The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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You don't remember who you voted for last time? Let's start there.
You asked who was I going to vote for, who the hell knows? Do you know who is running in 2024? Go ahead, give me all the candidates that have announced that they are running in 2024. :rolleyes:
Me too! Notice all the op eds I post are from him and from the 2000s? Hasn't been anyone as good as him since....well....him.
He is a jealous asshole, he always wanted to be the Rush of the left and he is a dud, no one cares about the bitter old guy, he is a has been.
I didn't know Colbert was funny. Thanks for letting me know, I think I watched him twice.
You get the point. There is no audience for a right wing late night talk show host. Odd when right wingers dominate the radio. Thom Hartmann and Randi Rhodes represented my thoughts well. Rush didn't represent yours? Who do you listen to now?

And who did you vote for in 2020 for POTUS? How about Senators, House and Governors?
How stupid are you Ray?

Executives brazenly boast to investors about raising prices​

“Corporate greed is motivating large companies to use the pandemic and supply chain issues as an excuse to raise prices simply because they can. And a lot of executives brazenly boast to investors about raising prices on consumers without consequences—and these executives are saying they're going to continue to do so,” House Energy and Commerce committee chairman Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) said during Wednesday's hearing.

The COVID–19 Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the Federal Trade Commission the ability to seek civil penalties from companies that raise prices to “unconscionably excessive” levels during the pandemic.

The analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission filings for 100 US corporations found net profits up by a median of 49%, and in one case by as much as 111,000%. Those increases came as companies saddled customers with higher prices and all but ten executed massive stock buyback programs or bumped dividends to enrich investors.

In earnings calls, executives detailed how even as demand and profits rose post-vaccine, they passed on most or all inflationary costs to customers via price increases, and some took the opportunity to add more on top. Margins – the share of sales converted into profits – also improved for the majority of the companies analyzed by the Guardian.

Economists who reviewed the data say it’s more evidence of a clear reality: Consumers are taking a financial hit as companies and shareholders profit or are largely shielded.

“It’s obvious that corporations are trying to pass on any form of short-term pain they might be feeling … and that’s serving the top, wealthiest class instead of those in need of fair wages or products that are affordable,” said Krista Brown, a policy analyst with the American Economic Liberties Project.

So stop crying about inflation. You're being fucked by corporations.

What a Communist hit job piece. The intent is to take the blame off of the vegetable and place it on businesses, who the Communists have always hated. Read between the lines. As one Republican pointed out, most of our states already have anti-gouging laws in place. The only way to "gouge" customers is if all members of an industry conspired to artificially increase prices together, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist

Here is the flow chart: Dementia and the Communists passed a bill to pay people more money to stay home than work, and many did. That forced companies to compete with government for labor. That vote buying nonsense lasted from February of last year until September. At that point, some workers had to return back to the job, but the lingering effects were those low wage workers living in moms basement who's only expense was car payments and room and board. All that additional money provided them a comfortable living for months afterwards.

Businesses had to increase prices to cover their increased cost for labor thanks to the Communists. Add the doubling of fuel prices that affected transportation and utilities, you have all the makings for a massive cost of living problem, i.e. inflation. It's a Democrat problem, not an industry problem. Remember too that when employers raise wages by only one dollar, it costs them more than that dollar increase. Workman's compensation premiums increase, unemployment premiums increase, overtime is more expensive, paying people while they are not working such as holidays and vacation become more expensive.
I didn't know Colbert was funny. Thanks for letting me know, I think I watched him twice.
Finding out someone is a conservative sucks the funny right out of the room. Tim Allen, Dennis Miller. That's it. Everyone else knows to keep their mouth shut.
What a Communist hit job piece. The intent is to take the blame off of the vegetable and place it on businesses, who the Communists have always hated. Read between the lines. As one Republican pointed out, most of our states already have anti-gouging laws in place. The only way to "gouge" customers is if all members of an industry conspired to artificially increase prices together, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist

Here is the flow chart: Dementia and the Communists passed a bill to pay people more money to stay home than work, and many did. That forced companies to compete with government for labor. That vote buying nonsense lasted from February of last year until September. At that point, some workers had to return back to the job, but the lingering effects were those low wage workers living in moms basement who's only expense was car payments and room and board. All that additional money provided them a comfortable living for months afterwards.

Businesses had to increase prices to cover their increased cost for labor thanks to the Communists. Add the doubling of fuel prices that affected transportation and utilities, you have all the makings for a massive cost of living problem. It's a Democrat problem, not an industry problem. Remember too that when employers raise wages by only one dollar, it costs them more than that dollar increase. Workman's compensation premiums increase, unemployment premiums increase, overtime is more expensive, paying people while they are not working such as holidays and vacation become more expensive.
Toothless anti gouging laws.

I can't wait till you guys take over. I want to see how you fix everything. This aught to be interesting.
You get the point. There is no audience for a right wing late night talk show host. Odd when right wingers dominate the radio. Thom Hartmann and Randi Rhodes represented my thoughts well. Rush didn't represent yours? Who do you listen to now?

And who did you vote for in 2020 for POTUS? How about Senators, House and Governors?
Again, I haven't listened to political talk radio in years. I listen to Dan Patrick on the Dan Patrick Show with Dan Patrick and the Danettes, I also listen to Schein On Sports with Adam Schein, then there is Undisputed with Shannon Sharp and Skip Bayless/ I like the Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker and also Brick at Night with JT the Brick. The rest of my listening is OTR and music.
Again, I haven't listened to political talk radio in years. I listen to Dan Patrick on the Dan Patrick Show with Dan Patrick and the Danettes, I also listen to Schein On Sports with Adam Schein, then there is Undisputed with Shannon Sharp and Skip Bayless/ I like the Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker and also Brick at Night with JT the Brick. The rest of my listening is OTR and music.
I love Howard Stern. Even when he was a Republican I loved him. But back then being a Republican didn't mean you believe a fair election was rigged and start a riot over it. First time Republicans did that was 2000. That's when he started leaving the party too.

We just didn't land on a 3rd party like you. You're smarter than us.

But Howard is the only political talk I can stand because I agree with him. It's amazing how similar our lives are and our opinions. His crazy jewish parents, my crazy Greek parents. Growing up in a black community then moving to a white community to find you are equally hated there too. LOL. We're both banging younger hotter girls than we should be.
I love Howard Stern. Even when he was a Republican I loved him. But back then being a Republican didn't mean you believe a fair election was rigged and start a riot over it. First time Republicans did that was 2000. That's when he started leaving the party too.

We just didn't land on a 3rd party like you. You're smarter than us.

But Howard is the only political talk I can stand because I agree with him. It's amazing how similar our lives are and our opinions. His crazy jewish parents, my crazy Greek parents. Growing up in a black community then moving to a white community to find you are equally hated there too. LOL. We're both banging younger hotter girls than we should be.

A 2000 the Democrats claimed the election was rigged, also did in 2004 and 2016. The number of people that would have to be involved in a rigged election would be in the thousands and then you could never keep the lid on that.
Your party has always been split on this issue.

Back when we wrote this about yall, you wanted a fence not a wall.

Progressives fought - and many lost their lives in the battle - to limit the pool of "labor hours" available to the Robber Barons from the 1870s through the 1930s and thus created the modern middle class. They limited labor-hours by pushing for the 50-hour week and the 10-hour day (and then later the 40-hour week and the 8-hour day). They limited labor-hours by pushing for laws against child labor (which competed with adult labor). They limited labor-hours by working for passage of the 1935 Wagner Act that provided for union shops.

And they limited labor-hours by supporting laws that would regulate immigration into the United States to a small enough flow that it wouldn't dilute the unionized labor pool. As Wikipedia notes: "The first laws creating a quota for immigrants were passed in the 1920s, in response to a sense that the country could no longer absorb large numbers of unskilled workers, despite pleas by big business that it wanted the new workers."

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

That's pure BS. You forget, I worked in industry. I would visit dozens and dozens of companies every week.

Unions were a good thing when they started, their intent was to protect the worker, not get rich as what happened later on. Unions realized the more money they could get for their members, the more money these crooks could put in their pockets.

So they kept pushing and pushing until they pushed us out of the world market. Between union demands, high taxation, more and more regulation, especially as far as the environment was concerned, American industries could no longer compete from this country, so the moved to a country were they could compete.

In the 80's a shift took place with American consumers. We switched our priority from quality products to cheap products, products which many couldn't be made in the US any longer. This started during the Reagan recession and hasn't stopped since. This new consumer attitude is what made Wal-Mart the number one store in America.

When Reagan realized what was going on, he lowered taxes on our job producers in an attempt to keep at least some of them from leaving the country. The only union he actually affected was the air traffic controller union because they were forbidden from going on strike, but did so anyway. Most of the union jobs lost were from companies moving out of state or out of the country entirely.
A 2000 the Democrats claimed the election was rigged, also did in 2004 and 2016. The number of people that would have to be involved in a rigged election would be in the thousands and then you could never keep the lid on that.
Bullshit. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, the Madam Butterfly bitch and a couple others is all that would have to be involved in Florida. The just add the mob via the Brooks Brother Riots. Do you know who was at that Riot in 2000? Roger Stone. Didn't Trump pardon him for something illegal he did more recently? It has to be all connected.

And 2004 in Ohio was an easy steal. Ken "Uncle Tom" Blackwell certified the vote before Kerry could ask for a recount. And Ohio law says you can't ask for a recount after the vote has been certified.

Listen dummy. I'm sure more elections have been stolen LEGALLY rather than illegally. Like Florida was stolen legally. Technically. The Supreme Court stopped the recount. And it doesn't matter because nothing they do is illegal. If they want to give your electoral votes to Biden they can no matter how many of you voted for Trump.
That's pure BS. You forget, I worked in industry. I would visit dozens and dozens of companies every week.

Unions were a good thing when they started, their intent was to protect the worker, not get rich as what happened later on. Unions realized the more money they could get for their members, the more money these crooks could put in their pockets.

So they kept pushing and pushing until they pushed us out of the world market. Between union demands, high taxation, more and more regulation, especially as far as the environment was concerned, American industries could no longer compete from this country, so the moved to a country were they could compete.

In the 80's a shift took place with American consumers. We switched our priority from quality products to cheap products, products which many couldn't be made in the US any longer. This started during the Reagan recession and hasn't stopped since. This new consumer attitude is what made Wal-Mart the number one store in America.

When Reagan realized what was going on, he lowered taxes on our job producers in an attempt to keep at least some of them from leaving the country. The only union he actually affected was the air traffic controller union because they were forbidden from going on strike, but did so anyway. Most of the union jobs lost were from companies moving out of state or out of the country entirely.
Yes that is the anti union spin the GOP put on unions in the 2000's. And the 90's. I remember how you guys ruined the middle class.

You were driving a truck dummy. I was working in hotels so I saw white collar workers coming and going. Then I got into corporate sales. I know when the market is doing well or not.

But so did you. If they weren't shipping, they weren't selling. And if gas was expensive, prices went up. Or you make less.

I know you're not a complete dummy Ray.

Reagan ruined the American middle class. Quit glorifying that fucking asshole.
Bullshit. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, the Madam Butterfly bitch and a couple others is all that would have to be involved in Florida. The just add the mob via the Brooks Brother Riots. Do you know who was at that Riot in 2000? Roger Stone. Didn't Trump pardon him for something illegal he did more recently? It has to be all connected.

And 2004 in Ohio was an easy steal. Ken "Uncle Tom" Blackwell certified the vote before Kerry could ask for a recount. And Ohio law says you can't ask for a recount after the vote has been certified.

Listen dummy. I'm sure more elections have been stolen LEGALLY rather than illegally. Like Florida was stolen legally. Technically. The Supreme Court stopped the recount. And it doesn't matter because nothing they do is illegal. If they want to give your electoral votes to Biden they can no matter how many of you voted for Trump.

Nothing was stolen from Kerry. The Communists claimed because exit polls showed him winning, he must have won. The lie that Diebold machines were responsible was even discredited by leftist FactCheck. Care to see the article, just ask. I have it right here in my bookmarks.
Bullshit. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, the Madam Butterfly bitch and a couple others is all that would have to be involved in Florida. The just add the mob via the Brooks Brother Riots. Do you know who was at that Riot in 2000? Roger Stone. Didn't Trump pardon him for something illegal he did more recently? It has to be all connected.

And 2004 in Ohio was an easy steal. Ken "Uncle Tom" Blackwell certified the vote before Kerry could ask for a recount. And Ohio law says you can't ask for a recount after the vote has been certified.

Listen dummy. I'm sure more elections have been stolen LEGALLY rather than illegally. Like Florida was stolen legally. Technically. The Supreme Court stopped the recount. And it doesn't matter because nothing they do is illegal. If they want to give your electoral votes to Biden they can no matter how many of you voted for Trump.
See there you go, you believe 2000 was stolen and you are a loon for believing it, just as those today that believe Trump won. Hard to have a factual conversation with you nuts that believe in fantasy.
Yes that is the anti union spin the GOP put on unions in the 2000's. And the 90's. I remember how you guys ruined the middle class.

You were driving a truck dummy. I was working in hotels so I saw white collar workers coming and going. Then I got into corporate sales. I know when the market is doing well or not.

But so did you. If they weren't shipping, they weren't selling. And if gas was expensive, prices went up. Or you make less.

I know you're not a complete dummy Ray.

Reagan ruined the American middle class. Quit glorifying that fucking asshole.

Reagan did? How so? And don't say "he" got rid of unions because he had nothing to do with them. Remember too he presided under a Democrat led Congress.

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