The Tip Of The Iceberg

I have as much evidence of up to 5 million Russians voting for Trump as Trump has of 5 million Mexicans voting for Hillary FACT

Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by 'Illegal Aliens'?

But they say they don't believe snopes so does that mean they don't believe these conclusions either?

FACT CHECK: U.S. Intelligence Confirms Trump Was Blackmailed by Russia?

FACT CHECK: Did a Russian Prostitute Say Donald Trump Was Poorly Endowed?

Let me guess...

Because of those 2 links,

You dont' believe them either

Do you believe them? Do you trust snopes when they say 3 million illegals" didn't vote? Do you or don't you trust their conclusions about Trump and his tiny penis or Trump and the hookers?

I don't trust any 'factchecker' without checking it against another 'factchecker' .

But, you didn't answer the question.

Do YOU believe your links?

I do indeed.

You won't find a reputable fact checker not willing to call complete BS on Trumps claims of voter fraud.
. 1st off it isn't Trump who starts the crap, and that is a fact. Then when he responds the liberals cry fowel ?? Trump could get on with the business of doing his job, but the liberals are to busy trying to set him up to look bad even though it keeps backfiring on them. Trump just took over the most powerful job in the world, and he is rekindling old world war two allies, and he is going to get this mess in this country straightened out one way or the other. Everytime a liberal tries to undermine him and his cabinet, it is liken to a rabbit sticking his head up out of a rabbit hole (poor rabbit), because he is gonna see who it is that is sowing the seeds of destruction against him and his team... If the democrats are trying to undermine him, and undermine the Republicans because they are seen as the arch enemy by the Democrats, and sadly for no other reason than just being political hacks is why they are doing it all (protecting their turf), then it will be seen exactly for what it is. It has been proven that Bill Clinton was a sleeze bag when it came to women, but he was a Democrat so he gets the pass (but he was such a great president they would say). Let any Democrat who is without sin cast the first stone at Trump regarding anything not pertaining to his job, and the nation will call fowel on them everytime now.
Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

the idea that people who are hiding from the law, and are at risk of being deported would risk all that to go cast a vote for the democrats.... who btw deported more immigrants under obama than under bush.... Just shows how insane the average republican really is and the complete paranoid fantasy world they beleive exists outside their cul-de-sacs
Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

You fell for fake news, dipshit.

Fox Deceptively Edits Obama Interview to Falsely Claim He Told Illegal Immigrants to Vote

I saw that interview on CNN.

Did they edit it too?

Here's the full interview:

Obama did not say illegals should vote, or could vote.

The tards were punked. Yet again. For the thousandth time.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, I'm the biggest gullible fuck who ever walked the planet Earth."

Congratulations Guno500, you've out derped rdean, and are now the most ridiculous partisan hack on USMB.

You must be so proud to win the bronzed "George Soros" turd to put in your house!
Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

the idea that people who are hiding from the law, and are at risk of being deported would risk all that to go cast a vote for the democrats.... who btw deported more immigrants under obama than under bush.... Just shows how insane the average republican really is and the complete paranoid fantasy world they beleive exists outside their cul-de-sacs
Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

You fell for fake news, dipshit.

Fox Deceptively Edits Obama Interview to Falsely Claim He Told Illegal Immigrants to Vote

I saw that interview on CNN.

Did they edit it too?

Here's the full interview:

Obama did not say illegals should vote, or could vote.

The tards were punked. Yet again. For the thousandth time.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, I'm the biggest gullible fuck who ever walked the planet Earth."

Congratulations Guno500, you've out derped rdean, and are now the most ridiculous partisan hack on USMB.

You must be so proud to win the bronzed "George Soros" turd to put in your house!

Another tard doubling down on his delusions. :lol:

"First of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote."

Fox deliberately left out this part:
"Part of what is important for Latino citizens (Obama actually stresses the word citizens here) is to make your voice heard, because you are not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school, who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."
And now we will watch the tards get right back in line for a refill of their piss cups.

"Please lie to me again! I so deserve it."
Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

You fell for fake news, dipshit.

Fox Deceptively Edits Obama Interview to Falsely Claim He Told Illegal Immigrants to Vote

I saw that interview on CNN.

Did they edit it too?

Here's the full interview:

Obama did not say illegals should vote, or could vote.

The tards were punked. Yet again. For the thousandth time.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, I'm the biggest gullible fuck who ever walked the planet Earth."

Congratulations Guno500, you've out derped rdean, and are now the most ridiculous partisan hack on USMB.

You must be so proud to win the bronzed "George Soros" turd to put in your house!

Another tard doubling down on his delusions. :lol:

"First of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote."

Fox deliberately left out this part:
"Part of what is important for Latino citizens (Obama actually stresses the word citizens here) is to make your voice heard, because you are not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school, who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

Part of what is important for Latino citizens
Why is it I cant' find a video of Obama saying that phrase?

Does youtube only post edited Fox videos?
Not when we have gone decades without enforcing immigration laws. Not when there are sanctuary cities that purposely protects those here illegally from being turned over to ICE. Not when Obama tells people that the voter rolls will not be investigated to find those that are non citizens

Here's the full interview:

Obama did not say illegals should vote, or could vote.

The tards were punked. Yet again. For the thousandth time.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, I'm the biggest gullible fuck who ever walked the planet Earth."

Congratulations Guno500, you've out derped rdean, and are now the most ridiculous partisan hack on USMB.

You must be so proud to win the bronzed "George Soros" turd to put in your house!

Another tard doubling down on his delusions. :lol:

"First of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote."

Fox deliberately left out this part:
"Part of what is important for Latino citizens (Obama actually stresses the word citizens here) is to make your voice heard, because you are not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school, who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

Part of what is important for Latino citizens
Why is it I cant' find a video of Obama saying that phrase?

Does youtube only post edited Fox videos?

I posted the full interview. You even included it in my posts which you just quoted!

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