Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

esus said proclaim the GOSPEL

not "Who am I to judge" (re homosexual acts)

and other such hogwash. But hey.... as Vatican II taught... believe whatever you want... it's all just honky dory and no one goes to Hell...

The Gospel is Good News. His good news. He said nothing about holding it over anyone's head; he said nothing about condemning others.

What does homosexuality have to do with this discussion?

You believe what you want, correct?

No one goes to hell? Really. That's what you believe? I believe differently. While I don't know who, if anyone, is in hell, I certainly believe there is such an existence.
The Gospel is Good News. His good news. He said nothing about holding it over anyone's head; he said nothing about condemning others.

What does homosexuality have to do with this discussion?

You believe what you want, correct?

No one goes to hell? Really. That's what you believe? I believe differently. While I don't know who, if anyone, is in hell, I certainly believe there is such an existence.
you need a reading comp course. It is francis who said or implied that homosexuality is no big deal.. and it is francis and the modern fake popes who say or imply there is no hell .. francis said No Hell... just disappearance. Yeh, we can all point in the Bible to where Jesus said THAT, can't we?

(Mt 25:31 should clear that one up)
That's not the point.
It's exactly the point. You protestants (not all but maybe most?) are always always flagellating Catholics on what you THINK they believe and should believe, not even bothering to take a RCIA class so as to find out what we do in fact believe or maybe even KNOW (OMG OMG, they don't know anything! I just know it) ...

We're not even worth you learning Catholicism so as to have an intelligent conversation.. yet you can preach to us and accuse us of what we are doing wrong wrong wrong...

pretty freaking arrogant
It's exactly the point. You protestants (not all but maybe most?) are always always flagellating Catholics on what you THINK they believe and should believe, not even bothering to take a RCIA class so as to find out what we do in fact believe or maybe even KNOW (OMG OMG, they don't know anything! I just know it) ...

We're not even worth you learning Catholicism so as to have an intelligent conversation.. yet you can preach to us and accuse us of what we are doing wrong wrong wrong...

pretty freaking arrogant
I don't want to learn Catholicism or take your classes. Religion never saved anyone. Jesus saves.
I don't want to learn Catholicism or take your classes. Religion never saved anyone. Jesus saves.
words words words

you are hung up on them.

Whatever one calls it.. Religion.. spirituality.. whicher... It was the Catholic variety that saved me from sin

and that is what religion is supposed to do... or spirituality or whatever word you feel free to call it.
words words words

you are hung up on them.

Whatever one calls it.. Religion.. spirituality.. whicher... It was the Catholic variety that saved me from sin

and that is what religion is supposed to do... or spirituality or whatever word you feel free to call it.
Wrong. Your church can't save you. Only Jesus.
you need a reading comp course. It is francis who said or implied that homosexuality is no big deal
Not at all. Pope Francis is not contributing to this thread, you are.
.. and it is francis and the modern fake popes who say or imply there is no hell .. francis said No Hell... just disappearance. Yeh, we can all point in the Bible to where Jesus said THAT, can't we?

Shrug. The Vatican says it did not happen. An atheist says it happened in a personal conversation. When Pope Francis announces to Catholics, in public, there is no hell, there will be cause for concern. Hearsay from an atheist I am not going to credit to any great extent. No reason for angst.

Catholic clergy often describe hell as separation from God.

As far as "disappearance", we have no idea what was on Pope Francis' mind. Our physical bodies are not going to burn for an eternity, and spirits probably aren't touched by physical fire. Jesus notes that the Father can destroy the soul. The Pope may have been thinking that it probably does not take an eternity for God to destroy a soul.

It sometimes worthwhile to consider possibilities rather than to trash another.
Wrong. Your church can't save you. Only Jesus.
The Catholic Church teaches about Jesus, his words, his life, and his times. The Church also teaches about the aftermath when the Apostles carried on after Jesus' death and resurrection.
Wrong. Your church can't save you. Only Jesus.
My Church gave me Jesus. What part of that do you not understand?

You need to ask yourself why you stalk and harass Catholics on the i-net. Maybe you should chase after pagans, esp t he elite kind who are destroying our country... Attack them for once
The Catholic Church teaches about Jesus, his words, his life, and his times. The Church also teaches about the aftermath when the Apostles carried on after Jesus' death and resurrection.
he likes his protestant pastors

but Catholics aren't supposed to have priests and bishops, I guess... hypocrites
The Catholic Church teaches about Jesus, his words, his life, and his times. The Church also teaches about the aftermath when the Apostles carried on after Jesus' death and resurrection.
As does every Christian church that believes the Bible is the complete Word of God. The difference is they don't think they're exclusive for salvation. They believe salvation is through Jesus, not their organization.
My Church gave me Jesus. What part of that do you not understand?

You need to ask yourself why you stalk and harass Catholics on the i-net. Maybe you should chase after pagans, esp t he elite kind who are destroying our country... Attack them for once
No, your church didn't give you Jesus. Absurd.

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