The Strange Case of Hunter Biden

Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

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And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.
Right! And the fact that three debates are likely to go on without ANY of this subject being breached just furthers my feeling these debates are fundamentally dishonest. If such low and criminal people as this and Hillary, etc., are allowed to run for PRESIDENT, it can only be because THEY WANT THEM to.

You are dishonest. There is absolutely no evidence of anything illegal. It should not be a part of the debate as Hunter Biden is not running for anything. The Trump family is the crime family.
I'M dishonest? About WHAT. Name one thing. Where is your proof? You obviously didn't look at my link for the source of my key points. The evidence is indisputable, the questions are paramount, thou doth protest a bit too much and if this is a big nothingburger, then why the massive cover-up by Nancy and the Bidens? I want SIX DEBATES between Trump and Biden. I want this gone through carefully before the American people so we have a fair assessment of who it is we are being asked to vote for. If Donald Trump is half the scurrilous bastard the Democrats have maintained vociferously for years, then I want that fully exposed; why then would the democrats not want all the time in the world to explore his faults and flaws?

Can't Joe STAND for six debates?


What is the real ogre here being hidden here THIS TIME in the skeleton closet of Nancy and the Democrats so afraid of it coming out about Joe Biden?

Hunter Biden.jpg
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Hunter's Resume.png
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Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

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A pathetic attempt at projection by the tRumplings. Please, stop posting the silly conspiracy theories.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family!

toobfreak boy did you hit a nerve with this one... :th_thgoodpost: Just look at the loony left that jumped on this op and are acting all nergeous and shit... Some of them even stuttered in their responses...

DAMN RIGHT. After the way they have eviscerated Trump for four years, they should be CLAMORING for the opportunity to lay bare all his faults, corruption and flaws! So WHY is Joe Biden running from debating him at all much less six debates? Democrats have no answer to this question because there are only TWO POSSIBLE ANSWERS:

  1. Debating Trump too much opens Joe up to more examination and criticism than they stand to gain against Trump.
  2. Joe Biden isn't physically or mentally sound enough to handle six debates.
For a guy who's been in politics for nearly FIFTY years, you'd think Joe could waltz right through FORTY debates in his sleep.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family!

toobfreak boy did you hit a nerve with this one... :th_thgoodpost: Just look at the loony left that jumped on this op and are acting all nergeous and shit... Some of them even stuttered in their responses...

DAMN RIGHT. After the way they have eviscerated Trump for four years, they should be CLAMORING for the opportunity to lay bare all his faults, corruption and flaws! So WHY is Joe Biden running from debating him at all much less six debates? Democrats have no answer to this question because there are only TWO POSSIBLE ANSWERS:

  1. Debating Trump too much opens Joe up to more examination and criticism than they stand to gain against Trump.
  2. Joe Biden isn't physically or mentally sound enough to handle six debates.
For a guy who's been in politics for nearly FIFTY years, you'd think Joe could waltz right through FORTY debates in his sleep.
Only those candidates that are losing BIGLY in the polls want and insist on more debates.

Trump team, must know Trump is the LOSING candidate, and this is why they are crying for more debates.

3 Debates, are the pefect amount of debates... same amount of debates in 2016, and i believe in 2012 and 2008...?
Only those candidates that are losing BIGLY in the polls want and insist on more debates.
TRANSLATION: THE MORE JOE TALKS, THE MORE PEOPLE KNOW AND SEE, THE WORSE FOR HIM. I guess all this talk about all the evils of Trump, when push comes to shove, were all baseless!

3 Debates, are the pefect amount of debates... same amount of debates in 2016, and i believe in 2012 and 2008...?
I doubt Joe wll even show up. I don't think the man can do three. He'll fall apart like cardboard. But thanks for your argument! 3 debates, just as it always has been! Best argument I've ever heard to keep most of the voting AT THE POLLS, where it always has been, count votes using the Electoral College System, just as it always has been. Just no cause to throw a wildly untested and unproven variable into something as important as this without the time to vet it.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family!

toobfreak boy did you hit a nerve with this one... :th_thgoodpost: Just look at the loony left that jumped on this op and are acting all nergeous and shit... Some of them even stuttered in their responses...

DAMN RIGHT. After the way they have eviscerated Trump for four years, they should be CLAMORING for the opportunity to lay bare all his faults, corruption and flaws! So WHY is Joe Biden running from debating him at all much less six debates? Democrats have no answer to this question because there are only TWO POSSIBLE ANSWERS:

  1. Debating Trump too much opens Joe up to more examination and criticism than they stand to gain against Trump.
  2. Joe Biden isn't physically or mentally sound enough to handle six debates.
For a guy who's been in politics for nearly FIFTY years, you'd think Joe could waltz right through FORTY debates in his sleep.
The traditional 3 debates will happen, just like they always do. Joe will embarrass and humiliate tRump as predicted.

Calm down.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

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Hunter Biden is not running for anything. If we want to look at Hunter Biden maybe we should look at the Trump family.

People HAVE been looking at the Trump family. Strawman argument about Hunter, he only got that job because he was son of our VP and now that VP wants to be POTUS. Argument dismissed. The case and connections with Hunter-Ukraine and Hunter-China MUST be asked and answered because they were obviously tied to and driven by Biden as VP of the Obama Administration. Was there any crimes going on here? We know that if the table were turned, this would be a matter of GRAVE NATIONAL CONCERN for the Democrats!

WHAT IS JOE BIDEN'S REAL BACKROOM HISTORY AND CONNECTIONS WITH UKRAINE AND CHINA? If what we see on the surface appears so improper, what more lies below the surface? WHY DOES AMERICA NEED TO SEE TRUMP's TAX RECORDS AND BANKING BUT DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW THIS? These are VITAL questions needing answered by someone before we can even consider him for the highest office in the land. These are questions which need answered even if Joe wasn't running for anything at all. These are questions we must have good answers to so we can understand what furture relations a President Biden would have with the most dangerous superpower on the planet, China.

No there are serious issues. How did money for a new FBI headquarters get into a proposed coronavirus bill? A headquarters that would have been across the street from one of Trump's hotels. There is absolutely no evidence that Hunter Biden's relationship with his father was ever used for favors.

Biden released his tax returns when he was in the White House. There are no questions as there are no allegations. Russia is the most dangerous dangerous superpower and Russia is helping Trump. You don't seem to be interested in that.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

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And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.

He was not given anything. The money he received was part of a investment fund. He did not pocket any of it.
HOW DO YOU KNOW? Why does Joe Biden and the Democrats refuse to confirm that then?

Because Joe Biden did not receive the money. Hunter Biden has every right to keep his personal affairs personal.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

View attachment 380016

And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.
Right! And the fact that three debates are likely to go on without ANY of this subject being breached just furthers my feeling these debates are fundamentally dishonest. If such low and criminal people as this and Hillary, etc., are allowed to run for PRESIDENT, it can only be because THEY WANT THEM to.

You are dishonest. There is absolutely no evidence of anything illegal. It should not be a part of the debate as Hunter Biden is not running for anything. The Trump family is the crime family.
I'M dishonest? About WHAT. Name one thing. Where is your proof? You obviously didn't look at my link for the source of my key points. The evidence is indisputable, the questions are paramount, thou doth protest a bit too much and if this is a big nothingburger, then why the massive cover-up by Nancy and the Bidens? I want SIX DEBATES between Trump and Biden. I want this gone through carefully before the American people so we have a fair assessment of who it is we are being asked to vote for. If Donald Trump is half the scurrilous bastard the Democrats have maintained vociferously for years, then I want that fully exposed; why then would the democrats not want all the time in the world to explore his faults and flaws?

Can't Joe STAND for six debates?


What is the real ogre here being hidden here THIS TIME in the skeleton closet of Nancy and the Democrats so afraid of it coming out about Joe Biden?

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Hunter Biden has every right to keep his private affairs private. Joe Biden is not involved in his son's affairs. I would do the same thing if I were in Hunter Biden's shoes. A link just means there are people just as crazy as you are. Three debates are more than enough. I am very confident that I know who I am voting for. If Jesus Christ said Biden was the better man you would dispute it.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

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Hunter Biden is not running for anything. If we want to look at Hunter Biden maybe we should look at the Trump family.

People HAVE been looking at the Trump family. Strawman argument about Hunter, he only got that job because he was son of our VP and now that VP wants to be POTUS. Argument dismissed. The case and connections with Hunter-Ukraine and Hunter-China MUST be asked and answered because they were obviously tied to and driven by Biden as VP of the Obama Administration. Was there any crimes going on here? We know that if the table were turned, this would be a matter of GRAVE NATIONAL CONCERN for the Democrats!

WHAT IS JOE BIDEN'S REAL BACKROOM HISTORY AND CONNECTIONS WITH UKRAINE AND CHINA? If what we see on the surface appears so improper, what more lies below the surface? WHY DOES AMERICA NEED TO SEE TRUMP's TAX RECORDS AND BANKING BUT DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW THIS? These are VITAL questions needing answered by someone before we can even consider him for the highest office in the land. These are questions which need answered even if Joe wasn't running for anything at all. These are questions we must have good answers to so we can understand what furture relations a President Biden would have with the most dangerous superpower on the planet, China.

No there are serious issues. How did money for a new FBI headquarters get into a proposed coronavirus bill? A headquarters that would have been across the street from one of Trump's hotels. There is absolutely no evidence that Hunter Biden's relationship with his father was ever used for favors.

Biden released his tax returns when he was in the White House. There are no questions as there are no allegations. Russia is the most dangerous dangerous superpower and Russia is helping Trump. You don't seem to be interested in that.
DON'T LOOK AT THE BIDENS! DON'T LOOK AT THE BIDENS! You still haven't offered a single fact that explains what that criminal Joe was doing with his son sitting on the boards of major companies in foreign countries Joe was in charge of! Pathetic. Your mouth is full of straw.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

View attachment 380016

And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.

He was not given anything. The money he received was part of a investment fund. He did not pocket any of it.
HOW DO YOU KNOW? Why does Joe Biden and the Democrats refuse to confirm that then?

Because Joe Biden did not receive the money. Hunter Biden has every right to keep his personal affairs personal.
So your saying that what the Trump kids do with their money and businesses has nothing to do with Donald being president! You even know what Hunter did with the money! :laugh2:
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

View attachment 380016

And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.
Right! And the fact that three debates are likely to go on without ANY of this subject being breached just furthers my feeling these debates are fundamentally dishonest. If such low and criminal people as this and Hillary, etc., are allowed to run for PRESIDENT, it can only be because THEY WANT THEM to.

You are dishonest. There is absolutely no evidence of anything illegal. It should not be a part of the debate as Hunter Biden is not running for anything. The Trump family is the crime family.
I'M dishonest? About WHAT. Name one thing. Where is your proof? You obviously didn't look at my link for the source of my key points. The evidence is indisputable, the questions are paramount, thou doth protest a bit too much and if this is a big nothingburger, then why the massive cover-up by Nancy and the Bidens? I want SIX DEBATES between Trump and Biden. I want this gone through carefully before the American people so we have a fair assessment of who it is we are being asked to vote for. If Donald Trump is half the scurrilous bastard the Democrats have maintained vociferously for years, then I want that fully exposed; why then would the democrats not want all the time in the world to explore his faults and flaws?

Can't Joe STAND for six debates?


What is the real ogre here being hidden here THIS TIME in the skeleton closet of Nancy and the Democrats so afraid of it coming out about Joe Biden?

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Hunter Biden has every right to keep his private affairs private. Joe Biden is not involved in his son's affairs. I would do the same thing if I were in Hunter Biden's shoes. A link just means there are people just as crazy as you are. Three debates are more than enough. I am very confident that I know who I am voting for. If Jesus Christ said Biden was the better man you would dispute it.
Please Bee, you're just making an ASS of yourself. Your hypocrisy and rationalization have gone into the embarrassing and bizarre.
Only those candidates that are losing BIGLY in the polls want and insist on more debates.
TRANSLATION: THE MORE JOE TALKS, THE MORE PEOPLE KNOW AND SEE, THE WORSE FOR HIM. I guess all this talk about all the evils of Trump, when push comes to shove, were all baseless!

3 Debates, are the pefect amount of debates... same amount of debates in 2016, and i believe in 2012 and 2008...?
I doubt Joe wll even show up. I don't think the man can do three. He'll fall apart like cardboard. But thanks for your argument! 3 debates, just as it always has been! Best argument I've ever heard to keep most of the voting AT THE POLLS, where it always has been, count votes using the Electoral College System, just as it always has been. Just no cause to throw a wildly untested and unproven variable into something as important as this without the time to vet it.
There is no democrat that would change their vote for Trump, after a debate... he is a ham, a jokester, with trumpery abound!

It's dead issue.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

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And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.

He was not given anything. The money he received was part of a investment fund. He did not pocket any of it.
HOW DO YOU KNOW? Why does Joe Biden and the Democrats refuse to confirm that then?

Because Joe Biden did not receive the money. Hunter Biden has every right to keep his personal affairs personal.
So your saying that what the Trump kids do with their money and businesses has nothing to do with Donald being president! You even know what Hunter did with the money! :laugh2:
Trump's kids work for Trump
Only those candidates that are losing BIGLY in the polls want and insist on more debates.
TRANSLATION: THE MORE JOE TALKS, THE MORE PEOPLE KNOW AND SEE, THE WORSE FOR HIM. I guess all this talk about all the evils of Trump, when push comes to shove, were all baseless!

3 Debates, are the pefect amount of debates... same amount of debates in 2016, and i believe in 2012 and 2008...?
I doubt Joe wll even show up. I don't think the man can do three. He'll fall apart like cardboard. But thanks for your argument! 3 debates, just as it always has been! Best argument I've ever heard to keep most of the voting AT THE POLLS, where it always has been, count votes using the Electoral College System, just as it always has been. Just no cause to throw a wildly untested and unproven variable into something as important as this without the time to vet it.
There is no democrat that would change their vote for Trump, after a debate... he is a ham, a jokester, with trumpery abound!

It's dead issue.
Hey Clown, you're about FIVE YEARS too late on that bull. A lot of Democrats DID change their vote to vote for Trump instead in 2016, and he has nearly TWICE the support now from Blacks as he did in 2016 which was already up a bit from most GOPs, and the debates haven't even happened yet.

As soon as we dig that oyster Joe Biden out of the clam shell he he hiding in and drag his pasty white ass onto stage and put a hot light on him and rip that fucking mask on his face and make him stand and answer question after question before the nation with no teleprompters, no crib notes, no video retakes, no preparation, no board up his ass to hold him up, the nation will see what a joke and a fraud he really is.
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

View attachment 380016

And then there was China. His dealings with Ukraine were small potatoes compared to what he was given from the CHICOMS.

He was not given anything. The money he received was part of a investment fund. He did not pocket any of it.
HOW DO YOU KNOW? Why does Joe Biden and the Democrats refuse to confirm that then?

Because Joe Biden did not receive the money. Hunter Biden has every right to keep his personal affairs personal.
So your saying that what the Trump kids do with their money and businesses has nothing to do with Donald being president! You even know what Hunter did with the money! :laugh2:
Trump's kids work for Trump
^ ignorant ^
Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe about this as Joe could be our next president and how can the voters know where he will be going in office if they have no real idea where he came, but I feel certain will simply be tip-toed around by the moderators at the debates wanting to stick to the "serious," less "conspiracy theory" topics of "real concern" to the nation.

  1. A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in Ukraine — or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.
  2. Despite his lack of expertise, he joined the board of Burisma beginning in 2014 when his father as vice president was publicly representing U.S. policy on the country, which had become the center of a tug-of-war between Russia and the West.
  3. The oligarch behind the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, faced investigations for money laundering and tax evasion.
  4. Staff at the State Department expressed concerns in 2015 when Hunter Biden started serving on the board of Burisma, but Hunter remained on. Where was Obama during all of this?
  5. The details of what Hunter actually did there have been mysterious and murky. Reuters reported that Hunter weighed in during scheduled meetings but did little of any substance. The report suggests he was compensated for contributing his high-profile name (as son of the U.S. VP).
  6. Exactly how much Hunter Biden was paid remains unclear despite continued questioning. As a director, Biden made up to $50,000 per month some months, according to the New York Times. He left Burisma in spring 2019, around the time that his father announced his 2020 presidential run.
  7. No one knows what became of all this money earned or what it was used on.
  8. In 2019, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump for asking the government there to look into the Bidens’ activities, yet we found no evidence that Hunter Biden himself was ever investigated by either Ukrainian or American authorities for his role as a board member of Burisma, despite the fact that Hunter's role there and the CONFLICT OF INTEREST it represented to VP Joe Biden and the Obama Administration oddly mirrored exactly what the House Democrats were impeaching Trump over for claiming!
It is my sincere wish Trump, if not some of the debate moderators, find a little time to actually delve into this gaping question.

View attachment 380016

Hunter Biden is not running for anything. If we want to look at Hunter Biden maybe we should look at the Trump family. Is it coincidence that Trump wanted to build a new FBI headquarters across from one of his hotels? Or that fact that the US military has had it's personnel stay at Trump's resort in Scotland?

The fact is that Hunter Biden was named to the board because they wanted a name recognizable to the West. That is not unusual even in the United States. Board members are not required to run the company. They are a balance to the CEO and perform oversight of management.

State Department officials never expressed any concerns he was doing anything illegal. Just the appearance was not good.

Shokin's dropping of the investigation of Burisma was one of the reasons that Biden came to Ukraine with a ultimatum. Fire the corrupt Shokin or no US economic aid. Joe Biden was not trying to halt a investigation into Burisma.

What Trump wanted was a phony investigation of Hunter Biden. All for the sake of his re-election. There is no basis for a investigation of Hunter Biden.
not to some brain dead demoncrat---i want to know along with millions of other AMERICANS
Facebook and Twitter reducing distribution of Hunter Biden story in New York Post.

Facebook and Twitter limited the distribution of a story in the New York Post about an email between Hunter Biden and an adviser to a Ukrainian energy company.

The 2015 email indicates that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to Burisma, thanked Biden for "giving an opportunity" to meet former Vice President Joe Biden.

The former vice president has previously said he has "never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."

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