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The Sickness Racism Breeds

Even if that's true, it still means the Moors borrowed some of their ideas and inventions.

I would love to see your source on this though and learn more about it. Do you have a link or something?
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Yeah but if the Moors did borrow from others...those others were Black like they were.

Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Its freely available on the internet but you can start here.

5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa

"It states that the first documented governance in China was headed by the Shang or Chiang dynasty in 1500-1000 B.C. King T’ang or Ta, founder of the Shang dynasty, was of African descent. The Shang were also called Nakhi, which literally means “Black” (Na) and “Man” (khi). King T’ang and the Shang dynasty were responsible for unifying China to form their first civilization."

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Dont deflect. You know what you asked me for.

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
  • Thanks
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Whether the Moors borrowed anything is not the issue. The issue is really how whites here have stated that blacks have done nothing, accomplished nothing, invented nothing and have never added anything positive to the history of mankind. Each time that is proven untrue then we get somebody white here who has to ague whether or not it's true, then they ask to see more evidence in every case even as they brag about how they are the only ones who has created or invented everything while never showing evidence.

You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.
Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Dont deflect. You know what you asked me for.

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

I agree, our bodies have auras... we do transmit energy and probably in ways we do not always realize as the human brain is a powerful thing that we are still trying to understand completely. There are healing tecniques such as reiki massage, acupuncture and even concepts like Chi in martial arts that back all of this up,

DO I agree with your White vs Black thing? again and always ... fuck no. There are white people who seek to understand things and, there are white people who do not... same can be said for Black people. You choose to pick examples that suit you just like some white people will choose to find examples of black people they consider
stupid... I'm sure i could find videos off Walmart shoppers of both races who fit the stereotypes, but why waste the time.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Dont deflect. You know what you asked me for.

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

I agree, our bodies have auras... we do transmit energy and probably in ways we do not always realize as the human brain is a powerful thing that we are still trying to understand completely. There are healing tecniques such as reiki massage, acupuncture and even concepts like Chi in martial arts that back all of this up,

DO I agree with your White vs Black thing? again and always ... fuck no. There are white people who seek to understand things and, there are white people who do not... same can be said for Black people. You choose to pick examples that suit you just like some white people will choose to find examples of black people they consider
stupid... I'm sure i could find videos off Walmart shoppers of both races who fit the stereotypes, but why waste the time.
Good to see some white people have some sense. Congrats.
Role of semiconductivity and ion transport in the electrical conduction of melanin

I know its hard to agree but eventually the lies you have been taught will be revealed. Have patience.
You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.
This is an example of white lies. Contrary to being backwards the use of mud huts shows extreme intelligence.Mud keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Whites however lived in caves and were not privy to that knowledge so they never developed the technology.
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You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.

But not all Africans live in mud huts. It has never been that way. There are cities there as you well know since you say you've been there, with houses that look exactly like a so called western styled house. At he same time whites have refused to recognize how they lived in sod houses right here in America. These are the things I am talking about.
What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Dont deflect. You know what you asked me for.

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

I agree, our bodies have auras... we do transmit energy and probably in ways we do not always realize as the human brain is a powerful thing that we are still trying to understand completely. There are healing tecniques such as reiki massage, acupuncture and even concepts like Chi in martial arts that back all of this up,

DO I agree with your White vs Black thing? again and always ... fuck no. There are white people who seek to understand things and, there are white people who do not... same can be said for Black people. You choose to pick examples that suit you just like some white people will choose to find examples of black people they consider
stupid... I'm sure i could find videos off Walmart shoppers of both races who fit the stereotypes, but why waste the time.
Good to see some white people have some sense. Congrats.
Role of semiconductivity and ion transport in the electrical conduction of melanin

I know its hard to agree but eventually the lies you have been taught will be revealed. Have patience.

Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner. Melanin gives humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Since whites have the least amount of Melanin, this is why they are perceived by People of Color as generally being rigid, unfeeling (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and "unspiritual."

from your link, ^^^ While I find the info very interesting, and I have seen this before. I have to say, you might believe all that, but it's only because your not white. I can say from personal experience white people have feelings.

A lot of that is scientific, but a lot of that info is also conjecture as well. As where for example the theory is, if you are not black you are not Human but something else.... ok well I say its conjecture because it is well known that often the human body when having a deficiency in one area will also compensate in other ways.

If Melanin makes black people all so harmonius, then please explain how black people F over other black people so often.. yes and by lying and conniving as well. I have seen RL examples of this more than once. I dont see how melanin became any sort of deterrent and actually you could say culture has a more profound effect on behaviour than Melanin. Whites may in many cases be culturally screwed up but there are reasons other than skin color for that going back generations.
No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.

But not all Africans live in mud huts. It has never been that way. There are cities there as you well know since you say you've been there, with houses that look exactly like a so called western styled house. At he same time whites have refused to recognize how they lived in sod houses right here in America. These are the things I am talking about.

Yes, I'm very well aware not all Africans live in Mud huts. I've been to Nairobi and Mombassa and others, i was simply responding to the fact ....that I often see people bring up Africans living in Mud huts as a reason to put them down. And for that I have to disagree... a lot of people there obviously live in the countryside and the kind of soil to make bricks out of clay is plentiful so what sense would it make for poor people to import materials to build a wooden house when they are likely to end up with mold problems to to the humidity? A lot of the other structures there Ive seen in the cities are stone and quarried coral... not wood so much but yeah i saw those too. Mud brick houses make perfect sense because in the country side, they just don't have electricity everywhere to run AC ... let alone lights so they have to use clay or they would die from the heat.

The few whites you converse with here on USMB by the way hardly represent every one in the US... most people who are going to log in here usually have political motivations to begin with one way or the other which is going to give a skewed conversation so there are some things you have to figure people are just trying to pull your chain on as well
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You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

I confront Jahrman because us wring and validating a white racist stereotype of us that is not based on fact.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

Lags Nigeria is a city hat has a populating of 21 million people. The population of Texas is 21 million. There are no mud huts there. All of Africa is not rural and whites are living here in tents. Now as for slavery:

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade

In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. The problem with raiding for slaves was that it was extremely dangerous. For instance, the slave trader Nuno Tristão was killed during an ambush. Slave raiding proved to be an extremely dangerous way to obtain slaves, but buying slaves was much safer and took less effort on the part of the Europeans. Therefore, the first phase of the slave trade began not with a trade, but with a series of raids. This point is especially important because although the slave trade was on some levels based on a partnership between European buyers and African traders, the slave trade did not begin as such.


Typically wars in West Africa were relatively short affairs that left a small number of causalities. The introduction of European weapons made these wars more drawn out and destructive affairs. Moreover, the only way Africans could acquire these firearms was through the trade of slaves. A king of Dahomey once requested that Europeans establish a firearms factory in his nation, but this request went ignored. Firearms became necessary for African nations to defend themselves both from African rivals as well as from European intrusion, but the only way to acquire these weapons was through the slave trade. This situation only benefited the competing European powers that were able to play Africans against each other.

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade | HuffPost

Unlike you, I have studied the slave trade and when you see beyond white supremacist lies, the opinion that Africans sold each other into slavery should be ignored because that isn't exactly the facts of the case.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

That's a stupid comment. No one is 100 percent of the population so no one deserves 100 percent of the opportunities.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

Nope. The fact is you have yet to show proof that race had anything to do with this, especially given the circumstance YOU described that happened on the job. Furthermore given what you show here I wonder how this black man was really treated on this job. You have said I am incorrect about racism. Finally, I am saying that you are here whining about one instance of claimed racsim that got resolved but I have experienced 15-20,000 unresolved.

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

I have what is called a legitimate grievance. You don't.

More than half of white Americans say they believe discrimination against white people exists in the U.S. today.


A smaller percentage of white Americans say that they have been personally discriminated against because they are white when…


"Anti-White Racism is just a talking point the far right has raised to the level of a belief".

Anonymous white internet forum user

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Yep and the entire paragraph is what whites have been doing for years.
You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.

But not all Africans live in mud huts. It has never been that way. There are cities there as you well know since you say you've been there, with houses that look exactly like a so called western styled house. At he same time whites have refused to recognize how they lived in sod houses right here in America. These are the things I am talking about.

Yes, I'm very well aware not all Africans live in Mud huts. I've been to Nairobi and Mombassa and others, i was simply responding to the fact ....that I often see people bring up Africans living in Mud huts as a reason to put them down. And for that I have to disagree... a lot of people there obviously live in the countryside and the kind of soil to make bricks out of clay is plentiful so what sense would it make for poor people to import materials to build a wooden house when they are likely to end up with mold problems to to the humidity? A lot of the other structures there Ive seen in the cities are stone and quarried coral... not wood so much but yeah i saw those too. Mud brick houses make perfect sense because in the country side, they just don't have electricity everywhere to run AC ... let alone lights so they have to use clay or they would die from the heat.

The few whites you converse with here on USMB by the way hardly represent every one in the US... most people who are going to log in here usually have political motivations to begin with one way or the other which is going to give a skewed conversation so there are some things you have to figure people are just trying to pull your chain on as well

I understood what you were saying. And I realize these guys don't represent all whites. But this is ridiculous that you see this kind of racism in almost every section here. Even most of the moderators participate in the racism. I stopped going to the sports section because some asshole was complaining about how they needed more white basketball players in the NBA. I don't play with racists nor do I tolerate them.
Yes but, the claim is that Europeans got their ideas from the Moors, not black Chinese. This means that the ideas borrowed from the Moors by the Europeans was in turn borrowed by the Moors from the Chinese. So this begs the question: Would the Moors have had some of these ideas to pass on to the Europeans if they had not themselves borrowed or stolen them from the Chinese or Indians?

Okay, so I checked out this article and checked their sources and did a little bit of research beyond that and found a few wrinkles:

1.) The findings cited by Chinese geneticist Jin Li in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic article have been disputed by other scientists for various reasons. Below are a few things cited in a www.china.org article that bring up factors and questions that are not explained by Li's findings and I included quotes by other scientists from the same article.

"Professor Jin Li sees the African origin of the Chinese people as a hard fact, but not everyone agrees. Some scientists say it is wrong to rely solely on genetics to establish the origins of modern humans."

"...hominid fossils in China share the same facial features: comparatively flat faces, a larger angle between the nose and the forehead, a flat nose bridge, rectangular eye sockets and forward-projecting cheekbones. All these features are absent in Africans."

"So while the genetic evidence points strongly to the African origin of all modern humans, including the Chinese, dissenting archeologists maintain the fossil record supports some version of the multi-regional hypothesis and suggest DNA evidence alone is inconclusive. Obviously, this complex debate is set to continue."

So as of yet, there is no consensus in the scientific community that Li's findings are conclusive.

2.) The other source cited in the article titled Light Words from the Dark Continent; A Collection of Essays was written by a Namu Amun and a Nibs Ra, two men who are not scientists in any way, shape or form.
I can't find anything on Nibs Ra but Manu Amun is apparently an author of fantasy/science fiction novels. I found at least one novel by him titled Circle S7ven, a fictional tale about a spiritual stirring happening around the world and how the powers that be are trying to quash it. A person named Zohar and his brother and sisters are destined to be the next spiritual leaders and usher the world into this new age of spiritual awakening.

I actually found this work by Ra and Amun and downloaded it and began reading. I hadn't gone very far when I realized it was just a bunch of spiritual hokum. Below is just one quote from the essay that pretty much explains the tone of the entire thing:

"Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all emitted as forms of energy that are receivable and processable by melanin. Ancient Afrikans would hold conversations, send images and communicate via the drum from distances of 100’s of miles away! They utilized their melanin’s ability to accept and process information in the form of energy waves."

"Energy waves"? This is hardly a scientific publication. This work is more along the lines of The Celestine Prophecy except they're claiming it to be true.

What's more, the claim in the article that the first emperor, King T'ang, was of African descent is not cited or supported in any external scientific source.

Final conclusion: We don't know that ancient Chinese were black and there is no corroborating evidence that T'ang was black.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Have you discarded black lies?

If you are acquainted with the scientific process and research your claims as you say then you would have found just as I did that Li's claims have not been verified by the scientific community. So either you did not do your research in this case or you chose to ignore it. It also means that the author of the Atlanta Black Star article is guilty of not doing proper research and source verification.

You know what's funny about all this? I didn't even say Li's findings are not true or even that they lack merit. They may very well be true but we won't know for sure one way or the other until they conduct further studies. But just saying that they have not been widely accepted in the scientific community was enough to send you off into paroxysms of whitey-hating rage.

Dont deflect.

Don't deflect from what?

You know what you asked me for.

Yes, I asked for your source. What's your point?

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

Which white lies, exactly? Do you even know which white lies apply in this case? Do you know enough about genetics to say the other scientists are wrong or that they're lying? Or is this just based on some vague notion that whites can't be trusted?

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

Um, no. I can believe that the human body emits a mild electric field but I'm sorry, that's not the same as transmitting information.

Your bioconductors send messages to your brain for the purpose of running your body. If other people started receiving messages from your melanin, they would end up with scrambled brains. This information would be useless to anyone else anyway.
You and Asclepias (mostly A) go to the extreme of claiming all inventions and innovations were either stolen, borrowed or appropriated from blacks but if a white person says the same thing, they're full of shit.

The truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle (as it almost always is). Blacks have invented things and discovered things and so have whites. Contrary to what Asclepias says, not every white invention, discovery or scientific advancement is attributable to blacks and not every patent was stolen from a black person. These are claims that are just simply insupportable.

No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.

I didn't say anything about their education level or their intelligence. I was just pointing out that IM2 seemed to have a problem with my saying they were living in huts back then when we all know some still do.
You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

I confront Jahrman because us wring and validating a white racist stereotype of us that is not based on fact.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

Lags Nigeria is a city hat has a populating of 21 million people. The population of Texas is 21 million. There are no mud huts there. All of Africa is not rural and whites are living here in tents.

No shit. I didn't say or imply that Africa is one giant mud hut camp. I just said there are still some living in huts today. Which happens to be true. It doesn't mean anything to me one way or the other. It is what it is.

Now as for slavery:

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade

In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. The problem with raiding for slaves was that it was extremely dangerous. For instance, the slave trader Nuno Tristão was killed during an ambush. Slave raiding proved to be an extremely dangerous way to obtain slaves, but buying slaves was much safer and took less effort on the part of the Europeans. Therefore, the first phase of the slave trade began not with a trade, but with a series of raids. This point is especially important because although the slave trade was on some levels based on a partnership between European buyers and African traders, the slave trade did not begin as such.

First of all, African tribes had slaves before whites even showed up. Secondly, the first African slaves obtained by Europeans were bought from African tribal chiefs. They were usually war captives from other tribes that they were using as slaves themselves. The slave raids came later.


Typically wars in West Africa were relatively short affairs that left a small number of causalities. The introduction of European weapons made these wars more drawn out and destructive affairs. Moreover, the only way Africans could acquire these firearms was through the trade of slaves. A king of Dahomey once requested that Europeans establish a firearms factory in his nation, but this request went ignored. Firearms became necessary for African nations to defend themselves both from African rivals as well as from European intrusion, but the only way to acquire these weapons was through the slave trade. This situation only benefited the competing European powers that were able to play Africans against each other.

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade | HuffPost

Unlike you, I have studied the slave trade and when you see beyond white supremacist lies, the opinion that Africans sold each other into slavery should be ignored because that isn't exactly the facts of the case.

From the article:

"To speak of the slave trade solely as Africans selling each other t is a gross oversimplification of what was a complex historical event."

This is true. But what he doesn't say that is just as true is that to speak of the slave trade solely as whites raiding and taking innocent Africans and selling them into slavery is also a gross oversimplification.

From Brittannica:

"During the early years of the transatlantic slave trade, the Portuguese generally purchased Africans who had been taken as slaves during tribal wars."

From the website SAHO (South African History):

"The first shipment of slaves from West Africa to the Americas, across the Atlantic Ocean, was in the early 1500s. European, Arab and African merchants were now selling humans as well as gold, ivory and spices."


"Africans bear some responsibility themselves: some African societies had long had their own slaves, and they cooperated with the Europeans to sell other Africans into slavery."

"Africans were not strangers to the slave trade, or to the keeping of slaves. There had been considerable trading of Africans as slaves by Islamic Arab merchants in North Africa since the year 900. When Leo Africanus travelled to West Africa in the 1500s, he recorded in his The Description of Africa and of the Notable Things Therein Contained that, "slaves are the next highest commodity in the marketplace. There is a place where they sell countless slaves on market days." Criminals and prisoners of war, as well as political prisoners were often sold in the marketplaces in Gao, Jenne and Timbuktu."

You get the idea.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

That's a stupid comment. No one is 100 percent of the population so no one deserves 100 percent of the opportunities.

What? That's a stupid comment. If I'm 1/340,000,000 of the population, does that mean I only have 1/340,000,000 of the opportunities available to me? If you're not 100% of the population, what percentage of the opportunities do you not deserve?

I can't believe I'm having to explain this to you but here goes: Everyone, black and white, should have 100% of existing opportunities available to them. In other words, every citizen should have the same right to try for that job, buy that house, get that loan, etc.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

Nope. The fact is you have yet to show proof that race had anything to do with this, especially given the circumstance YOU described that happened on the job.

You have yet to show proof that I am racist. And what, pray tell, were the circumstances I described? Do you even remember?

Furthermore given what you show here I wonder how this black man was really treated on this job.

Given what I "show here"? You called me a liar right out of the starting gate. I had only been here a month or so before I told this story and it was only the second or third time you and I had even interacted here. I never had the opportunity to "show" you anything. Who the fuck are you kidding?

You have said I am incorrect about racism. Finally, I am saying that you are here whining about one instance of claimed racsim that got resolved but I have experienced 15-20,000 unresolved.

What does one have to do with the other if both are wrong?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

I have what is called a legitimate grievance. You don't.

We both have legitimate grievances, you just have more of them. If I was robbed of $100 and you were robbed of $1000, it doesn't mean my robbery was any less of a crime.

More than half of white Americans say they believe discrimination against white people exists in the U.S. today.

A smaller percentage of white Americans say that they have been personally discriminated against because they are white when…


"Anti-White Racism is just a talking point the far right has raised to the level of a belief".

Anonymous white internet forum user

I don't see your point.
You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Dont deflect. You know what you asked me for.

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

I agree, our bodies have auras... we do transmit energy and probably in ways we do not always realize as the human brain is a powerful thing that we are still trying to understand completely. There are healing tecniques such as reiki massage, acupuncture and even concepts like Chi in martial arts that back all of this up,

DO I agree with your White vs Black thing? again and always ... fuck no. There are white people who seek to understand things and, there are white people who do not... same can be said for Black people. You choose to pick examples that suit you just like some white people will choose to find examples of black people they consider
stupid... I'm sure i could find videos off Walmart shoppers of both races who fit the stereotypes, but why waste the time.
Good to see some white people have some sense. Congrats.
Role of semiconductivity and ion transport in the electrical conduction of melanin

I know its hard to agree but eventually the lies you have been taught will be revealed. Have patience.

Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner. Melanin gives humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Since whites have the least amount of Melanin, this is why they are perceived by People of Color as generally being rigid, unfeeling (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and "unspiritual."

from your link, ^^^ While I find the info very interesting, and I have seen this before. I have to say, you might believe all that, but it's only because your not white. I can say from personal experience white people have feelings.

A lot of that is scientific, but a lot of that info is also conjecture as well. As where for example the theory is, if you are not black you are not Human but something else.... ok well I say its conjecture because it is well known that often the human body when having a deficiency in one area will also compensate in other ways.

If Melanin makes black people all so harmonius, then please explain how black people F over other black people so often.. yes and by lying and conniving as well. I have seen RL examples of this more than once. I dont see how melanin became any sort of deterrent and actually you could say culture has a more profound effect on behaviour than Melanin. Whites may in many cases be culturally screwed up but there are reasons other than skin color for that going back generations.
Its amusing to me that you got that whites dont feel or are not human from that when it clearly say "this is why they are perceived by People of Color as generally being rigid, unfeeling (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and "unspiritual." Being perceived a certain way doesnt make the claim you are in fact non human or dont feel. Its evident from your behavior whites feel. Whites suffer from a serious insecurity complex. They are full of feelings for themselves. Blacks are not as harmonious as they were before being poisoned by white philosophy. Black people sense something is wrong but centuries of brainwashing by whites has caused a disconnect with their true nature .Once they understand the affects and truly poisonous nature of white philosophies and know true Black history the tend to immediately become peaceful and seekers of truth.
Not interested in your conclusions. Youre white.

What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

You asked for a source and I gave you a start. Its not up to me to convince you. Its up to you to convince me that it isnt true. So far you have struck out.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Have you discarded black lies?

If you are acquainted with the scientific process and research your claims as you say then you would have found just as I did that Li's claims have not been verified by the scientific community. So either you did not do your research in this case or you chose to ignore it. It also means that the author of the Atlanta Black Star article is guilty of not doing proper research and source verification.

You know what's funny about all this? I didn't even say Li's findings are not true or even that they lack merit. They may very well be true but we won't know for sure one way or the other until they conduct further studies. But just saying that they have not been widely accepted in the scientific community was enough to send you off into paroxysms of whitey-hating rage.

Dont deflect.

Don't deflect from what?

You know what you asked me for.

Yes, I asked for your source. What's your point?

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

Which white lies, exactly? Do you even know which white lies apply in this case? Do you know enough about genetics to say the other scientists are wrong or that they're lying? Or is this just based on some vague notion that whites can't be trusted?

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

Um, no. I can believe that the human body emits a mild electric field but I'm sorry, that's not the same as transmitting information.

Your bioconductors send messages to your brain for the purpose of running your body. If other people started receiving messages from your melanin, they would end up with scrambled brains. This information would be useless to anyone else anyway.
I've never experienced any Black lies regarding history. Only white liars.

I dont care what white people have verified. I dont give them any credibility to call themselves the deciders of what is truth or not because its proven they lie and omit information already.

You have vivid imagination. The only thing I am having is paroxysms of laughing fits at your posts. :laugh:

Dont deflect from what I said because you cant deal with discussing the point.

My point is dont play stupid because I pointed out you are the one that asked me for a source. I gave you a source. Its entirely your duty to convince or not convince yourself. I dont owe anything else or intend to do anything else since your belief is of no interest to me.

Like I said you sound like an idiot. I'm not talking about the messages our synapses send. I am talking about being able to communicate on a level you whites simply cant due to your lack of melanin. You can transfer a message with a look or body language let alone by other methods unknown to most whites..
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No, we challenge the whites here you never approach who say that blacks have never done anything. You have NEVER argued with a single white person who has done that. Please, just be quiet until you can.

You have never argued with a single black person who has done that either so I'll be quiet when you are quiet. If you are not quiet then stay tuned for more of the same from me.

You seem to have a problem with my never confronting whites as you've brought it up a number of times but I've never had a problem with you not confronting blacks. Frankly, I don't give a shit. But it makes me wonder why you have such difficulty with someone doing (or not doing, as the case may be) exactly what you do.

I have confronted blacks. Avery Jahrman is black.

You confront Avery Jahrman because he disagrees with you, not necessarily because he's wrong.

You see GR we aren't doing the same things you whites here do. That's the problem. You are confused. You seem to think an angry or sarcastic response or reactions to the white racism here is racism. Just like you guys think that if we say something critical of whites we are race baiting but the racist comments made by whites here never are. Even as you make claims about things A has said, the fact is there is evidence existing that shows his comments be correct. There is none showing that blacks were backwards and stupid all living in mud huts until the white man came and saved us by making us slaves.

I don't know why you find this so hard to believe when you know there are still Africans living in huts today.

A fact that is often brought up by some whites but is seemingly ignored or overlooked by a lot of blacks like yourself is that Africans sold their own people into slavery. In fact, in 1999, Matthieu Kerekou, then president of the African nation of Benin, apologized to a group of African American clergymen at a National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. for his country's role in the African slave trade.

You whites by all standards have more of everything than everybdy else and yet you are crying because that you are being discriminated against or face racism because you don't get 100 percent of the opportunity. 90 percent is just not enough.

You're absolutely right; 90% of opportunity is not enough, for anybody, blacks or whites.

You whined about a personal claim of racism you faced whereby the person who performed the act you claimed was racist got fired. Well I have faced white racism and watched as the perpetrator got promoted or kept their jobs on numerous occasions, but your claim of racism is supposed to be considered real while I am incorrect even as blacks have endured that kind of humiliation consistently.

It's considered real because it actually happened. Are you backtracking now to your initial position and claiming it didn't happen even though you have pretty much acknowledged that it did happen since then? When are you going to make up your mind?

And who said you were incorrect? Also, unless you're saying that his falsely thinking my motive was racism and that his spitting on me was justified because of what happened to you, what does any of that have to do with my case?

So as we blacks look at a bunch of whites here whining about things that are not happening to them because they aren't getting everything they want, it is no wonder A says that whites are weak. Because we have had to make something from nothing. We have had to literally fight and die to get things your asses were born with. And we aren't crying. We are fighting and it is going to go the distance because we won't stop until whites do what is right or the lord returns. You see, whites here have got the term victim all wrong. But what's new about that?

You're not crying? Then what are you doing here?

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the one who ignores that a college considers SAT scores one of many factors considered for admission. The victim is the person who cries because they wonder why whites, who are 77 percent of the population end up with the applicants with most of the high scores, not because they are inherently smarter but because there are more of them, then whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores and not considering everything a university takes into consideration. The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a quota that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

This entire paragraph is playing victim.

Gotta say, just because black people still live in mud huts doesnt mean that they are not educated or couldnt be, by virtue of the fact they are living in a mud hut. I've been inside many of those in Africa and believe it or not, in most cases it still makes good sense. They can be built very cheaply and are effective for keeping out the heat. They would be miserable in a western style house in a lot of these places. many of the 'mud huts' Ive seen also can be plastered over, have wood floors, plastered and painted in the interior as well. It's just a more economically feasible way for a lot of people to live while they send their kids off to school somewhere. Tell you the truth, those buildings are very comfortable.

But not all Africans live in mud huts. It has never been that way. There are cities there as you well know since you say you've been there, with houses that look exactly like a so called western styled house. At he same time whites have refused to recognize how they lived in sod houses right here in America. These are the things I am talking about.
The thing that fascinates me is the idea...the belief that whites have that they alone control what Africans should believe is the measuring stick for being advanced. Listening to whites will cause the natural world to be destroyed. Whites tend to fuck up every single environment they inhabit. There is no way I am going to look to them as a measuring stick to figure out what is advanced and what is not. Lets be realistic. Black people taught them civilization not the other way around.
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No shit. I didn't say or imply that Africa is one giant mud hut camp. I just said there are still some living in huts today. Which happens to be true. It doesn't mean anything to me one way or the other. It is what it is.
Why would you say it if you didn't mean it as a denigration? That's certainly what the other racists do.

I attended college in Florida, the university I graduated from is the number one aeronautical university in the world and most of the students there while I was enrolled were white males, the majority of which were pursuing a curriculum that combined class room studies, ground school courses and flight time in training aircraft. A couple of my good friends and classmates were from Lagos Nigeria and they were roommates. Some of the guys in class with them (white guys) would make the most stupid and rude comments about them which essentially are on par with stating "Africans live in mud huts". My friends were upper middle class, their parents were affluent and one of them was the product of a mixed race marriage (English & Nigerian). More importantly, he was an A student on the Dean's list, captain of the university's flight team, played sports and they were all just really nice and sweet guys.

So when I hear white guys talking shit about black people based on ABOLUTLEY NOTHING yet they are so ignorant that they don't even realize that they're denigrating people who on just about every measureable quality exceed them I'm rendered dumbfounded. I'm not going to say that these are the qualities makes them a better person than the idiots talking shit to them in class, but I will say that they were certainly too well mannered to say any unkind thing to them in retribution, because they were raised better than that.

And that's the same way I see most of the white racist here on U.S. Message Board and everywhere else on the internet. Some of you may be better educated, make more money, have more power/influence in society, etc. but some are so nasty, classless, ill-mannered and just assholely that it kind of cancels out your plusses. I realize that my thoughts on this matter don't matter to most if not all of you, but I'm not the only person who can see this, not by a long shot.

So if you didn't bring up the mud huts to be snarky, what was your point?
What does my being white have to do with it? Secondly, it is not MY conclusion, it is the conclusion of the scientific community.

Wrong. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You're claiming that the first Chinese emperor was black. It's up to you to prove it or provide evidence.

The scientific process doesn't work in such a way that a scientist makes a claim and all the scientists just buy it. There has to be independent studies and research by other scientists to determine the veracity of it. The simple fact is, the scientific community does not yet fully embrace Li's conclusions. Some scientists say his findings have merit but there's the problem of his theories failing to answer a lot of current questions and raising all new ones.

I'll just bet you never bothered to "go further" and look into the matter beyond this one article. If you had you would have seen that the guys claiming the emperor was black were also saying things like conversations passed between people via energy waves transmitted through the melanin in their skin. I mean, holy shit, how can you possibly take anything these idiots say seriously after that?

You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Have you discarded black lies?

If you are acquainted with the scientific process and research your claims as you say then you would have found just as I did that Li's claims have not been verified by the scientific community. So either you did not do your research in this case or you chose to ignore it. It also means that the author of the Atlanta Black Star article is guilty of not doing proper research and source verification.

You know what's funny about all this? I didn't even say Li's findings are not true or even that they lack merit. They may very well be true but we won't know for sure one way or the other until they conduct further studies. But just saying that they have not been widely accepted in the scientific community was enough to send you off into paroxysms of whitey-hating rage.

Dont deflect.

Don't deflect from what?

You know what you asked me for.

Yes, I asked for your source. What's your point?

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

Which white lies, exactly? Do you even know which white lies apply in this case? Do you know enough about genetics to say the other scientists are wrong or that they're lying? Or is this just based on some vague notion that whites can't be trusted?

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

Um, no. I can believe that the human body emits a mild electric field but I'm sorry, that's not the same as transmitting information.

Your bioconductors send messages to your brain for the purpose of running your body. If other people started receiving messages from your melanin, they would end up with scrambled brains. This information would be useless to anyone else anyway.
I've never experienced any Black lies regarding history. Only white liars.

I dont care what white people have verified. I dont give them any credibility to call themselves the deciders of what is truth or not because its proven they lie and omit information already.

You don't care what whites have verified? Even if, in fact, it is verified?
Are you saying that every white scientist lied? Are you saying that the discovery and verification of the DNA double helix has not been verified?
Are you saying the discovery and verification of penicillin as an antibiotic has not been verified?
Are you saying the discovery and verification of continental drift has not been verified?
Are you saying the discovery and verification that went into the development of the personal computer that you're using right now to tell me white scientists lie, is itself, a white lie?
For that matter, are you saying that the operating system on that same computer that you're using right now is a white lie?

You do realize that most of the medical and technological inventions, discoveries and innovations available to you right now were verified by white scientists, right?

Also, you didn't answer my questions. Which white lies exactly are you talking about? Can you cite even one?

You have vivid imagination. The only thing I am having is paroxysms of laughing fits at your posts. :laugh:

Laugh all you want, but the fact remains that you accused me of white denial when I never denied Li's findings other than to say they haven't been proven yet. Face it, you overreacted to my comments because you misconstrued what I said based solely on the fact that I'm white.

Dont deflect from what I said because you cant deal with discussing the point.

What did you say that I'm deflecting from?

My point is dont play stupid because I pointed out you are the one that asked me for a source. I gave you a source. Its entirely your duty to convince or not convince yourself. I dont owe anything else or intend to do anything else since your belief is of no interest to me.

Then why did you even bother telling me about black Chinese or even provide the source if you don't care what I believe? If you're not trying to convince me then who are you trying to convince, yourself?

Like I said you sound like an idiot. I'm not talking about the messages our synapses send. I am talking about being able to communicate on a level you whites simply cant due to your lack of melanin. You can transfer a message with a look or body language let alone by other methods unknown to most whites..

First of all, whites don't lack melanin, they just have less. Secondly, looks and body language have nothing to do with melanin. And finally, has any of this been verified by a black scientist?
You being white has a lot to do with it.

How? If my being white has something to do with it, does your being black have something to do with your views on it?

I wasnt trying to prove anything to you. You asked for a source and I gave you one knowing full well you would back pedal into white denial.

Denial of what, ESP through skin pigmentation?

Yeah I know how it works. My daughter is a scientist. However, white scientists have been caught lying over racial issues before and pretty sure it will happen yet again.

That doesn't prove they are in this case. Besides, how do you know they're all white?

I always research my claims to make sure they are valid so you would lose that bet. Since melanin is known as a bio conductor why wouldnt I take them seriously? There is a reason melanin is worth more than gold.

There's a huge difference between conducting energy and transmitting it. The bioelectricity that occurs in our bodies occurs between cells via tactile contact like wires. Our bodies do not transmit energy and they most certainly do not transmit radio waves so that we can converse non-verbally.
Being white you are brainwashed by white lies. Me being Black I have discarded white lies long ago.

Have you discarded black lies?

If you are acquainted with the scientific process and research your claims as you say then you would have found just as I did that Li's claims have not been verified by the scientific community. So either you did not do your research in this case or you chose to ignore it. It also means that the author of the Atlanta Black Star article is guilty of not doing proper research and source verification.

You know what's funny about all this? I didn't even say Li's findings are not true or even that they lack merit. They may very well be true but we won't know for sure one way or the other until they conduct further studies. But just saying that they have not been widely accepted in the scientific community was enough to send you off into paroxysms of whitey-hating rage.

Dont deflect.

Don't deflect from what?

You know what you asked me for.

Yes, I asked for your source. What's your point?

Actually it does prove it. They are working off white taught lies.

Which white lies, exactly? Do you even know which white lies apply in this case? Do you know enough about genetics to say the other scientists are wrong or that they're lying? Or is this just based on some vague notion that whites can't be trusted?

You sound like an idiot. Our bodies do transmit energy outside the body in various ways. Who told you that messages had to be transmitted via radio waves? Just because you white people lack the intelligence to understand that doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

Um, no. I can believe that the human body emits a mild electric field but I'm sorry, that's not the same as transmitting information.

Your bioconductors send messages to your brain for the purpose of running your body. If other people started receiving messages from your melanin, they would end up with scrambled brains. This information would be useless to anyone else anyway.
I've never experienced any Black lies regarding history. Only white liars.

I dont care what white people have verified. I dont give them any credibility to call themselves the deciders of what is truth or not because its proven they lie and omit information already.

You don't care what whites have verified? Even if, in fact, it is verified?
Are you saying that every white scientist lied? Are you saying that the discovery and verification of the DNA double helix has not been verified?
Are you saying the discovery and verification of penicillin as an antibiotic has not been verified?
Are you saying the discovery and verification of continental drift has not been verified?
Are you saying the discovery and verification that went into the development of the personal computer that you're using right now to tell me white scientists lie, is itself, a white lie?
For that matter, are you saying that the operating system on that same computer that you're using right now is a white lie?

You do realize that most of the medical and technological inventions, discoveries and innovations available to you right now were verified by white scientists, right?

Also, you didn't answer my questions. Which white lies exactly are you talking about? Can you cite even one?

You have vivid imagination. The only thing I am having is paroxysms of laughing fits at your posts. :laugh:

Laugh all you want, but the fact remains that you accused me of white denial when I never denied Li's findings other than to say they haven't been proven yet. Face it, you overreacted to my comments because you misconstrued what I said based solely on the fact that I'm white.

Dont deflect from what I said because you cant deal with discussing the point.

What did you say that I'm deflecting from?

My point is dont play stupid because I pointed out you are the one that asked me for a source. I gave you a source. Its entirely your duty to convince or not convince yourself. I dont owe anything else or intend to do anything else since your belief is of no interest to me.

Then why did you even bother telling me about black Chinese or even provide the source if you don't care what I believe? If you're not trying to convince me then who are you trying to convince, yourself?

Like I said you sound like an idiot. I'm not talking about the messages our synapses send. I am talking about being able to communicate on a level you whites simply cant due to your lack of melanin. You can transfer a message with a look or body language let alone by other methods unknown to most whites..

First of all, whites don't lack melanin, they just have less. Secondly, looks and body language have nothing to do with melanin. And finally, has any of this been verified by a black scientist?
Correct. Whites dont have the authority to verify anything. They lack the credibility and knowledge.

You mean the operating system that is based on the binary math the Ethiopians and Egyptians first used? You mean the OS that runs on the hardware created by a Black man who owns the vast majority of the patents for the PC? No those are not white lies but they do illuminate my point that whites cant invent shit without major help from Blacks currently and the foundational knowledge supplied by Black civilizations. :rolleyes:

Off the top of my head Piltdown man. Another white lie by insecure white people.

I told you about it to make sure everyone else knew the first Asian civilizations were Black. Everything I do is educate and inform my people. You are just another tool I use to do this.

Yes dummy. Whites lack melanin. If you dont know what "lack" means you should have looked it up before denying it. I will provide the definition for you.

  1. 1.
    the state of being without or not having enough of something.
Whites die of skin cancer specifically because they lack melanin.

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