the true face the anti-Obama movement

when has taichiliberal ever had the brains or guts to debate anyone? point by point or otherwise?

never, as far as I have seen

No one really gives a damn what you claim to have seen, Ian. Seems you're more interested in nursing a grudge than debating the information presented in the opening posts. So unless you've got the guts or the brains to honestly debate the issue at hand of this thread's subject title and opening post, I'll just let you stamp your widdle feet and wail away.
that must be that logic and facts you keep talking about..:lol:

Ahhh, Stephanie the chuckling neocon the chronology of the posts shows, Stephanie does not have the brains or the guts to debate me point for point, so all she's good for is lame pot shots and maudlin exchanges with her like minded pals.

Small wonder Buchanan and Kern easily find an audience for their swill. Laugh, Stephanie, laugh.

Oh I am, have been for years. Even over at other boards, everyone there laughed at you too.:lol:

Ahhh, yet another intellectually bankrupt neocon parrot nursing a grudge from having his/her ass kicked by me on various discussion boards.
See folks, people like Stephanie can't debate worth a damn, so when her beliefs are proven wrong she just becomes a child lobbing insults and mindless gain sayings of what I post. And the chronology of the post her shows Stephanie to be an intellectually dishonest coward. I'm done with her here, as she'll just lie, deny, avoid, attack and repeat.

Laugh, my little clown Stephanie, laugh.
when has taichiliberal ever had the brains or guts to debate anyone? point by point or otherwise?

never, as far as I have seen

No one really gives a damn what you claim to have seen, Ian. Seems you're more interested in nursing a grudge than debating the information presented in the opening posts. So unless you've got the guts or the brains to honestly debate the issue at hand of this thread's subject title and opening post, I'll just let you stamp your widdle feet and wail away.

I could care less about your OP. I just find it unbelievable that you could call out other posters for ducking a debate or being smart enough to understand the issues when YOU are the posterboy for inane repetion of the same points over and over again and inability to comprehend anyone elses posts
Ahhh, Stephanie the chuckling neocon the chronology of the posts shows, Stephanie does not have the brains or the guts to debate me point for point, so all she's good for is lame pot shots and maudlin exchanges with her like minded pals.

Small wonder Buchanan and Kern easily find an audience for their swill. Laugh, Stephanie, laugh.

Oh I am, have been for years. Even over at other boards, everyone there laughed at you too.:lol:

Ahhh, yet another intellectually bankrupt neocon parrot nursing a grudge from having his/her ass kicked by me on various discussion boards.
See folks, people like Stephanie can't debate worth a damn, so when her beliefs are proven wrong she just becomes a child lobbing insults and mindless gain sayings of what I post. And the chronology of the post her shows Stephanie to be an intellectually dishonest coward. I'm done with her here, as she'll just lie, deny, avoid, attack and repeat.

Laugh, my little clown Stephanie, laugh.

dude, you have never bested anyone in a debate. your only mental weapon is your obvious insanity. people just get tired of argueing with a crazy person.
Oh I am, have been for years. Even over at other boards, everyone there laughed at you too.:lol:

Ahhh, yet another intellectually bankrupt neocon parrot nursing a grudge from having his/her ass kicked by me on various discussion boards.
See folks, people like Stephanie can't debate worth a damn, so when her beliefs are proven wrong she just becomes a child lobbing insults and mindless gain sayings of what I post. And the chronology of the post her shows Stephanie to be an intellectually dishonest coward. I'm done with her here, as she'll just lie, deny, avoid, attack and repeat.

Laugh, my little clown Stephanie, laugh.

dude, you have never bested anyone in a debate. your only mental weapon is your obvious insanity. people just get tired of argueing with a crazy person.

As you can see folks, with clowns like IanC and Stephanie, it's all about nursing past grudges with me, and NOT about debating the FACTS presented in the opening post of this thread, nor the logical responses made to those who try to defend the actions of Buchanan and Kern. It's a standard ploy used by all failed propagandist of the extreme right wing and bigoted....when you can't defend your issue logically, attack the critic.

I didn't put the words in Buchanan's or Kern's mouths, and no one put a gun to their heads to say the reprehensible things they said. Period. Folk need to grow up and deal with that.
OK, you goaded me into reading your OP. at least the two Kern videos. if you specifically state what you think was racist I will respond. if you have already done so in a middle page post, just quote it up to this page
Ahhh, yet another intellectually bankrupt neocon parrot nursing a grudge from having his/her ass kicked by me on various discussion boards.
See folks, people like Stephanie can't debate worth a damn, so when her beliefs are proven wrong she just becomes a child lobbing insults and mindless gain sayings of what I post. And the chronology of the post her shows Stephanie to be an intellectually dishonest coward. I'm done with her here, as she'll just lie, deny, avoid, attack and repeat.

Laugh, my little clown Stephanie, laugh.

dude, you have never bested anyone in a debate. your only mental weapon is your obvious insanity. people just get tired of argueing with a crazy person.

As you can see folks, with clowns like IanC and Stephanie, it's all about nursing past grudges with me, and NOT about debating the FACTS presented in the opening post of this thread, nor the logical responses made to those who try to defend the actions of Buchanan and Kern. It's a standard ploy used by all failed propagandist of the extreme right wing and bigoted....when you can't defend your issue logically, attack the critic.

I didn't put the words in Buchanan's or Kern's mouths, and no one put a gun to their heads to say the reprehensible things they said. Period. Folk need to grow up and deal with that.

How many DAYS you going on about this NOW? It didn't get the response you wanted so you had to drag it back up and continue. I guess that shows you how much FOLKS grew tired of it, so just who is it THAT NEEDS TO GROW UP..
Here's some entertainment for you, take your mind off the FAUX outrage you have. ENJOY.:lol:

OK, you goaded me into reading your OP. at least the two Kern videos. if you specifically state what you think was racist I will respond. if you have already done so in a middle page post, just quote it up to this page

No one "goaded" you into doing anything, Ian. Your inner pseudo-intellectual David Duke button was pushed the nano-second you saw my screen name and the name "Obama" in the subject title. You just can't help yourself, Ian.

Check out my response in Post #5. It's going to be a laugh riot watching you rehash the same old defensive BS found on white supremacist/confederate flag waiving apologist blog/web sites.
dude, you have never bested anyone in a debate. your only mental weapon is your obvious insanity. people just get tired of argueing with a crazy person.

As you can see folks, with clowns like IanC and Stephanie, it's all about nursing past grudges with me, and NOT about debating the FACTS presented in the opening post of this thread, nor the logical responses made to those who try to defend the actions of Buchanan and Kern. It's a standard ploy used by all failed propagandist of the extreme right wing and bigoted....when you can't defend your issue logically, attack the critic.

I didn't put the words in Buchanan's or Kern's mouths, and no one put a gun to their heads to say the reprehensible things they said. Period. Folk need to grow up and deal with that.

How many DAYS you going on about this NOW? It didn't get the response you wanted so you had to drag it back up and continue. I guess that shows you how much FOLKS grew tired of it, so just who is it THAT NEEDS TO GROW UP..
Here's some entertainment for you, take your mind off the FAUX outrage you have. ENJOY.:lol:


Posts #15, 56, 90, 92, 94 clearly shows the intellectual impotence of Stephanie, folks. Also, if she's so fed up with my posts and threads, why does she take time and effort to read and comment on them? Clearly, Stephanie is just obsessed and angry that I make a fool of her time and I did in other incarnations on other discussion boards over the years. Now let's watch for yet another childish Stephanie dodge/lie/denial.
For 2 years now, the teabaggers, birthers, neocon politicians and punditry have all swore that their objection/obsession with discrediting President Obama has NOTHING to do with race.

It doesn't. Only drooling retards who need to be told what to think believe it does.

Then why is he the only president to be questioned about his nationailty even after he presented ALL the legal documents the law requires?

He's not the only president who has had his nationality questioned.

Pres. Arthur dealt with flap over his birthplace all his life and never answered to it. As it turns out, he was probably born in Ireland.

Which is kinda weird since he was also the first prez said to be born in the US.
As you can see folks, with clowns like IanC and Stephanie, it's all about nursing past grudges with me, and NOT about debating the FACTS presented in the opening post of this thread, nor the logical responses made to those who try to defend the actions of Buchanan and Kern. It's a standard ploy used by all failed propagandist of the extreme right wing and bigoted....when you can't defend your issue logically, attack the critic.

I didn't put the words in Buchanan's or Kern's mouths, and no one put a gun to their heads to say the reprehensible things they said. Period. Folk need to grow up and deal with that.

How many DAYS you going on about this NOW? It didn't get the response you wanted so you had to drag it back up and continue. I guess that shows you how much FOLKS grew tired of it, so just who is it THAT NEEDS TO GROW UP..
Here's some entertainment for you, take your mind off the FAUX outrage you have. ENJOY.:lol:


Posts #15, 56, 90, 92, 94 clearly shows the intellectual impotence of Stephanie, folks. Also, if she's so fed up with my posts and threads, why does she take time and effort to read and comment on them? Clearly, Stephanie is just obsessed and angry that I make a fool of her time and I did in other incarnations on other discussion boards over the years. Now let's watch for yet another childish Stephanie dodge/lie/denial.

You don't find it just a little bit pathetic that you need to point out your 'wins'? I do. Cuz, I just read through this thread and you made yourself look like the fool you are time and again.

But.... at least you're consistent.
I'm going state the obvious here: Barack Hussein Obama is our president because of his race. Not because of anything else. I know far too many people that voted FOR Obama strictly on the basis of his racial status.
Some of us expect the election process to be one that is above the superficial posturing and gestures. I am not implying Obama did anything wrong or illegal. But many folks feel that the political process was misused to Obama’s benefit. Simply put, some of us feel that Obama isn’t a legitimate president. This taints his presidency. I remember how for years after G.W. Bush’s election in 2000, the taint that hung like a chad over his presidency because of the mess in Florida. Yes, these “birher” folks are really pushing credibility to find a reason to remove Obama. It’s a deep sign of disaffection with the political process, not racism. This president is a token, superficial gesture to political correctness. It’s easy to blow off the Tea party people as loony racists, but there is more to this picture that some people want to see.
Sally Kern is right

Then how does she explain the generations black cops, lawyers, scientists, military officers, engineers, businessmen, firemen, politicians, etc.? Too many to say "exception to the rule".

But hey, according to you, she's "right" about women also. I wonder how your female family members and friends feel about this one:

[ame=]YouTube - Rep. Sally Kern (R-OK): 'Women Usually Don't Want To Work As Hard As Men'[/ame]

I don't know which is more pathetic...Kern or the fools who support her. Carry on.

that's it???????

you dismiss massive amounts of data that show blacks do not become qualified for higher status jobs by saying 'some do'?

you dismiss massive amounts of data that show women tend to divide their time between work and family by saying 'women are insulted'?

not much meat on those bones to even understand what you believe or the reasoning behind it. care to expand on why you think blacks dont become qualified at similar rates to other races, or why you dont think that women are making a personal choice when they spend more time than men on raising families?
Here's the anti-Obama movement in a nutshell..

[ame=]YouTube - osama bin laden[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - nazi-germany 1939 in color[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hymn of the Soviet Union[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests[/ame]

Birds of a feather...
LOL, the ANTI-"boyking" Obama movement. Would that be the same as the ANTI-BUSH movement?

No Stephanie...the Shrub was outed as an unqualified legacy student to Yale and Harvard thanks to his Skull and Bones Daddy and Grand Pappy Bush when one of his PROFESSORS was so concerned that the asshole could become president that he went public with the sheer arrogant stupidity and vindictive, near socio-pathic nature the Shrub displayed in his classes. The Shrub's records told the rest of the tale. Oh, and then there are all those folk in Florida that got cheated out of voting by his Gov. brother's Secty of State in 2000, the documentation of the Shrub violating the Congressional and UN mandates to invade Iraq, the lies used to justify invading Iraq, the total fuck up regarding Katrina and New Orleans, etc., etc. The criticisms of Obama pale in comparison to the Shrub.
Now don't forget folks, IF YOU are against the Obama, YOU ARE A DAMNED RACIST.

Not quite Stephanie....I have objections to several of Obama's policies and actions.....but supporting birther bullshit wasn't/isn't one of them. Other than racism, what could possibly explain allegedly rational people rejecting the intial short form used by ALL Hawaiians, verification by the State Dept., the Secret Service, the FBI, two Hawaiian newspapers from 1961, the DMV for Hawaii and Illiniois, and the vetting process necessary for the man to be elected President of the USA?

how convenient is that to USE TO try and shut people up...think about it.

You should follow your own last three words, Stephanie. As the video clips show, FACTS sure as hell are not shutting up POS like Buchanan and just moves the goal post to another absurd quest and the other just regurgitates racist/sexist clap trap that's been around for 30 years. By their own words, they sure as hell aren't thinking straight.

Bottom line: Obama put the nail in the birther coffin, and showed the world what a bunch of bigoted fools they are...and little Stephanie doesn't like it. Too fucking bad for little Stephanie...she needs to stop the fake laughing and grow the hell up.

Your confusion is understandable as the Far Right do not speak for conservatives. They do however, through the magic of media, get the majority of the attention. Same way Christians are all painted as the Westboro Baptist Church crazies. Those of us that disagree with Obama's idealogue policies of big government and govt being the answers to all of this country's woes are painted with the same broad liberal brush and lumped in with these fools on the far right just as the far left do with the liberal cause. Race seems to be a subject brought up more times by the liberals than the conservatives.
Obama's faults lie with his inexperience as a leader and as a non partisan president. The love affair the media has had with him since campaign allowed him to be the least vetted presidential hopeful ever. To completely ignore his past relationships with terrorist (Ayers and Dorn), Slum Lord Tony Rezko and racist preacher Wright were all but given passes by the media.
Bottom line, with todays economic problems and no real improvement (seen the unemployment numbers posted this week?), the facts are Obama is and will go down in history below Carter. He owns every cent of the increase to our deficit (govt spent more in Feb 11 than all of 2007). His love for big govt, unions and hatred for oil, coal and etc have further divided this country. Not to mention for all the talk of a post racial president, there is a deeper divide within the races as ever.
Rather than sweeping generalizations and grade school name calling (tea baggers), your argument would be somewhat stronger without though far from accurate. The term racist is only used now to stifle debate in an attempt to distract from the failed presidency of Obama.
Sally Kern is right

Then how does she explain the generations black cops, lawyers, scientists, military officers, engineers, businessmen, firemen, politicians, etc.? Too many to say "exception to the rule".

But hey, according to you, she's "right" about women also. I wonder how your female family members and friends feel about this one:

I don't know which is more pathetic...Kern or the fools who support her. Carry on.

You know, I have not heard of Kern before. However, after hearing her I do see her points on both Blacks in prison and women who work. Many women will throw a fit if a man gets promoted instead of them but yet do not want to put in the hours and effort it takes to get the promotion. They expect to get things just because they are women, same as Blacks who expect to get things just because they are Black.

Also, as to the Black cops, lawyers, scientists, military officers, engineers, businessmen, firemen, politicians, etc. I do know there are some who actually work to get to those positions and I do not think it is an "exception to the rule". However, I also know that some get there due to 'affirmative action' instead of hard work. Wasn't there a test where the qualification scores were lowered so that Blacks who do not make the original scores could become police officers? ;)
How many DAYS you going on about this NOW? It didn't get the response you wanted so you had to drag it back up and continue. I guess that shows you how much FOLKS grew tired of it, so just who is it THAT NEEDS TO GROW UP..
Here's some entertainment for you, take your mind off the FAUX outrage you have. ENJOY.:lol:


Posts #15, 56, 90, 92, 94 clearly shows the intellectual impotence of Stephanie, folks. Also, if she's so fed up with my posts and threads, why does she take time and effort to read and comment on them? Clearly, Stephanie is just obsessed and angry that I make a fool of her time and I did in other incarnations on other discussion boards over the years. Now let's watch for yet another childish Stephanie dodge/lie/denial.

You don't find it just a little bit pathetic that you need to point out your 'wins'? I do. Cuz, I just read through this thread and you made yourself look like the fool you are time and again.

But.... at least you're consistent.

Having seen this faulty line of reasoning in previous threads by TL, I researched logical fallacies to see which category this belongs to but could find no match. I therefore concluded that TL seems to have invented a novel form of faulty argumentation. To wit, responding to a post by claiming to have already won the argument in a previous post, or series of posts, that when reviewed turn out to be inconclusive, disproven, or entirely non-existent. This devious debating device usually appears after the thread has grown in size to where readers won't bother to go back and research the underpinnings of the self-proclaimed victory. I think it should be named, so that it can be readily identified when employed in the future, something like Argumentum Ad Absurdis Tachiliberalum.
Posts #15, 56, 90, 92, 94 clearly shows the intellectual impotence of Stephanie, folks. Also, if she's so fed up with my posts and threads, why does she take time and effort to read and comment on them? Clearly, Stephanie is just obsessed and angry that I make a fool of her time and I did in other incarnations on other discussion boards over the years. Now let's watch for yet another childish Stephanie dodge/lie/denial.

You don't find it just a little bit pathetic that you need to point out your 'wins'? I do. Cuz, I just read through this thread and you made yourself look like the fool you are time and again.

But.... at least you're consistent.

Having seen this faulty line of reasoning in previous threads by TL, I researched logical fallacies to see which category this belongs to but could find no match. I therefore concluded that TL seems to have invented a novel form of faulty argumentation. To wit, responding to a post by claiming to have already won the argument in a previous post, or series of posts, that when reviewed turn out to be inconclusive, disproven, or entirely non-existent. This devious debating device usually appears after the thread has grown in size to where readers won't bother to go back and research the underpinnings of the self-proclaimed victory. I think it should be named, so that it can be readily identified when employed in the future, something like Argumentum Ad Absurdis Tachiliberalum.

'Argumentum Ad Absurdis Tachiliberalum'. I like that. I should bookmark it for future unfortunate encounters with taichiliberal
It doesn't. Only drooling retards who need to be told what to think believe it does.

Then why is he the only president to be questioned about his nationailty even after he presented ALL the legal documents the law requires?

He's not the only president who has had his nationality questioned.

Pres. Arthur dealt with flap over his birthplace all his life and never answered to it. As it turns out, he was probably born in Ireland.

Which is kinda weird since he was also the first prez said to be born in the US.

Given the level of anti-Irish bigotry, and Arthur's questionable association with the spoils system at the time, it's no surprise that his critics and political enemies question his citizenry.

Obama has no such baggage other that being a black man born of a islam practicing father.

President Chester A. Arthur and the Birthers, 1880

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