The Shaman is lucky

What is that weirdo supposed to have done??

Every picture I saw of him just had him walking around with his horns on. No insurrection there.

I live in the Midwest, I know of what I speak. And all this boiling rage in America today has everything to do with Trump, as did the 1/6 insurrection.
In the empty heads of the radical left, sure, where there is plenty of room for boiling to happen! Y'all are stupid! You've proven it.
Then don't accuse the judge of not mentioning QAnon.

Now who's the dumbass, dumbass !!!!
feel free to cut and paste where he mentions qanon. Like I said before, we were discussing the link in the OP, Dumbass. Not my problem you can't keep up with a conversation.
The CHARGE is "obstruction of an official proceeding". Please show me where there is a specific length of time required before the law is violated. If I kidnap you, and you escape 3 minutes later, did I suddenly not kidnap you?

Just admit it: You're fine with a 2 tiered justice system so long as it aligns with your politics.

The length of time, and the severity of the obstruction is what gives judges guidelines into the length of the sentence.
feel free to cut and paste where he mentions qanon. Like I said before, we were discussing the link in the OP, Dumbass. Not my problem you can't keep up with a conversation.
Very little of what the judge said or wrote was in the "op" article. From that you declared that the judge never mentioned QAnon.

Yet you refuse to read the 35 page decisions where the judge clearly mentions QAnon.

As I said, who's the dumbass? Dumbass !!!!
feel free to cut and paste where he mentions qanon. Like I said before, we were discussing the link in the OP, Dumbass. Not my problem you can't keep up with a conversation.
Then like a dumbass, you claim the judge never mentioned QAnon when talking about the shaman.

Once more with gusto. DUMBASS !!!
Very little of what the judge said or wrote was in the "op" article. From that you declared that the judge never mentioned QAnon.

Yet you refuse to read the 35 page decisions where the judge clearly mentions QAnon.

As I said, who's the dumbass? Dumbass !!!!
Yep, I'm still 100% correct. Since we were discussing the link in the OP and there is no mention of qanon.

You claimed the judge didn't call him the leader on Jan 6, which he clearly did as I quoted form the OP.

You just keep losing. :banana: :banana:
Then like a dumbass, you claim the judge never mentioned QAnon when talking about the shaman.

Once more with gusto. DUMBASS !!!
Show me in the OP where he mentions qanon.

That was what the discussion was about, Dipshit. Not my problem you can't follow a conversation.
Like I said before, we were discussing the link in the OP, Dumbass. Not my problem you can't keep up with a conversation.
This op?

'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley sentenced to 41 months in prison for role in US Capitol riot
Insurrection my ass. Most are being charged with trespassing. That's a long way from the insurrection you lefty loons keep yelling about.
The judge in the OP called him the 'image of the riot" and the "flag bearer" of the mob. He never mentioned qanon, Dumbass.

The judge mentioned QAnon many times in his 35 page decisions, which you admitted you were too lazy to read, even though I posted the link to one of them.
Will most of the right wing nut jobs avoid this thread and reality that the traitors from Jan 6th are getting significant sentences?
Actually we see where the nation and purpose of that "street circus" event of a few hours on one day has been blown way out of proportion while weeks (to months) of real insurrection in several cities during the Summer of 2020 stirs a "hoo humm" of free pass from the Loonie Left and our MSM.
The Capitol Hill Occupied Protest or the Capitol Hill Organized Protest[6][7][8][9] (CHOP),[10][11] originally Free Capitol Hill[12][13] and later the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ),[14] was an occupation protest and self-declared autonomous zone[1] in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. The zone, originally covering six city blocks and Cal Anderson Park,[15][16] was established on June 8, 2020, by George Floyd protesters after the Seattle Police Department (SPD) left its East Precinct building.[2] The zone was cleared of occupants by police on July 1.[3][17] Its formation was preceded by a week of tense interactions between protesters and police in riot gear which began on June 1 and escalated on June 7 after a man drove his vehicle into the crowd and shot a protester near 11th Avenue and Pine Street.[18][19] Tear gas, flashbangs and pepper spray were used by police in the densely populated residential neighborhood.[20] On June 7, the SPD reported that the crowd was throwing rocks, bottles and fireworks and shining green lasers into officers' eyes.[18] The next day, police boarded up their building and moved out of the East Precinct in an effort to de-escalate the situation.[21]

The zone was a self-organized space, without official leadership.[22] Protesters united behind three main demands:

  1. Cut Seattle's $409-million police budget by 50 percent.
  2. Shift funding to community programs and services in historically black communities.
  3. Ensure that protesters would not be charged with crimes.[22][23][24]

Participants created a block-long "Black Lives Matter" mural,[25] provided free film screenings in the street,[26] and performed live music.[27] A "No Cop Co-op" was formed, with food, hand sanitizer and other supplies. Areas were set up for free speech and to facilitate discourse, and a community vegetable garden was constructed.[28]

The CHOP became a focus of national attention when President Donald Trump tweeted his disapproval on June 10 and 11, calling the occupants "ugly Anarchists" and demanding that Governor Jay Inslee and Mayor Jenny Durkan "take back" the zone.[5] Durkan described the area on June 11 as four blocks with a "block party" atmosphere;[29] on June 14, USA Today reported a festive environment and compared the protest to a miniature version of Burning Man.[30] The New York Times later contrasted Durkan's words with descriptions provided by local businesspeople, however, reporting "encampments overtaking the sidewalks ... roving bands of masked protesters smashing windows and looting [and] [y]oung white men wielding guns ... harangu[ing] customers."[31] The Star Tribune reported on June 22 that at night, the atmosphere became charged as demonstrators marched and armed volunteer guards kept watch.[32] SPD Chief Carmen Best said that the department wanted to reduce its footprint,[33] later clarifying that officials intended to return officers to the precinct to respond quickly to calls.
On June 10, about 1,000 protesters marched into Seattle City Hall demanding the resignation of Mayor Durkan.
On June 9, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said that the zone was "endangering people's lives".[91] President Donald Trump demanded the following day that Governor Inslee and Mayor Durkan "take back" the zone; if they did not do it, he would do it for them.[191] Inslee condemned Trump's involvement in the situation, telling him to "stay out of Washington state's business".[192] On Twitter, Trump criticized Inslee and Durkan and called the protesters "domestic terrorists",[5] and Durkan told the president to "go back to [his] bunker", referring to his having been evacuated to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center during protests the previous month.[193] Durkan said on June 11 that Trump wanted to construct a narrative about domestic terrorists with a radical agenda to fit his law-and-order initiatives, and that lawfully exercising the First Amendment right to demand more of society was patriotism, not terrorism.[194]

USA Today called the zone a "protest haven",[110] the World Socialist Web Site described the zone as an "anarchistic commune",[195] and The Nation described the zone as "an anti-capitalist vision of community sovereignty without police."[196] Conservative commentator Guy Benson called the occupation of Capitol Hill "communist cosplay".[197] Rosette Royale writing for Rolling Stone called the zone "a peaceful realm where people build nearly everything on the fly, as they strive to create a world where the notion that black lives matter shifts from being a slogan to an ever-present reality."[198] Tobias Hoonhout writing for National Review contrasted the mainstream media coverage of the zone, which they deemed sympathetic, to the negative coverage of the 2016 Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.[199] Gregory J. Wallance writing for The Hill called the zone "a cautionary tale for police defunding"
On December 16, 2020, an expected third 'sweep' of the park was met with resistance by the community. Individuals created makeshift barriers and thwarted any attempts by SPD to enter the park.[228] While a federal court considered a temporary restraining order preventing the city from raiding the park, protesters took advantage of the turnout to occupy a private building owned by a real estate developer at the north-east of the park.
Of course, the above comes from Wiki which may not be the most objective perspective and reporting, but provides a start and links to many other sources. Also, this is focused on Seattle, yet many other cities experienced similar, especially Portland, Oregon.

What is more telling, and a greater sign of the decline of our Nation, is the difference in narratives on these events, and the consequences of the law breakers involved in them.
Just because they didn't quote the judge saying QAnon in the article, doesn't warrant you making a fool of yourself with this claim.

The judge in the OP ... He never mentioned qanon, Dumbass.

Your claim the judge never mentioned QAnon is why you're a dumbass.

He got of lucky. We used to execute criminals who tried to overthrow the government! Bigly!!!

Hmmm? Was he charged with attempting to overthrow the government?

This guy has a history of mental illness, so naturally, they offer him prison time instead of treatment.
Nobody tried to overthrow the gubmint, lying fascist fuck.
Trump bum kissers seem quite distraught over the berserker's sentencing, and are lashing out.

Jason Chansley did admit that he had been “groomed” by MAGA propaganda.

He was part of the ugly mob that forced its way to the third floor and into the Gallery of the Senate where he screamed obscenities before going to the Senate and taking a seat where vice president Mike Pence had been less than an hour earlier.

“Mike Pence is a fucking traitor!” he yelled.

By February, Chansley had apologized for his role in the riot and said he was deeply disappointed in Trump.

“He was not honorable,” he said in a monumental understatement. (The instigator had falsely indicated that he was going to the Capitol with them to fight the democratic verdict, then had his fat arse hauled back to the White House to pleasure himself by watching on tv.)

His lawyers, in the Q-Ball's defense, had argued that Trump “groomed” his dupes using propaganda on social media…”For years during the Trump administration, the President honed and routinely utilized his mass communication means to effectively groom millions of Americans with respect to his policies, protocols, beliefs and overwhelming fixation on all matters conspiratorial”.

Given his recognition of how shamelessly the self-proclaimed shaman was used by the Lying Loser, I think his sentence is rather harsh.
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Trump bum kissers seem quite distraught over the berserker's sentencing, and are lashing out.

Jason Chansley did admit that he had been “groomed” by MAGA propaganda.

He was part of the ugly mob that forced its way to the third floor and into the Gallery of the Senate where he screamed obscenities before going to the Senate and taking a seat where vice president Mike Pence had been less than an hour earlier.

“Mike Pence is a fucking traitor!” he yelled.

By February, Chansley had apologized for his role in the riot and said he was deeply disappointed in Trump.

“He was not honorable,” he said in a monumental understatement. (The instigator had falsely indicated that he was going to the Capitol with them to fight the democratic verdict, then had his fat arse hauled back to the White House to pleasure himself by watching on tv.)

His lawyers, in the Q-Ball's defense, had argued that Trump “groomed” his dupes using propaganda on social media…”For years during the Trump administration, the President honed and routinely utilized his mass communication means to effectively groom millions of Americans with respect to his policies, protocols, beliefs and overwhelming fixation on all matters conspiratorial”.

Given his recognition of how shamelessly the self-proclaimed shaman was used by the Lying Loser, I think his sentence is rather harsh.
Go blow a walrus, sock-o.
I'm "getting my history" from the literal video recordings of the hearings.

Now tell us how those incidents are NOT "obstructing a civil proceeding", jackass.

You are getting your cultist delusion from paid liars who are paid to lie to willing sockpuppet troll cultists like you. Sorry.

When your fantasies collide with reality (which I imagine happens nearly daily), do you ever consider the fact that you don't know what the hell you are talking about? Try it sometime.

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