*The Traitor ; Mike Pence*

No, it doesn't mean that at all. At least here in the USA. The ballots were cast in good faith by the voters on a bipartisan decision made in good faith to address the Covid crisis in 2020. Using those boxes after the decision by the court would be illegal without a change in state law.
Your ignorant denial is duly noted. And your baseless spewing is grist for the mill when we need more laughter.

Quick fun fact. You mark up an absentee ballot, for example, and you do so in absolute good faith. BUT, you miss the deadline (a mistake in good faith also perhaps but a mistake all the same). And you mail it with post mark showing it was mailed late.

Your “good faith” doesn’t change the fact that your vote shouldn’t count.

State legislaturesnot courts — were Constitutionally vested with the power to make the laws and rules for voting, by the way. (Maybe the COVID crisis “exception” is buried in the penumbra clauses?)
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming, and the truth about what took place has yet to be said.
2. But folks are beginning to wake up to the fact, Pence is a traitor.
3. And this traitors thinking of running for President in 2024.
4. No to the HELL, hell no Mikey.
5. Just fade away, slink away into history.
6. We will deal with you at a later time, may want to buy some property in a country that doesn't extradite.
7. Hey you could find a pad next door to Hillary's pad.
8. READ:


10. Damages are done, Mikey, you can't change what you did, but you can pay for the wrong you've done.

The only "treason" Mikey did was to exhaust all options in trying to carry out the criminal president's criminal plan.

Once he figured out that he had no legal option, he saved his own skin.

Mikey is awarded no points and will go down in history as an unprincipled, unethical dummy that only saved America because he saved his own skin.
There do not have to be any illegal ballots, just reasonable suspicion.
"it has been proven that illegal ballots were used" was the statement I questioned and would like so see proof of, not "we had a reasonable suspicion that illegal ballots were used"
Your ignorant denial is duly noted. And your baseless spewing is grist for the mill when we need more laughter.

Quick fun fact. You mark up an absentee ballot, for example, and you do so in absolute good faith. BUT, you miss the deadline (a mistake in good faith also perhaps but a mistake all the same). And you mail it with post mark showing it was mailed late.

Your “good faith” doesn’t change the fact that your vote shouldn’t count.

State legislaturesnot courts — were Constitutionally vested with the power to make the laws and rules for voting, by the way. (Maybe the COVID crisis “exception” is buried in the penumbra clauses?)
Gee that's a hard one. All the good faith in the world will not count if you don't, in good faith, follow the rules that were set out before hand. Oh wait that's not hard at all. So when both parties advertise and encourage the use of drop boxes before the election, in good faith. Then the people use them in good faith. The Courts will never invalidate or make those ballots illegal.
Gee that's a hard one. All the good faith in the world will not count if you don't, in good faith, follow the rules that were set out before hand. Oh wait that's not hard at all. So when both parties advertise and encourage the use of drop boxes before the election, in good faith. Then the people use them in good faith. The Courts will never invalidate or make those ballots illegal.
So. Tell me again when the LEGISLATURE authorized the use of electoral drop boxes. Then we can properly discuss the good faith following of the law. 👍
So. Tell me again when the LEGISLATURE authorized the use of electoral drop boxes. Then we can properly discuss the good faith following of the law. 👍
Both parties approved of the new rule. Furthermore, it wasn't the legislature who challenged it and brought the lawsuit against the rule change.
Both parties approved of the new rule. Furthermore, it wasn't the legislature who challenged it and brought the lawsuit against the rule change.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t the legislature who made the rule.

I swear it’s true. Words do have meaning.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t the legislature who made the rule.

I swear it’s true. Words do have meaning.
The legislature passed the bill that the Governor signed into law creating the Elections Commission. If the party controlling the legislature (Neo-GOP) at the time wanted to challenge the authority of the commission to make the rule change, why didn't they?
The legislature passed the bill that the Governor signed into law creating the Elections Commission. If the party controlling the legislature (Neo-GOP) at the time wanted to challenge the authority of the commission to make the rule change, why didn't they?
Who said that they had to be the ones to challenge anything? You are stuck on stupid. Still.
Who said that they had to be the ones to challenge anything? You are stuck on stupid. Still.

They make the law and they didn't have a problem with the Commission making that change for 2020 election, well of course until poor old Trumpybear started his whining and arm twisting after Milquetoast Joe beat him in the election.
They make the law and they didn't have a problem with the Commission making that change for 2020 election, well of course until poor old Trumpybear started his whining and arm twisting after Milquetoast Joe beat him in the election.
The Constitution says that they make the laws and rules. So I don’t actually give a crap if they subsequently failed to object to some other body doing so. Their eventual inattention to or indifference to the Constitutional command shouldn’t control things. You know what should?

The Constitution.
This is all fake outrage by cultists who don't actually fool anyone. What they are upset about is that more people got to vote, which caused their orange lard and master to lose. And that's all. Any other reason they give is a stupid lie
The Constitution says that they make the laws and rules. So I don’t actually give a crap if they subsequently failed to object to some other body doing so. Their eventual inattention to or indifference to the Constitutional command shouldn’t control things. You know what should?

The Constitution.
Their legislature delegated authority to the elections commission. In fact all 50 states have delegated authority to select Presidential electors to the popular vote and the authority to run those elections to various state officials according laws passed by the legislating powers of the states, which includes the governors. How do you square that?
No need for a lowlife like you (forever on your own knees) to worry about anybody else’s knees, boredtoseeya.

Maybe send a pair of your knee pads to Kamelhump HeelsUp Harris, though. And when you’re down at Brandon’s ass, tell him I said he should retire.
:heehee: You are SO broken. :heehee: Might as well stay on your knees.
Sorry bout that,

1. After digging relentlessly for over a year and a half, we are seeing the fruits of our labor.
2. There is no evidence the election wasn't stolen, just some people gave it the ole thumbs up sign, and the courts have said everything's in place, and there's no standing from the right , to make us look for a problem.
3. BUT....
4. I watched the election, and i know there was plenty of reason for the Supreme Court to say, *Hold on a minute.* *Let me see something*
5. I could list *ALL* the matters, but if you were paying any attention whatsoever, you already know.
6. It will come to light, and the evil folks will have to be punished, even all the way up to a seat or two of the Supreme Court, maybe more, maybe *ALL* Nine.

I lost all respect for Mike Pence when he hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.

He restored some of my faith in him when he refused to bow to the bloodthirsty mob and the megalomaniac in the White House.

He will go down in posterity as the man who saved America.
Pence, Pompeo, Mnuchen .....
These are three members of Trump's cabinet that he was not allowed to fire....... they were placed there for specific reasons and now we know partly why.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming, and the truth about what took place has yet to be said.
2. But folks are beginning to wake up to the fact, Pence is a traitor.
3. And this traitors thinking of running for President in 2024.
4. No to the HELL, hell no Mikey.
5. Just fade away, slink away into history.
6. We will deal with you at a later time, may want to buy some property in a country that doesn't extradite.
7. Hey you could find a pad next door to Hillary's pad.
8. READ:


10. Damages are done, Mikey, you can't change what you did, but you can pay for the wrong you've done.


You're really keen on supporting criminals. You must be a Texas Bible belt Christian.

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