The Shaman is lucky

Radical left's number one rule -- What is illegal for thee is not illegal for me.

It's called rank hypocrisy.

Let me remind you. When black panthers did much less in 1967 at the California Capitol. They legally entered the capitol, and marched to the legislative floor, where there mere presence caused an interuption.

Shortly after Seale finished, police arrested the group on felony charges of conspiracy to disrupt a legislative session.

What is that weirdo supposed to have done??

Every picture I saw of him just had him walking around with his horns on. No insurrection there.
They should have lined them up against the wall and "pop" goes the weasle(s).
He was just one of the "Hitmen." The DOJ needs to go after the planners and funders of January 6th. They are the ones that need to be put away for a long time. Otherwise, they will try it again.
41 months. Let the good times roll! Justice system at work. Hundreds more sentences to come. I bet they are pissing their pants and looking up on youtube on how to survive prison. This is fantastic!
Number one rule for males sentenced to prison....."Don't drop the soap."
Why do you lie like that?

The judge in the OP called him the 'image of the riot" and the "flag bearer" of the mob. He never mentioned qanon, Dumbass.
Why all the bad lies? The judge U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth specifically mentioned his being in QAnon.

And Lamberth credited the government’s argument that Chansley presents a flight risk because of his connections to the QAnon community.

I'm "getting my history" from the literal video recordings of the hearings.

Now tell us how those incidents are NOT "obstructing a civil proceeding", jackass.

WOW, they called for order over the span of a couple of minutes of interruption.

And you say that's the same as evacuating congress (both houses) for hours.
I’m a Trump supporter to some degree. As opposed to Shrillary, voting for him was an obvious alternative.

W not sure what YOU mean by another 1/6. Another protest at of near the Capitol? Maybe. More criminal incidents like breaking into the Capitol Building or assaulting police officers? I suppose it’s possible someday. But that has little to do or more likely nothing to do with Trump.

I never found QAnon persuasive.

but that’s not all you had posted. Instead, you bleated out your gibberish presuppositions about angry white males from the Midwest. You rely on stereotypes in lieu of facts or logic. This makes you just a joke.
I live in the Midwest, I know of what I speak. And all this boiling rage in America today has everything to do with Trump, as did the 1/6 insurrection.
WOW, they called for order over the span of a couple of minutes of interruption.

And you say that's the same as evacuating congress (both houses) for hours.

The CHARGE is "obstruction of an official proceeding". Please show me where there is a specific length of time required before the law is violated. If I kidnap you, and you escape 3 minutes later, did I suddenly not kidnap you?

Just admit it: You're fine with a 2 tiered justice system so long as it aligns with your politics.

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