Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

I can't limit God's power. Talk about idiotic...
Your faith’s belief that one’s fate is sealed at death is in fact placing a limitation upon God answering the petitions of others after the death of their loved ones.
Mary is dead. She never ascended to Heaven. News flash....she also isn't a virgin.
You should pay more attention to the nuance within the gospels. Jesus turned water into wine before it was his time to begin his ministry at his mother just mentioning the host had run out of wine. She didn’t say, hey, Jesus make us some wine. She just made a passing comment and he performed a miracle BEFORE he intended to perform any miracles. That’s how much Mary has God’s ear. So you might want to tread lightly before you start dismissing what early Christians believed about the mother of God.
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You don’t know God’s will. You don’t speak for God and you shouldn’t limit God.

God hears all prayers. Petitioning God on the behalf of others is a well established practice.
God's Word is God's will.
Your faith’s belief that one’s fate is sealed at death is in fact placing a limitation upon God answering the petitions of others after the death of their loved ones.

You should pay more attention to the nuance within the gospels. Jesus turned water into wine before it was his time to begin his ministry at his mother just mentioning the host had run out of wine. She didn’t say, hey, Jesus market us some wine. She just made a passing comment and he performed a miracle BEFORE he intended to perform any miracles. That’s how much Mary has God’s ear. So you might want to tread lightly before you start dismissing what early Christians believed about the mother of God.
Mary wasn't a virgin after Jesus. She had other children.
God's Word is God's will.
Sounds like you are worshipping a book instead of the creator of existence.

I’m not sure I have ever heard God’s will placed into that context before. Usually God’s will is reserved for outcomes in the lives of his creatures. As in it was God’s will that this or that happened. Such as it was God’s will to act on the petitions of man. Which apparently you believe requires God to only do what you approve of as his will.
Sounds like you are worshipping a book instead of the creator of existence.

I’m not sure I have ever heard God’s will placed into that context before. Usually God’s will is reserved for outcomes in the lives of his creatures. As in it was God’s will that this or that happened. Such as it was God’s will to act on the petitions of man. Which apparently you believe requires God to only do what you approve of as his will.
You're not very knowledgeable about Christianity.
You're not very knowledgeable about Christianity.
Knowledgeable enough to have a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to be able to articulate how those relationships manifests themselves in practical terms which you don’t seem to be able to do.
Knowledge enough to know that the correct response to your intended insult is to respond by saying… I couldn’t be happier for you to believe that.
Read Matthew 1:24-25. It says Joseph didn't know Mary until she had given birth to Jesus. Mary wasn't a virgin after the birth of Jesus and had other children.
Read Matthew 1:24-25. It says Joseph didn't know Mary until she had given birth to Jesus. Mary wasn't a virgin after the birth of Jesus and had other children.
I’m not going to argue with you about this. I don’t care what you believe. You can get the Catholic response to this from the internet. It’s been argued ad nauseam. Suffice it to say the Catholic belief is the same as the belief of the early Christians.
I’m not going to argue with you about this. I don’t care what you believe. You can get the Catholic response to this from the internet. It’s been argued ad nauseam. Suffice it to say the Catholic belief is the same as the belief of the early Christians.
Of course you're not going to argue. It's Scripture. What has the authority, your beliefs or Scripture?
There are a lot of things that are considered part of Christianity that aren't in the bible.

The rapture, for example, is never mentioned.

There is no place in the bible where is says that Jesus will com back and call every single devout christian to heave and leave everyone else.

There is a part where he calls all of the dead from before his return.

In fact, the bible clearly states that the "great tribulation" which is supposed to happen AFTER the "raptire" wlll rest the faith of the devout. How is that supposed to happen if all of the devout are already in heaven?
The rapture isn't scriptural

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