The Trump cabinet called, "The Dream Team."

Wouldn't ever think that the same crowd was crucifying Cruz as Goldman sacks camdidate would be so excited about a cabinet filled with Goldman executives.

I mean seriously did any of you ever ACTUALLY DREAM about this cabinet? :rolleyes:

Apparently DTS doesn't stand for "Drain the Swamp" but "Disperse the Spoils"...
Apparently living off the public titty is all you know and can't comprehend what it takes in the private sector to rise to the top.

That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Ummm, because I do not know to many Washington insiders willing to take hamburger flipper jobs, do you?

Besides that, we don't have to! We see by the governments own statistics the growth of the economy over the past 8 years, and GUESS who has had as President the WORST economic growth in modern history!

That is correct, WORSE then even Carter, who do you think it is? I will give you 3 guesses and the 1st 2 do not count!
Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.
Over the past three cycles, Republicans candidates have received United States--I think--18.3 million fewer votes than Democratic candidates. (There are a lot of ways to try to do this calculation. But they all show a Democratic edge.) Grasping Reality with Both Hands
The Military is the Military. They are NOT considered Government employees by any stretch of the imagination.
How is it "draining the swamp" when you are filling it with Wallstreet? Anyone?

You didn't give a fuck about Wall St these last years making bank and being on the Obama payroll.. Get lost troll.

Who did Hillary have running her campaign? How do you put people in charge of money, who have never handled massive amounts of money and understand its movement? The whole lefty narrative is phony, it really is. They use LINKS; phony ones at that which are mostly opinion pieces, to support their positions.

Not a one of them will debate their standing from LOGIC because their positions fail each and every time! You get these people like the BIG L who posts a position, and when you ask her/him something, they post another link. Nowhere is there ever a give and take, and when they do, the left gets their butts handed to them...which is why they won't, lol.

For the 1st time since I have been on this board, the right is standing up to the left with their own thoughts, instead of ridiculous links! The left can't handle that, because even they know they start from a losing position, and the only way they can wiggle off the hook from a discussion standpoint, is if they can make the debate about emotions..........which is why we are always called racists, and every other name in the book, lol. The left HAS NOTHING, and now in government, it has nothing too!

Sorry lefties, but unless you can debate from your mind and articulate a position being good because of X, and ours being bad because of Y; you are going to be on the outside looking in for a very, very, long time-) America has had enough of your phony outrage, and wants to see results, not they can't find a decent job while Obysmal touts a loooooow unemployment rate. You people are seriously screwed, you do know that; and we love it!
They use LINKS; phony ones at that which are mostly opinion pieces, to support their positions.

Whenever you are ready......

I am here, go ahead-) I have an hour or 2 before I have to go do something economically constructive-)
Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

Never forget , Clinton won the maj vote, and out of 4.9 million votes, Trump won MI by 10,700, numbers do not line up.
LMFAO Who's the President?
Obama,.....glad to have helped you out in your moment of forgetfulness.
Wouldn't ever think that the same crowd was crucifying Cruz as Goldman sacks camdidate would be so excited about a cabinet filled with Goldman executives.

I mean seriously did any of you ever ACTUALLY DREAM about this cabinet? :rolleyes:

Apparently DTS doesn't stand for "Drain the Swamp" but "Disperse the Spoils"...
Apparently living off the public titty is all you know and can't comprehend what it takes in the private sector to rise to the top.

That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Ummm, because I do not know to many Washington insiders willing to take hamburger flipper jobs, do you?

Besides that, we don't have to! We see by the governments own statistics the growth of the economy over the past 8 years, and GUESS who has had as President the WORST economic growth in modern history!

That is correct, WORSE then even Carter, who do you think it is? I will give you 3 guesses and the 1st 2 do not count!

The worst record on GDP growth since the Great Depression?

George W. Bush.....

Roughly 1.6% per year...........this with Federal spending growing at an annual rate of more than 7.5%

Would you care to see the math?
What's telling is how the same dummies on the LEFT cling to their lost ideology.. They've veered soooo far to the KOOK Left that they're bled power at an alarming rate.. then they go and re-elect the crazy biatch Pelosi who is a part of the losing team to begin with. LOL Seriously, have you ever seen more braindead people in your life??
How is it "draining the swamp" when you are filling it with Wallstreet? Anyone?

You didn't give a fuck about Wall St these last years making bank and being on the Obama payroll.. Get lost troll.

Who did Hillary have running her campaign? How do you put people in charge of money, who have never handled massive amounts of money and understand its movement? The whole lefty narrative is phony, it really is. They use LINKS; phony ones at that which are mostly opinion pieces, to support their positions.

Not a one of them will debate their standing from LOGIC because their positions fail each and every time! You get these people like the BIG L who posts a position, and when you ask her/him something, they post another link. Nowhere is there ever a give and take, and when they do, the left gets their butts handed to them...which is why they won't, lol.

For the 1st time since I have been on this board, the right is standing up to the left with their own thoughts, instead of ridiculous links! The left can't handle that, because even they know they start from a losing position, and the only way they can wiggle off the hook from a discussion standpoint, is if they can make the debate about emotions..........which is why we are always called racists, and every other name in the book, lol. The left HAS NOTHING, and now in government, it has nothing too!

Sorry lefties, but unless you can debate from your mind and articulate a position being good because of X, and ours being bad because of Y; you are going to be on the outside looking in for a very, very, long time-) America has had enough of your phony outrage, and wants to see results, not they can't find a decent job while Obysmal touts a loooooow unemployment rate. You people are seriously screwed, you do know that; and we love it!
They use LINKS; phony ones at that which are mostly opinion pieces, to support their positions.

Whenever you are ready......

I am here, go ahead-) I have an hour or 2 before I have to go do something economically constructive-)
Let's begin with jobs (given that you bleated ignorantly about them).

Obama's second term will be the third best for private sector job gains ever....

Do you know who has, according to the WSJ, the 'worst jobs record on record'?
What's telling is how the same dummies on the LEFT cling to their lost ideology.. They've veered soooo far to the KOOK Left that they're bled power at an alarming rate.. then they go and re-elect the crazy biatch Pelosi who is a part of the losing team to begin with. LOL Seriously, have you ever seen more braindead people in your life??
Did you cast ONE or TWO votes for Scrub?
The Leftist Party today hates Jews, hates American exceptionalism, Chooses illegals over Veterans, flies rainbow flags over the WH while burning the American flag every chance they get..
Apparently DTS doesn't stand for "Drain the Swamp" but "Disperse the Spoils"...
Apparently living off the public titty is all you know and can't comprehend what it takes in the private sector to rise to the top.

That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Ummm, because I do not know to many Washington insiders willing to take hamburger flipper jobs, do you?

Besides that, we don't have to! We see by the governments own statistics the growth of the economy over the past 8 years, and GUESS who has had as President the WORST economic growth in modern history!

That is correct, WORSE then even Carter, who do you think it is? I will give you 3 guesses and the 1st 2 do not count!

The worst record on GDP growth since the Great Depression?

George W. Bush.....

Roughly 1.6% per year...........this with Federal spending growing at an annual rate of more than 7.5%

Would you care to see the math?

Yep, you are correct. I mis stated, my bad----------->the only President to never, in any quarter, to hit 3%. Score one for you-)
What's telling is how the same dummies on the LEFT cling to their lost ideology.. They've veered soooo far to the KOOK Left that they're bled power at an alarming rate.. then they go and re-elect the crazy biatch Pelosi who is a part of the losing team to begin with. LOL Seriously, have you ever seen more braindead people in your life??
Did you cast ONE or TWO votes for Scrub?

I hate him you moron and wasn't old enough to vote for the azzhole..
The Military is the Military. They are NOT considered Government employees by any stretch of the imagination.
Oh really? :lol: :lol: :lol: So the military is not part of the government and our paychecks don't come from the federal government and our raises aren't computed by the federal government? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I said they are NOT considered Government employees. Try some reading comprehension. Active Duty Military Personnel are not Government Employees

They are the United States Military. NOT Government employees.

If you don't know the difference.......

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