The Standing Rock confrontation has not ended

Horse hockey.

They are trespassing on private property.

They are infringing on the rights of another based on what they believe may occur in the future, despite the fact that a frickin' pipeline already exists under that river with no problems whatsoever.

Screw them and screw you. I hit you with a proverbial water cannon.


Now off you go.

This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.

Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that
Horse hockey.

They are trespassing on private property.

They are infringing on the rights of another based on what they believe may occur in the future, despite the fact that a frickin' pipeline already exists under that river with no problems whatsoever.

Screw them and screw you. I hit you with a proverbial water cannon.


Now off you go.

This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.

Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.
This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.

Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.
And taught the White people how to grow food so that they did not starve to death. Happy Thanksgiving.
Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.
And taught the White people how to grow food so that they did not starve to death. Happy Thanksgiving.

Historically inaccurate. We traded with a befriended some tribes, others not.

You suggesting Europe hadn't figured out how to farm by the 16th century? No, that would be your people.

What is wheel?
This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.

Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.
Horse hockey.

They are trespassing on private property.

They are infringing on the rights of another based on what they believe may occur in the future, despite the fact that a frickin' pipeline already exists under that river with no problems whatsoever.

Screw them and screw you. I hit you with a proverbial water cannon.


Now off you go.

This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.
It 'belonged' to the fucking buffalo before the natives showed up.
You think running hundreds of poor buffalo off cliffs was the 'right' thing to do?
It makes no difference if the 'natives' were
smarter' than the poor innocent buffalo! The poor buffalo were/are living creatures too!
I wonder what the fucking indian chef puts in his PU truck to make it run?
Pick up every fucking plastic bag full of shitty disposable diapers around every fucking home on the 'reservation' and you'll have enough methane gas to power the city of New York.
It always makes me laugh when these suddenly self righteous indian leaders start going on about them being the 'keepers of the land'.
Fucking hillarious!
Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.
Happy? Happy waring with neighboring tribes for centuries?
Taking slaves from the defeated tribes?
Torturing, burning, looting, raping?
(No this isn't a post about what's happening in the inner city negro shitholes every day).
If that's your idea of living a 'happy' life fill your fucking boots!
Horse hockey.

They are trespassing on private property.

They are infringing on the rights of another based on what they believe may occur in the future, despite the fact that a frickin' pipeline already exists under that river with no problems whatsoever.

Screw them and screw you. I hit you with a proverbial water cannon.


Now off you go.

This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.
Sorry, but a handful of indians cant claim the entirety of the United States. We tried peace in the begining, but obviously it didnt work out in the end, and both sides were responsible for heinous acts on each other. Also, if this country wanted to start killing indians again, you wouldnt have any say in it, so this "let" nonsense is childish. The only reason Indians arent being killed is because WE dont want to kill indians. Get it now?
Hardly a "handful".....
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.
And taught the White people how to grow food so that they did not starve to death. Happy Thanksgiving.

Historically inaccurate. We traded with a befriended some tribes, others not.

You suggesting Europe hadn't figured out how to farm by the 16th century? No, that would be your people.

What is wheel?
They would have starved. We got by just fine without the wheel.
Horse hockey.

They are trespassing on private property.

They are infringing on the rights of another based on what they believe may occur in the future, despite the fact that a frickin' pipeline already exists under that river with no problems whatsoever.

Screw them and screw you. I hit you with a proverbial water cannon.


Now off you go.

This entire country belonged to the natives until the white man stole it and killed hundreds of thousands of us. This country will continue to do this kind of thing as long as we let them.
It 'belonged' to the fucking buffalo before the natives showed up.
You think running hundreds of poor buffalo off cliffs was the 'right' thing to do?
It makes no difference if the 'natives' were
smarter' than the poor innocent buffalo! The poor buffalo were/are living creatures too!
I wonder what the fucking indian chef puts in his PU truck to make it run?
Pick up every fucking plastic bag full of shitty disposable diapers around every fucking home on the 'reservation' and you'll have enough methane gas to power the city of New York.
It always makes me laugh when these suddenly self righteous indian leaders start going on about them being the 'keepers of the land'.
Fucking hillarious!
Buffalo Lives Matter.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.
Happy? Happy waring with neighboring tribes for centuries?
Taking slaves from the defeated tribes?
Torturing, burning, looting, raping?
(No this isn't a post about what's happening in the inner city negro shitholes every day).
If that's your idea of living a 'happy' life fill your fucking boots!
You know very little of native American culture.
Bullshit. Your people didn't have their land stolen, 90+ percent died en mass from a simple handshake. Such was the state of your immune systems after never evolving out of the stone age. While the rest of the world invented the wheel, organized farming and ranching, sailed through the bronze then the iron cities developed and the pre industrial revolution was happening, your people we're still shitting in the woods and throwing rocks at animals.

Your land wasn't taken from you, the fact you were 5000+ years behind in evolution is why you died out. Those that remained sold their rights to the land for shinny trinkets and an iron ax. Deal with it.

You never "owned" the land and you sure as shit don't own it now. Perhaps you still haven't grasp the concept of private property, but you're trespassing. Hard for Paleolithic man to grasp, I understand.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.

Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.
And taught the White people how to grow food so that they did not starve to death. Happy Thanksgiving.

Historically inaccurate. We traded with a befriended some tribes, others not.

You suggesting Europe hadn't figured out how to farm by the 16th century? No, that would be your people.

What is wheel?
They would have starved. We got by just fine without the wheel.

Sorry for the delay in responding. I had to walk into the woods to take a shit.
The holocaust never happened either, right?

Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

You are a fucking moron

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.

Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
I'll tell you what we don't do. Pass laws to relocate citizens and force thousands to die. We don't attack citizens because we are afraid of the Ghost Dance. We don't murder women, cut off their breasts and play toss with the detached breast. We don't kill children and use the dead body as a football. All of these things happened by the United States government.
We don't murder just because we can. If we murder it's for a reason. Usually retaliation for someone you murdered or raped or worse.
Logical fallacy #1. When you can't respond with logic, reason, or facts, change the subject.

Nobody's talking about the holocaust, only the history of your people. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Logical fallacy #2, an ad hominem attack. And when changing the subject doesn't work, attack the other guy personally.

You really aren't very good at this.

Now off you go stone age boy...:bye1:

No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.

Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
I'll tell you what we don't do. Pass laws to relocate citizens and force thousands to die. We don't attack citizens because we are afraid of the Ghost Dance. We don't murder women, cut off their breasts and play toss with the detached breast. We don't kill children and use the dead body as a football. All of these things happened by the United States government.
We don't murder just because we can. If we murder it's for a reason. Usually retaliation for someone you murdered or raped or worse.

The natives attacked the Pilgrim's settlement first, pissed we have made friends with a rival tribe. That chief ended up with his head on a pole.

Sorry, the "they started it" bullshit doesn't fly.
Fuck you, buddy boy. That land was illegally taken from the Standing Rock Tribe. If the goons continue their violence, you will see the resurrection of AIM with many white members, very well armed. And support for them in most of the cities of the United States. Time to tell the oil corporations that they cannot simply continue to destroy the lives of the citizens of this nation for their profit.

With all due respect Old Rocks you are wrong. This is private land purchased fairly. Standing Rock protestors are lying their freaking ass off. I'm just north of them and have been following intently because this is the same bullshit anti oil pro climate change bastards that set up against Keystone.

It's all about "leaving it in the ground" crap. They want to shut down the Bakken just like the sons of bitches want to shut down the Alberta oil fields.

Same old same old garbage.

"But an advocacy group says the tribe’s claims are misleading, saying the pipeline “does not cross into the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s reservation.”

The Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now also said 100 percent of the affected landowners in North Dakota, where part of the tribe lives, voluntarily signed easements to allow for construction."

Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Removed From Private Land by Police in Riot Gear

AND it's all about shutting down the oil fields. Nothing to do with water either just like the bullshit the bastards tried to pull with the Ogallala aquifer. This river crossing already has 8 pipelines under it.

"But Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II said he doesn’t support moving more crude oil from North Dakota. He told CNN affiliate KFYR that Americans should look for alternative and renewable sources of energy.

More than 271,000 online petitioners agree.

“The Dakota Access pipeline would fuel climate change, cause untold damage to the environment, and significantly disturb sacred lands and the way of life for Native Americans in the upper Midwest,” a petition on states."

It's all about the climate change agenda with First Nations as front men.

Yes I agree.
Canada bent over backwards to accomodate their demands and they still won't compromise.
Their whole goal is to shut down.
I was watching one of the tribal elders on c-span.
When he started talking bull shit about their ancestors graves.
He said "How would white men like it if they dug up their graves to test for diseases or moved them to another place."
Guess what tribal elder they do.
Hundreds of grave sites have been dug up and moved.
Many have been dug up for DNA testing for diseases as well as unsolved police cases.

The Sioux had their land stolen from them and they only want to protect the graves of their ancestors. Have the Sioux point out the graveyards of their ancestors when Trump re-starts the Canada oil pipeline. If the pipeline goes over their reservation then give them a generous royalty.

And who did the Sioux steal the land from?
The Mississippians.
No attack intended. You are a moron. I'm surprised you didn't know that

Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.

Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
I'll tell you what we don't do. Pass laws to relocate citizens and force thousands to die. We don't attack citizens because we are afraid of the Ghost Dance. We don't murder women, cut off their breasts and play toss with the detached breast. We don't kill children and use the dead body as a football. All of these things happened by the United States government.
We don't murder just because we can. If we murder it's for a reason. Usually retaliation for someone you murdered or raped or worse.

The natives attacked the Pilgrim's settlement first, pissed we have made friends with a rival tribe. That chief ended up with his head on a pole.

Sorry, the "they started it" bullshit doesn't fly.
Don't you wanna tell me about the mass genocide that followed?
When did the natives kill women and children and use their body parts for their own sick amusement?
When did they pass laws to get rid of the white man and cause thousands to die?

We can get back to the logical fallacy/changing the subject later. ;)
Once again demonstrating the left's inability to argue with reason. Logical fallacy #3...thanks for making my point.

But let's see if I've got this straight: Yours are the people that didn't figure out the wheel, couldn't get together a system of writing, never evolved out of the stone age, and would still be shitting in the woods if not for the modernity of the white man...but I'M the moron? Guess reading comprehension isn't big with your people either.

Good luck with all that.

We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.

Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
I'll tell you what we don't do. Pass laws to relocate citizens and force thousands to die. We don't attack citizens because we are afraid of the Ghost Dance. We don't murder women, cut off their breasts and play toss with the detached breast. We don't kill children and use the dead body as a football. All of these things happened by the United States government.
We don't murder just because we can. If we murder it's for a reason. Usually retaliation for someone you murdered or raped or worse.

The natives attacked the Pilgrim's settlement first, pissed we have made friends with a rival tribe. That chief ended up with his head on a pole.

Sorry, the "they started it" bullshit doesn't fly.
Don't you wanna tell me about the mass genocide that followed?
When did the natives kill women and children and use their body parts for their own sick amusement?
When did they pass laws to get rid of the white man and cause thousands to die?

We can get back to the logical fallacy/changing the subject later. ;)

You cannot engage in war, lose that war, and then retroactively call it genocide.

You resisted modernity. You lost. Deal with it.
We were happy before the lying, murdering white man showed up.

As for being inferior to the white man, we would have figured those things out.

Just because you figured it out first doesn't mean we never would have.

Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
I'll tell you what we don't do. Pass laws to relocate citizens and force thousands to die. We don't attack citizens because we are afraid of the Ghost Dance. We don't murder women, cut off their breasts and play toss with the detached breast. We don't kill children and use the dead body as a football. All of these things happened by the United States government.
We don't murder just because we can. If we murder it's for a reason. Usually retaliation for someone you murdered or raped or worse.

The natives attacked the Pilgrim's settlement first, pissed we have made friends with a rival tribe. That chief ended up with his head on a pole.

Sorry, the "they started it" bullshit doesn't fly.
Don't you wanna tell me about the mass genocide that followed?
When did the natives kill women and children and use their body parts for their own sick amusement?
When did they pass laws to get rid of the white man and cause thousands to die?

We can get back to the logical fallacy/changing the subject later. ;)

You cannot engage in war, lose that war, and then retroactively call it genocide.

You resisted modernity. You lost. Deal with it.
We have been. I only hope you suffer the same fate.
Ah, I forgot Indians don't lie or murder...:rolleyes-41:
I'll tell you what we don't do. Pass laws to relocate citizens and force thousands to die. We don't attack citizens because we are afraid of the Ghost Dance. We don't murder women, cut off their breasts and play toss with the detached breast. We don't kill children and use the dead body as a football. All of these things happened by the United States government.
We don't murder just because we can. If we murder it's for a reason. Usually retaliation for someone you murdered or raped or worse.

The natives attacked the Pilgrim's settlement first, pissed we have made friends with a rival tribe. That chief ended up with his head on a pole.

Sorry, the "they started it" bullshit doesn't fly.
Don't you wanna tell me about the mass genocide that followed?
When did the natives kill women and children and use their body parts for their own sick amusement?
When did they pass laws to get rid of the white man and cause thousands to die?

We can get back to the logical fallacy/changing the subject later. ;)

You cannot engage in war, lose that war, and then retroactively call it genocide.

You resisted modernity. You lost. Deal with it.
We have been. I only hope you suffer the same fate.

A sore loser with hate in his heart. Typical lefty.

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