Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Faith comes by hearing the Word.
I disagree. Faith comes from inside us. It’s not an accident that man instinctively knows right from wrong. Natural law is written into the essence of our being.
traditions don't build faith.
I believe that technically everything builds faith. But building faith is probably not the main reason for keeping traditions. Keeping traditions are more about building close relationships with our fellow man.
Jesus is all I want or need. I am saved by faith in Jesus.
I hear people make that claim all of the time but they are seldom able to explain it more than conceptually… like what you just wrote. They can’t actually state what that means in practical terms. So how does believing that you are saved manifest itself in your day to day life?
I hear people make that claim all of the time but they are seldom able to explain it more than conceptually… like what you just wrote. They can’t actually state what that means in practical terms. So how does believing that you are saved manifest itself in your day to day life?
It's Scripture and my faith in Scripture produces joy and peace, along with confidence in life. I have passed from death to life. My spirit is alive forever.
I disagree. Faith comes from inside us. It’s not an accident that man instinctively knows right from wrong. Natural law is written into the essence of our being.
Then your disagreement is with Scripture. Romans 5:17.
It's Scripture and my faith in Scripture produces joy and peace, along with confidence in life.
I am not seeing that confidence. What I perceive is the need to tear down another religion in order to retain confidence in your own routine--the fear of being wrong is that great.

People who are fully satisfied have no need to search for mistakes in what others deem holy. Their only wish is that others have that great fulfillment God has bestowed upon them.

You don't need anyone else to pray with you or for you, and that's great. You don't need any church denomination for scripture provides you with all the enrichment you need. You and scripture...nothing else needed. Everything else is just a distraction. Am I seeing that correctly?
I am not seeing that confidence. What I perceive is the need to tear down another religion in order to retain confidence in your own routine--the fear of being wrong is that great.

People who are fully satisfied have no need to search for mistakes in what others deem holy. Their only wish is that others have that great fulfillment God has bestowed upon them.

You don't need anyone else to pray with you or for you, and that's great. You don't need any church denomination for scripture provides you with all the enrichment you need. You and scripture...nothing else needed. Everything else is just a distraction. Am I seeing that correctly?
Now you're analyzing me. I fellowship with Christians. I pray with Christians. What I'm trying to say is all I need is Jesus. The more you read the New Testament you find its all about Him, what He did, my position as a believer, His righteousness and Spirit in me and me in Him that makes me righteous. I'm totally free from religion and guiltless. The Son has truly made me free. The Church is every believer, not an organization.
Where does Scripture instruct us to ask Mary to pray for us?
Where does scripture instruct us to ask others to pray for us? Have you never asked anyone to pray for you?

Did scripture instruct you to post in an online forum?

Did scripture tell you to brush your teeth?

So my point stands. Catholics don’t pray to Mary. Catholics ask Mary to pray for them. Just like you would ask someone who you thought was really close to God to pray for you. No difference.
It's Scripture and my faith in Scripture produces joy and peace, along with confidence in life. I have passed from death to life. My spirit is alive forever.
How does scripture produce joy and peace in your life?

Because attacking someone else’s faith doesn’t seem like something that can give you joy or peace. In fact it seems like just the opposite. That you don’t have joy or peace in your life if you have to tear down someone else’s faith to build yours up.
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Then your disagreement is with Scripture. Romans 5:17.
No. My disagreement is with you. Even Satan quoted scripture. But I’m not seeing how Romans 5:17 says faith doesn’t come from inside us.

Do you know why Jesus was born into this world? You don’t have to guess because he told us.
Where does scripture instruct us to ask others to pray for us? Have you never asked anyone to pray for you?

Did scripture instruct you to post in an online forum?

Did scripture tell you to brush your teeth?

So my point stands. Catholics don’t pray to Mary. Catholics ask Mary to pray for them. Just like you would ask someone who you thought was really close to God to pray for you. No difference.
You didn't answer my question. Where does the Bible instruct Christians to ask Mary to pray for them?
How does scripture produce joy and peace in your life?

Because attacking someone else’s faith doesn’t seem like something that can give you joy or peace. In fact it seems like just the opposite. That you don’t have joy or peace in your life if you have to tear down someone else’s faith to build yours up.
Now you sound like a pharisee. If your beliefs don't line up with Scripture, don't blame me.
You didn't answer my question. Where does the Bible instruct Christians to ask Mary to pray for them?
It doesn’t. Why do you believe that should prevent us from asking others to pray for us?
No. My disagreement is with you. Even Satan quoted scripture. But I’m not seeing how Romans 5:17 says faith doesn’t come from inside us.

Do you know why Jesus was born into this world? You don’t have to guess because he told us.
Romans 5:17 says faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Your disagreement is with Scripture, not me.
Now you sound like a pharisee. If your beliefs don't line up with Scripture, don't blame me.
If you can’t tell me in practical terms how scripture brings peace and joy into your life, then maybe it doesn’t.

The only one acting like a Pharisee is you because you are righteously indignant of others not believing as you wish they would.
Romans 5:17 says faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Your disagreement is with Scripture, not me.
I think you need to read Romans 5:17 again because that’s not what Roman’s 5:17 says.

For if, by the transgression of one person, death came to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of justification come to reign in life through the one person Jesus Christ. Roman’s 5:17

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