The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

Truly sad. That woman was a bright shining light and turned to drugs after losing that beautiful voice. That's when she really died.
The drug use caused her to lose her voice. Addicts will point to some other drug something else. It will never be their chosen drug.

That's what true addiction is. Always fastening on something else. The coke freaks say it wasn't coke, it was the alcohol. Alcoholics will refuse to believe it was booze. That's part of what makes addiction so hard to treat. A pothead will claim that you can't possibly call them an addict when you continue to have a snickers bar.

It isn't pot, cocaine, meth or pcp. Eventually it's the nature of addiction itself.
yea thats what it is...the truth about what she was taking,your addiction is that you cant handle the fact that pot was not the cause of so many drug deaths that you post,trying to make it look like pot was.....but then thats the way of the clueless anti-pot asses out there.......
Your addiction is the same as all unthinking potheads....well pot, obviously....but also denial. Nobody on hard drugs started off on hard drugs and for many their introduction into self medicating started with marijuana.
your problem,like your girlfriend tipsy, is you dont know what an "addict" or "pothead" is....and im sure you like tipsy,would rather medicate yourself with the addicting pain killers doctors prescribe instead of pot....thats just so much better....
Are you confused? You're the drug addict, not me. And "well, you must be an addict too" is just pathetic. You need chemicals to make you happy. I don't. That makes me a stronger man than you.
what chemicals would that be?....and prove im an addict or are you going to dance around questions like you have so far....
You're an addict, I'm not. You smoke dope even when it's illegal. If alcohol where made illegal tomorrow I would not drink it anymore, as little as I do anyway. You don't seem to get that your willingness to take risks with the law and involving yourself with the criminal elements of society reveals your pathetic drug dependency more than anything I can say.
I used marijuana from the 1960s through to the early 1980s, during which time it was decriminalized in New York City. At that time, with the exception of distribution to minors, public use and major trafficking, law-enforcement paid no attention to it. When Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's insane War on Drugs in 1982, my late wife and I decided to put is aside rather than risk arrest -- and pay the ridiculously increasing prices for it. (What cost $40 an ounce back then costs as much as $400 today!)

So for your information I haven't enjoyed marijuana in any form since 1982 -- because of this goddam crazy drug war. If it is legalized before I die I probably will start baking my "special" carrot cake and I might even buy myself a vaporizer.
Rethink Whitney Houston. She drowned with high doses of cocaine in her system and had used marijuana before her death.

I was there, at the Beverly Hilton the day she died. I saw her that day, several times. I knew that woman was going to die that day when I saw her at 9am.

Her daughter was so high on marijuana she could not attend her own mother's funeral. It was only two years later that Bobbie died of her own drug use.
Truly sad. That woman was a bright shining light and turned to drugs after losing that beautiful voice. That's when she really died.
The drug use caused her to lose her voice. Addicts will point to some other drug something else. It will never be their chosen drug.

That's what true addiction is. Always fastening on something else. The coke freaks say it wasn't coke, it was the alcohol. Alcoholics will refuse to believe it was booze. That's part of what makes addiction so hard to treat. A pothead will claim that you can't possibly call them an addict when you continue to have a snickers bar.

It isn't pot, cocaine, meth or pcp. Eventually it's the nature of addiction itself.
yea thats what it is...the truth about what she was taking,your addiction is that you cant handle the fact that pot was not the cause of so many drug deaths that you post,trying to make it look like pot was.....but then thats the way of the clueless anti-pot asses out there.......
Your addiction is the same as all unthinking potheads....well pot, obviously....but also denial. Nobody on hard drugs started off on hard drugs and for many their introduction into self medicating started with marijuana.

If addicts don't have the drug they like, they'll use the drug that's available. There are people who are terrible drunks who have never smoked pot or taken any other drug. There are people who are hopelessly addicted to meth when the majority of friends who they smoked their first joint with went through the party phase and then moved on to adulthood.

Ultimately, people have the right to be hopeless addicts. It isn't our job to make the various substances they abuse "illegal" for everybody.

I happen to love morphine and codeine. I love that shit. But I am not a heroin addict, and I'm not addicted to pills either. I'm not addicted to anything. But if I get a bottle of the right kind of painkillers I'm a happy camper until they're gone lol. But people go into treatment every day because they just don't have the ability to say no to something that brings them temporary pleasure.
The first time a drug addled driver crashes into you, or a dealer tries to sell to your kids, or you get robbed at gunpoint by a desperate junkie looking for his next fix, you'll finally understand that drug addiction doesn't happen on some distant island, it happens all up in your shit.

Being more of a trained critical thinker, I don't need a personal encounter with the drug culture to know it affects me and my family and puts us all in danger.

I have a right to expect everyone I encounter to be as clear minded as I am, to be operating at 100% mental function when driving on the roads with my family, and to do the many tasks that require unimpaired concentration with an alert mind.
Now the potheads are denying being potheads. This is rich! They're defending drug addiction from the kindness of their hearts with absolutely no personal stake in the issue. The only thing they prove by attempting to dissuade any notion they toke the stupid-weed is that they know it's wrong and shameful.

Never believe a pothead. Never.

Users are losers and losers are users.

Now the potheads are denying being potheads. This is rich! They're defending drug addiction from the kindness of their hearts with absolutely no personal stake in the issue. The only thing they prove by attempting to dissuade any notion they toke the stupid-weed is that they know it's wrong and shameful.

Never believe a pothead. Never.

Users are losers and losers are users.

you are a loser for avoiding questions because it will prove you are a hypocrite......
You're an addict, I'm not. You smoke dope even when it's illegal. If alcohol where made illegal tomorrow I would not drink it anymore, as little as I do anyway. You don't seem to get that your willingness to take risks with the law and involving yourself with the criminal elements of society reveals your pathetic drug dependency more than anything I can say.
I used marijuana from the 1960s through to the early 1980s, during which time it was decriminalized in New York City. At that time, with the exception of distribution to minors, public use and major trafficking, law-enforcement paid no attention to it. When Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's insane War on Drugs in 1982, my late wife and I decided to put is aside rather than risk arrest -- and pay the ridiculously increasing prices for it. (What cost $40 an ounce back then costs as much as $400 today!)

So for your information I haven't enjoyed marijuana in any form since 1982 -- because of this goddam crazy drug war. If it is legalized before I die I probably will start baking my "special" carrot cake and I might even buy myself a vaporizer.
Your longing is palpable. This is the very essence of severe addiction. It's like hearing from an alcoholic that hasn't had a drink in 30 years how much they want one. I could almost feel sorry if I possessed such a thing as compassion. Wouldn't you be better off dead than having this constant unfulfilled need to get high?
You're an addict, I'm not. You smoke dope even when it's illegal. If alcohol where made illegal tomorrow I would not drink it anymore, as little as I do anyway. You don't seem to get that your willingness to take risks with the law and involving yourself with the criminal elements of society reveals your pathetic drug dependency more than anything I can say.
I used marijuana from the 1960s through to the early 1980s, during which time it was decriminalized in New York City. At that time, with the exception of distribution to minors, public use and major trafficking, law-enforcement paid no attention to it. When Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's insane War on Drugs in 1982, my late wife and I decided to put is aside rather than risk arrest -- and pay the ridiculously increasing prices for it. (What cost $40 an ounce back then costs as much as $400 today!)

So for your information I haven't enjoyed marijuana in any form since 1982 -- because of this goddam crazy drug war. If it is legalized before I die I probably will start baking my "special" carrot cake and I might even buy myself a vaporizer.
Your longing is palpable. This is the very essence of severe addiction. It's like hearing from an alcoholic that hasn't had a drink in 30 years how much they want one. I could almost feel sorry if I possessed such a thing as compassion. Wouldn't you be better off dead than having this constant unfulfilled need to get high?
He's staring at the nearest window right now with only one thought on his mind.

Is it high enough?
It isn't pot, cocaine, meth or pcp. Eventually it's the nature of addiction itself.

It is also a lack of priorities and an apathetic and serious lack of reaching out to our youth, on their level in public schools or the media, to make them aware of possible permanently negative life changes that marijuana causes for anywhere from 1% to 10% of our youth who smoke pot. Those changes would include academic shortcomings and mental illness.
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I never did dope in my life. Yes, I used to smoke and drink. Legal or illegal by government. As Christian, I say that all those things are illegal by God in The Bible.
You're an addict, I'm not. You smoke dope even when it's illegal. If alcohol where made illegal tomorrow I would not drink it anymore, as little as I do anyway. You don't seem to get that your willingness to take risks with the law and involving yourself with the criminal elements of society reveals your pathetic drug dependency more than anything I can say.
I used marijuana from the 1960s through to the early 1980s, during which time it was decriminalized in New York City. At that time, with the exception of distribution to minors, public use and major trafficking, law-enforcement paid no attention to it. When Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's insane War on Drugs in 1982, my late wife and I decided to put is aside rather than risk arrest -- and pay the ridiculously increasing prices for it. (What cost $40 an ounce back then costs as much as $400 today!)

So for your information I haven't enjoyed marijuana in any form since 1982 -- because of this goddam crazy drug war. If it is legalized before I die I probably will start baking my "special" carrot cake and I might even buy myself a vaporizer.
Your longing is palpable. This is the very essence of severe addiction. It's like hearing from an alcoholic that hasn't had a drink in 30 years how much they want one. I could almost feel sorry if I possessed such a thing as compassion. Wouldn't you be better off dead than having this constant unfulfilled need to get high?

That is a great point. Once you smoke pot you will always have a longing to smoke it again, no matter how buried you think that desire is. It will surface even if you quit and have hardly thought about it for ten or twenty years. It is like smoking cigarettes. Once you start, most everyone will always have some desire to smoke again even if they quit. If you never started smoking pot or cigarettes, you will be spared from that unfulfilled longing and be much healthier also.
The first time a drug addled driver crashes into you, or a dealer tries to sell to your kids, or you get robbed at gunpoint by a desperate junkie looking for his next fix, you'll finally understand that drug addiction doesn't happen on some distant island, it happens all up in your shit.
I've been driving for sixty-two years and it hasn't happened yet. While I'm not saying it can't happen it does seem rather unlikely, and if it does happen the odds are hundreds to one that it will be a drunk, not a drug user. But even though that possibility does exist I would not advocate resurrecting Prohibition, mainly because it doesn't work.

Being more of a trained critical thinker, I don't need a personal encounter with the drug culture to know it affects me and my family and puts us all in danger.
There is no "drug culture." That concept is an imaginary component of the Reefer Madness brainwash, which you clearly manifest. Some members of our society are prone to the misuse of alcohol or other recreational substances. There is no way within the boundaries of democracy to eliminate this behavior -- as the utterly futile and counterproductive War on Drugs has plainly shown. So your fanatical raving is a waste of time.

I have a right to expect everyone I encounter to be as clear minded as I am, to be operating at 100% mental function when driving on the roads with my family, and to do the many tasks that require unimpaired concentration with an alert mind.
If you think of yourself as "clear-minded" that is but one aspect of your brainwashed fanaticism. Your state of mind is typical of self-deluded reformed drunks.
I never did dope in my life. Yes, I used to smoke and drink. Legal or illegal by government. As Christian, I say that all those things are illegal by God in The Bible.
One of the potheads participating on this thread tried to convince me that Jesus and the disciples used to get stoned. They just don't get it. Jesus offered abundant life, not chemical dependency. Christians understand that when you drink the water Jesus gives you never thirst again. Drugs can never offer this and ultimately only increase emptiness and desire.

All this to say, it isn't about what the Bible forbids or not, it's the fact that anyone seeking a chemical high doesn't understand the gospel to begin with.
That is a great point. Once you smoke pot you will always have a longing to smoke it again, no matter how buried you think that desire is. It will surface even if you quit and have hardly thought about it for ten or twenty years. It is like smoking cigarettes. Once you start, most everyone will always have some desire to smoke again even if they quit. If you never started smoking pot or cigarettes, you will be spared from that unfulfilled longing and be much healthier also.
I used a lot of marijuana in the sixties and seventies. While I would like to use it again if there was no risk involved and the price was sensible, I certainly don't "long" to use it again. I think you are projecting your own feelings about alcohol.

How long have you been sober?
I never did dope in my life. Yes, I used to smoke and drink. Legal or illegal by government. As Christian, I say that all those things are illegal by God in The Bible.
In the time of Christ many of his teachings were illegal according to Roman law. So what is your point?
The first time a drug addled driver crashes into you, or a dealer tries to sell to your kids, or you get robbed at gunpoint by a desperate junkie looking for his next fix, you'll finally understand that drug addiction doesn't happen on some distant island, it happens all up in your shit.
I've been driving for sixty-two years and it hasn't happened yet. While I'm not saying it can't happen it does seem rather unlikely, and if it does happen the odds are hundreds to one that it will be a drunk, not a drug user. But even though that possibility does exist I would not advocate resurrecting Prohibition, mainly because it doesn't work.

Being more of a trained critical thinker, I don't need a personal encounter with the drug culture to know it affects me and my family and puts us all in danger.
There is no "drug culture." That concept is an imaginary component of the Reefer Madness brainwash, which you clearly manifest. Some members of our society are prone to the misuse of alcohol or other recreational substances. There is no way within the boundaries of democracy to eliminate this behavior -- as the utterly futile and counterproductive War on Drugs has plainly shown. So your fanatical raving is a waste of time.

I have a right to expect everyone I encounter to be as clear minded as I am, to be operating at 100% mental function when driving on the roads with my family, and to do the many tasks that require unimpaired concentration with an alert mind.
If you think of yourself as "clear-minded" that is but one aspect of your brainwashed fanaticism. Your state of mind is typical of self-deluded reformed drunks.
Welcome to mutual skepticism. You don't believe me when I say I have never been an alcoholic and I don't believe you when you say you don't puff the magic dragon. So maybe we can move past the uncompelling anecdotes and speak purely in abstract terms.
That is a great point. Once you smoke pot you will always have a longing to smoke it again, no matter how buried you think that desire is. It will surface even if you quit and have hardly thought about it for ten or twenty years. It is like smoking cigarettes. Once you start, most everyone will always have some desire to smoke again even if they quit. If you never started smoking pot or cigarettes, you will be spared from that unfulfilled longing and be much healthier also.
I used a lot of marijuana in the sixties and seventies. While I would like to use it again if there was no risk involved and the price was sensible, I certainly don't "long" to use it again.

I did not say every last person. There probably are a very small number of exceptional people who can smoke pot for, let's say, a few years then never seek that original euphoric experience again.

I think you are projecting your own feelings about alcohol.
How long have you been sober?

I did not say anything about alcohol. I was careful to word my sentence and make it clear I was talking primarily about marijuana.
That is a great point. Once you smoke pot you will always have a longing to smoke it again, no matter how buried you think that desire is. It will surface even if you quit and have hardly thought about it for ten or twenty years. It is like smoking cigarettes. Once you start, most everyone will always have some desire to smoke again even if they quit. If you never started smoking pot or cigarettes, you will be spared from that unfulfilled longing and be much healthier also.
I used a lot of marijuana in the sixties and seventies. While I would like to use it again if there was no risk involved and the price was sensible, I certainly don't "long" to use it again. I think you are projecting your own feelings about alcohol.

How long have you been sober?
Here we go again. Anyone who isn't a druggie like you must be an alcoholic by alternative.
One of the potheads participating on this thread tried to convince me that Jesus and the disciples used to get stoned. They just don't get it. Jesus offered abundant life, not chemical dependency. Christians understand that when you drink the water Jesus gives you never thirst again. Drugs can never offer this and ultimately only increase emptiness and desire.

That is INCREDIBLY absurd and shows just how horribly subjected their minds have become in the pot culture. SMH
That is a great point. Once you smoke pot you will always have a longing to smoke it again, no matter how buried you think that desire is. It will surface even if you quit and have hardly thought about it for ten or twenty years. It is like smoking cigarettes. Once you start, most everyone will always have some desire to smoke again even if they quit. If you never started smoking pot or cigarettes, you will be spared from that unfulfilled longing and be much healthier also.
I used a lot of marijuana in the sixties and seventies. While I would like to use it again if there was no risk involved and the price was sensible, I certainly don't "long" to use it again.

I did not say every last person. There probably are a very small number of exceptional people who can smoke pot for, let's say, a few years then never seek that original euphoric experience again.

I think you are projecting your own feelings about alcohol.
How long have you been sober?

I did not say anything about alcohol. I was careful to word my sentence and make it clear I was talking primarily about marijuana.
He assumes you're an alcoholic. It's the stunted pothead thinking process to seek moral equivalency because they know their drug addiction is shameful.
That is a great point. Once you smoke pot you will always have a longing to smoke it again, no matter how buried you think that desire is. It will surface even if you quit and have hardly thought about it for ten or twenty years. It is like smoking cigarettes. Once you start, most everyone will always have some desire to smoke again even if they quit. If you never started smoking pot or cigarettes, you will be spared from that unfulfilled longing and be much healthier also.
I used a lot of marijuana in the sixties and seventies. While I would like to use it again if there was no risk involved and the price was sensible, I certainly don't "long" to use it again. I think you are projecting your own feelings about alcohol.

How long have you been sober?
You don't think you long for the dope but it is evident in almost every post. In some, it sounds like you are talking about a woman that you loved and lost. Like most addicts you imagine that everyone has some vice. How could someone not drink or use? Many use nothing. I don't and never did. I hear it in your written word you could easily write a Kama Sutra for potheads.

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