The Trump shutdown

I wonder if this is a bridge too far ?
People didnt vote for this and yet he is trying to bully the politicians into paying for it.

It is just about the most shocking thing he has dont so far.
So you still think my vote was irrelevant. Too bad for a you
Your vote stupid. Says most Americans and the rest of the world.
I wonder if this is a bridge too far ?
People didnt vote for this and yet he is trying to bully the politicians into paying for it.

It is just about the most shocking thing he has dont so far.
Well they did, trump won on border wall. Statistically you are incorrect
People voted for a wall that Mexico would pay for. He was very clear about that. I saw him on the tv saying it. Therefore I am correct.
He said it, no SCREAMED it at every freaking rally!
Obama did the same when he screamed at his rallies you would save $2500 a year on health insurance. Instead it went up. Was he lying?
I wonder if this is a bridge too far ?
People didnt vote for this and yet he is trying to bully the politicians into paying for it.

It is just about the most shocking thing he has dont so far.
So you still think my vote was irrelevant. Too bad for a you
Your vote stupid. Says most Americans and the rest of the world.

Controlling who and what enters your nation, is the most basic function of good governance.

If "most Americans and the rest of the world" disagrees with that, they are fucking morons.
You GD idiot republicans There WAS A DEAL 2 weeks ago that Trump agreed to UNTIL Hannity and limpaw your real leaders opened their filthy traps
Some will, but some will not. And chances are this sort of thing will not gain him a single vote.

Libs insisted that Trump would not do this. If he actually does it, anyone who supported border security but believed the libs that Trump would not do this, would have it proven that Trump WOULD DO it, because he HAS.

That should get him quite a few votes.

Assuming border security is a top issue for them. Otherwise this will not help. Shutdowns always hurt the economy as a whole, and if he actually shuts down the border (which I do not think he will) he will cost billions since no goods will be able to flow either way. The economy wins way more votes than a wall with nothing else being done about illegals.

The economy has been good, and it did not translate to more votes in the midterms.

The Left has demonstrated that propaganda is more powerful that good governance.

I thought the Rebpus counted the midterms as a victory since they picked up a couple senate seats.

it is so hard to keep up!

But, that aside, even with a good economy it did not help much, imagine what a sinking economy will do. And the odds are by 2020 we will experience a recession of some sort.

We are 115 months into a period of economic expansion. The longest such period the country has ever had was 120 month. The chances of it lasting for 130 plus months are slim, regardless of what Trump does. And his trade wars are not helping, they are in fact hurting.


Sorry, Repubs...short for Republican. Sort of like Dem is short for Democrat

That is what I get for posting in-between cupcake batches!
Libs insisted that Trump would not do this. If he actually does it, anyone who supported border security but believed the libs that Trump would not do this, would have it proven that Trump WOULD DO it, because he HAS.

That should get him quite a few votes.

Assuming border security is a top issue for them. Otherwise this will not help. Shutdowns always hurt the economy as a whole, and if he actually shuts down the border (which I do not think he will) he will cost billions since no goods will be able to flow either way. The economy wins way more votes than a wall with nothing else being done about illegals.

The economy has been good, and it did not translate to more votes in the midterms.

The Left has demonstrated that propaganda is more powerful that good governance.

I thought the Rebpus counted the midterms as a victory since they picked up a couple senate seats.

it is so hard to keep up!

But, that aside, even with a good economy it did not help much, imagine what a sinking economy will do. And the odds are by 2020 we will experience a recession of some sort.

We are 115 months into a period of economic expansion. The longest such period the country has ever had was 120 month. The chances of it lasting for 130 plus months are slim, regardless of what Trump does. And his trade wars are not helping, they are in fact hurting.


Sorry, Repubs...short for Republican. Sort of like Dem is short for Democrat

That is what I get for posting in-between cupcake batches!

A lot of repubs, especially extremely partisan ones, use spin to minimize the mid term losses.

That does not mean they did not happen.

My point about the economy not mattering in that election stands. Good governance is weaker than Propaganda.

If the "trade wars" result in a better trade balance, they should certainly help.

But will it matter, if the media and pop culture keep up the propaganda campaign?

Past results say no.
A lot of repubs, especially extremely partisan ones, use spin to minimize the mid term losses.

That does not mean they did not happen.

My point about the economy not mattering in that election stands. Good governance is weaker than Propaganda.

If the "trade wars" result in a better trade balance, they should certainly help.

But will it matter, if the media and pop culture keep up the propaganda campaign?

Past results say no.

I think the economy matters more for the POTUS come election time than it does for congress. The president gets the blame or credit for the economy while congress never seems to.

you might be in luck then with the trade balances, nothing cuts the trade imbalance more than the economy tanking. You might notice there is a pretty direct correlation between a booming economy and a higher trade imbalance. weird how people having more money means they buy more stuff
Hypocrite democrats voted for a border wall during a democrat administration before they voted against it.. With the cooperation of the MSM the government shutdown in the 90's was blamed on the House Speaker rather than president Clinton. And the beat goes on.
A lot of repubs, especially extremely partisan ones, use spin to minimize the mid term losses.

That does not mean they did not happen.

My point about the economy not mattering in that election stands. Good governance is weaker than Propaganda.

If the "trade wars" result in a better trade balance, they should certainly help.

But will it matter, if the media and pop culture keep up the propaganda campaign?

Past results say no.

I think the economy matters more for the POTUS come election time than it does for congress. The president gets the blame or credit for the economy while congress never seems to.

you might be in luck then with the trade balances, nothing cuts the trade imbalance more than the economy tanking. You might notice there is a pretty direct correlation between a booming economy and a higher trade imbalance. weird how people having more money means they buy more stuff

When this trade shit was first being discussed, I heard multiple reports from local manufacturers that were being contacted multiple times from foreign manufacturers looking to move production to the US to avoid any trade barriers.

To a tune that the manufacturers were concerned that they would not be able to handle the expansions needed, if it any real trade barriers were put into place.

That could happen, and it could be of tremendous benefit to America and Americans, and the media would do nothing but continue their propaganda campaign.
You GD idiot republicans There WAS A DEAL 2 weeks ago that Trump agreed to UNTIL Hannity and limpaw your real leaders opened their filthy traps

Did it build a wall?
Honestly don't know BUT Trump agreed to it so how bad could it have been?
Then where is it?
In the trash Hannity didn't like it Coulter either

Why did they not?
House passes spending bill with border wall money — setting up shutdown stalemate with Senate
PUBLISHED THU, DEC 20 2018 • 6:00 PM EST | UPDATED FRI, DEC 21 2018 • 11:02 AM EST


  • The House passes a temporary spending bill with more than $5 billion for President Donald Trump’s border wall.
  • The legislation is unlikely to get approval in the Senate, potentially increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown.
  • Funding for nine departmentswill lapse if lawmakers cannot pass funding bills by a midnight Friday deadline.

President Trump promises ‘very long’ government shutdown over border wall funding

The House passed a temporary spending bill Thursday with money for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall, further muddying the scramble to dodge a partial government shutdown by Friday.

The chamber approved the measure to keep the government running into February by a 217-185 vote. But the path forward now is murky. The bill likely will not clear the Senate because it includes more than $5 billion for the border barrier, increasing the chances that funding for nine departments lapses after the midnight Friday deadline.

Senators were told Thursday to prepare for potential votes Friday. The chamber convenes at noon.

The Senate unanimously approved a bill Wednesday night to keep the government running through Feb. 8 — without border wall money. Trump insisted Thursday that he would not sign it. It forced House Republicans to include the wall money in the new bill.
You GD idiot republicans There WAS A DEAL 2 weeks ago that Trump agreed to UNTIL Hannity and limpaw your real leaders opened their filthy traps

Did it build a wall?
Honestly don't know BUT Trump agreed to it so how bad could it have been?
Then where is it?
In the trash Hannity didn't like it Coulter either
Where is the bill information? Why can’t you produce it?

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