Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

No. I know that I'm saved and I've learned how to overcome temptation. When I fail, I ask forgiveness and move on. That's life as a Christian.
My own experiences w/ falling into sin and getting back up again (etc) are quite different as a Catholic (a real one, not the fake Francis kind which I reject)

But you already know everything about Catholicism and Catholics so why should I bother to elaborate?
I have no interest in changing your beliefs or practices.

this is what Meriweather said (few posts ago)

And THAT is why I am not in the Francis sect.

This is novus ordo at its worst. The NO "church" (please, it is not that) teaches that we are not to try to convert people to Catholicism.

WHAT?! The Church for nineteen hundred 58 years taught that salvation is ONLY through the Church Christ founded aka the Catholic Church! Then others came along --INFILTRATORS-- and with the intent of utterly destroying the Church (though not all at once... Horrors! Who would go for that?) began teaching that all religions are of equal value and can save..

Did Jesus teach that? Hardly... He said to "Go into the world and preach the Gospel to everyone" -- that those who listen and "believe are saved, those who do not are" .. WHAT? "Condemned"

that's real charity, isn't it(?) Putting people's false beliefs (Buddhism.. Islam) ABOVE their eternal souls.. ! (although I am NOT implying that Meriweather or other NO folks do this deliberately/knowingly)

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My own experiences w/ falling into sin and getting back up again (etc) are quite different as a Catholic (a real one, not the fake Francis kind which I reject)

But you already know everything about Catholicism and Catholics so why should I bother to elaborate?
You're learning. That's a good sign.
I have no interest in changing your beliefs or practices.

this is what Meriweather said (few posts ago)

And THAT is why I am not in the Francis sect.

This is novus ordo at its worst. The NO "church" (please, it is not that) teaches that we are not to try to convert people to Catholicism.

WHAT?! The Church for nineteen hundred 58 years taught that salvation is ONLY through the Church Christ founded aka the Catholic Church! Then others came along and with the intent of utterly destroying the Church (though not all at once... Horrors! Who would go for that?) began teaching that all religions are of equal value and can save..

Did Jesus teach that? Hardly... He said to Go into the world and preach to everyone -- that those who listen and "believe are saved, those who do not are" .. WHAT? "Condemned"

that's real charity, isn't it(?) Putting people's false beliefs (Buddhism.. Islam) ABOVE their eternal souls.. !

I disagree that salvation is through your church. Jesus never taught that and neither did His disciples. Salvation is through faith in Jesus. Scripture says there is only one name that saves. Jesus.
I disagree that salvation is through your church. Jesus never taught that and neither did His disciples. Salvation is through faith in Jesus. T
too bad you see it all as separate things

Catholics do not

Jesus spoke about HIS CHURCH

you keep forgetting that.. or pretending to forget it
I have no interest in changing your beliefs or practices.

this is what Meriweather said (few posts ago)

And THAT is why I am not in the Francis sect.

This is novus ordo at its worst. The NO "church" (please, it is not that) teaches that we are not to try to convert people to Catholicism.
Is it your belief when Jesus said to proclaim the good news, every last person was to be frog-marched into the Catholic Church? BSFilter is explaining his Christian beliefs and practices to me as he understands them to be. I am explaining them as I understand them to be. Both BSFilter and I are doing as Christ asked, speaking the Good News. All without threats or condemnation. We might get heated at time as each of us are passionate of what we have learned from the Bible and our own experiences. Jesus never suggested frog-marching anyone anywhere. Everyone can speak out, and that is what we do here.
Is it your belief when Jesus said to proclaim the good news, every last person was to be frog-marched into the Catholic Church? BSFilter is explaining his Christian beliefs and practices to me as he understands them to be. I am explaining them as I understand them to be. Both BSFilter and I are doing as Christ asked, speaking the Good News. All without threats or condemnation. We might get heated at time as each of us are passionate of what we have learned from the Bible and our own experiences. Jesus never suggested frog-marching anyone anywhere. Everyone can speak out, and that is what we do here.
you're the one who brought up the term frog marching...
too bad you see it all as separate things

Catholics do not

Jesus spoke about HIS CHURCH

you keep forgetting that.. or pretending to forget it
His church is not an organization. His church is the body of Christ. Everyone who believes in Him. Period.
I have no interest in changing your beliefs or practices.

this is what Meriweather said (few posts ago)

And THAT is why I am not in the Francis sect.

This is novus ordo at its worst. The NO "church" (please, it is not that) teaches that we are not to try to convert people to Catholicism.

WHAT?! The Church for nineteen hundred 58 years taught that salvation is ONLY through the Church Christ founded aka the Catholic Church! Then others came along --INFILTRATORS-- and with the intent of utterly destroying the Church (though not all at once... Horrors! Who would go for that?) began teaching that all religions are of equal value and can save..

Did Jesus teach that? Hardly... He said to "Go into the world and preach the Gospel to everyone" -- that those who listen and "believe are saved, those who do not are" .. WHAT? "Condemned"

that's real charity, isn't it(?) Putting people's false beliefs (Buddhism.. Islam) ABOVE their eternal souls.. ! (although I am NOT implying that Meriweather or other NO folks do this deliberately/knowingly)

I don't agree with much of your beliefs, but I agree with this
The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Does that mean we shouldn't have a personal relationship with Him? Ha ha... not hardly.

I talk to Jesus just like Protestants do (or claim to..), although sometimes it seems I don't do so enough.. (considering how hideous the condition of the world is and etc... etc).

But it always bugged me... that one word: personal

Does this mean, to protestants, that you should not have a PUBLIC relationship w/ Christ? Do some protestants believe you should check your "relationship with Christ" at the door of your business or school or whatever? Well, in that case, I don't believe in having this kind of relationship.

And frankly, I do know of people who are like that... they claim to be Christian and act like it on Sunday but... when it comes to a public proclamation of what they stand for... uh.... stutter stutter..

But Jesus said that if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father..
So what?
His church is not an organization. His church is the body of Christ. Everyone who believes in Him. Period.
you've been brainwashed to believe that. I cannot help what you insist on believing. Jesus founded a visible Church.. "a city on a hill cannot be hid.."... and then there's the thing about not hiding your wisdom under a bushel basket..
You agree that people should be forced into changing their beliefs? What is wrong with simply talking? That is what Jesus did. He never forced anyone.
Jesus said proclaim the GOSPEL

not "Who am I to judge" (re homosexual acts)

and other such hogwash. But hey.... as Vatican II taught... believe whatever you want... it's all just honky dory and no one goes to Hell...

The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Does that mean we shouldn't have a personal relationship with Him? Ha ha... not hardly.

I talk to Jesus just like Protestants do (or claim to..), although sometimes it seems I don't do so enough.. (considering how hideous the condition of the world is and etc... etc).

But it always bugged me... that one word: personal

Does this mean, to protestants, that you should not have a PUBLIC relationship w/ Christ? Do some protestants believe you should check your "relationship with Christ" at the door of your business or school or whatever? Well, in that case, I don't believe in having this kind of relationship.

And frankly, I do know of people who are like that... they claim to be Christian and act like it on Sunday but... when it comes to a public proclamation of what they stand for... uh.... stutter stutter..

But Jesus said that if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father..
Christianity is the only religion where God is referred to as Abba Father.

This is a to convey he is a personal God and not a distant one who is accessible.

Nuff said.


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