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The slow ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

When muslims begin extorting European nations until their economies suffer, preaching about shattering the limbs of innocents in order to rid the world of inferior races, and occupying foreign lands in violation of international law and carrying out a system of ethnic cleansing in the name of liebenstaum, let me know and we can pretend you're anything other than another useful idiot parroting whatever the Zionist media tells you.

Muslims just blow up everything that's standing and persecute and murder hundreds of millions of "infidels" since that wretched cult was invented.

The world will be a better place when Islam is destroyed.

So your complaint about Muslims is that they still follow the Torah?

Here's one very important distinction: many muslims in the world, including many leaders in muslim communities, openly criticize more extremist persons and groups. What leading Jews call for an end to Zionism the same way many Western muslin leaders call for an end to muslim theocracies?

When have Palestinians carried out ethnic cleansing against those citizens of the Judenstaat?

Also, while the Judenstaat is defined as Jewish, Palestine has muslim, christian, and druze populations and is not defines by religion, but by geography, language, and culture.

The Torah says to love thy neighbor as thyself.

The Koran says to kill the infidel. And, if you're a shiite, you can kill a sunni and vice versa. And, beat your wife if she disobeys.

Muslims are only good at destroying and killing
When muslims begin extorting European nations until their economies suffer, preaching about shattering the limbs of innocents in order to rid the world of inferior races, and occupying foreign lands in violation of international law and carrying out a system of ethnic cleansing in the name of liebenstaum, let me know and we can pretend you're anything other than another useful idiot parroting whatever the Zionist media tells you.

Muslims just blow up everything that's standing and persecute and murder hundreds of millions of "infidels" since that wretched cult was invented.

The world will be a better place when Islam is destroyed.

So your complaint about Muslims is that they still follow the Torah?

Here's one very important distinction: many muslims in the world, including many leaders in muslim communities, openly criticize more extremist persons and groups. What leading Jews call for an end to Zionism the same way many Western muslin leaders call for an end to muslim theocracies?

When have Palestinians carried out ethnic cleansing against those citizens of the Judenstaat?

Also, while the Judenstaat is defined as Jewish, Palestine has muslim, christian, and druze populations and is not defines by religion, but by geography, language, and culture.

Zionism is the biblical reference to Israel, so, why would anyone, especially Jews, call for an end to Israel? There are 60 shitty Islamic countries but you have a problem with just 1 Jewish country? You are mentally ill from being a Muslim

Your own allah created Israel in your own Koran, which makes allah a Zionist. You don't even know your own religion, dummy.

Koran 10:93: We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them
The Torah says to love thy neighbor as thyself.

What verses in the Torah advocate killing non believers
The Koran says to kill the infidel.
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death.

So, basically, your criticism of muslims is that they're good jews?

Muslims are only good at destroying and killing
No more or less than just about any other religion. Muslim Arab lands were once the most advanced lands around, which is why we use their numerical system to this very day. Christians have both aided (Mendel) and inhibited (the Christian Dark Ages, for example) scientific and social advance at different times. Same for muslims.

Of course, they're all Jews, believing in the Jewish god and the Jewish holy books and Jewish law...
The Torah says to love thy neighbor as thyself.

What verses in the Torah advocate killing non believers
The Koran says to kill the infidel.
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death.

So, basically, your criticism of muslims is that they're good jews?

Muslims are only good at destroying and killing
No more or less than just about any other religion. Muslim Arab lands were once the most advanced lands around, which is why we use their numerical system to this very day. Christians have both aided (Mendel) and inhibited (the Christian Dark Ages, for example) scientific and social advance at different times. Same for muslims.

Of course, they're all Jews, believing in the Jewish god and the Jewish holy books and Jewish law...

Islam stole Judaism. Islam is really Arabian Judaism. Your stupid koran even plagiarized the biblical stories to invent a fake history, except, muhammad was an illiterate fool who got the biblical stories wrong

Without Judaism, there would be no Islam
Zionism is the biblical reference to Israel
Zionism is ethno-religious nationalism, specifically as applied to a conception of a Jewish super-race destined to rule itself and other races in its natural land. Germany for the Germans, Israel for the Israelites...

so, why would anyone, especially Jews, call for an end to Israel?

Because they're not Zionists and don't believe in using religion for your own racist ends.
Home | True Torah Jews
You are mentally ill from being a Muslim

Your own allah created Israel in your own Koran, which makes allah a Zionist. You don't even know your own religion, dummy.


care to try again?
I love how I repeatedly refer to both muslims and jews in the third person, yet you repeatedly try your sad, sad attacks against some imagined muslim to whom you think you're replying...

try a differnt script, kiddo
Zionism is the biblical reference to Israel
Zionism is ethno-religious nationalism, specifically as applied to a conception of a Jewish super-race destined to rule itself and other races in its natural land. Germany for the Germans, Israel for the Israelites...

so, why would anyone, especially Jews, call for an end to Israel?

Because they're not Zionists and don't believe in using religion for your own racist ends.
Home | True Torah Jews
You are mentally ill from being a Muslim

Your own allah created Israel in your own Koran, which makes allah a Zionist. You don't even know your own religion, dummy.


care to try again?

Pay attention--You're stupid even for a muslim. Zionism is the biblical reference to Israel. Your own allah is a Zionist. You don't even know your own religion, dummy. :lol:

Koran 10:93: We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them :clap2:
Since "palestine" is merely the European name for Israel and derived from the Hebrew name "peleshet" that appears in the Hebrew Bible,, it doesn't seem likely that Israelis are ethnically cleansing themselves out of their own country.
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wow... you're even more dense than I thought...

here, go play in traffic

Go open your koran instead of using it as a doorstop, ignorant muslim. Your allah is a Zionist.

Koran 10:93: We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them
The only "occupied" lands in and around Jerusalem are those lands "occupied" by arab scum.
Zionism is the biblical reference to Israel
Zionism is ethno-religious nationalism, specifically as applied to a conception of a Jewish super-race destined to rule itself and other races in its natural land. Germany for the Germans, Israel for the Israelites...

Because they're not Zionists and don't believe in using religion for your own racist ends.
Home | True Torah Jews


Your own allah created Israel in your own Koran, which makes allah a Zionist. You don't even know your own religion, dummy.


care to try again?

Pay attention--You're stupid even for a muslim. Zionism is the biblical reference to Israel. Your own allah is a Zionist. You don't even know your own religion, dummy. :lol:

Koran 10:93: We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them :clap2:

"Religion began, when the first scoudrel met the first fool." Voltaire
Wow, you still haven't figured it out...


It's like watching the retarded kids play at the park

You posted a picture of the wall, yet you didn't post as to why is what placed there. MAybe you can elaborate on it ?
Wow, you still haven't figured it out...


It's like watching the retarded kids play at the park

You posted a picture of the wall, yet you didn't post as to why is what placed there. MAybe you can elaborate on it ?

The structure keeping the suicide monkeys out of Israel is, in reality, a chain link fence interrupted by walls in locations of greatest vulnerability of the suicide monkeys' entry into Israel.

The US has a fence separating itself from Mexico. Most countries have a fence.
Wow, you still haven't figured it out...


It's like watching the retarded kids play at the park

You posted a picture of the wall, yet you didn't post as to why is what placed there. MAybe you can elaborate on it ?

The structure keeping the suicide monkeys out of Israel is, in reality, a chain link fence interrupted by walls in locations of greatest vulnerability of the suicide monkeys' entry into Israel.

The US has a fence separating itself from Mexico. Most countries have a fence.

Yes I'm aware of that, I just wanted to see what the idiots response would be lol.

Palestinian mentality is great. They launch terror wars week after week, month after month killing scores of Israelis and burning, maiming, disfiguring many many more, (List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) , then they cry when Israel puts up a wall to stop them from continuing.... Crybabies !
comparing the Israeli Barrier Wall to a chain link fence is like comparing the Titanic to a row boat.
Israel needs more people like Sunni Man to gain increased continued support for Israel.

Meanwhile, SunniMan do you really think the majority of Americans are that happy to see your brethren in our midst, especially when they become aware of news such as honor killings and about those two Copts in New Jersey recently beheaded with their hands also cut off by one of your beloved adopted brethren? SunniMan certainly tries to fool everyone about Islam by throwing out "Juden" and "Chosen" when there were Muslims posting on other forums saying that islam is for the entire world, whereas I have never seen any Jews saying on any forum that Judaism is for the entire world. Then of course SunniMan closes his eyes to his fellow Muslims forcing people to convert in Muslim countries. By the way, SunniMan, have you any idea when your Sunni brethren will be finished with their genocide of the Copts in Egypt?
^^^ Typical Hossfly post.....10 accusations out of context and with no point to be make........ :cool:
But it is always a typical SunniMan post with a "Juden" here and a "Juden." there, I guess SunniMan doesn't like the idea that Americans are not falling all over the Muslims like he has and converted en masse, but are instead very leery of them.
"Thus, the Labor Party inaugurated Israel’s settlement program in the wake of the 1967 war. Of primary importance then was, and remains, the question of where the settlements should be built, and not whether they indeed should or not be built.

"This is the logic that led the drive for settlement building. Hence, the Allon Plan was devised, which in its barest outline was based on the following points:

* The annexation of East Jerusalem and its surroundings to Israel — or what is called Greater Jerusalem;
* a 15-20 square kilometer security belt in the Jordan Valley (Ghor);
* this belt will comprise 20 percent of the West Bank."

Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>Settlements: A Geographic and Demographic Barrier to Peace</b>

When "Creeping annexation" officially reaches the Jordan River, the "chosen" people will have a chance to choose between Jewish state and democratic state. Stay tuned.
"Thus, the Labor Party inaugurated Israel’s settlement program in the wake of the 1967 war. Of primary importance then was, and remains, the question of where the settlements should be built, and not whether they indeed should or not be built.

"This is the logic that led the drive for settlement building. Hence, the Allon Plan was devised, which in its barest outline was based on the following points:

* The annexation of East Jerusalem and its surroundings to Israel — or what is called Greater Jerusalem;
* a 15-20 square kilometer security belt in the Jordan Valley (Ghor);
* this belt will comprise 20 percent of the West Bank."

Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>Settlements: A Geographic and Demographic Barrier to Peace</b>

When "Creeping annexation" officially reaches the Jordan River, the "chosen" people will have a chance to choose between Jewish state and democratic state. Stay tuned.

Georgie you contradict yourself-----"ETHNIC CLEANSING" means getting rid of
a particular group----- like the rapist pig of arabia did in arabia ----and like the
program to which the jews of Iran, Iraq---and----every islamic country in which
there were jews-----experienced------and lots of other non muslim groups
in those lands You continue to make comments indicating that you know
that Israel does not engage in ethnic cleansing-------you are choking
"Thus, the Labor Party inaugurated Israel’s settlement program in the wake of the 1967 war. Of primary importance then was, and remains, the question of where the settlements should be built, and not whether they indeed should or not be built.

Eugene Rostow, Legal Scholar, Former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank...
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."

The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area. Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own."


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