after the failed attempt of removal the Senate will do nothing...

Censure would be a sop to the GOP bedwetters that didn't have the balls to convict. or allow witnesses.

The question is will Donald Trump pike the heads of GOP lawmakers who vote for censure.

I suspect the censure vote will be a waste of time and there won't be any agreement on the form or the wording of the prospective censure.

Why did you need more witnesses when the House Democrats stated they had all the evidence they needed to prove their case?

Senate Republicans have made it clear that Trump did something wrong but Impeachment was not the correct course of action in their eyes during the 2020 election...

This whole exercise over 3 years was many fold, but one of the main objectives was to force Trump out, BY HIS OWN HAND. Their theory is obvious on this front------------>why would a billionaire in his 70s allow himself and family to be put under this sort of pressure for this long!

I don't know how he withstood it, especially when even many GOPers weren't in his corner until the last 20 months or so. Basically, he and his administration were alone for almost 14 to 16 months, as Washington accused him of treason, and anything else they could from global warming, to the sinking of the Titanic. It wasn't until the GOP got a whiff of what the Obama Administration appeared to pull off with the spying, that they actually got in his corner. If you remember, until that happened and he nominated Kavanaugh and kept standing behind him, even Lindsey and many other GOPers kept Trump at arms length.

So, like him or hate him as a Republican, any person with any sense putting themselves in the President's position, know they would have cracked! The Democrats know this to, which pisses them off even more. By logical thinking, Trump should have just said-------->I am not running for re-election, and went and played golf.

And then I ask GOP people------------->lets re-write contemporary history a little for speculations sake. What if after the House had tried this impeachment Trump just said...……..this is ridiculous, I am removing my name from the ballot in November and retiring; my family deserves better than this.

Who would we nominate to have a chance against anyone, and after watching how the House operates, who would be willing to do it? And IF that person magically got elected, does anyone think they would have stood up to the Democrats, or would it go back to Washington, business as usual, which is EXACTLY what Washington wants!

No folks, you actually have almost a 50-50 split in the country at this moment, which means you have a 50-50 chance or BETTER to hold the Presidency. The only thing we ALL have to remember is---------->IF you are going to vote for Trump, you can NOT vote for ANY Democrat for the Federal government no matter how good they are, or this crap will continue on infinitum. We MUST retake the House and hold the Senate, not to mention by doing this, the country will send a message to the Socialists that their bull caused their removal.

In closing, let me say this---------> remember the GOP primaries of 2016? Think about all of those candidates on the stage. Now, besides Trump, name me one that would have survived under that pressure besides Trump, and STILL be tied or ahead of his rivals, or even agree to still have his/her hat in the ring for 2020, along with still have MASSIVE crowds that provide coat tails for the GOP!

Now you know why they hate Trump so much, and maybe politically, rightfully so! Lets all face it--------->they can't pigeonhole Trump, so now they attack you and how STUPID you are.

Are you going to believe them?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Or they could just STFU and do something for the country for a change.

Yeah, McConnell could hold votes on the 275 House bills on his desk. Speaker Pelosi is doing her job.


The pile of more than 275 bipartisan bills that stymie on Senator Mitch McConnell's desk is photographed on December 18, 2019 in the U.S. Capitol.

Democratic Senators are tweeting photos of the giant pile of "dead" House-passed bills on Mitch McConnell's desk

Yeah, McConnell could hold votes on the 275 House bills on his desk.

On no, McConnell is doing what Reid did.
The issue of more witnesses was to demonstrate whether the senate had power over a rampant, unrepentant Trump.

Evidence from Trump associates like John Bolton would have been extremely compelling even for those GOP Senators fearing the threat of having their head on a pike. Furthermore, witnesses who were Trump associates could implicate others creating a stream of testimony and evidence.
You just described a classic fishing expedition.

That's not the role of the Senate in an impeachment, Sport.
The reason the Trumplicans did not call witnesses is because they knew he was guilty and did not care. No other deeper thought is required,
YOUR House Clowns had 13 witnesses and submitted thousands of documents.

That lie won't fly. Get a new one.

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