The Strategy Necessary For The Left

Oh dear Gawd, we must stop this, I mean look at a ll the communist scum we got from the boat people after Nam....

How'd you like post #9...?

Couldn't find any way to disagree?

Is there any etiquette and protocol, or is it like ad lib?

How many times must I chide you on using terms you don't understand???

How can my posts be 'ad lib' when they are documented, linked, and sourced????
ad lib
ˌad ˈlib/
  1. 1.
    speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words.
    "Charles had to ad lib because he'd forgotten his script"
    synonyms: improvise, extemporize, speak impromptu, play it by ear, make it up as one goes along, wing it
    "halfway through the speech, she started ad libbing"

You appear quite the dunce.
So you don't get it?

What are you a foreigner?

It's as plain as the nose on yer face.....Unless you don't have a nose..

You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...
How'd you like post #9...?

Couldn't find any way to disagree?

Is there any etiquette and protocol, or is it like ad lib?

How many times must I chide you on using terms you don't understand???

How can my posts be 'ad lib' when they are documented, linked, and sourced????
ad lib
ˌad ˈlib/
  1. 1.
    speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words.
    "Charles had to ad lib because he'd forgotten his script"
    synonyms: improvise, extemporize, speak impromptu, play it by ear, make it up as one goes along, wing it
    "halfway through the speech, she started ad libbing"

You appear quite the dunce.
So you don't get it?

What are you a foreigner?

It's as plain as the nose on yer face.....Unless you don't have a nose..

You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
I'm always amazed at how many have adopted the pretend-ignorance that they have been tricked into supporting totalitarian interests.

The walk in, eyes open, and vote for collectivization.
Lenin would be proud of them.

i think it's hilarious that you have such a binary rule of the world.

Here's why people supported FDR's programs. What we were doing before then wasn't working. After FDR we had the greatest prosperity the world had ever known. (Well, if you were white, anyway. It still kind of sucked to not be white.)

Here's how I generally look at things. If the private sector does things better, I'm all for a private sector solution. If the government does things better, I'm for a government solution.

We've tried private sector health care. We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world, the highest level of medical bankruptcy in the world, and an infant mortality rate as bad as some third world nations. All this after spending more money than any other country.

The problem with you Conservatards is when you talk about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money to abuse those of us without money, and tricking us to go along with it by convincing us that people worse off than us want our stuff.

Democrats let into the country, hmmm, that seems difficult to understand how Bush sr was a democrat..

So aren't allowed to play that dumb:

1. "Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program hasled to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

2. "Politifact Says Trump Is Right: Hillary Clinton Supports ‘500% Increase in Syrian Refugees"
Politifact: Hillary Clinton for 500% Increase in Syrian Refugees
Oh dear Gawd, we must stop this, I mean look at a ll the communist scum we got from the boat people after Nam....

How'd you like post #9...?

Couldn't find any way to disagree?

Is there any etiquette and protocol, or is it like ad lib?

How many times must I chide you on using terms you don't understand???

How can my posts be 'ad lib' when they are documented, linked, and sourced????
ad lib
ˌad ˈlib/
  1. 1.
    speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words.
    "Charles had to ad lib because he'd forgotten his script"
    synonyms: improvise, extemporize, speak impromptu, play it by ear, make it up as one goes along, wing it
    "halfway through the speech, she started ad libbing"

You appear quite the dunce.

I find it fascinating that the left thinks the government can do things better. But the real question is------>why do they think this? ANSWER: Because the government can print money, the private sector can not! So in essence, they are stating that it is fine to destroy the country with debt, as long as their agenda is executed.

What if they were FORCED to run a balanced budget? Then government wouldn't be doing so well, now would it! You can't compare apples to oranges when apples can print money, and oranges can not. That is the primary flaw in the left's debate points, because by printing money, they tax everyone through the back door who actually works for a living, and transfers the wealth to those programs they deem worthy.
Is there any etiquette and protocol, or is it like ad lib?

How many times must I chide you on using terms you don't understand???

How can my posts be 'ad lib' when they are documented, linked, and sourced????
ad lib
ˌad ˈlib/
  1. 1.
    speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words.
    "Charles had to ad lib because he'd forgotten his script"
    synonyms: improvise, extemporize, speak impromptu, play it by ear, make it up as one goes along, wing it
    "halfway through the speech, she started ad libbing"

You appear quite the dunce.
So you don't get it?

What are you a foreigner?

It's as plain as the nose on yer face.....Unless you don't have a nose..

You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...
How many times must I chide you on using terms you don't understand???

How can my posts be 'ad lib' when they are documented, linked, and sourced????
ad lib
ˌad ˈlib/
  1. 1.
    speak or perform in public without previously preparing one's words.
    "Charles had to ad lib because he'd forgotten his script"
    synonyms: improvise, extemporize, speak impromptu, play it by ear, make it up as one goes along, wing it
    "halfway through the speech, she started ad libbing"

You appear quite the dunce.
So you don't get it?

What are you a foreigner?

It's as plain as the nose on yer face.....Unless you don't have a nose..

You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...

Never having indulged, I have read that early drug usage can inhibit the ability to concentrate.

See if you can focus on the question:

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

Don't be afraid to answer....I can keep your secret.
So you don't get it?

What are you a foreigner?

It's as plain as the nose on yer face.....Unless you don't have a nose..

You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...

Never having indulged, I have read that early drug usage can inhibit the ability to concentrate.

See if you can focus on the question:

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

Don't be afraid to answer....I can keep your secret.
You also tried to claim FDR was a commie, you should make up your,mind, it's not very convincing when you show erratic behavioral tendencies...
You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...

Never having indulged, I have read that early drug usage can inhibit the ability to concentrate.

See if you can focus on the question:

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

Don't be afraid to answer....I can keep your secret.
You also tried to claim FDR was a commie, you should make up your,mind, it's not very convincing when you show erratic behavioral tendencies...

I see you suffer from A.D.D. as well as lack of education.

There is nary a difference between any of these six:

This was post #40....just a short time ago-

It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

FDR fits in in several places.
You require more remediation???

No prob:

4. It is hardly a quantum leap to go from actions taken by Franklin Roosevelt to those of the East German Communists: both belong to the 'shameful six."

All six of these political agendas lead to the very same outcomes:

Liberals, Communists, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists and Nazis.

All are Leftist, all are totalitarian collectivist agendas.

None brook any deviation from the orders of government; there are no exemptions based on religion, individuality, or even our Constitution.

"Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."

... Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution.
He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to undertake into so-called affirmative rights. That idea is sugarcoated as "what the government must do on your behalf." But that sort of thinking—that government should do it—is precisely what saps volunteerism and helps explain why both the Obamas' and the Bidens' charitable contributions are so pitiful..

... Obama's idea that government can create new "rights." If Obama believes government can create rights, then that means he thinks governments can also take them away.."
Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution

"Obama wishes to scrap the limits placed on government powers because they get in the way of his redistributive schemes."
Blog: Obama 2001: Scrap the Constitution, spread the wealth

Seig Heil!
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...

Never having indulged, I have read that early drug usage can inhibit the ability to concentrate.

See if you can focus on the question:

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

Don't be afraid to answer....I can keep your secret.
You also tried to claim FDR was a commie, you should make up your,mind, it's not very convincing when you show erratic behavioral tendencies...

One more opportunity?

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and Nazis.....and, as you indicated, communists as can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You seem to be validating what Coulter pointed out:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Would I be correct in stating that as your position?
Except confinement camps in the US only occurred during WWII, and during GOP reconstruction eras, in the form of Indian reservations...

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...

Never having indulged, I have read that early drug usage can inhibit the ability to concentrate.

See if you can focus on the question:

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

Don't be afraid to answer....I can keep your secret.
You also tried to claim FDR was a commie, you should make up your,mind, it's not very convincing when you show erratic behavioral tendencies...

One more opportunity?

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and Nazis.....and, as you indicated, communists as can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You seem to be validating what Coulter pointed out:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Would I be correct in stating that as your position?
Are you that desperate for Reagan to be number one?
As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You can answer honestly.
Ask the Indians that were subjugated and forced to live a certain way or death would ensue...And the GOP didn't mind it one bit, just like when it happened to Japanese......So give me you biased opinion some other time...

Never having indulged, I have read that early drug usage can inhibit the ability to concentrate.

See if you can focus on the question:

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

Don't be afraid to answer....I can keep your secret.
You also tried to claim FDR was a commie, you should make up your,mind, it's not very convincing when you show erratic behavioral tendencies...

One more opportunity?

As I documented that Franklin Roosevelt was the poster-boy to Fascists and Nazis.....and, as you indicated, communists as can you continue to ignore that in favor of a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Is that an acceptable trade off vs. concentration camps and depriving Americans of freedom and liberty, and ending the guidance of the Constitution?

You seem to be validating what Coulter pointed out:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Would I be correct in stating that as your position?
Are you that desperate for Reagan to be number one?

Let's summarize your posts.

You have sought to change the subject and avoid answering the question three times.

That's three strikes.

In effect, you have admitted that your will not admit what I have proven: Since Roosevelt, the Democrat Party has been riddled with and controlled by Leftists....the legacy of FDR.

He was 'hail fellow well met' (better look that up) to Mussolini, Hitler, and I have shown.

That means nothing to you, as you have been co-opted by the Left.
I have not.

Soooo.......everything I have posted...and the rest of this thread...are all true, accurate and correct.

You simply don't care.

Be well.
And, having shredded the opposition, let's get back to the premise.

5. Here is the premise....and proof will follow: Leftism, in it's concluding dystopia, requires a huge network of police, spies and informers.
That's the strategy necessary.

"...the Stasi, the East German secret police, who previously had considered themselves the "shield and sword" of the party. When the regime collapsed, the Stasi had 102,000 full-time officers and noncommissioned personnel on its rolls, including 11,000 members of the ministry's own special guards regiment. Between 1950 and 1989, a total of 274,000 persons served in the Stasi.

"...Stasi informers, the inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs).... identified as IMs, or 2.5 percent of the total population between the ages of 18 and 60.

"The Stasi was much, much worse than the Gestapo, if you consider only the oppression of its own people," .... The Gestapo had 40,000 officials watching a country of 80 million, while the Stasi employed 102,000 to control only 17 million."

Huge numbers of these brown shirt thugs was a necessity.....

....unless the dictator shiped 'em off to a gulag or a concentration camp, as FDR did.....

Hence..."The Strategy Necessary For The Left"....
...does that sound like the people under their control were happy with the result of totalitarian governance?
And, having shredded the opposition, let's get back to the premise.

5. Here is the premise....and proof will follow: Leftism, in it's concluding dystopia, requires a huge network of police, spies and informers.
That's the strategy necessary.

"...the Stasi, the East German secret police, who previously had considered themselves the "shield and sword" of the party. When the regime collapsed, the Stasi had 102,000 full-time officers and noncommissioned personnel on its rolls, including 11,000 members of the ministry's own special guards regiment. Between 1950 and 1989, a total of 274,000 persons served in the Stasi.

"...Stasi informers, the inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs).... identified as IMs, or 2.5 percent of the total population between the ages of 18 and 60.

"The Stasi was much, much worse than the Gestapo, if you consider only the oppression of its own people," .... The Gestapo had 40,000 officials watching a country of 80 million, while the Stasi employed 102,000 to control only 17 million."

Huge numbers of these brown shirt thugs was a necessity.....

....unless the dictator shiped 'em off to a gulag or a concentration camp, as FDR did.....

Hence..."The Strategy Necessary For The Left"....
...does that sound like the people under their control were happy with the result of totalitarian governance?

Totalitarianism isn't Liberalism. You're an idiot.
6. To put the numbers in perspective, let's take a look at how many of the apparatchiks there were relative to the populations.

" To ensure that the people would become and remain submissive, East German communist leaders saturated their realm with more spies than had any other totalitarian government in recent history.

The Soviet Union's KGB employed about 480,000 full-time agents to oversee a nation of 280 million, which means there was one agent per 5,830 citizens.

... for the Nazi Gestapo, there was one officer for 2,000 people.

The ratio for the Stasi was one secret policeman per 166 East Germans. When the regular informers are added, these ratios become much higher: In the Stasi's case, there would have been at least one spy watching every 66 citizens!

When one adds in the estimated numbers of part-time snoops, the result is nothing short of monstrous: one informer per 6.5 citizens. It would not have been unreasonable to assume that at least one Stasi informer was present in any party of ten or twelve dinner guests."

Now....why would the Soviets, the Nazis, the Stasi, require sooooooo many agents????

Isn't it clear?

Leftist is a failure sans coercion.

Remember that when you go to vote.
As I documented that Franklin a few (material) crumbs like social security and F.D.I.C.?

Those are actually kind of big deals...

And, yeah, FDR so looked up to Hitler and Mussolini that he KILLED THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!!!

Wow, are you like a stupid person, or what?

Your vile language disgusts me as much as your ignorance: you have zero knowledge of history.

FDR was enamored with Hitler and with Stalin.

He had to do what many children do when confronted with divorce....choose which one he love more.

The date of said divorce was June 22, 1941.
See if you know what that means.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
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Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order forcibly removed about 120,000 Japanese Americans, mostly U.S. citizens, from their homes.... They were forcibly removed to 10 concentration camps. The government officially called them “relocation centers,” but Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942. The occupants were kept behind barbed wire, and armed guards kept them from leaving."
FDR’s concentration camps were a warning, not a model

If they're a warning of anything ,they're a warning of what a president Donald Trump might do to Muslim-Americans in the event of a major outbreak of certain hostilities.
It’s something Trump is likely to do regardless.
The wanna-be American philosopher George Santayana posited '"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

1. Today's review of the history ....the strategy of the Left....reveals what is necessary to have the sort of total acquiesce that Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, etc., aimed for, and dictators-in-training such as Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama yearn for.

2. Shocked to see Liberal icon Roosevelt characterized in that manner?

Well....perhaps government schools haven't appraised students of these sorts of actions:

a. Roosevelt and his New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine: ‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)

"Rex Tugwell, FDR's economic adviser, was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Perkins (Sec'y of Labor) the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
(Better look up who Francis Perkins was, Libs....)

Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

People were beginning to recognize the fascist nature of the National Recovery Administration(NRA), code when they saw "... the jailing of a New Jersey tailor named Jack Magid, whose crime was pressing a suit for thirty-five cents when the code fixed the price at forty cents."

b. More evidence of Roosevelt's dictator-credentials?

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order forcibly removed about 120,000 Japanese Americans, mostly U.S. citizens, from their homes.... They were forcibly removed to 10 concentration camps. The government officially called them “relocation centers,” but Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942. The occupants were kept behind barbed wire, and armed guards kept them from leaving."
FDR’s concentration camps were a warning, not a model

3. But...let's cut to the chase:

".... German demonstrators began to tear down the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, irate East German citizens stormed the Leipzig district office of the Ministry for State Security (MfS)—the Stasi, as it was more commonly called."

The regime of the Stasi should be one those lessons in history, lessons about the strategy necessary for Leftist regimes, that we dare not ignore.

Details to follow.

You’re as ridiculous as you are wrong.
The wanna-be American philosopher George Santayana posited '"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

1. Today's review of the history ....the strategy of the Left....reveals what is necessary to have the sort of total acquiesce that Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, etc., aimed for, and dictators-in-training such as Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama yearn for.

2. Shocked to see Liberal icon Roosevelt characterized in that manner?

Well....perhaps government schools haven't appraised students of these sorts of actions:

a. Roosevelt and his New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine: ‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)

"Rex Tugwell, FDR's economic adviser, was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Perkins (Sec'y of Labor) the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
(Better look up who Francis Perkins was, Libs....)

Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

People were beginning to recognize the fascist nature of the National Recovery Administration(NRA), code when they saw "... the jailing of a New Jersey tailor named Jack Magid, whose crime was pressing a suit for thirty-five cents when the code fixed the price at forty cents."

b. More evidence of Roosevelt's dictator-credentials?

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order forcibly removed about 120,000 Japanese Americans, mostly U.S. citizens, from their homes.... They were forcibly removed to 10 concentration camps. The government officially called them “relocation centers,” but Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942. The occupants were kept behind barbed wire, and armed guards kept them from leaving."
FDR’s concentration camps were a warning, not a model

3. But...let's cut to the chase:

".... German demonstrators began to tear down the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, irate East German citizens stormed the Leipzig district office of the Ministry for State Security (MfS)—the Stasi, as it was more commonly called."

The regime of the Stasi should be one those lessons in history, lessons about the strategy necessary for Leftist regimes, that we dare not ignore.

Details to follow.

You’re as ridiculous as you are wrong.

How nice of you!

One more brain-dead Liberal who'd love to dispute any of the facts I've posted.....

....but just can't. more post that actually supports everything I post.

This is almost monotonous.

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