Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

If you can’t tell me in practical terms how scripture brings peace and joy into your life, then maybe it doesn’t.

The only one acting like a Pharisee is you because you are righteously indignant of others not believing as you wish they would.
I don't care if you pray to a zebra. I'm just pointing out that you have rites and practice things that are unscriptural.
I don't care if you pray to a zebra. I'm just pointing out that you have rites and practice things that are unscriptural.
Again… I’m not praying to Mary. I am asking Mary to pray for me. The distinction is important.
I think you need to read Romans 5:17 again because that’s not what Roman’s 5:17 says.

For if, by the transgression of one person, death came to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of justification come to reign in life through the one person Jesus Christ. Roman’s 5:17
Excuse me, Romans 10:17.
I don't care if you pray to a zebra. I'm just pointing out that you have rites and practice things that are unscriptural.
And yet I can explain how my relationship with Christ gives me peace and joy in this life. You can’t.
And yet I can explain how my relationship with Christ gives me peace and joy in this life. You can’t.
I don't answer to you. Praying to dead people is unbiblical and spiritism. My personal life isn't the topic. If you can't debate the point then silence is your best option.
I don't answer to you. Praying to dead people is unbiblical and spiritism. My personal life isn't the topic. If you can't debate the point then silence is your best option.
I don’t expect you to answer to me. I expect you to stop misstating what I do. Maybe you should read Romans 10:1.

Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God on their behalf is for salvation.
Anyone who believes Christ’s message to us was about getting into heaven missed his point. Christ’s message to us was about how to live; how to be; how to exist in this world. That’s why early Christians called it The Way. It’s about the journey not the destination. Take care of the journey and the destination works itself out on its own.
The Greek word for repent is "metanoia." Metanoia means to change your mind. Our thoughts, the flow of consciousness which determines our behaviors, can change. Metanoia has to do with moral activity, but goes beyond that. Jesus was teaching that we could change our mind about how we treat people. We don’t have to be unforgiving and cynical. We can change our mind about being negative. We can think positive thoughts and walk in faith instead of doubt. We can change our minds about sin. Rather than being caught in the strongholds of consistent habits of lust or selfishness, for example, we can experience freedom and selflessness. Jesus would not have told us to change unless it was possible and attainable. The Bible is full of words that speak about change. Repentance, metamorphosis, transformation, conversion, resurrection, rebirth, renewal, regeneration, healing and transfiguration.

Jesus taught everyone how to become the best version of themselves. Being perfect does not mean doing perfect things. It means to BE perfect. To exist perfectly. So when one makes mistakes - which we all will - we should be truthful to ourselves about ourselves. That's how we exist perfectly.

That's my understanding of the agenda of Jesus Christ.
I don’t expect you to answer to me. I expect you to stop misstating what I do. Maybe you should read Romans 10:1.

Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God on their behalf is for salvation.
Agree. Prayer to GOD for salvation for the living. Isn't that who Paul is referring to, the living?
Anyone who believes Christ’s message to us was about getting into heaven missed his point. Christ’s message to us was about how to live; how to be; how to exist in this world. That’s why early Christians called it The Way. It’s about the journey not the destination. Take care of the journey and the destination works itself out on its own.
Are we saved by faith alone or by faith plus good works?
So according to Romans 10:17, where does faith come from?
Hearing about Jesus. Do you think Romans 10:17 is saying that’s the only way faith can be gained. Because it’s not. See Romans 10:8. It’s in our heart

Technically everything comes through Jesus as God created existence.
Are we saved by faith alone or by faith plus good works?
If you have faith and that faith does not manifest itself in external ways do you really believe you have faith?

He will know us by our fruits. A bad tree does not produce good fruit.
Hearing about Jesus. Do you think Romans 10:17 is saying that’s the only way faith can be gained. Because it’s not. See Romans 10:8. It’s in our heart

Technically everything comes through Jesus as God created existence.
Agree, Jesus created everything.
Agree. Prayer to GOD for salvation for the living. Isn't that who Paul is referring to, the living?
When I ask anyone - dead or alive - to pray for me I am asking them to pray for the living. Stop being a Catholic hater.
If you have faith and that faith does not manifest itself in external ways do you really believe you have faith?

He will know us by our fruits. A bad tree does not produce good fruit.
Are we saved by faith alone or by faith plus good works? Which is it?
When I ask anyone - dead or alive - to pray for me I am asking them to pray for the living. Stop being a Catholic hater.
I don't hate Catholics. Praying to the dead is not biblical and is occultism.

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