The trump voter will get hit the worst by TrumpCare


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The trump voter will get hit the worst by TrumpCare
GOP Medicaid cuts hit rural U.S. hardest, report finds

But I will not celebrate when a trump voter becomes a victim of GOP health care terrorism. In fact I will do all I can to fight for their access to heart care despite their ignorance.That is the difference between the parties...we democrats have compassion and like Jesus help people.

The republicans party are evil to its core and the brainwashing of its supporters is really sad.
The poor deluded supporter of the republican party will likely see children and grand parents die because of this bill.

I'll fight for them to keep their insurance as I believe in caring for people.
The ocare insurance is already gone! There are very few exchanges still operating. So too bad for you.
Trump is on a mission to go door to door car selling his lies on how Obamacare is failing in So the Lying Congress won't lose their seats..

Ohio schools could lose millions under Obamacare repeal-replace bill facing vote today
Based on a formula for the healthcare bill that the House of Representatives approved in a narrow vote this afternoon, Ohio schools would collectively lose $8 million to $12 million a year to pay for this Medicaid in Schools program if the bill became law.

Large districts like Cleveland Metropolitan School District would lose more than $500,000 a year, enough to pay the salaries of a number of special education teachers, therapists or nurses.
The ocare insurance is already gone! There are very few exchanges still operating. So too bad for you.

A number of companies have dropped out because of Republicans. If it falls apart, Republicans will get the blame. They are openly trying to undermine it.
When the fools that voted for the Big Orange Head become victims of Trumpcare, it might give them the push they need to understand Karma.




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