The Thrill Is Gone....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So....finally, others are realizing that just what the Right said in 2008, and again in the truth.

1. "...earlier this month, President Obama delivered a stern lecture to President Xi Jinping about China’s disputes with its neighbors. If it is going to be a rising power, he scolded, it needs to behave like one. The next morning, Mr. Xi punched back, accusing the United States of the same computer hacking tactics it attributed to China. It was, Mr. Obama acknowledged, “a very blunt conversation.”

2.... in Northern Ireland, Mr. Obama had another tough meeting with a prickly leader, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. At odds with him over the Syrian civil war,...

3 ..... tangling with the leaders of two cold war antagonists of the United States is nothing new, the two bruising encounters in such a short span underscore a hard reality for Mr. Obama as he heads deeper into a second term that may come to be dominated by foreign policy: his main counterparts on the world stage are not his friends, and they make little attempt to cloak their disagreements in diplomatic niceties.

4. Even his friends are not always so friendly. On Wednesday, for example, the president is to meet in Berlin with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who has invited him to deliver a speech at the Brandenburg Gate. But Ms. Merkel is also expected to press Mr. Obama about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs, which offend privacy-minded Germans.

5. For all of his effort to cultivate personal ties with foreign counterparts over the last four and a half years —... — Mr. Obama has complicated relationships with some, and has bet on others who came to disappoint him.

6. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, whom Mr. Obama views as a new kind of Muslim leader, has used tear gas and water cannons against protesters in Istanbul. Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader whom Mr. Obama telephoned repeatedly after he became president of Egypt, later granted himself unlimited powers, though he also cut off ties with Syria.

7. Mr. Obama spent nearly four years befriending Mr. Putin’s predecessor, Dmitri A. Medvedev, hoping to build him up as a counterweight to Mr. Putin. That never happened,....

8. Even with friends, however, there is tension. President François Hollande of France was initially thrilled with Mr. Obama because he saw him as an ally against Ms. Merkel on economic issues.But by the time they met at the Group of 8 summit meeting in Northern Ireland on Tuesday, the relationship had soured,....

9. Mr. Obama arrived in office determined to invest in Mr. Medvedev, but he underestimated Mr. Putin’s continuing power. Their first meeting was marked by a nearly hourlong lecture by Mr. Putin about all the ways the United States had offended Moscow. At their second, Mr. Putin kept Mr. Obama waiting 30 minutes.

10. “With Obama,” she said, “there’s no pretense of personal chemistry,...."

What will it take for his supporters to finally admit that, in every realm....

...Obama is a fraud and an abysmal failure.
Barack is in over his head it looks like

Most of us thinking people knew this 4 1/2 years ago....or more. But many die hard liberals are finally starting to wake up to the fact. But it's happened too late, we have him another 3 1/2 years :(
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.

WARNING: Objects in mirror may appear closer than they seem!

Hey, why would you suggest people commit suicide? Maybe you should go fuck yourself, spare us your gene pool. Maybe you need to leave, CC, since it appears they are as bad as they seem, and the truth is right before our very eyes.
Barack is in over his head it looks like

Most of us thinking people knew this 4 1/2 years ago....or more. But many die hard liberals are finally starting to wake up to the fact. But it's happened too late, we have him another 3 1/2 years :(

Too late for America??

Never too late for America if we get these idiots out of office. If all we can do is render them ineffective, we could spare our nation from further damage.
This european visit has certainly turned out to be a disaster of epic proportion. Not a single country was friendly. The notable quote came from Putin and it was more than a rebuke. It was a slap heard round the world. I hope that something could penetrate obama's armor of delusion and he realizes how bad it really is.
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.

Believe as CC or die.

The alternative to to fight the liberal progressives. That's a reason to live all by itself. It's a reason to stay in this country and make their lives absolutely totally miserable.
Barack is in over his head it looks like

Most of us thinking people knew this 4 1/2 years ago....or more. But many die hard liberals are finally starting to wake up to the fact. But it's happened too late, we have him another 3 1/2 years :(

Waking up to the fact that many of his policies are similar to the previous Administration?
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.

What kind of fool suggest that any with an opposing viewpoint kill themselves?

How the heck were you brought up?

BTW....the indictment of Obama was from the voice of the Left, the New York Times.
Read it and weep.
Barack is in over his head it looks like

Most of us thinking people knew this 4 1/2 years ago....or more. But many die hard liberals are finally starting to wake up to the fact. But it's happened too late, we have him another 3 1/2 years :(

Waking up to the fact that many of his policies are similar to the previous Administration?

Some folks see a difference:

"In a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday, former-President George W. Bush currently stands with a favorability rating of 49%, compared to 46% who see the 43rd president unfavorably. Meanwhile, another Gallup poll shows President Obama with only a 47% approval rating, with 44% disapproving."
Bush More Popular than Obama
So....finally, others are realizing that just what the Right said in 2008, and again in the truth.

1. "...earlier this month, President Obama delivered a stern lecture to President Xi Jinping about China’s disputes with its neighbors. If it is going to be a rising power, he scolded, it needs to behave like one. The next morning, Mr. Xi punched back, accusing the United States of the same computer hacking tactics it attributed to China. It was, Mr. Obama acknowledged, “a very blunt conversation.”

2.... in Northern Ireland, Mr. Obama had another tough meeting with a prickly leader, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. At odds with him over the Syrian civil war,...

3 ..... tangling with the leaders of two cold war antagonists of the United States is nothing new, the two bruising encounters in such a short span underscore a hard reality for Mr. Obama as he heads deeper into a second term that may come to be dominated by foreign policy: his main counterparts on the world stage are not his friends, and they make little attempt to cloak their disagreements in diplomatic niceties.

4. Even his friends are not always so friendly. On Wednesday, for example, the president is to meet in Berlin with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who has invited him to deliver a speech at the Brandenburg Gate. But Ms. Merkel is also expected to press Mr. Obama about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs, which offend privacy-minded Germans.

5. For all of his effort to cultivate personal ties with foreign counterparts over the last four and a half years —... — Mr. Obama has complicated relationships with some, and has bet on others who came to disappoint him.

6. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, whom Mr. Obama views as a new kind of Muslim leader, has used tear gas and water cannons against protesters in Istanbul. Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader whom Mr. Obama telephoned repeatedly after he became president of Egypt, later granted himself unlimited powers, though he also cut off ties with Syria.

7. Mr. Obama spent nearly four years befriending Mr. Putin’s predecessor, Dmitri A. Medvedev, hoping to build him up as a counterweight to Mr. Putin. That never happened,....

8. Even with friends, however, there is tension. President François Hollande of France was initially thrilled with Mr. Obama because he saw him as an ally against Ms. Merkel on economic issues.But by the time they met at the Group of 8 summit meeting in Northern Ireland on Tuesday, the relationship had soured,....

9. Mr. Obama arrived in office determined to invest in Mr. Medvedev, but he underestimated Mr. Putin’s continuing power. Their first meeting was marked by a nearly hourlong lecture by Mr. Putin about all the ways the United States had offended Moscow. At their second, Mr. Putin kept Mr. Obama waiting 30 minutes.

10. “With Obama,” she said, “there’s no pretense of personal chemistry,...."

What will it take for his supporters to finally admit that, in every realm....

...Obama is a fraud and an abysmal failure.

Plus he's looking for love in all the wrong places? :

After a miserable May in which he found himself beset by a trio of scandals, President Obama sought solace in foreign policy this month. But June hasn’t proved to be much better for the president as a disastrous meeting with the president of China was followed by an equally problematic confrontation with Russia’s Vladimir Putin at the G-8 summit in Ireland.

Nor was he likely to do better elsewhere in Europe, where he was once held in high esteem. Today’s speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin only emphasized the contrast between the ecstatic reaction he received there from a huge audience in 2008 and the tepid response he got today to a laundry list of foreign policy proposals including a call for reductions in nuclear weapons that will likely go nowhere.

As even the president’s cheering section at the New York Times noted today in an astonishingly frank assessment of the failure of Obama’s foreign policy initiatives, the president has been looking for love in all the wrong places abroad and now finds himself alienated from allies, despised by America’s foes and saddled with friendships with Middle East Islamists that are as embarrassing as they are unproductive.

More: Obama Looking for Love in Wrong Places « Commentary Magazine
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Most of us thinking people knew this 4 1/2 years ago....or more. But many die hard liberals are finally starting to wake up to the fact. But it's happened too late, we have him another 3 1/2 years :(

Waking up to the fact that many of his policies are similar to the previous Administration?

Some folks see a difference:

"In a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday, former-President George W. Bush currently stands with a favorability rating of 49%, compared to 46% who see the 43rd president unfavorably. Meanwhile, another Gallup poll shows President Obama with only a 47% approval rating, with 44% disapproving."
Bush More Popular than Obama

Wow, 2 percentage points on a poll that will probably change in a couple of weeks! :)

Now, on a personal level, my problem with him is that some of his domestic (civil liberties related) and foreign policies (Syria, Libya, etc.) are pretty much the same as the previous Administration's policies.
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.

This from the people of the party who bitched everyday for eight straight years about the last president many who swore they would leave the country if he was reelected yet didn't and sadly none of them as far as I know did the world a favor and ended it all pretty dam funny if you ask me.

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