The Shaman is lucky

other stupid things Progressives believe:
  • Trump was a dictator
  • Biden got 81,000,000 legitimate votes
  • Obama knows the law
  • Michelle is a biological woman
  • Turning the government against political enemies is not Fascism
Trump was not a dictator...but he'd have loved to have been one--and you would have supported him wholeheartedly.

Biden got at least that many--many ballots were thrown out due to irregularities of one sort or another--happens every election.

Huh? Who gives a shit what Obama knows?

LOL...always gotta bash Michelle....very classy guy. I doubt that her or her daughters care--to them, you exist only as a antediluvian character that they probably don't really believe even exists. Just sayin'....

Turning the govt. against political enemies is common and endemic--and always has been. Our govt. is probably cleaner now than any time since the founding.
Sometimes it's covert..and sometimes overt. I note with amusement that Trump used the govt. against his political enemies every single fucking day of his Presidency.

BTW..not a Progressive politically..except in opposition to your ilk. Culturally, I'm a bit conservative...the word..not the polemic.

But you got one thing right...I am your enemy--but not because of some political shenanigans...or fanatically held cultural position...but because you and your ilk are bent on destroying this country, what this country is your lies and machinations. It gives energy to our enemies..and it distracts us from the very real problems coming our way. Your ongoing attacks on the institutions of this country are going to be opposed---if you step too far out of line, don't heed the lessons of what happens to the Jan.6 offenders, you will join them.
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Lol, wow.

You, sir, are a fucking loon.
Well....Newbie..or sock boy, whatever---when you clip one lil piece out of a post ya kinda are being intellectually dishonest.

But....yeah..our govt. has been corrupt from its are,, in fact, most govt.'s. It is the nature of power that this is the case. I guess you are a bit naive about history? You cannot name a time, in our history, where I cannot name a pile of steaming corruption that was occurring. From Teapot Dome to the selling of promotions.
Preference is the name of the game.

It amazes me that people are blinded by their agendas to the point of ignoring and not acknowledging the obvious.

Power Corrupts....sound familiar? There is no Conservative exception. No Liberal exception. No exception at all~
Well....Newbie..or sock boy, whatever---when you clip one lil piece out of a post ya kinda are being intellectually dishonest.

But....yeah..our govt. has been corrupt from its are,, in fact, most govt.'s. It is the nature of power that this is the case. I guess you are a bit naive about history? You cannot name a time, in our history, where I cannot name a pile of steaming corruption that was occurring. From Teapot Dome to the selling of promotions.
Preference is the name of the game.

It amazes me that people are blinded by their agendas to the point of ignoring and not acknowledging the obvious.

Power Corrupts....sound familiar? There is no Conservative exception. No Liberal exception. No exception at all~

I'm well aware of the inherent corruption within government of any form. But to insinuate that the current administration is even on the leaning end of "clean" is just asinine.
I'm well aware of the inherent corruption within government of any form. But to insinuate that the current administration is even on the leaning end of "clean" is just asinine.
Simple English

"cleaner than it has ever been" not clean. It is a I stand by, BTW.

You betray your agenda when you refer to 'this current administration' --it begs the question, given you statement regarding the corruption inherent in govt.---do you think, for even a moment, that is was less corrupt...then the previous one?
do you think, for even a moment, that is was less corrupt...then the previous one?
I assume you mean "do you think, for even a moment, that it IS less corrupt than the last one".

And to that I say: No. Trump was an outsider who didn't know how to play the deep state game, and the deep state buried him for it. This administration has been in the game for decades and most certainly knows how to play it.
You have been unable to cut and paste anything to back up your bullshit.

Get back to me when you can, Halfwit,.

You claim Royce C. Lamberth United States District Judge never referred to Jacob Chansley as QAnon?

The judge in the OP ... He never mentioned qanon, Dumbass.

You will probably ignore this citation, because it proves what a dumbass you are.


Royce C. Lamberth United States District Judge

The Court reiterates the reasons set forth in its March 8, 2021 Memorandum Opinion: Chansley is a mascot of "QAnon," an active conspiracy group

Chansley has not personally indicated as such to this Court. Still, regardless of any potential repudiation, there is no doubt that he is a mascot for the QAnon movement. Hundreds of attendees joined Chansley's September 3, 2021' plea-agreement hearing on the public access line, and at least once this Court's proceedings were interrupted with shouts of "Freedom!"
I assume you mean "do you think, for even a moment, that it IS less corrupt than the last one".

And to that I say: No. Trump was an outsider who didn't know how to play the deep state game, and the deep state buried him for it. This administration has been in the game for decades and most certainly knows how to play it.
So..amateur hour is over?
Not a bad thing, really. Trump tried with all his might to play it...but his word was shit..he broke deals when he felt like it..and had zero concept of loyalty to subordinates.
So yeah, they collectively spat him out--as did our country.
So..amateur hour is over?
Not a bad thing, really. Trump tried with all his might to play it...but his word was shit..he broke deals when he felt like it..and had zero concept of loyalty to subordinates.
So yeah, they collectively spat him out--as did our country.

You watch a lot of CNN, dontcha.

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