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The Sickness Racism Breeds

That being said, we will never truly eliminate racism from our society until we stop deriving our identity and self-worth from our group and begin celebrating our individuality.

Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

What are you going to do to rid racism from your community? And before you try and go there, don’t tell me Blacks cannot be racist, that’s BS!
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

I have nothing to do with you being Black, zero! Furthermore I could careless if you're Black, life is tough, get use to it! If you really want to believe your life is so disadvantaged because you're Black, take it up with God! My suggestion is you get your head out of your ass and work hard, maybe then you'll understand why I don't really care what the color of your skin is!
That being said, we will never truly eliminate racism from our society until we stop deriving our identity and self-worth from our group and begin celebrating our individuality.

Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

What are you going to do to rid racism from your community? And before you try and go there, don’t tell me Blacks cannot be racist, that’s BS!
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

I have nothing to do with you being Black, zero! Furthermore I could careless if you're Black, life is tough, get use to it! If you really want to believe your life is so disadvantaged because you're Black, take it up with God! My suggestion is you get your head out of your ass and work hard, maybe then you'll understand why I don't really care what the color of your skin is!
I didnt ask you if you cared or had anything to do with me being Black. Come to think of it I could give a shit how you feel about me being Black. I love being Black. I said Blacks cant practice racism because they dont own the resources and opportunities. Are you retarded or is it that you are having a difficult time reading? :rolleyes:
Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.

You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black. You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough. You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.

You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

As I said, I'll be quiet when you start calling blacks on their bullshit.

As I said, I'll call blacks on bullshit when I see it. That's why I confronted Jarhman. Now you do that to whites.
You side with a racist piece of shit like Asclepias and then you claim to be “defending yourself”. That makes you mindless and hateful. Nobody is harassing you with anything substantive, or much of anything at all. You live a life that has less to do with your race than most white people do today and that is an easily stated fact.
See this is how clueless you are. Why would you assume that I was referring only or even to U.S. Message Board? You don't find it embarassing to be so completely wrong about others?

I'd be inclined to state that you know nothing about me at all but I'm pretty sure that even if you did know even the tinest little bit about me you would still be talking the same nonsense you are now because you simply wouldn't believe any of it. That's what I have experienced from whites who are irrational, antagonistic and racist when they are not allowed to say and do anything they please without repercussions when it comes to denigrating me and others.

To answer your second question though, the best thing about me is the fact that I can see through just any propaganda immediately and immediately start reverse engineering it, on top of the fact that I possess truly high morals and will never allow my rage and true hate for the modern world to effect my judgment of decent and good people, no matter who they are. I know who the
truly evil people are.

There is a reason why I don’t use racial slurs despite being angrier than just about anyone on here on a day to day basis about race, and it has nothing to do with fear of repercussions or feeling pressured by PC culture to stay away from using them. Most white people who have been pushed to the brink of insanity by the heinous double standards against them would not be able to hold back from spouting one off from time to time just to blow off steam, but I am a true progressive and I understand the extremely fragile and collapsing racial situation we have in this country and refuse to truly add to the problem, I strive to always be part of the solution.
So that's a nice textbook answer, but it doesn't really answer my question as to why you believe you are so special. The most important thing I got from your response is that you remind me a little bit of Dylann Roof. I honestly have no idea what could be going on that causes you the type of anger you're describing. Certainly not just communicating with individuals on U.S. Message Board that you don't agree with or whom don't agree with you. And why do you think refraining from using racial slurs makes you a good person? There was a time in our country when people in "mixed company" would never even dream of using certain types of language that could be offensive to anyone present or within hearing distance.

One thing I did do is review your posting history and found that you have "Funnied" over 53,000 people in just a little over 3 years time. I haven't taken the time to read much of your postings mainly because I have a lot of other things on my plate but I am interested in how your anger can be defused because I would honestly hate to have to hear about you in the news. And give me an example of an instance in which you "reversed engineered" some propaganda exposed our government trying to dupe us.
Unless you are going to Stormfront or something this is basically the only serious political forum that doesn’t censor the kind of comments that would upset you(or even me) concerning black people. Unless Democrat forums are now allowing that kind of thing, wherever you are talking about doesn’t allow anti-black comments any more than they do here and doesn’t attract any different kinds of people. Anti-black “hate speech” will get you thrown in jail in some European countries, but anti-white language and the extreme tolerance for it is entrenched in the system now.

Now you are comparing me to Dylann Roof and you have the nerve tell me I don’t know anything about you? Asclepias and especially Paul Essien(someone who is literally ok with murdering white women and children)are far more like Dylann Roof than I am and YOU side with them. I just want white people and our cultures to be respected and for non-white people to realize that they are in the wrong when they say things like they can’t be racist to white people, or that we have no culture, or that we are somehow “privileged” because we are struggling to maintain OUR nations that our ancestors built from nothing. I don’t expect any African nations to submit totally to globalism and ethnic cleansing in the name of “diversity”, so it absolutely boggles my mind how non-white people could have nerve to expect Europeans to just go quietly.

What you see as “Nazism” or “white supremacy” is the status quo for most of the world concerning race relations. In East Asia I will be ignored, ostracized, rejected and possibly even verbally attacked because I am white and the government could give less of a shit because they are openly racist. In Africa there are some nations where white people can’t even live in without turning up dead the next month, and most African nations overall are quite dangerous with no sign of improving even with the China investment bubble artificially propping them up. In South America I will have to pretend to be a Hispanic to receive anything even approaching acceptable treatment unless I live in a gated community. So if the demographics in Europe and North America are also changing against white people against our wishes when all of the other continents in the world are uninhabitable for white people in the long term, what the hell do you experience that even remotely compares to what I said? Black Lives Matter literally had to make up a lie to justify its existence because black people are literally privileged all across the board. I am more likely to be killed by a cop while being unarmed than you are if you carry, that is according Eric Holder’s FBI.

Yes, not using racial slurs makes me a great person. I have every reason to be angry enough to say something truly offensive to normal thinking people, but yet I don’t when the majority of black people use racial slurs and derogatory racial terms against white people pretty regularly when they feel the least bit angry at us or something else, and now most white people are finally being pushed to point that the sweetest and most charitable among us are not holding back nearly as much as they usually do. I absolutely have far greater morals than you and most people do. The days of niceties are over, you all helped kill them when you voted for Democrats and normalized the Jerry Springer culture.

Less than 53 “funnies” a day is nothing considering all the ridiculous double standards employed by Democrats here, and it is especially nothing when you consider I have made thousands of posts, and I have given far more favorable ratings than “funnies”. Every other post Democrats on here make is attacking white people while calling the comparatively passive Republicans “racists” in the same one-liner. Such demons must be taken down a peg. See, you are lucky, you only have to deal with the occasional racial slur in this forum, while white people deal with racism in every facet of society because anti-white politics has been injected into even things like drinking milk.

This young man is crazy. And I mean he is a mental case.
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Where do you guys get this ridiculous notion that only those who have the power to oppress can be racist?

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.

Sorry, but your ludicrous ideas about race and racism have no power to sting because they're largely monkey shit.

Having said that, if you're saying that white people as a race are inherently morally weaker and weaker in character than blacks or other races then you are racist.

No, he is saying that whites have a record of almost 250 years of immoral racist behaviors which shows a weakness in character. He states that whites had to create laws and policies in order to deny people they felt were inferior which is a sign of fear or weakness. That is what whites have done and what many continue doing.

You're a sorry-ass black racist using racism as a cop-out to try to get you a check. The End.

You sorry motherfucker. Work and save some money, this is America. According to how old you say you are, you grew up when it was much better than when I did. I'm still making on 1 week's pay covers the housing, barely.

We need to get back to something better for everybody.

Post a racist quote I have said. And stop repeating dumb white racist memes. I worked for 43 years, saved, then retired. Now I can work on doing what I want. So I am going to make an example out of people like you.
Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.

You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black. You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough. You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.


You’re so misunderstood claims the Racist...

What’s your new excuse going to be ?
Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.

You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black. You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough. You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.


You’re so misunderstood claims the Racist...

What’s your new excuse going to be ?

Post a racist qoute from me.
So whites that were exploring the world, inventing things like steam power, the telegraph, cement, electromagnet, the typewriter, internal combustion engine and building grand structures were intimidated by a people still living relatively primitively. Hokay.
Whites never invented shit without Black or brown people giving them the knowledge. The sciences were first taught by Black people. Whites benefited from that instruction so whites get zero credit for any invention. Besides most of the inventions were stolen from Blacks that were unable to get patents. This shows again the weakness of whites and their penchant for lying about who actually made the inventions.

Stolen patents and borrowed ideas from the Moors is only part of the story. A five minute Google search on Moorish inventions reveals that the Moors brought back a lot of these ideas and gadgets from China and India.
I would argue that since the first empires in China were Blacks and the same with India that doesnt really help your argument.

Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
What we do know is Africa is home to some the worlds oldest civilizations, so it's very possible Chinese learned from Africans.

Kemetic Children of the Sun: Afrikan King T'ang of China

Kemetic Sankofa writes...…

King T'ang is the oldest documented ruler of China. African descent.

-"Kemetic Chilren Of The Sun"-
It appears that the entire continent of Asia was originally the home of many black races. They were the pioneers of in establishing, the civilization that has flourished through-out this vast region.
Reports of major kingdoms ruled by blacks are frequent in chinese documents.
The Anu are the same people who occupied Egypt thousands of years. It is recorded to have large migrations to the Asian continent. Taking thousands of years of Afro-Egyptian knowledge and influence.

The first dynasty founded by King Tang or Ta, the earliest documented rulers of China was the Shang (or Chiang) Dynasty. (1500 - 1000 BCE) This dynasty was credited with bringing together the elements of China's earliest civilisation. Shang was given the name Nakhi (Na- black, Khi- man).

Under this black dynasty, the black Chinese established the basic forms of graceful calligraphy that has lasted to the present day. The first Chinese Emperor, the legendary Fu-Hsi (2953 - 2838 BC) was a woolly haired black man. He and his African brothers and sisters are credited with establishing a government originating from, social, cultural, institutions and scientific technological inventions. 2300 BCE, An African King rules Mesopotamia, King Patesi of Lagash, more generally known as Gudea.

There is strong evidence to suggest that there is an African element in the Japanese population, particularly the population of south Japan. The African element in Japan is clearly recognisable by certain inhabitants with dark and often blackish skin, wide flat nose and frizzy to curly hair. African racial type skulls have been found in the island of Formosa and traces of this African element in the island of Liu-Kiu to the south of Japan, Les-Negritos Dela Chine. Batchelor points out, in his book Ainu Lite and Core, that 'the oldest known inhabitants of Japan are the 'Ainus'.

Significant too, is the fact that Ainu traditions tell of a race of dwarfs or Koropokquiri, inhabited Japan before the coming of the Ainu. The original Ainu are black people, and their beliefs and rituals correspond to those of ancient Egypt (Book sign and symbols or primordial man). There is mention of black military commander Sakanouya Tamuramaro, in the very early stages of Japanese history. (Runoko Rashidi, 'Presence in Asian Antiquity, Nile Valley Civilisation. According to a Japanese proverb: 'For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood: Cheikh Anti Diop 'Origin of Civilisation' (Myth of Reality).

In year 2004 AD, scientists have found skeletons of a hobbit-like species of human that grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child. The tiny humans, who had skulls about the size of grapefruits, lived with pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago.

Australian and Indonesian researchers discovered bones of the miniature humans in a cave on Flores, an island east of Bali and midway between Asia and Australia.Scientists have determined that the first skeleton they found belongs to a species of human completely new to science. Named Homo floresiensis, after the island on which it was found. Are the Koropokquiri The Hobbit Homo Floresiesis?

Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*: Kemetic Children of the Sun: Afrikan King T'ang of China

Of curse this will be dismissed here because it's not from a white source.
Whites never invented shit without Black or brown people giving them the knowledge. The sciences were first taught by Black people. Whites benefited from that instruction so whites get zero credit for any invention. Besides most of the inventions were stolen from Blacks that were unable to get patents. This shows again the weakness of whites and their penchant for lying about who actually made the inventions.

Stolen patents and borrowed ideas from the Moors is only part of the story. A five minute Google search on Moorish inventions reveals that the Moors brought back a lot of these ideas and gadgets from China and India.
I would argue that since the first empires in China were Blacks and the same with India that doesnt really help your argument.

Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white. You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.
  • Thanks
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What we do know is Africa is home to some the worlds oldest civilizations, so it's very possible Chinese learned from Africans.

Kemetic Children of the Sun: Afrikan King T'ang of China

Kemetic Sankofa writes...…

King T'ang is the oldest documented ruler of China. African descent.

-"Kemetic Chilren Of The Sun"-
It appears that the entire continent of Asia was originally the home of many black races. They were the pioneers of in establishing, the civilization that has flourished through-out this vast region.
Reports of major kingdoms ruled by blacks are frequent in chinese documents.
The Anu are the same people who occupied Egypt thousands of years. It is recorded to have large migrations to the Asian continent. Taking thousands of years of Afro-Egyptian knowledge and influence.

The first dynasty founded by King Tang or Ta, the earliest documented rulers of China was the Shang (or Chiang) Dynasty. (1500 - 1000 BCE) This dynasty was credited with bringing together the elements of China's earliest civilisation. Shang was given the name Nakhi (Na- black, Khi- man).

Under this black dynasty, the black Chinese established the basic forms of graceful calligraphy that has lasted to the present day. The first Chinese Emperor, the legendary Fu-Hsi (2953 - 2838 BC) was a woolly haired black man. He and his African brothers and sisters are credited with establishing a government originating from, social, cultural, institutions and scientific technological inventions. 2300 BCE, An African King rules Mesopotamia, King Patesi of Lagash, more generally known as Gudea.

There is strong evidence to suggest that there is an African element in the Japanese population, particularly the population of south Japan. The African element in Japan is clearly recognisable by certain inhabitants with dark and often blackish skin, wide flat nose and frizzy to curly hair. African racial type skulls have been found in the island of Formosa and traces of this African element in the island of Liu-Kiu to the south of Japan, Les-Negritos Dela Chine. Batchelor points out, in his book Ainu Lite and Core, that 'the oldest known inhabitants of Japan are the 'Ainus'.

Significant too, is the fact that Ainu traditions tell of a race of dwarfs or Koropokquiri, inhabited Japan before the coming of the Ainu. The original Ainu are black people, and their beliefs and rituals correspond to those of ancient Egypt (Book sign and symbols or primordial man). There is mention of black military commander Sakanouya Tamuramaro, in the very early stages of Japanese history. (Runoko Rashidi, 'Presence in Asian Antiquity, Nile Valley Civilisation. According to a Japanese proverb: 'For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood: Cheikh Anti Diop 'Origin of Civilisation' (Myth of Reality).

In year 2004 AD, scientists have found skeletons of a hobbit-like species of human that grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child. The tiny humans, who had skulls about the size of grapefruits, lived with pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago.

Australian and Indonesian researchers discovered bones of the miniature humans in a cave on Flores, an island east of Bali and midway between Asia and Australia.Scientists have determined that the first skeleton they found belongs to a species of human completely new to science. Named Homo floresiensis, after the island on which it was found. Are the Koropokquiri The Hobbit Homo Floresiesis?

Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*: Kemetic Children of the Sun: Afrikan King T'ang of China

Of curse this will be dismissed here because it's not from a white source.

No matter what you show white people they will claim its not true unless its from a white source they agree with. Its not good enough that the indigenous populations of Asia still exist in some pockets and are undeniably Black people. Whites are instinctively triggered for denial of the truth. I learned this long ago.

Batek people of Malaysia.


Aja people of the Philippines.

Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.

You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.
Stolen patents and borrowed ideas from the Moors is only part of the story. A five minute Google search on Moorish inventions reveals that the Moors brought back a lot of these ideas and gadgets from China and India.
I would argue that since the first empires in China were Blacks and the same with India that doesnt really help your argument.

Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?
I would argue that since the first empires in China were Blacks and the same with India that doesnt really help your argument.

Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.
Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.
White scientist lie! Black Scientist are honest.
White scientist steal from black scientist.
Everything that has and ever will be discovered should be credited to the black race. Other races simply steal from the accomplishments of blacks. Do I have this right?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.
White scientist lie! Black Scientist are honest.
White scientist steal from black scientist.
Everything that has and ever will be discovered should be credited to the black race. Other races simply steal from the accomplishments of blacks. Do I have this right?

Only the white race steals credit. People of other races give credit where credit is due.
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Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.
White scientist lie! Black Scientist are honest.
White scientist steal from black scientist.
Everything that has and ever will be discovered should be credited to the black race. Other races simply steal from the accomplishments of blacks. Do I have this right?

Only the white race steals credit. People of other races give credit where credit is due.
Okay, thanks for correcting me.
You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black. You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough. You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.


You’re so misunderstood claims the Racist...

What’s your new excuse going to be ?

Post a racist qoute from me.

I just did, you're in denial, you live in denial...

I would venture to say 98% of what you post is racist rhetoric, you're the one on here whining about what Whitey has denied you, stolen from you, etc...

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