Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Are we saved by faith alone or by faith plus good works? Which is it?
I just explained it to you. What part of my explanation did you not understand? You can say you are saved until the cows come home but if you don’t produce good fruit you are probably a bad tree. Works are a manifestation of faith.
I don't hate Catholics. Praying to the dead is not biblical and is occultism.
Seems like you are hateful towards Catholics, with no respect for their holy ground. Catholics firmly believe that as Christ said God is God of the living, not the dead. We firmly believe all--whether on this earth or having passed on, remain in the living Body of Christ.

Do you hold this belief?

Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you? Has anyone asked you to pray for them?
Agree. The Word is God, John 1:1.
Then why the determination to seek only scripture instead of seeking God? Do you not listen to any response to your own prayers? Instead, you turn to the Bible to search for a response to your prayers? Jesus is the living Word; the Bible is merely the written word. There is a great difference.
Seems like you are hateful towards Catholics, with no respect for their holy ground. Catholics firmly believe that as Christ said God is God of the living, not the dead. We firmly believe all--whether on this earth or having passed on, remain in the living Body of Christ.

Do you hold this belief?

Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you? Has anyone asked you to pray for them?
Of course, but I don't ask dead people to pray for me and I don't pray for the dead.
Then why the determination to seek only scripture instead of seeking God? Do you not listen to any response to your own prayers? Instead, you turn to the Bible to search for a response to your prayers? Jesus is the living Word; the Bible is merely the written word. There is a great difference.
Paul said the Word is alive. Doesn't matter if it's written on paper. It's living and powerful. Sharper than a double edged sword.
I can see why someone who has never experienced praying with and/or for those who have passed on might be dismissive--if they had not heard testimony. It is testimony given, but not heard.
Testimony is great. However, even people in cults can claim a Testimony. Everything is to be examined in the light of Scripture.
Disagree. I believe it's Biblically sound.
The Bible was never meant to hold you back. Do you see the Bible as forbidding you to pray for/with the living members of the Body of Christ who have passed on?

Remember, the occult is for calling back those who have passed on. Praying for/with members of the Body of Christ is not calling anyone back to this life, it is being together in the life of Christ. Is that forbidden?

Is denying prayers to someone because "It is not in the written Bible" a viable excuse in your own mind?
The Bible was never meant to hold you back. Do you see the Bible as forbidding you to pray for/with the living members of the Body of Christ who have passed on?

Remember, the occult is for calling back those who have passed on. Praying for/with members of the Body of Christ is not calling anyone back to this life, it is being together in the life of Christ. Is that forbidden?

Is denying prayers to someone because "It is not in the written Bible" a viable excuse in your own mind?
I'm not going to pray to the dead or for the dead. Nothing can be done for them.
Personal revelation is the only thing that counts. All else is simply hearsay.
Testimony is great. However, even people in cults can claim a Testimony. Everything is to be examined in the light of Scripture.
I have explained how it is scriptural. I have testified to the power and the validity of these prayers. In other words, not only have I examined it in the light of scripture, I have tried it in this life. It is a sound practice.

People who have the firm belief that they and/or their loved ones have no need of such prayers is different from those who claim they cannot see it in the Bible.

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