Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Actually it’s not. The distinction is important. Praying for the dead and asking saints to pray for us is quite common and in no way praying to the dead or praying to the saints. Your anti-catholic bias is preventing you from seeing reality.

God is spirit and we are called to worship God in spirit and truth. Your failure to see reality is preventing you from worshipping God in spirit and truth as reality is truth.
I understand it's common. Wide is the road to destruction, narrow is the path to eternal life.
I understand it's common. Wide is the road to destruction, narrow is the path to eternal life.
So they say. But hey, all you have to do is say you are saved, right? You can do anything you want.
Anyone who believes Christ’s message to us was about getting into heaven missed his point. Christ’s message to us was about how to live; how to be; how to exist in this world. That’s why early Christians called it The Way. It’s about the journey not the destination. Take care of the journey and the destination works itself out on its own.
And that’s because Jesus was teaching Jewish values - how to lIve, how to be, and how to exist in this world. And it can all be summed up with Hillel‘s teaching, which Jesus also taught (albeit it with his own little “twist”): That which is distasteful to you, do not do unto others.”

Nowhere does he say one has to believe his was the son of Gd to get into Heaven.
Again… I’m not praying to the dead. I’m asking the saints to pray for me. Just as I pray for the souls of the dead.
There’s a nice belief, custom, whatever you want to call it that I have recently learned as I’ve become more religion (Jewish) re praying for the souls of the dead: to do a mitzvah on behalf of the dead, and in merit of their soul, since they can no longer do them myself.

What I have done is on the yartzheit (anniversary of the death) of my Dad, may he RIP, is to make a donation to a charity that he supported during his life. I think it’s a wonderful custom, and keeps “alive” the good deeds of the deceased.

Anyway, I mention it since you say you pray the dead, and you might want to consider a donation in their memory to a charity that was important to them. Just a suggestion.
And that’s because Jesus was teaching Jewish values - how to lIve, how to be, and how to exist in this world. And it can all be summed up with Hillel‘s teaching, which Jesus also taught (albeit it with his own little “twist”): That which is distasteful to you, do not do unto others.”

Nowhere does he say one has to believe his was the son of Gd to get into Heaven.
Jesus did say that He was the way and no one comes to the Father except by Him.
The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Does that mean we shouldn't have a personal relationship with Him? Ha ha... not hardly.

I talk to Jesus just like Protestants do (or claim to..), although sometimes it seems I don't do so enough.. (considering how hideous the condition of the world is and etc... etc).

But it always bugged me... that one word: personal

Does this mean, to protestants, that you should not have a PUBLIC relationship w/ Christ? Do some protestants believe you should check your "relationship with Christ" at the door of your business or school or whatever? Well, in that case, I don't believe in having this kind of relationship.

And frankly, I do know of people who are like that... they claim to be Christian and act like it on Sunday but... when it comes to a public proclamation of what they stand for... uh.... stutter stutter..

But Jesus said that if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father..
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."

Sounds pretty personal to me. :)

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