THE Singular Reason The LGBT Cult Is Taking Over...

Yes, the 'Gay Rights' hoax is the front all the other dysfunctional fetishist gimps rally behind as a fifth column to promote and legalize pedophilia, sex slavery, bestiality, and every other sicko gimp compulsion they can practice. This is old news. It''s why they adore the sado-masochism, torture, and homosexual rape of children that is a cornerstone of Islamic 'culture', after all, and dream of the day they can turn the U.S. into a Sharia shithole. They are all mentally ill and infantile, and they proved it beyond a doubt in this election cycle. And legalizing and mainstreaming the most disgusting and repulsive kinds of porn is right up there in the agenda.
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying the new news is.....there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.
Yes, the 'Gay Rights' hoax is the front all the other dysfunctional fetishist gimps rally behind as a fifth column to promote and legalize pedophilia, sex slavery, bestiality, and every other sicko gimp compulsion they can practice. This is old news. It''s why they adore the sado-masochism, torture, and homosexual rape of children that is a cornerstone of Islamic 'culture', after all, and dream of the day they can turn the U.S. into a Sharia shithole. They are all mentally ill and infantile, and they proved it beyond a doubt in this election cycle. And legalizing and mainstreaming the most disgusting and repulsive kinds of porn is right up there in the agenda.
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.

The irony is that it is censorship that is protecting them; a couple or three weeks of open factual reporting and uncensored video of what their real 'community values' are and the entire hoax is toast forever.
You must have missed the part where I stated it's not something that should be taught in schools. I'm from South Alabama so that kind of shit ain't likely to happen around my home town for quit a while if ever. All of my children have finished school and are old enough to form their own opinion on such matters they are of course well aware of mine.
I don't sit on my ass for anything I feel strongly about but what others do in private is none of my goddamn business as long as they are not breaking the laws of the land. That is a true Conservatives stance.
The youth need to learn all about it somehow eventually.

Parents should teach it, and they will learn when their time comes, you don't go telling kids at the age of fkn four how the hell to screw, or gay this , or queer that bs. Kids don't give a damn about that.

It starts at home and is easily taught by saying " Humanity" in general such as
Don't make fun of people
If someone is different you don't make fun etc............ does it really gotta be hey he's queer you have to love them , with no choice in the matter. No they are being brainwashed.
& I don't mean that in this area only it is the teachings in general with multiple scenarios of real life.
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.

Oh, for the love of fuck. lol. You have close to a 100 threads whining about gays here. Nobody is muzzling your free speech, drama queen.
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.

Oh, for the love of fuck. lol. You have close to a 100 threads whining about gays here. Nobody is muzzling your free speech, drama queen.

That's what most prefer to do, run from it, not face it , admit it. It's easier that way. then hope it all goes away as kids get taught how the hell to fk when they are five. Nothing to do with gay mind you.
The irony is that it is censorship that is protecting them; a couple or three weeks of open factual reporting and uncensored video of what their real 'community values' are and the entire hoax is toast forever.

Yup. People would vomit in their mouths if a 60-minutes style expose' was run on the cult of LGBT...and how they're keen on kids joining that fray...
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.

Oh, for the love of fuck. lol. You have close to a 100 threads whining about gays here. Nobody is muzzling your free speech, drama queen.

That's what most prefer to do, run from it, not face it , admit it. It's easier that way. then hope it all goes away as kids get taught how the hell to fk when they are five. Nothing to do with gay mind you.

You won't get any arguments from me. Kids shouldn't be learning anything sexual at a young age in school. I err on the side of the parents and not the school district.
Very soon they will teach kids that being heterosexual is wrong and bigotted, and everyone should either be gay or a transsexual, and make their kids in test tubes. Maybe they should make "safe spaces" in universities and schools, so that gays and transsexuals can take refuge from those racist heterosexuals and not have to deal with them or see them.
At 16 they should take a non-coed health class that talks about heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, beastiality, pedophilia, and celibacy. There should be a jar of free condoms somewhere too.

That is fucking absurd!

I've been covering the facts of life with my son since he was 10.
By facts of life I mean sex, drugs, racism, bullies, mean people,
smoking, consequences, choices, manners, character.....

Beastiality...get the fuck outta here
Very soon they will teach kids that being heterosexual is wrong and bigotted, and everyone should either be gay or a transsexual, and make their kids in test tubes. Maybe they should make "safe spaces" in universities and schools, so that gays and transsexuals can take refuge from those racist heterosexuals and not have to deal with them or see them.
They already are. That's why they are teaching them to stop using the words " HIM" SHE, he etc..
Very soon they will teach kids that being heterosexual is wrong and bigotted, and everyone should either be gay or a transsexual, and make their kids in test tubes. Maybe they should make "safe spaces" in universities and schools, so that gays and transsexuals can take refuge from those racist heterosexuals and not have to deal with them or see them.

It's better understood as " Social Engineering"

Genderless preschool bans 'him' and 'her'

AT the Egalia preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.
From the colour and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.
Look up a fellow named Gramsci; an Italian Communist; he laid out the strategies and tactics on how to destroy a society from within that is being used by the sickos and degenerates we're seeing here from these sociopaths and psychos and their kulturekampf. Most of our academic institutions advocate this and use it on university students daily, especially on 'Education' majors.
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.

Oh, for the love of fuck. lol. You have close to a 100 threads whining about gays here. Nobody is muzzling your free speech, drama queen.

Nonsense; it's impossible to show the real facts here. Just try to post photo essays of what really goes on and you will find yourself perma-banned for 'posting linking to 'pornography', even though it's only 'porn' to sickos, not anybody else. we go again........
Yes, bodecea wants you to think you are boring or repetitious if you vigorously oppose his cult.

But I could just as easily say that the LGBT cult is boring and repetitious for daily insisting on new inroads into your children's minds.

Meet every affront they bring you with equal or greater magnitude. In that way, since the numbers opposing the cult strongly outweigh those roped into it already, you will win.
That reminds me, I need life insurance...
What isn't old news is that people are admitting "yeah, I think this is wrong, sick..etc. & I feel strongly against it...but I'm presenting myself as ambivalent about it". That's the crime. That's the quieting...the muzzling that free speech suppression by the LGBT cult has achieved.

I'm saying there's a way around it. Simply: speak your mind.

Oh, for the love of fuck. lol. You have close to a 100 threads whining about gays here. Nobody is muzzling your free speech, drama queen.

Nonsense; it's impossible to show the real facts here. Just try to post photo essays of what really goes on and you will find yourself perma-banned for 'posting linking to 'pornography', even though it's only 'porn' to sickos, not anybody else.

I am not talking about porn. I am talking about how Sil has close to a 100 threads concerning gays and yet whines about free speech suppression. If someone is trying to suppress her free speech then they are doing a very shitty job. lol
My son was about 3 when new tenants moved in my building.
I was happy, it was a young couple with a boy my son's age.

It wasn't long before the boys would play together,
one day they'd be upstairs with me, next, downstairs with Laura.
When Jessie started working nights, Laura went back to school,
so, when Jacob would go downstairs it would be Jessie watching him.

When I would go downstairs to get Jacob, I'd always say...
OK Jacob, time to go...boys, give each other a hug.

One day, Laura came upstairs to get lil Jessie and told me...
Jessie(big) doesn't like you telling them to give each other a hug.
I'm like...what...why, cause he thinks they'll turn gay.

I marched my ass downstairs and had her stay with the boys.
I asked him, why do you have a problem with the boys hugging.
He's like cuz boys shouldn't be hugging....oh really, why not
Because they shouldn't....OK, you said that, why not
Because.... because your afraid it'll make your son gay
Something like that....that's ridiculous, they don't even know gay

And, what if your son came to you one day and told you he was gay
you would love him just the same, wouldn't you...well, wouldn't you
Well, not answering me answers my question and that's sad.

They're only 4 year old boys who don't know what gay is
They are learning love and friendship, not how to be gay
So deal with it, as they get older it'll become awkward

I don't have a problem with GLBT lifestyles,
I have a problem with it being taught in schools,
and given a platform to bash those who find it unacceptable.

I'm tolerant because it's not my life so I don't care,
but, to turn it around, on those who don't accept it,
that they have a problem and wrong for not embracing such,
is wrong and something I have a problem with.

And, hell will freeze over before I EVER tolerate
pedophilia or incest
Very soon they will teach kids that being heterosexual is wrong and bigotted, and everyone should either be gay or a transsexual, and make their kids in test tubes. Maybe they should make "safe spaces" in universities and schools, so that gays and transsexuals can take refuge from those racist heterosexuals and not have to deal with them or see them.

It's better understood as " Social Engineering"

Genderless preschool bans 'him' and 'her'

AT the Egalia preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.
From the colour and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.
AT the Egalia preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.
From the colour and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.
Oh have got to be kidding
The problem is truly with parents who do send their kids there.
The school couldn't stay open if they didn't have students
Parents should teach it, and they will learn when their time comes, you don't go telling kids at the age of fkn four how the hell to screw, or gay this , or queer that bs. Kids don't give a damn about that.

It starts at home and is easily taught by saying " Humanity" in general such as

A great way to be a warrior for resistance to the LGBT cult would be to start at home with your kids. Teach them "don't bully mentally ill people...they are suffering." But be CERTAIN your children understand that "gay" is aberrant behavior and a form of suffering. You might show them the statistics on how many gay men, for example, were molested as boys and became "gay" by imprinting. You could teach them about imprinting and human behavior. Would be a great intro. And a great way also to keep them from straying into other aberrant behaviors drug addiction or bulimia....which are in the same type of disorders from imprinting as homosexuality:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the "victim-to-abuser cycle" or "abused-abusers phenomena"..
why the "abusedabusers phenomena" occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

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