The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd

Cheney is your autorityarian? Name any Libertarian that has a chance to be the president?
What you seem to really want is to see Biden win again.
Cheney has a popular name in Wyoming yet they booted her out of Congress.
To want Trump in the WH again is unmitigated madness; to vote for Trump for president is reckless, irresponsible insanity.

Those who vote for Trump are as much a danger to America’s democracy as Trump; it shouldn’t even be necessary to warn Americans of the danger that is Trump.
To want Trump in the WH again is unmitigated madness; to vote for Trump for president is reckless, irresponsible insanity.

Those who vote for Trump are as much a danger to America’s democracy as Trump; it shouldn’t even be necessary to warn Americans of the danger that is Trump.
Amazing. Biden remains the clear and present danger to America yet all you want to discuss is Trump.
Many people went to court. Trump or his representative went to court 3 times in all and in 2 of the cases they were 4-3 split decisions on the merits and the other time the ruling was the plaintiff went to court too late.

The rest of the cases were brought by voters.

The courts are the end of the road. Even for Trump
That is accurate. However that be, the courts did not even try the cases. They simply dismissed them.
Cases get dismissed all the time. It's just a big deal because it happened to Trump. That's all. Cause he thinks he's special.
Cases get dismissed all the time. It's just a big deal because it happened to Trump. That's all. Cause he thinks he's special.
It is time to dismiss all cases against Trump. It would only be fair.
This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

Trump will get things done that he says he will. He kept his campaign promises last time around. Someone has "authoritarian" confused with "negotiation". His adversaries fear fear itself. They need to lighten up and look forward to planned looking out for the American people and providing them the common defense Presidents are supposed to provide. I hope he also encourages a new chapter on brotherly love instead of the one-up-on-ya puerile competitions that go on in politics for the last couple of years. Our founders set up an open door to helping each other with their state's problems and/or needs. That way, everyone takes home the bacon. Just sayin'...
That is accurate. However that be, the courts did not even try the cases. They simply dismissed them.
They didn’t “simply” dismiss them. The cases were dismissed because they asked the courts to do absurd things without justifiable reasons.
The idiotic left seems to prefer weak leadership and mentally impaired politicians like Biden and Fetterman. WTF is with these people?

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