The Socialism boogeyman

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.
Socialism scares everyone who knows what it means

which is that not everyone has to contribute to their own needs

Under socislism if someone does not want to work they dont have to
... and you guys tell each other that Democrats want us to be like Venezuela.

That's because you have been conned. You have been fooled. Led astray.

Maybe one day you'll figure that out. Probably not any time soon, though.

Talk about irony...

Democrats don't want us to be like Venezuela, but that is where their policies ultimately lead. They are simply too ignorant to realize it. I am not.
That is your opinion. Others disagree.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.

No one gives two shits what you've seen, or think asshole...
Great, then stop whining at me. If you don't like my posts, tough shit.

Nope, I am going to point out to you that you are an ass, every chance I get...If you don't like it, then go find a different board to infect. You piece of shit...

Shove it you worthless gaping pustule....No one wants you here...
Good. Get it all out.

Just voicing what many in here think of you...You're a Piece of shit, and everyone knows it...
They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.
Socialism scares everyone who knows what it means

which is that not everyone has to contribute to their own needs

Under socislism if someone does not want to work they dont have to
... and you guys tell each other that Democrats want us to be like Venezuela.

That's because you have been conned. You have been fooled. Led astray.

Maybe one day you'll figure that out. Probably not any time soon, though.

Talk about irony...

Democrats don't want us to be like Venezuela, but that is where their policies ultimately lead. They are simply too ignorant to realize it. I am not.
That is your opinion. Others disagree.

And your opinion is totally worthless....Who cares what you think?
Quote me, please. Back up your words.
You are attacking conservatives for believing that dems are falling under the spell of an ugly venezuala-style socialism

based on what?

what, other than your vast confidence in your own infallibilty tells you that the dems are so wonderful and Trump voters are so wrong?

i think the dems are far too incompetent, and the dem base far too ignorant to avoid the venezuela trap
So you can't back up your words. You said "But you with all your vast superior knowledge know that dems will lead America to a Norway-style socialist nirvana".

You attack out of pure ignorance, so your words mean nothing.


Please explain to us oh great one how the Democratic policies will lead us to the Utopean ideal of Sweden, for example, with their homogenous society and strict citizenship requirements. Democrats are all over the map with much of their policies at complete odds with each other. It is pure uladulterated ingorance, gullablity and for many, stupidity.
Quote me, please. Back up your words.
You are attacking conservatives for believing that dems are falling under the spell of an ugly venezuala-style socialism

based on what?

what, other than your vast confidence in your own infallibilty tells you that the dems are so wonderful and Trump voters are so wrong?

i think the dems are far too incompetent, and the dem base far too ignorant to avoid the venezuela trap
So you can't back up your words. You said "But you with all your vast superior knowledge know that dems will lead America to a Norway-style socialist nirvana".

You attack out of pure ignorance, so your words mean nothing.


Please explain to us oh great one how the Democratic policies will lead us to the Utopean ideal of Sweden, for example, with their homogenous society and strict citizenship requirements. Democrats are all over the map with much of their policies at complete odds with each other. It is pure uladulterated ingorance, gullablity and for many, stupidity.
I don't know. You'll have to ask one of them. I don't know why you're humping my leg on this.
Quote me, please. Back up your words.
You are attacking conservatives for believing that dems are falling under the spell of an ugly venezuala-style socialism

based on what?

what, other than your vast confidence in your own infallibilty tells you that the dems are so wonderful and Trump voters are so wrong?

i think the dems are far too incompetent, and the dem base far too ignorant to avoid the venezuela trap
So you can't back up your words. You said "But you with all your vast superior knowledge know that dems will lead America to a Norway-style socialist nirvana".

You attack out of pure ignorance, so your words mean nothing.


Please explain to us oh great one how the Democratic policies will lead us to the Utopean ideal of Sweden, for example, with their homogenous society and strict citizenship requirements. Democrats are all over the map with much of their policies at complete odds with each other. It is pure uladulterated ingorance, gullablity and for many, stupidity.
I don't know. You'll have to ask one of them. I don't know why you're humping my leg on this.

Not even your poor wife (God bless her for being with someone like you) want's anything to do with 'humping' anything on you....You micro dick, dumbfuck...
Quote me, please. Back up your words.
You are attacking conservatives for believing that dems are falling under the spell of an ugly venezuala-style socialism

based on what?

what, other than your vast confidence in your own infallibilty tells you that the dems are so wonderful and Trump voters are so wrong?

i think the dems are far too incompetent, and the dem base far too ignorant to avoid the venezuela trap
So you can't back up your words. You said "But you with all your vast superior knowledge know that dems will lead America to a Norway-style socialist nirvana".

You attack out of pure ignorance, so your words mean nothing.


Please explain to us oh great one how the Democratic policies will lead us to the Utopean ideal of Sweden, for example, with their homogenous society and strict citizenship requirements. Democrats are all over the map with much of their policies at complete odds with each other. It is pure uladulterated ingorance, gullablity and for many, stupidity.
I don't know. You'll have to ask one of them. I don't know why you're humping my leg on this.

Not even your poor wife (God bless her for being with someone like you) want's anything to do with 'humping' anything on you....You micro dick, dumbfuck...
That is your opinion. Others disagree.
Only Communist and Useful Idiots disagree ...

Just saying .....
I know. Trumpsters are extra smart 'n informed 'n such. Good point.

LOL...I would LOVE to show you all the "uninformed" Trump supporting homes near me. These "uniformed" peons are the VERY successfuly people in our know, the ones that write your paychecks. The so called "know it alls" can't afford this neighborhood. Go figure.
That is your opinion. Others disagree.
Only Communist and Useful Idiots disagree ...

Just saying .....
I know. Trumpsters are extra smart 'n informed 'n such. Good point.

LOL...I would LOVE to show you all the "uninformed" Trump supporting homes near me. These "uniformed" peons are the VERY successfuly people in our know, the ones that write your paychecks. The so called "know it alls" can't afford this neighborhood. Go figure.
Quote me, please. Back up your words.
You are attacking conservatives for believing that dems are falling under the spell of an ugly venezuala-style socialism

based on what?

what, other than your vast confidence in your own infallibilty tells you that the dems are so wonderful and Trump voters are so wrong?

i think the dems are far too incompetent, and the dem base far too ignorant to avoid the venezuela trap
So you can't back up your words. You said "But you with all your vast superior knowledge know that dems will lead America to a Norway-style socialist nirvana".

You attack out of pure ignorance, so your words mean nothing.


Please explain to us oh great one how the Democratic policies will lead us to the Utopean ideal of Sweden, for example, with their homogenous society and strict citizenship requirements. Democrats are all over the map with much of their policies at complete odds with each other. It is pure uladulterated ingorance, gullablity and for many, stupidity.
I don't know. You'll have to ask one of them. I don't know why you're humping my leg on this.

Not even your poor wife (God bless her for being with someone like you) want's anything to do with 'humping' anything on you....You micro dick, dumbfuck...

Laugh, that's exactly what we do whenever we read the stupid as shit drivel you type....Fuck off and die you simpleton...
That is your opinion. Others disagree.
Only Communist and Useful Idiots disagree ...

Just saying .....
I know. Trumpsters are extra smart 'n informed 'n such. Good point.

LOL...I would LOVE to show you all the "uninformed" Trump supporting homes near me. These "uniformed" peons are the VERY successfuly people in our know, the ones that write your paychecks. The so called "know it alls" can't afford this neighborhood. Go figure.

Shut up stupid...
The only true Boogeyman is Capitalism since it is the only system smeared both by Democrats and Republicans. There is no one in the mainstream who is openly adovcating Capitalism. Socialism, on the other hand, is openly advocated for by people like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortes and even by many Conservatives without themselves even knowing about it. .

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