Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

The followers believed that a mortal man was a deity of some sort. As far as Jesus, he remained a Jew and died a Jew.
So you believe Jesus died, but don't believe that He resurrected and was seen by hundreds of witnesses. Right?
Always? No matter what?
Nope. If I stop believing and live a sinful lifestyle I believe salvation can be lost. Not every Christian believes once saved always saved. That's pretty much a Baptist doctrine.
Nope. If I stop believing and live a sinful lifestyle I believe salvation can be lost. Not every Christian believes once saved always saved. That's pretty much a Baptist doctrine.
How about if you still believe and lead a really wicked evil life?
So you don’t believe Jesus when he said for God all things are possible?
I believe that. However, Jesus wants us to obey His Word. Right? Do you practice the occult simply because with God all things are possible?
Nope, too late.
We understand that is your belief. It is neither our belief nor our experience, and our beliefs and experiences do have roots in the Bible.

I have no interest in changing your beliefs or practices. I honor your study of the Bible. My interest is solely on the holy ground of others--in this case you are desecrating my holy ground with your words about the Catholic faith. Recall Corinthians where Paul asks that we do not think of, or create rivalries and divisions with one another by claiming baptism by a certain person, etc. because we are all one in Christ--and therefore all are on holy ground.

So, I am not wishing you so much a good day as wishing that you would respect the holy ground of others in Christ. That is not too much to request.
I believe that. However, Jesus wants us to obey His Word. Right? Do you practice the occult simply because with God all things are possible?
Jesus never told you that you couldn’t pray for the souls of the dead or ask saints to pray for you.

So my question stands, you say God had no choice in the matter. I say God always has a choice in all matters and that praying for the souls of the dearly departed can only help them. You say it can’t. That’s you limiting God when Jesus specifically said with God all things are possible.
Di you have to lead a wicked evil life to know that answer?
No. I know that I'm saved and I've learned how to overcome temptation. When I fail, I ask forgiveness and move on. That's life as a Christian.
No. I know that I'm saved and I've learned how to overcome temptation. When I fail, I ask forgiveness and move on. That's life as a Christian.
So a Christian who believes that Jesus is the son of God and died for his sins can still not be saved?
We understand that is your belief. It is neither our belief nor our experience, and our beliefs and experiences do have roots in the Bible.

I have no interest in changing your beliefs or practices. I honor your study of the Bible. My interest is solely on the holy ground of others--in this case you are desecrating my holy ground with your words about the Catholic faith. Recall Corinthians where Paul asks that we do not think of, or create rivalries and divisions with one another by claiming baptism by a certain person, etc. because we are all one in Christ--and therefore all are on holy ground.

So, I am not wishing you so much a good day as wishing that you would respect the holy ground of others in Christ. That is not too much to request.
We can have disagreements. Paul got into it with other believers. I guess my criticism is organized religion and the harm it does. I'm a nondenominational person. Only the Bible and Jesus.
I don't know their heart. Only God knows.
but you know Gods heart that once a person dies it’s too late for prayers for their soul to change anything? Even though Jesus said for God all things are possible?
Are there no examples of God having a change of heart in the OT when he was petitioned by men?

I kinda think there are.

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