The three legged stool of trump's plan for the American economy.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
1. Tariffs. After all this time he still claims, in the fluid language of a professional liar, foreign countries exporting goods to the US pay for tariffs. They don't. They are a tax on Americans pure and simple. Listening to him repeat the lie about who pays for tariffs has a surreal quality since what he says is so blatantly false.

2. Tax cuts. He claims he wants to re-create the economy he created during his last term. The problem being he inherited a growing economy, juiced it with tax cuts designed to benefit corporate America and the rich, and it worked for a time. Massive deficit spending usually does. But the long term affect was to increase the nation's debt, no grow the economy in a sustainable way.

3. Immigration. As is the case with so much of what he says, his plan to expel illegal immigrants already in the country will not be the panacea for the nation's troubles he claims it will be. The cost, combined with the economic damage in the way of lowered GDP, will be substantial.

Most of the modeling by economists I've seen suggest his plans will hurt the US.

More importantly for The Following, it scratches the vindictive, self destructive itch they have to get the "vermin" out of the country.
He might interfere in the war against Russia!
But he can't say until after he's elected because his life will be at even greater risk.

The three legs are just the fantasy element that appeal to the most impressionable.
The three legs are just the fantasy element that appeal to the most impressionable.
They are his stated policies for the next term should that come about. Though admittedly he flip flops so often there's no telling what his positions will be tomorrow.
With the cooperation of the liberal media, lefties can come up with all sorts of spin about Trump but you never see anything about Harris. Where is Joe and what the hell is Harris's plan? All we see from rare interviews is an endless scripted blather full of cliches that tells us nothing about her agenda if any.
They are his stated policies for the next term should that come about. Though admittedly he flip flops so often there's no telling what his positions will be tomorrow.
You only have to know that Trump's plans are 'very, very beautiful'.

I just hope that he isn't stopped from escalating the war against Russia. Or whatever he intends on doing?

He knows that millions of Ukrainians are being killed.
With the cooperation of the liberal media, lefties can come up with all sorts of spin about Trump but you never see anything about Harris. Where is Joe and what the hell is Harris's plan? All we see from rare interviews is an endless scripted blather full of cliches that tells us nothing about her agenda if any.
Kamala's plan isn't a very, very beautiful think. Some of it is even tough love/hate, depending on your party hat.
He won't have trillions in help from the Fed this time around, and he'll more than likely spend like a drunken sailor again, since all that matters to him are the brag numbers. Icky stuff like debt and deficits don't matter, and he won't be held accountable by his flock. Again.
Immigration. As is the case with so much of what he says, his plan to expel illegal immigrants already in the country will not be the panacea for the nation's troubles he claims it will be. The cost, combined with the economic damage in the way of lowered GDP, will be substantial.

And for Trump voters, this is about racism, bigotry, and hate - even if it harms the economy.
1. Tariffs. After all this time he still claims, in the fluid language of a professional liar, foreign countries exporting goods to the US pay for tariffs. They don't. They are a tax on Americans pure and simple. Listening to him repeat the lie about who pays for tariffs has a surreal quality since what he says is so blatantly false.
So you are against tariffs? What other way can we bring jobs back to America? Tax cuts?
2. Tax cuts. He claims he wants to re-create the economy he created during his last term. The problem being he inherited a growing economy, juiced it with tax cuts designed to benefit corporate America and the rich, and it worked for a time. Massive deficit spending usually does. But the long term affect was to increase the nation's debt, no grow the economy in a sustainable way.
So you are against tax cuts? What other way can we stimulate economic growth? Unending trillion dollar deficits?
3. Immigration. As is the case with so much of what he says, his plan to expel illegal immigrants already in the country will not be the panacea for the nation's troubles he claims it will be. The cost, combined with the economic damage in the way of lowered GDP, will be substantial.
So you are against any consequences for illegal immigration? What other way to stem it? Build a wall?
Most of the modeling by economists I've seen suggest his plans will hurt the US.
So was the Trump economy good or bad? You can't have it both ways.

More importantly for The Following, it scratches the vindictive, self destructive itch they have to get the "vermin" out of the country.
Memorizing talking points is not a substitute for honest intellectual debate.
So you are against tariffs?
I think they can play a role in policy objectives if that objective is to punish certain countries for bad behavior. The point being tariffs are not paid for by exporters, they are paid for by us.
So you are against any consequences for illegal immigration?
Didn't say that. I simply pointed out trump's plan to deal with immigrants in the country illegally is harmful to the nation.
So was the Trump economy good or bad?
It was essentially a continuation of the economy he inherited from Obama stimulated by deficit inducing tax cuts he said would reduce the deficit. Not the "greatest economy ever" he claims it was.
Kamala's plan isn't a very, very beautiful think. Some of it is even tough love/hate, depending on your party hat.
She doesn't have a plan, just a listed of scripted cliches. She won't even take softball questions from the media. The only hint we get is government control of the production of goods and services which is the definition of fascism.
Memorizing talking points is not a substitute for honest intellectual debate.
Not talking points unless you consider his stated policies to be talking points. Does an honest intellectual debate on your part include defending his misguided belief that exporting countries pay for tariffs?
She doesn't have a plan, just a listed of scripted cliches. She won't even take softball questions from the media. The only hint we get is government control of the production of goods and services which is the definition of fascism.
It's your right to disagree with her plans. It's disingenuous to repeat the talking point that she doesn't have any.

She doesn't have a plan, just a listed of scripted cliches. She won't even take softball questions from the media. The only hint we get is government control of the production of goods and services which is the definition of fascism.
That fkn whore wants to win the race with her fake smiles.
At least Trump's plan is 'very, very beautiful'!

And very strongly and perfect too!

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