The Shaman is lucky


You are killing it on this thread, and schooling these Trump cock holsters with something they hate even more than liberals: Facts.

Well done, sir.

He got of lucky. We used to execute criminals who tried to overthrow the government! Bigly!!!
We used to shoot rioters who burned cities down too.

If the Qanon Shaman had been a member of Antifa it is quite possible that if he was arrested a democrat would have paid his bail.

EvilEyeFleegle Like most hyperventilating Democrats, you've picked the wrong enemy. Your fellow citizens who disagree with you are not your enemy. Your Party leaders with their divisive Race baiting rhetoric, trying to foment hate. That is America's enemy. That is your enemy.
EvilEyeFleegle Like most hyperventilating Democrats, you've picked the wrong enemy. Your fellow citizens who disagree with you are not your enemy. Your Party leaders with their divisive Race baiting rhetoric, trying to foment hate. That is America's enemy. That is your enemy.
LOL! Naw..I got it right..and your post confirms it. Your assumption that I'm a Dem says it all. You guys cannot help assuming that your opposition is the left...when a lot of it is just people who think your rhetoric is crazy, false, and intended to divide. You're right..those who I disagree with are not, in the normal course of events, my enemy.
Q-berts are..because they are divisive liars.
I have no party leaders..since I have no party. I doubt that you get that----but I can see the damage party faithful on both sides their race to score points~
Go blow a walrus, sock-o.
You seem peevish. A bracing cup of camomile tea may allow you to cope. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius may afford you a modicum of solace.

The collapse of the Q-Ball was a fitting recapitulation of the blowhard Cry Baby Loser's tectonic pratfall as authored by the American electorate.

The Trumpy "Shaman"... was sentenced Tuesday to 41 months in the slammer.

The Shaman was the resplendently face-painted, bare-chested, pelt-wearing, Viking-headressed face of the January 6 Capitol Hill insurrection to bar Vice President Mike Pence from counting electoral ballots in the 2020 presidential election and, if at all possible, to hang him. He sat himself in the Senate president’s chair, and snapped a few selfies. When a police officer told him to leave, the Shaman said “Mike Pence is a fucking traitor” and scribbled onto some paper Pence left behind, “It’s only a matter of time. Justice is coming.” When the police officer again told him to leave, the Shaman called other rioters to the dais and shouted through a bullhorn that they intended to “send a message to all the tyrants, the communists, and the globalists, that this is our nation, not theirs.” ... The Shaman had posted on Facebook: “We shall have no real hope to survive the enemies arrayed against us until we hang the traitors lurking among us.”
Was he defiant? Did he tell the judge that he could jail one man, but he couldn’t jail a revolution? Not exactly.

“I was wrong for entering the Capitol,” he said. He pronounced himself “truly, truly repentant of my actions” and promised he would “never re-offend again.” He said he had “no excuse whatsoever,” and offered as an excuse his difficult childhood. He said the trauma of being jailed had turned some hairs on his chest and arms white, and “I should not have white hairs, Your Honor.”
He was the whiniest little brat you ever saw. [Imitation is the sincerest form of flatulence.]

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Even Chansley’s lawyer, Albert Watkins, seemed to hold him in contempt... His client’s fanatical loyalty to Trump, Watkins explained, did not outlive his surprise at not receiving a presidential pardon before Trump left office. “I want to evolve,” Chansley said at sentencing. “I want to grow beyond what I was. That’s what life is all about.”
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The leader of Qanon, not the leader of the insurrection.

Do keep up.
Since when is "a mascot" "the leader" of any organization, Dipshit? :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:


Royce C. Lamberth United States District Judge

The Court reiterates the reasons set forth in its March 8, 2021 Memorandum Opinion: Chansley is a mascot of "QAnon," an active conspiracy group
A Shaman in horns was about to overthrow our government. Say that a few times to yourself
Isn't that what Biden said you need to overthrow the Govt................."An F-16, a nuclear bomb, or a Shaman in horns".

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