THE Singular Reason The LGBT Cult Is Taking Over...


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I would like to thank ThunderKiss for inadvertently advertising to the world THE REASON the LGBT cult is taking over the core of our social milieu...

From this thread: Preschool teaching kids " Intersex" and " Genderqueer" post #25

"Personally I have no feelings about it....but..."

Thank you :bow3: ThunderKiss

I admit I really didn't read much of the OP. I'm running on zero sleep. Personally I have no feelings one way are the other towards the so called LGBT community to each his own and all that crap , but this is not the sort of thing that should be taught in school and should be left to the parents. That takes a village garbage is bullshit man.

You have given me a perfect example. You have made my day. At first you say "personally I have no feelings one way or the other"....then you say "but this is not the sort of thing that should be taught in school.." ending your comments calling the practice "bullshit" How's that for betraying the strength of your objections just to not do what you perceive is "rocking the boat"? Rock that mothafucka! :dev3:

Long story short, you are but one drop of water in a sea of do-nothings who actually DO have feelings, strong ones, but are sitting on ass doing NOTHING about making the world a better place for children. :eusa_naughty: Please, hang your head in shame. Shame is an excellent motivator. Shame says "you are experiencing a healthy negative emotion that motivates you to change your ways". Embrace your shame. Then do what's right. Emphasis on DO.

Make no mistake about it folks. While you're sitting back "personally having no feelings one way or the other about it"...the cult of LGBT, akin very much to Scientology in their tactics, is taking full advantage of your lassitude. They have a systematic plan in place to nurse the next two or three generations of kids (they've already fucked up the millennials beyond repair) to thinking any concerns about inappropriate sexualizing of children are "a sign that you are insane". So, today's real & legitimate & strong concerns will be dubbed tomorrow's insanity.

We are on the cusp, the crux, the tipping point where this can go either way. This cult's advancements, in the current administration, can be rolled back by your vigorous objections. But rest assured it will not be rolled back if you just sit back and watch it happen. The PC police are the very least they are in handcuffs awaiting trial themselves for suppressing your free speech. The tide has turned. Pick up the torch and follow the example of action. Speak out in the line at the coffee shop. Tell your neighbors the truth about how you really feel...and how strongly about it... Don't be a chump or a pussy. Now is the time to muster any strength you have and FIGHT IT.

If you think it's deranged that boys are trying to use girls' bathrooms in school, GO TO YOUR PTA MEETINGS AND SHOUT ABOUT IT.

If you think boys and girls deserve a mother and father both in marriage then SAY SO WHILE YOU ARE STANDING IN A PUBLIC VENUE.

If you think kids in elementary school should not be taught sexualized topics and indoctrinated into the LGBT cult in the numerous ways they're trying, SPEAK OUT. Write your principal. Schedule a meeting of parents in his/her office STAT.

Don't you worry. The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution will protect you. And so will the current Administration. SPEAK OUT NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR "PEACE" ABOUT IT

Ask Scientology. Any cult worth its salt does one thing before it even busts out of the chute. It suppresses your freedom of speech to object to anything it decides to do to you. Will you put your weapon on ice and meekly submit your children to their desires? Or will you sharpen it now an strike while the iron is hot?
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Here's an example of what's coming...and an example of how to be courageous even when you feel like it might offend people so close to you that they call themselves "family" even..

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court
“My rights and innocence were violated.”......“As children, we are not allowed to express our disagreement, pain and confusion,” Stefanowicz explained. “Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s).

Some gay parents have threatened to leave no inheritance, if the children don’t accept their parent’s partner du jour.”....I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution, and abuse,"..."I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly dislayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones."

I've been watching the special on Scientology recently. The tactics are eerily the same to bring and keep family member tightly loyal to the cult idea. This has taken on a life of its own folks where even the people telling you to get on board don't even know why they are telling you that.

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And Scientology knows also...the way to force you into the mold is to hit you in your pocketbook: (Rest assured they cannot do this. The courts would prevent it. But they're trying. And that's what you need to get vocal about opposing)

Today, in a stunning statement, Jeran Artery, Chairman of Wyoming Equality argued that churches who do not support same sex marriage should lose their tax exempt status.

Churches that lobby to have freedoms and rights taken away from ANYONE should absolutely have their 501(c)3 status revoked!!”
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing...
You might find this site interesting or not but :
Why All Porn is Gay

The "establishment" agenda is to destabilize and neuter us by encouraging homosexual behavior. This ensures we don't propagate since homosexuals have sex but don't have children.

They redefine "homosexual" as a "sexual preference" or "lifestyle choice" rather than a developmental disorder so as to entrap us. Never mind that the vast majority of homosexuals come from dysfunctional families or suffered sexual abuse as youths. Our reluctance to embrace homosexuality is considered "bigotry."

In response, let's take liberties with these definitions ourselves. Having the right paradigm is the key to healthy behavior.

Forget about what you normally think of gay or straight (same-sex , opposite sex attraction

- See more at: Why All Porn is Gay we go again........
Yes, bodecea wants you to think you are boring or repetitious if you vigorously oppose his cult.

But I could just as easily say that the LGBT cult is boring and repetitious for daily insisting on new inroads into your children's minds.

Meet every affront they bring you with equal or greater magnitude. In that way, since the numbers opposing the cult strongly outweigh those roped into it already, you will win.
I would like to thank ThunderKiss for inadvertently advertising to the world THE REASON the LGBT cult is taking over the core of our social milieu...

From this thread: Preschool teaching kids " Intersex" and " Genderqueer" post #25

"Personally I have no feelings about it....but..."

Thank you :bow3: ThunderKiss

I admit I really didn't read much of the OP. I'm running on zero sleep. Personally I have no feelings one way are the other towards the so called LGBT community to each his own and all that crap , but this is not the sort of thing that should be taught in school and should be left to the parents. That takes a village garbage is bullshit man.

You have given me a perfect example. You have made my day. At first you say "personally I have no feelings one way or the other"....then you say "but this is not the sort of thing that should be taught in school.." ending your comments calling the practice "bullshit" How's that for betraying the strength of your objections just to not do what you perceive is "rocking the boat"? Rock that mothafucka! :dev3:

Long story short, you are but one drop of water in a sea of do-nothings who actually DO have feelings, strong ones, but are sitting on ass doing NOTHING about making the world a better place for children. :eusa_naughty: Please, hang your head in shame. Shame is an excellent motivator. Shame says "you are experiencing a healthy negative emotion that motivates you to change your ways". Embrace your shame. Then do what's right. Emphasis on DO.

Make no mistake about it folks. While you're sitting back "personally having no feelings one way or the other about it"...the cult of LGBT, akin very much to Scientology in their tactics, is taking full advantage of your lassitude. They have a systematic plan in place to nurse the next two or three generations of kids (they've already fucked up the millennials beyond repair) to thinking any concerns about inappropriate sexualizing of children are "a sign that you are insane". So, today's real & legitimate & strong concerns will be dubbed tomorrow's insanity.

We are on the cusp, the crux, the tipping point where this can go either way. This cult's advancements, in the current administration, can be rolled back by your vigorous objections. But rest assured it will not be rolled back if you just sit back and watch it happen. The PC police are the very least they are in handcuffs awaiting trial themselves for suppressing your free speech. The tide has turned. Pick up the torch and follow the example of action. Speak out in the line at the coffee shop. Tell your neighbors the truth about how you really feel...and how strongly about it... Don't be a chump or a pussy. Now is the time to muster any strength you have and FIGHT IT.

If you think it's deranged that boys are trying to use girls' bathrooms in school, GO TO YOUR PTA MEETINGS AND SHOUT ABOUT IT.

If you think boys and girls deserve a mother and father both in marriage then SAY SO WHILE YOU ARE STANDING IN A PUBLIC VENUE.

If you think kids in elementary school should not be taught sexualized topics and indoctrinated into the LGBT cult in the numerous ways they're trying, SPEAK OUT. Write your principal. Schedule a meeting of parents in his/her office STAT.

Don't you worry. The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution will protect you. And so will the current Administration. SPEAK OUT NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR "PEACE" ABOUT IT

Ask Scientology. Any cult worth its salt does one thing before it even busts out of the chute. It suppresses your freedom of speech to object to anything it decides to do to you. Will you put your weapon on ice and meekly submit your children to their desires? Or will you sharpen it now an strike while the iron is hot?

You must have missed the part where I stated it's not something that should be taught in schools. I'm from South Alabama so that kind of shit ain't likely to happen around my home town for quit a while if ever. All of my children have finished school and are old enough to form their own opinion on such matters they are of course well aware of mine.
I don't sit on my ass for anything I feel strongly about but what others do in private is none of my goddamn business as long as they are not breaking the laws of the land. That is a true Conservatives stance.
Here's an example of what's coming...and an example of how to be courageous even when you feel like it might offend people so close to you that they call themselves "family" even..

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court


Adults raised by gay couples speak out for Gay marriage

Ella Robinson says her dad came out when she was 4 years old, and that's when her parents got divorced. Her dad is Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop of a major Christian denomination. He and his partner helped raise Ella at a time when she knew no other families like hers.

"We used to joke that people would expect a disco ball in our living room or naked pictures on the wall. And that could not have been further from the truth," says Ella, now 31. In reality, she says, it was board games and family dinners — boring, normal and loving

"Good evening, Mr. Chairman," the young man said. "My name is Zach Wahls. I'm a sixth-generation Iowan and an engineering student at the University of Iowa, and I was raised by two women."

Wahls told lawmakers he was a top student and an Eagle Scout — and that "the sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character."
You might find this site interesting or not but :
Why All Porn is Gayy

Another homophobe promoting porn here at USMB
You should try taking lessons from MILO--- try taking that Defensive mode off and you might not feel you the person are the only one in the world being attacked because why your not being singled out.
MILO is excellent.....................................
You might find this site interesting or not but :
Why All Porn is Gayy

Another homophobe promoting porn here at USMB
You should try taking lessons..

I think I will just keep pointing out that you were here promoting porn.
Yeah I promote it alright, I promote how much I can't stand porn. It warps the minds of " everything & everyone" .... So promote this snowflake.
Yes, the 'Gay Rights' hoax is the front all the other dysfunctional fetishist gimps rally behind as a fifth column to promote and legalize pedophilia, sex slavery, bestiality, and every other sicko gimp compulsion they can practice. This is old news. It''s why they adore the sado-masochism, torture, and homosexual rape of children that is a cornerstone of Islamic 'culture', after all, and dream of the day they can turn the U.S. into a Sharia shithole. They are all mentally ill and infantile, and they proved it beyond a doubt in this election cycle. And legalizing and mainstreaming the most disgusting and repulsive kinds of porn is right up there in the agenda.
I would like to thank ThunderKiss for inadvertently advertising to the world THE REASON the LGBT cult is taking over the core of our social milieu...

From this thread: Preschool teaching kids " Intersex" and " Genderqueer" post #25

"Personally I have no feelings about it....but..."

Thank you :bow3: ThunderKiss

I admit I really didn't read much of the OP. I'm running on zero sleep. Personally I have no feelings one way are the other towards the so called LGBT community to each his own and all that crap , but this is not the sort of thing that should be taught in school and should be left to the parents. That takes a village garbage is bullshit man.

You have given me a perfect example. You have made my day. At first you say "personally I have no feelings one way or the other"....then you say "but this is not the sort of thing that should be taught in school.." ending your comments calling the practice "bullshit" How's that for betraying the strength of your objections just to not do what you perceive is "rocking the boat"? Rock that mothafucka! :dev3:

Long story short, you are but one drop of water in a sea of do-nothings who actually DO have feelings, strong ones, but are sitting on ass doing NOTHING about making the world a better place for children. :eusa_naughty: Please, hang your head in shame. Shame is an excellent motivator. Shame says "you are experiencing a healthy negative emotion that motivates you to change your ways". Embrace your shame. Then do what's right. Emphasis on DO.

Make no mistake about it folks. While you're sitting back "personally having no feelings one way or the other about it"...the cult of LGBT, akin very much to Scientology in their tactics, is taking full advantage of your lassitude. They have a systematic plan in place to nurse the next two or three generations of kids (they've already fucked up the millennials beyond repair) to thinking any concerns about inappropriate sexualizing of children are "a sign that you are insane". So, today's real & legitimate & strong concerns will be dubbed tomorrow's insanity.

We are on the cusp, the crux, the tipping point where this can go either way. This cult's advancements, in the current administration, can be rolled back by your vigorous objections. But rest assured it will not be rolled back if you just sit back and watch it happen. The PC police are the very least they are in handcuffs awaiting trial themselves for suppressing your free speech. The tide has turned. Pick up the torch and follow the example of action. Speak out in the line at the coffee shop. Tell your neighbors the truth about how you really feel...and how strongly about it... Don't be a chump or a pussy. Now is the time to muster any strength you have and FIGHT IT.

If you think it's deranged that boys are trying to use girls' bathrooms in school, GO TO YOUR PTA MEETINGS AND SHOUT ABOUT IT.

If you think boys and girls deserve a mother and father both in marriage then SAY SO WHILE YOU ARE STANDING IN A PUBLIC VENUE.

If you think kids in elementary school should not be taught sexualized topics and indoctrinated into the LGBT cult in the numerous ways they're trying, SPEAK OUT. Write your principal. Schedule a meeting of parents in his/her office STAT.

Don't you worry. The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution will protect you. And so will the current Administration. SPEAK OUT NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR "PEACE" ABOUT IT

Ask Scientology. Any cult worth its salt does one thing before it even busts out of the chute. It suppresses your freedom of speech to object to anything it decides to do to you. Will you put your weapon on ice and meekly submit your children to their desires? Or will you sharpen it now an strike while the iron is hot?
My personal view is that kids under 16 should not be told anything about sexuality.

At 16 they should take a non-coed health class that talks about heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, beastiality, pedophilia, and celibacy. There should be a jar of free condoms somewhere too.

Little kids are not equipped to deal with all this crap.

Older youth are forced to confront it eventually so some kind of prep is beneficial.
You might find this site interesting or not but :
Why All Porn is Gayy

Another homophobe promoting porn here at USMB
You should try taking lessons..

I think I will just keep pointing out that you were here promoting porn.
Yeah I promote it alright, I promote how much I can't stand porn. It warps the minds of " everything & everyone" .... So promote this snowflake.
Porn has been with us since the ancient Greeks first began to sculpt naked men and women.

Nothing you can do about it.

Especially if girlies can get paid to take it all off .
You must have missed the part where I stated it's not something that should be taught in schools. I'm from South Alabama so that kind of shit ain't likely to happen around my home town for quit a while if ever. All of my children have finished school and are old enough to form their own opinion on such matters they are of course well aware of mine.
I don't sit on my ass for anything I feel strongly about but what others do in private is none of my goddamn business as long as they are not breaking the laws of the land. That is a true Conservatives stance.
The youth need to learn all about it somehow eventually.

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