The Spender-in-Chief

Wow,. a fucking ignorant Trumpette claiming others don't believe in facts.

Now that is some funny chit
I informed you of the fact that tax cuts do not cost anything and instead of learning something, you told another lie in a feeble attempt to justify your first lie. You claimed that I said something that I never said to excuse your ignorance.

You learned absolutely nothing because you cannot admit it when you are wrong. You are doomed to remain stupid for the rest of your life.

"tax cuts don't cost anything" is not a fucking fact.

How much did the stimulus bill cost? Search for it online.

WIKI says this: "The approximate cost of the economic stimulus package was estimated to be $787 billion at the time of passage, later revised to $831 billion between 2009 and 2019."

Go ahead & search it. What do you get? I now you asswipian Trumpetts cry about the cost all the time " OMG OMFG OMFG Obama spent a trillion dollars on the stimulus OMG OMG OMG"

That cost includes the 38% that were.... guess what..... TAX CUTS you fucking idiot. Tax cuts cost money.

My Gpd you peiople are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.
Just because you find some blog that tells the same lie as you doesn't make it true, jackass.

Funny chit. do your search & find out the cost of the Stimulus Bill & post it. Do it or STFU.
Wow, you sure are trying very hard to remain stupid. That's why you are such a hard learner.
So you refuse to post what you found online as to the cost of the Stimulus Bill. Why is that? Because it will prove me right & you an ass.

Post it or Shit the Fuck Up.
Silence from the Trump crowd.

So he wants to spend:

1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

Sounds good to me something we can see ...i still don't have a clue what obozo spent trillions on ...all I got was a lousy $400 bucks and some nice signs to look at...


You're right! You don't have a clue, so why comment on it?
Why are we increasing Military spending in a time of peace?

We have a larger military than the next eight countries combined.....why do we need to make it bigger?
Because military people spend money better, in better places than most Americans.
But I do think we have to reduce our presence in foreign countries, and while we’re at it cut off all federal aid.

If we do that we can slash our military budget

We could defend our shores with 10% of our current military spending
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

O spent 8 trillion and we got nothing. Your little tooth gnashing sessions fall on deaf ears. Go pound sand.
Oh go fuck yourself you ignorant POS. Lets look at this.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget.

Bush took that balanced budget & turned it into the worst recession in 80 fucking years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars , an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month& an deficit heading to a trillion plus.

And you fucking assholes wonder how the debt grew under Obama? Really? Uou are really thst fucking stupid.

We have no economic crisis. The economy was growing, unemployment was coming down & your fat=assed hero Trump put us on a path to a trillion dollar deficit.

Now Captain Bone Spur wants ti spend a trillion pls on rekindling the nuclear arm,s race. Where is the money for it? He wants 1.5 trillion for infrastructure? Where is thye money for it? He just spent 1.5 trillion on giving himself a hige tax cut.

Then the exact same people who ran ion circles screming "OMG OMG the debt the debt" have no problem when your orange buddy jacks up the deficit for no reason.
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
Na, taxes are always bad for the country and good for the federal government/career politicians/deep state...

Since we sold out to supply side, we have not had a single major government project, we have allowed our infrastructure to crumble, cut funding for education, seen healthcare become affordable only to the rich

But we have taken good care of our wealthy
Urban areas need to take care of their own shit...

What about rural areas?
We make do with what we have…

That is a common myth among conservatives

The reason rural areas even have infrastructure is because it is subsidized by urban areas. Without cities, you would still be driving on gravel roads. Cities subsidized the electrification of rural areas. It was not profitable enough for power companies. Cities help pay for rural schools and hospitals

You are not self sufficient
You never have been
90% of the roads I drive are gravel. Shit for brains
O spent 8 trillion and we got nothing. Your little tooth gnashing sessions fall on deaf ears. Go pound sand.
Oh go fuck yourself you ignorant POS. Lets look at this.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget.

Bush took that balanced budget & turned it into the worst recession in 80 fucking years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars , an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month& an deficit heading to a trillion plus.

And you fucking assholes wonder how the debt grew under Obama? Really? Uou are really thst fucking stupid.

We have no economic crisis. The economy was growing, unemployment was coming down & your fat=assed hero Trump put us on a path to a trillion dollar deficit.

Now Captain Bone Spur wants ti spend a trillion pls on rekindling the nuclear arm,s race. Where is the money for it? He wants 1.5 trillion for infrastructure? Where is thye money for it? He just spent 1.5 trillion on giving himself a hige tax cut.

Then the exact same people who ran ion circles screming "OMG OMG the debt the debt" have no problem when your orange buddy jacks up the deficit for no reason.
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Oh go fuck yourself you ignorant POS. Lets look at this.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget.

Bush took that balanced budget & turned it into the worst recession in 80 fucking years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars , an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month& an deficit heading to a trillion plus.

And you fucking assholes wonder how the debt grew under Obama? Really? Uou are really thst fucking stupid.

We have no economic crisis. The economy was growing, unemployment was coming down & your fat=assed hero Trump put us on a path to a trillion dollar deficit.

Now Captain Bone Spur wants ti spend a trillion pls on rekindling the nuclear arm,s race. Where is the money for it? He wants 1.5 trillion for infrastructure? Where is thye money for it? He just spent 1.5 trillion on giving himself a hige tax cut.

Then the exact same people who ran ion circles screming "OMG OMG the debt the debt" have no problem when your orange buddy jacks up the deficit for no reason.
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We were balanced under Clinton. Debt should have been paid down from there.
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We were balanced under Clinton. Debt should have been paid down from there.
No it was not, Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not balancing the budget. You silly little fucker
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obamacare. :eusa_hand:

Nope, wrong again - Obamacare was projected to REDUCE deficit, because of the components in it that PAID for this spending.

Pay attention right-wingers because for all of your Obama hate, that is what FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNING looks like.
Last edited:
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We were balanced under Clinton. Debt should have been paid down from there.
did you know that both terms, to promote and provide for the general welfare apply to the general welfare, but not the common defense?
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obamacare. :eusa_hand:

Nope, wrong again - Obamacare was projected to REDUCE deficit, because of the components in it that PAID for this spending.

Pay attention right-wingers because for all of your Obama hate, that is what FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNING looks like.

What are you smoking :auiqs.jpg:
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obamacare. :eusa_hand:

Nope, wrong again - Obamacare was projected to REDUCE deficit, because of the components in it that PAID for this spending.

Pay attention right-wingers because for all of your Obama hate, that is what FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNING looks like.

What are you smoking :auiqs.jpg:

Do you remember the sequestration under Obama?
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obamacare. :eusa_hand:

Nope, wrong again - Obamacare was projected to REDUCE deficit, because of the components in it that PAID for this spending.

Pay attention right-wingers because for all of your Obama hate, that is what FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNING looks like.

Obama's 1 trillion plus deficits occurred during an economic downturn. Trump and the GOP are now going to give us comparable deficits in a good economy.

There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We were balanced under Clinton. Debt should have been paid down from there.

GW Bush and the GOP thought paying down the debt was a bad idea.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obamacare. :eusa_hand:

Nope, wrong again - Obamacare was projected to REDUCE deficit, because of the components in it that PAID for this spending.

Pay attention right-wingers because for all of your Obama hate, that is what FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNING looks like.

Obama's 1 trillion plus deficits occurred during an economic downturn. Trump and the GOP are now going to give us comparable deficits in a good economy.


Scarier yet, these Trillion dollar deficits will be 1.5-2 Trillion if economy takes a downturn.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obamacare. :eusa_hand:

Nope, wrong again - Obamacare was projected to REDUCE deficit, because of the components in it that PAID for this spending.

Pay attention right-wingers because for all of your Obama hate, that is what FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNING looks like.

Obama's 1 trillion plus deficits occurred during an economic downturn. Trump and the GOP are now going to give us comparable deficits in a good economy.


Scarier yet, these Trillion dollar deficits will be 1.5-2 Trillion if economy takes a downturn.

I heard the 2 trillion projection today somewhere.

Trump is officially a borrow and spend establishment Republican now. Anyone want to argue otherwise?
Oh go fuck yourself you ignorant POS. Lets look at this.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget.

Bush took that balanced budget & turned it into the worst recession in 80 fucking years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars , an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month& an deficit heading to a trillion plus.

And you fucking assholes wonder how the debt grew under Obama? Really? Uou are really thst fucking stupid.

We have no economic crisis. The economy was growing, unemployment was coming down & your fat=assed hero Trump put us on a path to a trillion dollar deficit.

Now Captain Bone Spur wants ti spend a trillion pls on rekindling the nuclear arm,s race. Where is the money for it? He wants 1.5 trillion for infrastructure? Where is thye money for it? He just spent 1.5 trillion on giving himself a hige tax cut.

Then the exact same people who ran ion circles screming "OMG OMG the debt the debt" have no problem when your orange buddy jacks up the deficit for no reason.
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

"You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point"

The first sentence is self evident, and thus not instructive. The second sentence is absurd.
There was still was debt you silly little fucker, a So called “Balanced budget” means nothing if there still is a debt...
No Country taxed its way to prosperity in the history of the planet... The collective fucked you in the ass and you didn’t even know it… LOL

Another right wing balanced budget denier.

You have to deny it existed otherwise you's have to answer as to why Bush & the Republicans took us from the balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 fucking years.

Debt is debt... No matter if you call it fuzzy math and/or put it in a lockbox.
Debt denial is a socialist disease... lol

Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High
He was a career politician, they are all the same no matter the party they choose.
You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point...
This country is 225,000,000,000,000+ in debt thanks to socialist entitlement programs.
We have been passed the point of no return for many, many decades now.
Till this balance sheet is all black... there can be NO surplus.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

"You obviously do not understand debt, If your debt exceeds your net worth you’re in debt. Deficits don’t matter at that point"

The first sentence is self evident, and thus not instructive. The second sentence is absurd.
Debt can’t be Compartmentalized... because money is fungible

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