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The Sickness Racism Breeds

One would never know by listening to you guys rant against white people the way you do.
This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Haven't you been paying attention? Asclepias told me a couple months ago that whites are the weaker race and he confirmed that in this discussion. What's more, IM2 agrees with him.
And right now Aclepias is going back and forth about how whites got all their scientific knowledge from blacks which of course is bullshit. In fact, he just told me today that every single one of the many white inventions I listed were stolen or otherwise appropriated from blacks. His response?

"Not without stealing the invention from a Black person or educated in the knowledge Black people provided."

To which I said:

"Even if some did, it is not true in every case."

He then assured me that, indeed, it is true in every case. Not one white inventor devised his invention without stealing it from a black person. Not one.

Don't you find that just a little extreme and absurd?

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

At least you asked me instead of assuming it. I'll give you credit for that much. But anyway, the answer is, of course not. I never said anything about how many non-racists there were. I only said there were some and that there were some whites who protested slavery and then later on, fought for civil rights for blacks.

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically,

I don't know about others but I know that sometimes I have trouble differentiating. Sometimes the language used is unclear on that point. I specifically asked Asclepias the other day if he meant some whites or all whites and he refused to answer, saying it was a deflection.

which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis.

Whoa, hold up there fella. I don't make comments about black people. There were only two times I made a comment about black people since I got here about six months ago and that was to say that some blacks are racist and some blacks are paranoid about racism. But in spite of the fact that I went to the effort to qualify my remarks and make that distinction, IM2 accused me of saying all blacks are racist anyway.

He's done this many times and many times I've had to correct him. Asclepias has done it a few times as well and you just did so in your last post and even in this one. Which is ironic because you're here telling me about how I and others are not able to differentiate when I just had to correct you twice in my last post because you were not able to differentiate between what I said and something I didn't even say at all. Namely, when you said I implied that the only reason white racists exist is because of something that black people have done.

How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

Another example of inability to differentiate. I've never said anything about blacks being uneducated, criminals, loose morals or inferior and never implied as such. I know better than that.

What I don't like is being lumped in with a group of people that has said things I never said or done things I never did.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :).

That's much appreciated. I feel the same way.

I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct.

I didn't say "these conversations", I was specifically talking about IM2 and Asclepias and some of the inflammatory language and rhetoric they use; Whites are the weaker race, for example.

I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Speaking for myself, I had always consciously avoided profanity in my posts because, well, you're usually not taken seriously if you speak like a reform school juvenile delinquent and it simply is not conducive to an adult conversation. However, I've done so in recent months because it seemed to me the only language IM2 and Asclepias understood.
I had had a few exchanges with IM2 when I first got here and there was no profanity on my part and I made a conscious effort to be civil, reasonable and respectful. Then one day he called me "stupid fucker" when he got frustrated with something I said and it just went downhill from there. He has since called me "dumb bastard", "bitch", "punk" "fool" and a few other choice words. I began to see that civil discourse was alien to this guy and that profanity and harsh language was all he understood.
So I started using some profanity to get my point across but I never insulted him except on two occasions where I called him "dumbass" and more recently "numbnuts" out of frustration.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I know I will do what I can.
She is as every bit as hateful and mindless as they are. It is no use.
IM, A is the one who brought up pre-colonial Africa by saying that prior to whites invading Africa, Africans respected each others' boundaries and didn't war with each other.
I already said, in my reply to A, that you folks know more about current conflicts in Africa than I do, what caused them, etc. I was never speaking to current conflicts. I was speaking only to the ridiculous notion that as a race, Africans were peaceful until the bad white guys taught them to be aggressors. Sorry, that's bullshit.

I can see A being somewhat suspicious of white historians' account of what African empires were like pre white guys, but I think it is ludicrous to imagine that blacks are any more likely to be peaceniks, as a race, than any other. He mentioned Native Americans as being peaceable, too. But we know the Mayan and Aztec empires, to name two, didn't become tens of thousands strong by simply smiling at their neighbors. They sacrificed their prisoners of war; no white guy made that up--it is what archeologists have figured out.

All humans have the potential for violence; some cultures learn to control it. I'm not saying some black cultures weren't peaceful, but so were some white cultures. And probably over the course of time, they got gobbled up by aggressive neighbors. That's how history goes.
So, sorry, but I have no plans to "stop" making that point. Though there's no sense, I realize, trying to make any point here.

I'm not going to argue against the fact that we all have human flaws. But what gets sickening is that most whites here always want to make the argument a what about ism in order to divert from the topic. But you have one problem with the argument you are using, find us examples where a non white nation has invaded, colonized, and occupied a white one.
The Carthaginians.

You are talking about 200 BC. This is what I am talking about. If we blacks say every white person benefited from slavery, 150 years ago is too long ago and none of us were here. Carthage isn't even a country and hasn't been for 2000 years.Tunisia is what Carthage is called today and was colonized by the French in the 1800's and did not gain independence until 1956. But since you want play this way, name a non white country in modern times that has colonized a white one. Because Corsica and Sicily are not suffering today because they were colonized by CarthaView attachment 226636 ge in 237 BC.
All of Europe is being colonized right now, idiot.

By who?

View attachment 226636
Africans, Middle Easterners and even fuck South Americans now.

The entire non-white world, basically.
I'm not going to argue against the fact that we all have human flaws. But what gets sickening is that most whites here always want to make the argument a what about ism in order to divert from the topic. But you have one problem with the argument you are using, find us examples where a non white nation has invaded, colonized, and occupied a white one.
The Carthaginians.

You are talking about 200 BC. This is what I am talking about. If we blacks say every white person benefited from slavery, 150 years ago is too long ago and none of us were here. Carthage isn't even a country and hasn't been for 2000 years.Tunisia is what Carthage is called today and was colonized by the French in the 1800's and did not gain independence until 1956. But since you want play this way, name a non white country in modern times that has colonized a white one. Because Corsica and Sicily are not suffering today because they were colonized by CarthaView attachment 226636 ge in 237 BC.
All of Europe is being colonized right now, idiot.

By who?

View attachment 226636
Africans, Middle Easterners and even fuck South Americans now.

The entire non-white world, basically.

Colnialism generally means acquiring full or partial political control and intiating the expansion of colonies and economic explotation of a country or continent and it's resources by outsiders.

Are you actually stating that white Europeans have lost political and economic control over their entire continent to non white people as Africa did to European invaders?

Or are you taking the migration of "some" non whites there way out of context?
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Deflecting back to white women doesn't change what I said. Their brothers, fathers, male cousins, sons, husbands etc not being protected more than makes up for any perceived advantages that white women get; and as the number of females who aren't white continues to grow white women are increasingly being lumped in with white males instead of the "woman" feminist moniker that they once owned.
White people are discriminated against for their race more and more every single year, and increasingly white victims of racism have to rely completely on openly far left civil rights organizations who have publicly declared that you can't be racist towards white people, that is worse than Jim Crow's justice system.
This is the text of the law we're discussing. Notice it says nothing about elevating blacks above whites, in fact it doesn't mention a specific race at all which is kind of the point

The term "affirmative action" was first used in the United States in "Executive Order No. 10925",[9] signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961, which included a provision that government contractors "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin".[10] It was used to promote actions that achieve non-discrimination. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 which required government employers to take "affirmative action" to "hire without regard to race, religion and national origin". This prevented employers from discriminating against members of disadvantaged groups. In 1967, gender was added to the anti-discrimination list.[11]
The same people who claimed affirmative action didn't discriminate also claimed that the change in immigration law wouldn't change the racial demographics.

Lying traitorous white Democrats like the Kennedys, specifically Ted Kennedy.

Regardless, white people are being discriminated against in mass today because of academia, it didn't even take a law.

It doesn't discriminate and immigration changed racial demographics because America got whiter while the native Americans got killed. White people aren't discriminated in a damn thing, your just a young stupid ass white loon, a loser who needs to find somebody to blame because you aren't getting what you think whites are entitled to.
The Native Americans weren’t “killed”, dipshit, they died in mass because of disease.

America was also not a nation when it got “whiter”. America only exists as a nation because WHITE people(specifically of English descent) wrote the fucking Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

And now you pieces of shit are whitewashing our fucking history with your racist nonsense, and pretending that you don’t treat white people like shit on a day to day basis. You will receive your karma though.
White people stole the concept of the constitution from the Iroquois nation. Like I said you whites cant do shit without help.
Deflecting back to white women doesn't change what I said. Their brothers, fathers, male cousins, sons, husbands etc not being protected more than makes up for any perceived advantages that white women get; and as the number of females who aren't white continues to grow white women are increasingly being lumped in with white males instead of the "woman" feminist moniker that they once owned.
White people are discriminated against for their race more and more every single year, and increasingly white victims of racism have to rely completely on openly far left civil rights organizations who have publicly declared that you can't be racist towards white people, that is worse than Jim Crow's justice system.
This is the text of the law we're discussing. Notice it says nothing about elevating blacks above whites, in fact it doesn't mention a specific race at all which is kind of the point

The term "affirmative action" was first used in the United States in "Executive Order No. 10925",[9] signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961, which included a provision that government contractors "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin".[10] It was used to promote actions that achieve non-discrimination. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 which required government employers to take "affirmative action" to "hire without regard to race, religion and national origin". This prevented employers from discriminating against members of disadvantaged groups. In 1967, gender was added to the anti-discrimination list.[11]
To poor whites like ptbw anything that takes away the slightest advantage for white males is terrifying. Its all so unfair. Cant you hear the tear jerking music in your head whenever you read one of his posts? :laugh:
So on your thinking since human beings need weapons to protect them against stronger animals, they are inferior? Superiority is an ability to secure your survival by whatever means. That is how the rich get richer and the poort get poorer. Or are you saying life is a kids' game and no one should cheat?
Correct. There is a reason we need guns and other weapons. We are inferior to a bear. You ever see what happens when a bear and a unarmed human meet? Nope. Securing your survival by any means is adaptation not superiority. Exactly. People that cheat are weak and need a crutch.

A crutch like, say, white people are the weaker race?
No that wouldnt be a crutch. That would be an explanation of the reason white people concentrated their energy on creating a system of racism. They couldnt compete and knew this instinctively so they had to cheat.

So whites that were exploring the world, inventing things like steam power, the telegraph, cement, electromagnet, the typewriter, internal combustion engine and building grand structures were intimidated by a people still living relatively primitively. Hokay.
Whites never invented shit without Black or brown people giving them the knowledge. The sciences were first taught by Black people. Whites benefited from that instruction so whites get zero credit for any invention. Besides most of the inventions were stolen from Blacks that were unable to get patents. This shows again the weakness of whites and their penchant for lying about who actually made the inventions.

Stolen patents and borrowed ideas from the Moors is only part of the story. A five minute Google search on Moorish inventions reveals that the Moors brought back a lot of these ideas and gadgets from China and India.
One would never know by listening to you guys rant against white people the way you do.
This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically, which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis. How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :). I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct. I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I'll say this again. I have stated that my opposition is against whites who are racists. I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racist. It doesn't get any clearer than that and anyone whining about me talking about all whites is a liar. Period.

You might not say all whites are racist but you do agree with Asclepias that whites are the weaker race. All whites are weak, which is an inherent trait of the white race and the reason behind their racism but not all whites are racist. Hmm.
That being said, we will never truly eliminate racism from our society until we stop deriving our identity and self-worth from our group and begin celebrating our individuality.

Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

You are a racist who will most likely be a racist until the day you die. BTW, the poster you responded to with your racist shit, didn't make any excuse, he made a statement. You, and your ilk, excuse your own failures by blaming Whites. You are a loser.
One would never know by listening to you guys rant against white people the way you do.
This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically, which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis. How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :). I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct. I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I'll say this again. I have stated that my opposition is against whites who are racists. I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racist. It doesn't get any clearer than that and anyone whining about me talking about all whites is a liar. Period.

You might not say all whites are racist but you do agree with Asclepias that whites are the weaker race. All whites are weak, which is an inherent trait of the white race and the reason behind their racism but not all whites are racist. Hmm.

If it was not for White people, African Americans would still be running naked around Africa, putting bones in their noses, and chucking spears at one another.
Correct. There is a reason we need guns and other weapons. We are inferior to a bear. You ever see what happens when a bear and a unarmed human meet? Nope. Securing your survival by any means is adaptation not superiority. Exactly. People that cheat are weak and need a crutch.

A crutch like, say, white people are the weaker race?
No that wouldnt be a crutch. That would be an explanation of the reason white people concentrated their energy on creating a system of racism. They couldnt compete and knew this instinctively so they had to cheat.

So whites that were exploring the world, inventing things like steam power, the telegraph, cement, electromagnet, the typewriter, internal combustion engine and building grand structures were intimidated by a people still living relatively primitively. Hokay.
Whites never invented shit without Black or brown people giving them the knowledge. The sciences were first taught by Black people. Whites benefited from that instruction so whites get zero credit for any invention. Besides most of the inventions were stolen from Blacks that were unable to get patents. This shows again the weakness of whites and their penchant for lying about who actually made the inventions.

Stolen patents and borrowed ideas from the Moors is only part of the story. A five minute Google search on Moorish inventions reveals that the Moors brought back a lot of these ideas and gadgets from China and India.
I would argue that since the first empires in China were Blacks and the same with India that doesnt really help your argument.
That being said, we will never truly eliminate racism from our society until we stop deriving our identity and self-worth from our group and begin celebrating our individuality.

Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

You are a racist who will most likely be a racist until the day you die. BTW, the poster you responded to with your racist shit, didn't make any excuse, he made a statement. You, and your ilk, excuse your own failures by blaming Whites. You are a loser.

Yes it was an excuse given the origin of group identity and race. Now post a racist statement I have made. Blaming whites for my failure? Maybe you try an original line next time.

One would never know by listening to you guys rant against white people the way you do.
This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically, which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis. How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :). I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct. I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I'll say this again. I have stated that my opposition is against whites who are racists. I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racist. It doesn't get any clearer than that and anyone whining about me talking about all whites is a liar. Period.

You might not say all whites are racist but you do agree with Asclepias that whites are the weaker race. All whites are weak, which is an inherent trait of the white race and the reason behind their racism but not all whites are racist. Hmm.

If it was not for White people, African Americans would still be running naked around Africa, putting bones in their noses, and chucking spears at one another.

According to who? A bunch of people descending from ancestors who believed that you could cure disease by bloodletting?

I'm not going to argue against the fact that we all have human flaws. But what gets sickening is that most whites here always want to make the argument a what about ism in order to divert from the topic. But you have one problem with the argument you are using, find us examples where a non white nation has invaded, colonized, and occupied a white one.
The Carthaginians.

You are talking about 200 BC. This is what I am talking about. If we blacks say every white person benefited from slavery, 150 years ago is too long ago and none of us were here. Carthage isn't even a country and hasn't been for 2000 years.Tunisia is what Carthage is called today and was colonized by the French in the 1800's and did not gain independence until 1956. But since you want play this way, name a non white country in modern times that has colonized a white one. Because Corsica and Sicily are not suffering today because they were colonized by CarthaView attachment 226636 ge in 237 BC.
All of Europe is being colonized right now, idiot.

By who?

View attachment 226636
Africans, Middle Easterners and even fuck South Americans now.

The entire non-white world, basically.

Young boy you are one stupid motherfucker.
One would never know by listening to you guys rant against white people the way you do.
This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically, which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis. How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :). I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct. I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I'll say this again. I have stated that my opposition is against whites who are racists. I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racist. It doesn't get any clearer than that and anyone whining about me talking about all whites is a liar. Period.

You might not say all whites are racist but you do agree with Asclepias that whites are the weaker race. All whites are weak, which is an inherent trait of the white race and the reason behind their racism but not all whites are racist. Hmm.

If it was not for White people, African Americans would still be running naked around Africa, putting bones in their noses, and chucking spears at one another.

According to who? A bunch of people descending from ancestors who believed that you could cure disease by bloodletting?


I imagine you can find a witch doctor to rattle some bones and cure diseases much better.
This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically, which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis. How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :). I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct. I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I'll say this again. I have stated that my opposition is against whites who are racists. I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racist. It doesn't get any clearer than that and anyone whining about me talking about all whites is a liar. Period.

You might not say all whites are racist but you do agree with Asclepias that whites are the weaker race. All whites are weak, which is an inherent trait of the white race and the reason behind their racism but not all whites are racist. Hmm.

If it was not for White people, African Americans would still be running naked around Africa, putting bones in their noses, and chucking spears at one another.

According to who? A bunch of people descending from ancestors who believed that you could cure disease by bloodletting?


I imagine you can find a witch doctor to rattle some bones and cure diseases much better.
Well Black people were the first known people to use antibiotics. :rolleyes:
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This is why I have stated that you're wrong, which I rarely do. These aren't rants, they're factual dispersements of historical information and they are NOT against white people, they're against a very specific subset of white people, your "white racists". You claim that you have no issue admitting what THEY did (and continue to do) was wrong and immoral (therefore indicative of "weak" human beings) but we keep coming back to you being upset about comments made by Asclepias and at times IM2. Knowing what I do of both of them I sincerely doubt that they're referring to ALL white people as opposed to those who have engaged in acts of racism, however I can not speak for them, only for myself.

Therefore, when I talk about racists or more specifically "white racists" I am talking about the specific subset of the white race as they exist yesterday & today, not anyone or everyone else. When I talk about the evilness and wickness of "white racists" I'm referring to the people who actively participated in the slave trade, or held slaves, or fought to thwart attempts by the slaves to obtain their freedom either legally or illegally. From the beginning of the subjugation of people of African descent to the current acts of violence, aggressions, discrimination etc. committed by "white racists" who STILL believe the bullshit that they were taught that they are superior to black people simply because they are white and willfully cause harm in a myriad of ways to black people - those are the people I am referring to when I support Ascelpias's contention that they were weak. Anyone who employs such tactics is blatently so. Is it your contention that the majority of the white race was not racist at the time they instituted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc.?

You and others seemingly are unable to differentiate between when we're discussing white people in general and white racists specifically, which I guess really shouldn't be surprising since you all consistently make comments about "black people" and then attempt to apply your racist stereotypes to the people you communicate with here on U.S. Message Board on a regular basis. How in the hell does that make any sense? If you don't like being lumped in with your racist members did it ever occur to you that we don't like it any more when simply because we're black you all accuse us of being uneducated, criminals, loose morals, inferior, etc.

I remember vaguely you relating your story about the work situation with one your subordinates spitting on you or something to that affect but I dont' really remember any of the details and the U.S. Message Board search features hasn't worked for me in days so I was unable to backtrack any of the history but I can tell you I have no antagonism against you personally, nor as a member of the white race :). I generally give everyone I encounter the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise however those that mean me harm and actually cause me harm, particularly those who do so due to any of my protected status attributes are a different story. I was a little on the naive side when I first encountered these people because I was brought up in a family where we were taught that lying is wrong so encountering individuals who not only had no qualms about lying but who would actually fabricate completely false tales out of whole cloth was completely foreign to me. I saw that you said earlier that these conversations are not serving any useful purpose, improving race relations or have anything to do with social justice, etc but that's not entirely correct. I've observed how some members communicate depending on who they're talking to, they can be polite and rational when talking to members of their own race (presumably) and then turn into absolutely foul mouthed, crazed racist when they believe they're talking to black people. That is one of the things I wanted to document.

Of course the goal is better relationships among all people irrespective of their race, ethnic background, etc. but some things are simply not possible when it comes to certain individuals, yet we do what we can.

I'll say this again. I have stated that my opposition is against whites who are racists. I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racist. It doesn't get any clearer than that and anyone whining about me talking about all whites is a liar. Period.

You might not say all whites are racist but you do agree with Asclepias that whites are the weaker race. All whites are weak, which is an inherent trait of the white race and the reason behind their racism but not all whites are racist. Hmm.

If it was not for White people, African Americans would still be running naked around Africa, putting bones in their noses, and chucking spears at one another.

According to who? A bunch of people descending from ancestors who believed that you could cure disease by bloodletting?


I imagine you can find a witch doctor to rattle some bones and cure diseases much better.

No, but I am not the one talking about what blacks would be without whites.
A crutch like, say, white people are the weaker race?
No that wouldnt be a crutch. That would be an explanation of the reason white people concentrated their energy on creating a system of racism. They couldnt compete and knew this instinctively so they had to cheat.

So whites that were exploring the world, inventing things like steam power, the telegraph, cement, electromagnet, the typewriter, internal combustion engine and building grand structures were intimidated by a people still living relatively primitively. Hokay.
Whites never invented shit without Black or brown people giving them the knowledge. The sciences were first taught by Black people. Whites benefited from that instruction so whites get zero credit for any invention. Besides most of the inventions were stolen from Blacks that were unable to get patents. This shows again the weakness of whites and their penchant for lying about who actually made the inventions.

Stolen patents and borrowed ideas from the Moors is only part of the story. A five minute Google search on Moorish inventions reveals that the Moors brought back a lot of these ideas and gadgets from China and India.
I would argue that since the first empires in China were Blacks and the same with India that doesnt really help your argument.

Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.
She is as every bit as hateful and mindless as they are. It is no use.
If I'm mindless what the hell does that make you? And what exactly do you find hateful about me? That I can defend myself from attacks by racist internet cyberharassers?

What is the best thing about you that you believe makes you so special? And be specific
The Carthaginians.

You are talking about 200 BC. This is what I am talking about. If we blacks say every white person benefited from slavery, 150 years ago is too long ago and none of us were here. Carthage isn't even a country and hasn't been for 2000 years.Tunisia is what Carthage is called today and was colonized by the French in the 1800's and did not gain independence until 1956. But since you want play this way, name a non white country in modern times that has colonized a white one. Because Corsica and Sicily are not suffering today because they were colonized by CarthaView attachment 226636 ge in 237 BC.
All of Europe is being colonized right now, idiot.

By who?

View attachment 226636
Africans, Middle Easterners and even fuck South Americans now.

The entire non-white world, basically.

Young boy you are one stupid motherfucker.
Manchild you couldn’t be more stupid if you tried.

Denying the invasion and colonization of Europe is literally as historically inaccurate as denying the colonization of Africa.

When foreigners come to a continent in the millions over a very short period of time, that is an invasion, and when you come to that continent in the millions expecting that the culture and laws of that continent change to suit you without any regard for the indigenous population, that is colonization and ethnic cleansing.

How the fuck do you think a non-white Muslim became the mayor of a capital European city that was 90+ white just 40 years ago? Colonization and ethnic cleansing. How the fuck do you think Dublin changed so radically? Or Paris? Or Rotterdam etc etc

You don’t get to tell me the history of my own people. Worry about your own race and people and leave us the fuck alone.

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