The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd

And why would Trump ever admit that any such court reached the right decision?

He wouldn’t.
Well how many courts get overturned by higher courts. Do the lower courts admit they are wrong?

Think how swiftly the courts operated. They all had earlier made up their minds as to standing in all the cases.
The Neo-GOP Echo chamber is playing "I know you are but what am I" on the Faux Not News herd. The herd is use to it from the Dirty Don.

You're the puppet!
Well how many courts get overturned by higher courts. Do the lower courts admit they are wrong?

Think how swiftly the courts operated. They all had earlier made up their minds as to standing in all the cases.
Lower courts admit they are wrong because the legal system requires them to do so. Not doing so would result in consequences, including impeachment.

There is no requirement for Trump to admit he lost. All he was required to do was leave the White House, one way or the other.
Well how many courts get overturned by higher courts. Do the lower courts admit they are wrong?

Think how swiftly the courts operated. They all had earlier made up their minds as to standing in all the cases.
I don't believe you understand "standing"
Trump is gagged for ridiculing a clerk posing with Trumps chief persecutor.
Yes because he was doxxing her for...well no reason actually. Another respondent would have been heavily fined and potentially jailed for a few days.
You don't see the difference between the government criminally punishing the press, and someone not advtertising on a message board???

This explains why you do not understand why Trump is viewed as a potential dictator.

And here we go.
No I don’t! The goal is the same right?
Blow your nose. Trump tried to enlist the court system to help him overturn the election. They applied the law instead.
Many people went to court. Trump or his representative went to court 3 times in all and in 2 of the cases they were 4-3 split decisions on the merits and the other time the ruling was the plaintiff went to court too late.

The rest of the cases were brought by voters.

Jump to 27 :00

This is what he's up against

It's embedded in everything

The purpose of the lawsuit wasn’t to win. The purpose was to make people pay for using their free speech in a way he didn’t like.

That’s why I can justifiably say he doesn’t support the first amendment.
What do you think all the harassment of Trump is about? Ironic.

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